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Cum For Bigfoot 5, Baby

Page 4

by Virginia Wade

  I moaned helplessly, feeling the blaze building, fanning out to every cell of my body, my release a hairsbreadth away. I never should have underestimated Dale’s skill at sucking pussy, because that lengthy tongue was my undoing. He speared me repeatedly; heedless of my moans and whimpers, knowing that with every assault, my pussy throbbed, and the agony of bliss descended.

  “Oh! OH-MY-GOD!”

  I arched my back and moaned as intense waves of pleasure burst out from my nucleus, showering me with sweet satisfaction, as I shuddered and convulsed beneath Dale’s mouth. He gripped his cock, massaging the end aggressively, his eyes flashing in a carnal light. While I sucked on Leonard, Dale grunted, stiffened, and showered my tummy with cum, the whitish fluid squirting endlessly in measured pulses. Leonard wasn’t far behind, as he groaned, his expression pinched, and a look of pain morphing his features before he doused my face and mouth with semen. I sputtered, trying not to swallow. These apes produced an unholy amount of jizz, enough to fill a cup and then some.

  “Porsche. Good. Good!” he rasped, and massaged his end, bringing forth even more fluid, which dripped to my neck. “My good girl.”

  I smiled at him. “You’re a naughty boy, Leonard.”

  He grinned flashing sharp, lethal looking teeth.

  Chapter Seven

  The scientists remained with us for two more weeks, and then they packed their things and left. I talked to Leonard about Jean, and I begged him to get Bubba to let her go. Her daughter was waiting for her at home.

  I begged, “Please. She has a baby she has to take care of, Leonard. She has to go home.” I pointed to my stomach. “She has a baby waiting for her.” He stared at me with blank, glistening eyes, and I had no idea if he understood. I pushed him out of anger, tears falling down my cheeks. “You tell Bubba to let her go! She has to go home to her little girl. Are you getting this, you stupid oaf?”

  He grunted in reply and shuffled off.

  I prevailed in the end, and Jean left with the scientists and several Bigfoots, who escorted them to Lost Lake where they had parked their car. I left a message for my parents on a small recorder, explaining that I was happy and well. I would see them again at the beginning of summer. As the weeks wore on and the weather turned frigid, the tribe spent the time within the cave, the women weaving, the apes tanning hides, and the children running around and grunting, while the parents corralled them to the best of their abilities. My belly continued to expand, and I wore loose leather dresses that reached my feet, with sleeves clearing my hands.

  My Sasquatch lovers kept me warm at night, as they cocooned me between them on the soft animal pelts. We frequented the hot spring often, the heated water soothing. The apes had to dig out a path through the snow to get to it, since snowstorms had isolated us almost completely. The cold didn’t bother the Sasquatches at all, because their thick winter fur kept them warm. They were able to hunt and fish every day, as if it were summer.

  By March, I felt restless and bored, and I longed to get out and wander around the woods, but something was happening inside my tummy, and, as the hours wore on, strange contractions made themselves known. They came at regular intervals. I wasn’t in pain, but I suspected the baby would arrive sooner than later.

  I sat on Leonard’s lap, before a blazing fire, his cock twitching beneath me. He licked my neck, and I nudged him with an elbow. “Stop it.” He purred in my ear, the sound repetitive and soothing, while a black hand on my huge tummy rubbed gently. The tribe milled about, the smell of cannabis in the air, as Bubba inhaled from a pipe. His heavy lidded gaze was on the fire, the flames bursting upwards.

  “How’re you doing?” It was Zelda. “You want some tea?”

  “I’m good.”

  Dale had come in, brushing snow from his fur, his eyes glistening as they rested on me. He loved to press his nose to my naked belly and sniff my skin. I wondered if he could smell the baby inside? A strong contraction hit then, almost as if someone had kicked me.

  “Oh!” I doubled over in agony.

  Zelda’s eyes widened.

  Pain tore through me. “Oh, shit! What the fuck is that?”

  “You’re in labor.”

  It lasted a horrible minute and drifted off. “That hurt so bad!” I cried. “God, please let that be it.”

  She shook her head sadly. “No, honey. That’s just the beginning.”

  I gave her a dirty look.

  The contractions began in earnest then, hitting me every couple of minutes and getting worse as the hours wore on. I found myself on all fours frequently, the only position that I could tolerate. I’d never experienced anything like it before in my life, and I had no idea it would be so awful. Dale and Leonard loitered, rubbing my back, which ached, and bringing me water.

  At one point, Zelda had me on my back, her fingers in my pussy, ascertaining the width of my cervix. I’d felt this intense urge to push, but she wouldn’t let me.

  “Soon, honey, soon. You need to open up a little more first.” I gritted my teeth and glared at her. “I know you’re pissed, I know. It’s not fun. You hang in there. It’s almost over.”

  “I fucking hate you all! Every one of you!” I was at the end of my rope from the constant bombardment of pain. Leonard purred and rubbed my back, but I pushed him. “Don’t fucking touch me…ooohhh…shit…ouwww…” Tears fell from my eyes.

  “Lemme check you again. I think you might be ready now.”

  “I can’t stand it! Get it out! Get it out!”

