Book Read Free

Miami Spice

Page 2

by Deborah Merrell

  Erica excused herself to use the ladies room. She had just about wended her way through the growing crowd when someone stepped out of the bar’s corner shadows.

  “Hello there,” the man greeted. “I don’t believe we’ve met before, but I’m sure I’ve seen you in here on several occasions.”

  Erica’s gaze took in the man’s attractive features and the shock of thick, dark hair as well as the small gold hoop earring in his left ear. He certainly dressed well in ebony slacks and shirt. Erica stood back. It was not that she was adverse to meeting men in bars, but she just didn’t feel up to small talk with a stranger when her interests lay with her table of co-workers and the continuation of their celebratory good cheer.

  She tried a pleasant smile. “I’m sure you have. I come in here from time to time. Now, if you’ll excuse me—”

  Sidestepping his tall, well-built figure, Erica marched on to the restroom. Five minutes later, she made her way back to her table, but found the stranger rooted in the same place, right in her path. Only this time he wore a more sober expression.

  “Oh, listen,” he started, “I’m sorry if we somehow got on the wrong foot. I’m usually not this bold, but you are very attractive. And if I didn’t say something now, I never would.”

  “Maybe next time,” Erica tried to counter politely. “I’m with a group of people tonight, and I plan to stick with them.”

  The man shrugged. “Okay, I understand. At least I tried.” With that, he flashed another enigmatic smile before disappearing back into the shadows.

  Despite the heat in the room, Erica shivered. Something about the guy both intrigued and repelled her, but as she continued back to the table, she tried to put the handsome stranger out of her mind. Suddenly, she recalled the note that Rosina had left her. “Señorita,” the housekeeper had penned, “your man is tall, dark and handsome. His full name is Giancarlo Sloan. Good so far? Will find out more soon.”

  Maritza had decided to join them after all, and Erica eagerly and happily welcomed her younger sister to her circle of friends. This time, Victor had ordered a pitcher of premium beer and glasses all around. Beer and champagne... Erica hoped she didn’t have a headache tomorrow. Yet, Saturdays gave her the opportunity to take it easy, and Rosina would make it possible to skip having the do the household chores.

  “Oh, mi tesora, I have something for you!” Maritza gave Erica’s hand an affectionate squeeze.

  Similar in build and coloring to Erica, Maritza had altered her appearance by bleaching her hair to a honey color and wearing green contacts to give her hazel eyes a jade hue. Unlike Erica, she also preferred sexier, form-fitting clothes that accentuated her full figure and ample cleavage.

  Reaching into her handbag, Maritza extracted a small jewelry box. “It’s a pre-birthday present, cariña. I knew you wanted these, and my divorce settlement finally came through. And even though your birthday is tomorrow, I had to give you these tonight. It’s not every day a gal turns thirty.”

  “Don’t remind me!” Erica eased open the box and stared at a beautiful pair of cluster earrings with seed pearls set in chocolate gold. Unable to adequately express her gratitude, she gave Maritza a heartfelt hug. “They’re beautiful, Mari! Thank you so much!”

  “Let’s see, let’s see!” Sacha coaxed and clapped his hands. Erica started the box around the table so everyone could take a good look at her gift.

  “You shouldn’t have done it, you know,” she lightly chastised Maritza with sisterly concern. “I wanted you to save your divorce money for those little odds and ends that always seem to come up.”

  “That’s no fun!” Mari countered. “I spent seven miserable years married to that bum, and I want to enjoy my freedom as well as Ricky’s blood money. In fact…” Her gaze took in everyone. “I want to buy the last round for everyone. Let’s do tequila shots to finish off the evening.”

  “Here, here!” Sacha chimed in happily.

  Erica allowed her laugh to flow as freely as the combination of champagne and beer did around the table. Turning her head, she spotted the stranger from the corner of her eye. He had taken a seat at the bar, with his back and elbows up against the polished brass railing. With the backlight from behind the bar, Erica had a better view of his good looks and casual, breezy attitude. He appeared to be around her age, and the slight caramel cast to his skin suggested a Latino background.

