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The Protectors (Hybrid Book 2)

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by TJ Hines

















  For my best friend, Jason, who believes in me even when I can’t.

  There is no one I would rather do life with than you.


  It had been such a long night. Such a long horrible, catastrophically life-changing night for me. It all started out pretty typical and then when I heard my name called at the Delta Chi Children’s Hospital fundraiser/ Halloween Party I knew that my night was going to suck. My best friend and major crush had just pronounced his love for me and before I could say anything back to him, I had to go in front of a group of people to be auctioned off, at least it was for a worthy cause. I knew who put my name in the auction as soon as I found out it was a girl. Abby. My soon to be ex-roommate if I had anything to say about it. She knew it would cause a problem due to Will and Tyler both having feelings for me. She wanted to hurt me, and she had. Evil little troll. Then I was choked by her boyfriend whose eyes changed colors. Weird, right? Addison went missing. Then I was almost killed by a group of frat guys with the same weird colored eyes. Will and the gang found Addison who had been badly beaten and finally rescued me from the aforementioned group of guys.

  But I was wrapping my head around all that and trying to sort it out. What I was having problems with was Will already knowing my brother, Jack, and him saying that I was going to have to learn the truth because they knew where I was. I kept asking who they were and what truth he talking about. Everything was going too fast to comprehend. One minute I was standing in Will’s apartment and the next minute I was in a car traveling to my home in upstate Pennsylvania. Everyone needed to slow down and give me some answers, starting with how Addison was doing.

  "How is she?" I asked Ensley.

  "She seems okay. Breathing is normal. I cast a small sleeping spell on her to help her heal," Ensley replied as he brushed the hair from Addison's face. Ensley was perfect for Addison. Well he was before he said that.

  Cast a small sleeping spell??? What??? This was completely insane. I needed to figure out a way to get Addison and escape before things got any weirder. Everyone in the car was crazy or maybe they had taken some kind of pill at the party. Yes, that had to be what happened. They all took some kind of drug to make them act this way. Or wait. Maybe I had been slipped some kind of drug. That would explain all the weird things I had experienced tonight, from the frat guys attacking me, to the way their eyes had changed color, and to the way Tyler was acting.

  "I need to go to the ER."

  Will turned around and started checking me for injuries. "Are you hurt? Ensley, you said you scanned her, and she didn't have any injuries other than some bumps and bruises."

  "I did scan her and there is nothing wrong with her," replied Ensley.

  "There is something wrong with me and stop talking about me like I am not here," I told the boys.

  "Well, why do you think you need to go to the ER?" Will asked.

  "It's the only possible explanation for all this--I've been slipped some kind of drug or you guys have. Either way, I need to go to the ER, and I think you guys should get checked out too," I told him.

  Drew busted out laughing from the driver's seat. "Dude that's awesome."

  "Shut up and keep your eyes on the road," Ella said.

  "Kinsey you have not been drugged. This is all completely real. I know it must be hard to understand and even accept but this is your new reality. Your brother can explain everything to you much better than I can and it's his job anyway. So please try to relax before we get to the compound," Will said before turning back around in his seat.

  "Compound?" I asked. “I thought you were taking me home.”

  "It's called Council Headquarters, not the compound. Will just says that because he hates the place. And Will received orders from the Council to come there instead of your house," Ensley explained.

  "I do not hate the place. I have a problem with the people in charge," Will replied.

  "I want answers now. Not later. NOW! This night has been absolutely insane and I am on the verge of a complete breakdown so unless you want me to start screaming at the top of my lungs someone had better start explaining things to me, starting with why your friend Ensley here thinks he put a spell on Addison," I replied crossing my arms over my chest in an effort to show how serious I was.

  "We don't have time to", Will started but was interrupted by Drew.

  "You might as well explain a little to her. We have to pull over to fuel up anyway.”

  "Why didn't you fill the tank before we left?" Will demanded.

  "Because we left in a rush if you recall, sir. And this is a stolen vehicle", Drew replied with a touch of sarcasm.

  "Lay off, Will. We are trying to get to the portal. No one planned for this to happen. We all let our guard down and thought the princess was safe. So, we are all trying to fix this before anything else goes wrong," Ella said.

  "In case you forgot while you've been away, I am still your commanding officer so try to remember that when you tell me what to do," Will told her. "You are right though. We did let our guard down, especially me.”

  "Because of that Kinsey was put in serious danger tonight and that cannot happen again. So, when we get to the gas station, we need to split into two teams. Two people guarding her at all times." Will instructed.

  "What are we going to do with Miss Sleepyhead back there?" asked Drew, referring to my currently sleeping friend, Addison.

  "What do you mean 'what are we going to do'?" Ensley demanded in a less than friendly tone, his arms tight around Addison.

  "Don't get your panties in a wad. I was asking a question. We can't focus on her and the princess," Drew responded.

  "That is a legit concern," stated Ella. "If we divide our attention something could go wrong."

  "We can't leave her unguarded either. She is human and innocent. We are sworn to protect them too unless you have all forgotten that fact," Ensley replied tightening his hold on Addison.

  "We haven't forgotten anything man, but they are right our first duty is to the princess," Will said.

  "Look I will take care of Addison, you three take care of Kinsey. Problem solved," Ensley said.

  “Seriously we need to go to the hospital because you guys are completely off your rockers. You are making absolutely no sense.”

