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Book Three: Thirty Days, Book 3

Page 9

by Bibi Paterson

  Minutes later I am quietly instructing the taxi driver of our destination while Taylor runs his fingers through my hair, his fingers squeezing the nape of my neck gently. I feel my pussy clenching in response and I can’t wait to get Taylor up to our room.

  The moment that we do, I quickly excuse myself and slip into the bathroom. I swiftly strip off my dress so that I am left in only my lacy bra and matching panties. I look at my near-naked form; despite my protruding belly I am still trim and lean with full breasts that still sit high on my frame. My stockings accentuate my shapely thighs which have filled out during my pregnancy. I do a small twirl making sure that I am happy with how I look before fluffing up my hair. I take a deep breath before stepping back out into the main room.

  I paste on a sultry look as I stalk towards Taylor, who is sitting in a high back chair, checking out his phone. He glances up and I find myself smirking as he does a double take. “Why Mrs Hudson, you look good enough to eat,” Taylor says.

  “That was kind of the idea, Mr Hudson,” I respond in a seductive tone as I come to stand in front of the chair and sink to my knees. As I reach forward to untuck the light blue shirt from his pants, I hear Taylor’s sharp intake of breath. I slide a cool hand underneath his shirt, running my fingers across the muscles rippling beneath my touch.

  “Fuck me,” Taylor groans as I run a finger under the waistband of his pants.

  “Oh, I will, Taylor. You can be sure of that.” I say, my tone low and earnest. I get to my feet and position myself between Taylor’s spread legs, He reaches forward and grabs onto my hips before burying his face in the swell of my breasts. His fingers squeeze my nipples and he lays a trail of open-mouthed kisses across the delicate skin of my breasts causing a ripple of arousal that spreads through to my core. Slowly, I work the knot of his tie loose and then free the buttons of his shirt.

  I can feel Taylor’s erection pressing against my thigh, the rigid length testament to my effect on his libido, so I reach down and undo his belt buckle. He quickly pushes his trousers and pants down his legs before returning to his seated position. He is clearly enjoying himself and an idea suddenly enters my mind.

  “Let’s spice things up a bit, Mr Hudson,” I murmur as I reach for the tie dangling around Taylor’s neck. I run my fingers over the silken length of his cock and feel him twitch beneath my caress. “What do you say?” I ask, blowing softly into Taylor’s ear as I make my round the back of the chair. I am employing my whole arsenal of seduction techniques and it is clear that Taylor is not immune.

  “Oh, God. Yes!” exclaims Taylor and I take that as my permission to tie his wrists to the arms of the chair. It takes me a minute to complete my task and when I am sure he is not going anywhere I step away and survey my captive.

  I walk around the front of the chair and kneel in front of Taylor, the knowledge that I am ultimately in control feeding my own desire. Taylor is muttering all sort of things at me, how much he wants me, how he is going to fuck me and make me scream, and how many times he is going to make me come. I look him in the eyes and see pure lust shining back at me.

  I reach out and take Taylor’s cock into my mouth. Sucking gently on the tip, I use my tongue to tease the end. I use my fingers to tickle the sensitive skin on his inner thighs and move my hand upwards until my thumb is pressing on Taylor’s perineum. I hear him grunt in response so I suck him further into my mouth. Hollowing out my cheeks, I draw on him like the ultimate prize lollypop. When I start to taste the saltiness of Taylor’s distinctive musk, I stop. My aim tonight is to bring him to the edge, over and over, until he gets his own oblivion.

  “Don’t stop now,” grunts Taylor in agitation.

  “Tsk, tsk, Mr Hudson. You are not getting yours until I get mine,” I say in a low voice, enjoying being in control for once. I come to stand between Taylor’s legs, my thighs spread so that they are touching the inside of his knees. I run my hands up my torso, cupping my breasts in the way I enjoy. I can feel my arousal coiling in my belly like a snake ready to strike at any moment so I pinch my nipples hard and feel the wetness pooling in my panties. I take one hand and slide it beneath the lace, my fingertips brushing gently against my clit with the lightest of touches. A rush of adrenaline courses through me as I watch Taylor watching me and I can’t believe how turned on it is making me feel, the knowledge that I can just about do anything to him right now.