  With a half-smile playing on his lips, he seemed to weigh Erica and her group. Sizing up his competition, perhaps? Ogling the available female meat? His eyes could be considered akin to the bedroom variety, dark, sexy, alluring and hinting at the smoldering passions that lay beneath. Shaking such thoughts away, Erica brought her attention back to her group as her sister announced her exciting news.

  “Remember, I told you about my job interview with Adentro Televisión, the Spanish network affiliate here? Well, I got the job as their office manager!” Mari could barely contain her excitement. “And if I do well and learn the ropes, I have a chance to advance and start reporting human interest pieces. The management loved my tests!”

  “Well, well,” Craig said with a laugh, “sounds as if we have an up-and-coming celebrity in our midst!”

  “Congratulations!” Erica gave her sister a quick hug. “I always knew you had the brains, the personality and the looks to make it in broadcasting. After all, it was your dream.”

  Maritza’s eyes glowed with excitement. “And I have you to thank for it!”

  “Why is that?” Erica offered a little frown.

  “Because you’ve always inspired me to do my best. The minute I legally and emotionally severed all ties with Ricardo Rivera, I decided to emulate my big sister and start a whole new life. I wanted to be just like you, strong, independent and have a career that challenges my creativity.”

  Erica felt taken aback. She had no idea her sister looked up to her with such admiration or used her for inspiration. Feeling a bit self-conscious with everyone looking her way, she proposed another toast to her sister’s success. Everyone wholeheartedly took up their glasses, the general bonhomie around the table warm and generous and definitely alcohol-tinged.

  The next time the waitress made the rounds, Erica ordered several appetizers to counter the buzz effects. She hadn’t planned to stay so long, but the atmosphere and the joviality of her friends and family made it too irresistible to leave just yet. Besides, where did she have to run off to so early?

  She felt Tai nudge her arm. “Rica, see that man over there? By the bar?”

  Erica followed her co-worker’s sharp eyes and over to the man who had spoken to her earlier, the attractive hunk in black.

  “I went to bed with him once,” Tai continued as she inched closer to her colleague. “The guy was great, but he hasn’t called me since. So, I’m really pissed. What should I do? Go over and spill my drink in his lap? It was serve him right to cool off his cock, the bastard.”

  Erica produced a smile. Once in awhile Tai spoke to her about men and her dating woes. In a way she felt privileged that a co-worker sought her advice, but Erica had really no expertise to share, at least not with any confidence.

  “That might work,” she offered cautiously, “but I wouldn’t advise it. What happened? Did he just want a one night stand?” As she spoke, Erica allowed her gaze to demurely drift to the stranger who had by now swiveled back around to the bar. The man in black seemed to be engaged in conversation with the bartender.

  “Yeah, you could say that,” Tai continued. “I mean, it didn’t start out that way. I went on two dates with Mr. Cocksure, and then went to bed with him. I should know by now. Once guys get you in the sack, that’s it. Then it’s ‘Goodbye, darling. Had a great time, but don’t call me, I’ll call you.’“

  “What’s his name?” Erica’s eyes continued to focus on “Mr. Cocksure.”

  “Um, let’s see. Carlo, I think. Funny, here I am complaining about the guy and I can’t remember his name, just his anatomy. Of course, it is hard to forget
a superb piece of anatomy like his.”

  Carlo? Erica thought back to Rosina’s note. The man upstairs went by Giancarlo, but Carlo seemed a common enough name. Yet, if she went by Tai’s description, the dark man could easily be her heating-vent Lothario. Returning to her friend, Erica found herself giggling. “That big?”

  Tai shrugged with a sly smile. “Not big, just muy expierencia. He knew exactly what to do, how to do it, and what I wanted. That’s hard to find in a guy. Most don’t give a crap if you come or not.”

  Sitting back, Erica brushed her bare arm along Tai’s. “So you could say he’s the virtuoso of the lovemaking world.”

  “You could, but with one exception. When you get right down to it, he doesn’t offer any real affection, just goes through the motions. If you understand what I mean.”

  “Oh, yes. I certainly do.”

  When their waitress returned, she brought the plates of appetizers and another pitcher of beer. Then, after depositing it all on the table, she announced to the group, “The beer is compliments of the gentleman at the bar.”