  Her hand was in my pussy, feeling the entrance to my womb. “You can push now, Porsche. You’re almost there, okay? You hang on a little longer. I need you to bear down, like your gonna poop. When you push, hold your breath for ten seconds. Now, let’s practice. You ready?”

  I glared at her. “Fuck you.”

  “I’m gonna count to five, and then we’re holding our breath and pushing. One, two, three, four, five...push!”

  I thought the labor was awful, but that was nothing compared to trying to squeeze out a Sasquatch baby. I held my breath and pushed for ten seconds, only to have to repeat this procedure over and over. In the end, the baby finally slid down the birth canal, and when it breached, I tore, the pain intense, making me scream. The wet, hairy creature was placed on my belly, while Zelda cut the umbilical cord with stainless steel scissors. Then she stitched the ragged edges of my pussy together, which stung painfully. I held my new baby, Leonard helping to wipe away the wetness from its fur. The little tyke mewled and cried, the sound similar to a human newborn. His little eyes were closed, and as I held him to my naked chest, Zelda tried to get a nipple in his mouth.

  “Come on, little one,” she encouraged. “The sooner he drinks, the better.”

  I was too exhausted to care, my face damp with perspiration. Leonard and Dale were on either side, watching, their black eyes gleaming with eagerness and worry.

  “Drink from your mamma.” Zelda pushed my nipple into his mouth. “You drink, honey.” The mewling infant began to chomp on the nipple, compressing it between his little black lips. “Come on now. Latch on.”

  I held the creature tighter, pushing my breast against him, and then I felt a pull. “Oh, shit! I think it’s working.” The baby began to suck in earnest, his mouth firmly attached. “That’s so weird!” I’d never thought of my breasts as anything other than a guy magnet. They actually had a legitimate use.

  Zelda looked relieved. “You keep that baby warm.” She pointed at Leonard. “Congratulations, dad.”

  He grunted in reply.

  That evening, I lay between my favorite Sasquatches while baby Leonard suckled my boob. When the little one wasn’t attached to a nipple, he was restless and cried. Zelda put a leather diaper on him, which she tucked in on the sides.

  Dale’s nose was in my neck. “Puurrrrr…” His chest rumbled with the sound. Not to be outdone, Leonard also purred.

  “What are we gonna call him?”

  “You do name,” rasped Leonard.

nbsp; I sighed. I’d been thinking about it for a while now. “What about Lendal? It’s half your name and half Dale’s.”

  Leslie was across from us, on the other side of the fire. “That’s awesome, Porsche.”

  Dale grunted in reply.

  “What do you think, Leonard? Do you like the name Lendal?”

  “Good, good…” His cock pressed against my side.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sakes, boys,” griped Zelda. “The poor girl just gave birth. Give it a rest for a few days. She’s gotta heal.”

  I giggled, “They’re horny bastards, aren’t they?”

  She snorted in reply.

  That night, as the fire died down and the apes were asleep, I stared at the hairy baby nestled in my arms and felt an enormous wave of emotion. I had made him. He had come out of my body, and now he was with me, rasping in a tiny voice next to my skin with his little black hands curled under. His daddy snored softly, his hairy belly rising and falling. Dale was dreaming because his left foot twitched slightly.

  In early summer, Leslie would go home with me to see her parents. Her baby was due soon. It was up to her if she wanted to return. We weren’t prisoners anymore. We had been accepted into the tribe and trust had developed, which made it easier for us to stay. I had the best of both worlds. I turned to gaze at Leonard, finding him with an eye open.

  “Mrrooaaarr…” he breathed.

  “I love you, Leonard.”

  He licked his lip, a pink tongue flicking out. “My Porsche. Mine.” Then he closed his eye and went back to sleep.

  The End

  Books by Virginia Wade

  The Stacy Series


  Stacy And The Boys

  Stacy On Vacation

  Stacy Unleashed

  Stacy’s Uncle Eddy

  Total Nympho: The Stacy Collection

  Stacy’s Gangbang Wedding

  Stacy’s Sexy Threesome

  Stacy’s Wet Dream

  The Monster Sex Series


  Cum For Bigfoot

  Cum For Bigfoot 2

  Cum For Bigfoot 3

  Cum 4 Bigfoot

  Cum For Bigfoot 5, Baby

  Cum For Frankenstein

  Cum For The Phantom

  Cum For The Demon

  Cum For The Invisible Man

  Cum For The Genie

  The Filthy Classics Collection


  Sense And Sexuality

  Pride And Penetration

  Naughty Emma

  Jennifer’s Anal Seduction

  Jane’s Playmates

  The Pleasure Vixens

  Archeology 101

  Sweet Melissa

  The Demon In Alice

  Crissy’s Naughty Daddy

  Maya’s Tight Pussy

  Daddy’s Little Cherries

  Daddy’s Christmas Girl

  Sexy In Stilettos

  My Daddy, The Politician

  Cream For Me

  Taken By Pirates



  Operation Porn Storm

  Daddy’s Naughty Girls

  Daddy’s Naughty Girls 2

  Nocturnal Cravings

  Nocturnal Cravings 2




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