  I begin to work my fingers through my slit, flicking my clit just so and in moments my orgasm ripples through me leaving me feeling pleasantly buzzed. But it is not enough. I want, no need, more. “Did you like that, Mr Hudson?” I ask, panting slightly.

  “Oh, fuck yes. I just love watching you play with yourself. It makes me so, so horny.” Taylor gasps in response.

  “How do I taste?” I ask running my drenched fingers across his lips before pushing my index finger into his mouth. He sucks on it hard, drawing it into his mouth before swirling his tongue around it, much like I did with his cock.

  “Delicious,” Taylor says when I remove my finger. “Like the sweetest honey.”

  I sashay back a few steps, working my walk for the ultimate effect before I still and slide the straps of my bra down my arms. Smiling as I stare into Taylor’s eyes, I reach around to unhook the clasp, freeing my breasts as I let the bra fall to the floor without a word.

  I stalk back towards Taylor feeling much like the predator I am doing my best to emulate. I remove my panties, sliding them down over my stockings before straddling Taylor’s legs, enjoying the feel of his cock standing erect and proud as it nudges my entrance.

  Taylor lets out a groan of pleasure when I brush my fingers across his balls and then I lower myself down onto his shaft, my tissues stretching almost painfully to accommodate his extensive girth at this angle. I let out a low moan as he fills me to the hilt. Moving slowly, I raise myself up and then let gravity pull me back down over his solid length. I can feel the tingles starting in my feet and know that it is not going to be long before I come once again. Steadying myself with one hand on Taylor’s shoulder I reach down to play with my ultra-sensitive clit and when I feel Taylor starting to twitch inside of me I know he is nearly there as well. I hear him call out my name, telling me how beautiful I am, so I pinch my clit and then I am exploding with a fierce orgasm that rips through me with a the force of a tsunami.

  My body stills as the ripples consume me and I find myself breathing hard into Taylor’s shoulder. “Stunning, always so stunning,” Taylor murmurs and I look up into his eyes with a smile. We stay like that for several minutes until Taylor reminds me to untie him. My fingers work quickly to release his bindings and I let out a long sigh as his fingers trace a pattern up my spine while he places soft kisses along my jaw. I feel like I could stay in this moment forever.

  Exhaustion finally creeps up on the both of us and a broad yawn escapes me prompting Taylor to suggest that it is time for bed. Still buried inside of me, he lifts me and walks us both through to the luxurious bathroom where he flicks on the shower. Only once we are both under the hot water does Taylor finally slide out of me. Wordlessly, we soap each other up until both of our bodies are slick with the creamy lather of the shower gel. It feels like a shame to get my beautifully coiffured hair wet after spending so long getting it done but right now I don’t really care. I wrap my arms around Taylor’s waist, laying my head on his chest and close my eyes as the water cascades over the both of us washing us clean. Only when the last of the suds have disappeared down the drain does Taylor shut off the water before stepping out to get me a warm, fluffy towel which he immediately wraps around my frame and then grabbing one for himself.

  Moments later we are standing side by side brushing our teeth and getting ready for bed as if we hadn’t just had mind-blowing sex, though the ache I can already feel developing between my thighs lets me know that I will be reminded of tonight’s activities in the morning. I catch Taylor’s eye in the mirror and can’t help but grin, thinking how nice it is, that even when ou
r lives are spinning out of control, we can still enjoy these simple moments.

  I have just popped my toothbrush back into my washbag when Taylor suddenly scoops me up into his arms, causing me to let out a squeal of surprise, and carries me into the bedroom where he deposits me onto the bed. Now dry, I pull off my towel and climb between the sheets enjoying the cool sensation on my warm skin. Taylor wraps his arms around me and I find myself drifting off to sleep within moments of my head hitting the pillow.