  Six pair of eyes traveled to the Man in Black. Sacha was the first to give their surprise benefactor a wave of thanks, and the man nodded acknowledgment before returning his attention back to the bar.

  “Ooh, now there’s a hunk if ever I saw one!” Sacha commented, his voice ripe with interest. “I wonder who’s the darling recipient of his undying love.” Their flamboyant co-worker allowed his gaze to travel to each of his drinking companions. “I’d say one of you ladies is the lucky gal. Go, girlfriend!”

  “I don’t think he’s a client.” Craig frowned. “You gals know him?”

  Both Erica and Tai expressed their lack of acquaintanceship; but when Erica turned to her colleague, Tai threw her a collusive wink.

  “Well, whoever it is, I gladly accept his generous offer.” With that, Victor began to pour the beer as each table member passed his or her glass.

  Instead of a refill, Erica decided to tackle the plate of nachos, the tortilla chips rife with black beans, jalapeños and lots of oozing queso de asadero.

  Maritza had yet to transfer her gaze from the bar and back to the group. “Well, whoever he is, he’s gone now.”

  Erica flicked her eyes in that direction and discovered that indeed, the man had left the bar.

  “Interesting,” Mari continued. “What could he want in return? More importantly, why was he so generous?”

  “Well, maybe you should go after him.” Tai leaned across the table and gave Erica’s sister a playful smile. “He can be your first interview. Just be careful, he may bite.”

  Maritza laughed with delight. “That’s never stopped me before!”

  “Well, he’s gone now, so I say, we eat up!” Erica distributed the stack of plates that came with the food platters. For some reason, she wanted to redirect everyone’s attentions back to the table and off the mystery man.

  “Well, pass me some of those hot wings,” Sacha commanded as he held up his plate, “and let the party really begin!”

  By the time Erica settled back with her own appetizers, she allowed her gaze to drift back to the bar. Nope. Their enigmatic and attractive beer benefactor hadn’t returned, but had simply vanished into the night.

  * * *

  Erica’s eyelids flew open. She had barely fallen asleep, into a dreamless, deadened if not sodden sleep, when something tickled her subconscious and brought her back to the surface. The noise ceased for the moment, and she noted the silence and the darkness around her, until the murmur of voices returned—from above.

  “Ooh, ooh, yes! Yes, oh, yes!” A woman’s voice pierced the air with her declarations of sensual delight, high and syrupy like a burst of sugar-coated joy.

  Great! Another night, another conquest for the elusive Mr. Gianni Sloan! Erica was just about to turn on her side and place the pillow over her head when her neighbor’s evening guest let out a few more exclamations.

  “Oh, cariño, do it some more. Oh, oh, tesoro, you feel sooo goood!”

  Erica shot up in bed. If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear that voice belonged to her sister, Maritza. This time, she honed in on the conversation or what passed for communication.

  “Oh, bebe, querido, what you do to me! Ooh, ooh, yes, yes! Right there! Allí, allí!”

  Maritza called a lot of people “baby” or “honey” as a term of endearment, especially men. Erica felt conflicting emotions. Her sister was a big girl now, certainly unattached and free to do as she pleased. Yet, why did she feel so overly protective especially when it came to this guy? Because Mr. Gianni Sloan has a terrible reputation as a womanizer, that’s why!

  Flopping back down, Erica made sure to place both pillows over her face. Now would be a good time to smother herself. Whatever happened to alcohol-deadened sleep? She felt wide awake now. Giving up for the moment, she padded out of the bedroom and into the living room where she settled on the sofa and found the television remote. Perhaps a spate of classic movies would do the trick, at least try and persuade her mind to focus on something other than the carnal scene playing out in the bedroom upstairs. Maritza...and Gianni Sloan? Where on earth had her sister met him? Shades of the stranger at the bar kept coming back to haunt her. No, it couldn’t be! At least she hoped not, if only to ease her mind that her sister hadn’t picked up Mystery Man/Gianni Sloan the same night he had tried to put the moves on Erica.

  The next time she awoke, sun streamed in through her sisal blinds and brightened her newly cleaned apartment. This much sparkle so early in the morning made Erica’s head spin. Groaning, she grabbed her pillow, hugged it, and sighed with relief. At least the verbal throes of passion from upstairs had ceased for the time being.

  Chapter Three

  Happy birthday and feliz cumpleaños!

  Erica didn’t feel a year older but certainly tired. By the time she struggled out of bed and headed for the bathroom, her cell phone began to trill with well wishers. The first came from her mother with a reminder about their lunch today. Erica would just as soon skip the annual birthday feast, but her mother and Tía Yolanda always took her on a shopping spree afterwards, their birthday gifts to her.

  Next, Sacha called and asked Erica if she wanted to go out for a drink later that evening. “We’ll go to the Screaming Parrot,” he offered. “for that complimentary drink they give all birthday gals.”

  Erica scratched her aching head. She had consumed enough alcohol to last her awhile. She hated to fib, but she really didn’t feel like going out again after last night. The image of her suitor-in-black at the bar flashed briefly through her addled mind. Instead, she told her friend that La Familia Rael expected her for dinner tonight.

  By the time Erica showered and changed, she received six different calls from friends and family. Yeah, yeah, happy birthday to me! For the next several hours she endured her ladies lunch, and then a trip to the mall where she finally settled on a new bathing suit from her mother and pair of designer sandals from her aunt. Oddly enough, Maritza hadn’t joined them this year, but Erica felt too distracted to worry about her sister’s whereabouts.

  By five, she returned to her quiet apartment with a takeout container in hand, actually the remains of her tres leches cake topped with whipped cream and slices of kiwi and strawberries.

  Erica was just about to settle on the couch for an evening of old movies when her cell phone rang once more, this time with Mari’s number on the screen. She and her sister quickly waded through the many happy returns of the day before Maritza made her startling announcement.

  “You have to meet him, Eriqueta!” she exclaimed with a heady veneer to her voice. “He’s a real enamorado, and I know you’ll like him.”

  “Mari,” Erica started cautiously, “where did you meet this man?”

  “Last night, but not at the bar. After you went home, Sacha and I went for coffee at the Blue Dolphin Diner. You know, to try to counteract the alcohol.”

  Erica laughed. “But it only ma
de you both wide-awake drunks.”

  “Not exactly,” her sister countered. “The coffee actually made us more aware of our slightly buzzed state. Well, the man was sitting at the counter, and when Sacha went to the little boys’ room, he came over to the table and we started to talk. Well, one thing led to another...but the amazing thing is that he lives in your building!”

  Erica sighed. “Let me guess. His name is Gianni Sloan, and he wore black, right down to the ass-tight jeans.”

  Her sister allowed a pause of surprise to pass before she spoke again. “Yes, how did you know? Oh, wait, you do know him.”

  “Not on a face-to-face basis, but I do know of him.”

  Maritza had yet to place the proximity of her sister’s place with that of her new, wonderful lover, or why Erica knew the man’s name if she had never met him. “Well then, this is the perfect opportunity to become acquainted with your neighbor.”

  Erica could hardly say no. She had no excuse to beg off. Besides, hadn’t she been burning up with curiosity to find out more about her upstairs neighbor anyway? So, this playboy virtuoso of the bedroom— this jugador de la cama, this hombre parrandero—was now boinking her sister. What did it really matter to her?

  “Tomorrow,” Maritza continued, “at Blossoms Bistro for Sunday brunch. How about eleven-thirty?”

  “Sure, yeah,” Erica answered, distracted. She decided to bring up the subject. “Mari, last night…did you get a glimpse at the guy from the bar? I mean, the one who sent us over the pitcher?”

  “No, not really,” Maritza reflected. “By the time I looked over there, all I saw was a shadow, and then he upped and left. At least I think it was our beer man. Why?”

  “Oh, no reason really. Just wondering.”

  * * *

  The minute she walked over to the patio and spotted the man sitting with her sister, Erica immediately recognized him as the dark man from the bar. Her instincts had been right on. Scrambling behind a pink oleander bush, she adjusted the bodice of her cream silk sarong with shaky hands.


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