  The Fourteenth

  You can only ever put off reality for so long; no matter how many distractions you throw in its face, real life always has a habit of intruding. When I woke, it was to find a brooding Taylor staring at his phone like he wanted to put his fist through the wall. When he saw me watching him, he quickly slipped on a mask but I wasn’t fooled; we needed to address whatever happened in court yesterday.

  Friday the thirteenth…unlucky for some, horrific for Taylor. It was a day of questioning that bordered on interrogation and saw the Defence try to paint a picture where Taylor deliberately lied and fooled Hannah and encouraged Richard to play mind-games with her until she was so terrified that she felt her only option to escape the Hudson madness was fake her own death. Stranger still, the Defence tried to imply that Taylor’s identification of the body under the bus, even though he only ever identified Hannah’s bag at the scene, was somehow part of an elaborate cover-up. Even after Taylor described how he arrived home to find Hannah standing over me wielding a knife, the Defence still seemed determined to blame him, as if somehow he was the root cause of the insanity that Hannah was now pleading.

  I stare at Taylor aghast that he was subjected to such a line of questioning. Every ounce of guilt that I know Taylor feels about Hannah has come back to haunt him; his emotions, a thousand times stronger, are etched into his features. A beep interrupts our conversation and Taylor lets out a sigh. “We need to meet up with Edward to go over strategy for your testimony.”

  “Oh, okay,” I say softly, pulling the gown I am wearing tighter around me. Suddenly I feel scared. What if the Defence brings up my attempted suicide? Am I really prepared to talk about that in front of a room full of strangers?

  “Edward has suggested meeting at their offices in an hour,” Taylor says with a frown. “I guess the honeymoon is over,” he says, his voice hollow.

  The Fifteenth

  My eyes open and for a moment I am confused by the indigo ceiling. The last thing I remember was falling asleep in Taylor’s car after five gruelling hours of practising with the lawyers. The reality of a criminal case is so far removed from the glitz of the Hollywood courtrooms that we are used to seeing on TV. The lawyers are nervous, that is plain to see. I guess everyone thought Taylor’s testimony would be a walk in the park but the fact that he got such a grilling suggests that the Defence are putting up a pretty good offence. So now everyone is pinning their hopes on me, and that is completely terrifying.

  As I was asked the same questions over and over again in different ways, I felt myself becoming more and more numb to it all. I kept having to remind myself that this is the girl who stalked me, broke into my home and tried to murder me and my baby. I don’t really care if she ends up in an institution or goes to prison; all I want is for her to be locked away from me for a very long time.

  A rustle from the doorway captures my attention. The sight of Taylor naked bringing me a cup of coffee is enough to bring a smile to my face.

  “I thought you would like to wake up in your own bed today,” Taylor says as he offers me my mug.

  I sit up and take it gratefully as he slides in beside me, planting a soft kiss on my forehead. “Thanks,” I say softly. “This is perfect.” We settle into a comfortable silence as the sounds from the Lanes begin to filter through the slightly open window. The soft muslin curtains flutter in the breeze shifting the shadows that play across the walls. I find myself staring at the pictures that adorn the walls, losing myself in the memories of our wedding day.

  “I can’t believe we have already been married three months,” I murmur softly.

  “I have a present for you,” Taylor says, reaching under the bed. “It was also one of the reasons I wanted to get you home today.”

  I look at Taylor in surprise. “A present, how come? You don’t need to buy me gifts.” I say.

  “I know, but this is something special. I wanted you to have this for the trial,” Taylor says earnestly as he holds out a small, beautifully wrapped box.

  “Aw, thank you. I am sure whatever it is I will love it,” I say knowing that Taylor is very, very good when it comes to surprises.

  “I hope so,” Taylor says handing my gift to me. I quickly tear through the shiny wrapping paper to find an orange box with the word ‘Hermes’ embossed on the top. Oh my, whatever is in here is bound to be expensive. I open the box slowly, savouring the anticipation. As I pull back the tissue, I find two identical tan leather wrist cuffs. The calfskin is butter-soft and the silver buckles glint in the light. As I turn one of them over in my hand, I notice some kind of pattern of tiny pin-prick sized holes on the inside.

  “Here, let me,” Taylor says, gently grabbing one of my wrists. He quickly fastens a cuff on each wrist, adjusting them so that they sit comfortably. He then takes my wrists and puts them together so that they are facing upwards and when I glance down I immediately see what the pattern is; an exact replica of the emperor penguins tattoo that I wanted with one on each wrist bowing to each other to form the shape of a heart.

  “I had them especially laser cut the pattern so these are entirely unique; you are the only person in the world to have a pair like this,” Taylor says softly.

  I am literally speechless and it takes a couple of minutes before I am able to swallow down the lump in my throat. “Wow, Taylor, they are beautiful. I just…I just don’t know what else to say. Thank you,” I whisper.

  “I know how worried you are about getting up there and giving evidence at the trial. I thought that when you are up there, this will be like I am there with you, holding your hand.” I feel my eyes welling up at Taylor’s thoughtfulness.

  “Taylor, you have no idea how much this means to me.” My words come out breathless as I examine my wrists carefully, noting the beautiful workmanship.

  I lean across and place my lips on Taylor’s, my hands weaving around his neck, pulling him into my body. The duvet slips down and a moment later Taylor has divested me of my coffee cup and has rolled me onto my side. Spooning me, he enters me from behind. One hand fondles my breasts while the other plays with my clit in light, teasing strokes. Murmuring soft words into my ear, Taylor begins to move inside of me, the heat in my core slowly building as Taylor’s thrusts go deeper and deeper. A low moan erupts from me as the tingles begin to take hold. I hook my ankle around the back of Taylor’s knee, arching my back as I try to take Taylor even deeper. I feel him beginning to twitch inside of me, his fingers increasing in their urgency as they tease the little bundle of nerves that has such a powerful grip on me. Taylor’s frame stiffens behind me as he comes and then my own orgasm begins to wash over me, little waves that start to ripple through my body, eventually turning to a whirlpool that consumes me and sucks me into a beautiful oblivion.


  The rest of our Sunday is spent lazing around the flat. I try out a new kirsch and cherry baked cheesecake recipe that I found online and soon fabulous aromas permeate the air. Movies and reading fill our time while we avoid any further discussion of the trial. Later in the evening my mum and dad turn up unexpectedly and help us demolish the cheesecake. Mum, who is usually so careful about what she eats, even goes back for a second helping declaring it one of my best creations yet. With stomachs full and content, I eventually fall asleep to the sounds of Taylor playing softly on his guitar, mellow riffs that lull me into dreams of sandy white beaches and turquoise waters.

  The Sixteenth

  I let out a groan. The phone call was not unexpected, but
even so the reality that I am being called to testify tomorrow is something I would have rather put off for a few more days. My day is consumed with mundane work-related tasks that fill the hours but do nothing to ease the tension in my mind. Taylor suggested staying in London tonight as we are prepping with the lawyers again first thing in the morning so my last task of the day is to pack an overnight bag.

  I have been debating for days what to wear to the trial. I knew nothing I had was suitable so had picked up a few dresses that I thought would be okay when I was up in London for my surprise date-night with Taylor. In the end, I settle on a green, stretchy jersey dress with capped sleeves and a knot above my bump which seems business-like but is still comfortable enough to wear for a full day in court. I add a pair of low nude pumps to my bag and a light cardigan just in case I get chilly. I feel like I am getting ready for a date but like the worst one in my whole life. I am over-conscious of the battering that Taylor took and I can’t help but feel like the knives, figuratively speaking of course, are out for me as well. I am just about to walk out the door after checking for the hundredth time whether I have everything when my phone rings. I let out a sigh of annoyance at the interruption but when I see that it’s Michelle I answer with an eager, “Hello!”

  “So Taylor told me that you are testifying tomorrow,” Michelle states without an opener.

  “Yeah,” I respond feeling my good mood evaporating.

  “Well, normally I would suggest a few strategizing cocktails but given that that would be a no-no for you, how about I come on up after work and we can pig out on hot chocolate and popcorn, maybe watch a couple of chick flicks to take your mind off everything,” Michelle suggests.


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