  “There’s nothing a hospital can do for us or for you. You haven’t been drugged and neither have we. You are completely safe and as soon as we get to the compound Jack will explain everything to you. I promise you that nothing is going to happen to you or Addison. We will take care of both of you,” Will said.

  Human? Innocent? Princess??? What was going on? I decided that I had to take action to get away from my so-called friends as soon as they stopped. The only problem was how to get Addison to safety with me. I had to come up with a plan soon though because the only thing I knew for certain was that the best place for me and Addison was to be away from the craziness in this vehicle. As soon as I made it back to campus, I would call the authorities and have them track Will and the guys down and take them to a hospital to have them checked out and possibly committed. I should have reconsidered Jack's idea of going to school closer to home. Whatever. All I could do now was move on from this terrible night. I would get myself and Addison checked out fo
r drugs in our system and then I would deal with everything else.

  The gas station appeared in the horizon like a beacon since it was the only thing around for miles unless you count the acres and acres of farmland surrounding us. It was quite a shock that a somewhat new service station would be out here in the middle of nowhere but at least the bathrooms would be clean. Drew pulled up to the fuel pump closest to the doors. There were three other vehicles in the lot--two parked and one at the pump. The minivan at the pump appeared to be a family either going on or returning from a beach trip, apparent by the beach chairs and umbrella attached to the roof, as well as the words 'Family Beach Vacation 2019' on the back window.

  I decided the first step in my plan was to let Jack know what was going on because he would send the authorities. I looked around for any kind of information to give him to let him know where we were. Nothing was apparent to me. Note to self. The next time you get kidnapped keep your eyes on the road and remember where you are.

  "We’ve caught a break and can pay at the pump. Here’s the plan: Drew and I will take care of the fuel and the rest of you will stay in here," Will stated while scanning the area.

  "Everything looks clear, boss. I think we are safe...for the moment," Drew said.

  Well here goes nothing. "I cannot sit in here any longer. I need to stretch my legs."

  "No," Will said as he shut the door.

  "Whatever. I am getting out of this car. Now," I said as I started to open the door. Just as I started opening it, I heard Ensley say Occludo then the door reversed direction and slammed shut. "What happened?"

  "Will said you couldn’t get out sooo...," Ensley said shrugging his shoulders as if to say he had no choice in the matter. Then I heard the distinctive click of the locks engaging.

  "I have to go to the bathroom so unless you want a wet seat in here you had better open these doors up," I demanded with all the authority I could muster after the strangest night of my life.

  "I will see what I can do," Ella said from the front seat. I waited for her to roll down her window to talk to Will, but she did nothing. After what felt like forever, my door opened, and Will held out his hand. "Let's go."

  "Where?" I asked.

  "Ella said you had to go to the bathroom, so let's go. We really don't have time for this so hurry up."

  "Okay. Geez. Give me a minute while I get my purse," I said hoping that my phone was still inside and had enough charge to place a call or at least a text.

  "You don't need your purse," Will said, his voice rising just a touch with impatience.

  "Yes, I do."

  "Ella you come with us so that you can go with Kinsey to the bathroom. Drew hang out here and guard our entrance and exit from the building," Will said taking me by the hand.

  "You know you don't have to be such a jerk right now," I said snatching my hand away. "I am having a rough night and you are making things worse."

  Will sighed deeply and stopped for a moment to look at me. "I’m sorry that tonight did not turn out like you or I had planned. I truly am. I am also sorry that I let things get in the way and I did not remain focused on my mission. I let my guard down and therefore let you down. I’m very sorry about that. Once we get you to safety and everything is explained to you maybe you can forgive me, and we can start over."

  I was a little taken aback by his heartfelt apology until he started pulling me along again like he hadn't apologized at all. "Ella does not have to go to the bathroom with me. I am perfectly capable."

  "Yes, she does, and she will. End of story."

  Okay well, a phone call was out of the question but maybe I could send a quick text to my brother to let him know so that he could contact the authorities.

  Will, Ella and I entered the store and headed towards the sign indicating restrooms. I noticed how both Ella and Will scanned the room when they walked in like they were looking for someone. Who I had no clue but that was the least of my worries at the moment. I had to send a text to Jack but still use the restroom, so Ella wasn’t on to my plan. Normally that might not be that difficult but when you’re trying to control your bladder muscles when it is as full as a tick on a dog, it’s quite difficult.

  Ella walked ahead of me and asked me to wait outside while she checked the area out. This was becoming asinine. They had to check the bathroom now. I really had to either get them some help or myself because either them or me were seriously whacked out. Maybe everyone was doing drugs at the party. That would explain Mike’s and his friend's eyes changing color and their hostile violent attacks on me. I think. Maybe not. I was trying to find a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this because believing Will was bordering on lunacy.

  Once Ella gave me the all-clear, I walked to the furthest stall from the door in the hope that she would give me a little privacy. As soon as I sat down, I got my phone out to text Jack. He was my last hope. I would let him know that I needed help and he would come to my rescue just like always. Big brothers were really great sometimes.

  I need help. I am not sure exactly what happened tonight but either I was slipped a drug at the party or my friends were. Either way, help! They are all talking nonsense and they are taking me to someplace they call the compound. You gotta help me Jack. I’m scared for me and Addison.

  "So, you want to explain some things to me?", I asked. I had to stall until Jack sent me a text back.

  "What would you like explained?", Ella said.

  "Oh, I don't know...just about everything that has happened tonight", I said trying to keep my tone as friendly as possible.

  "I would love to but it's against my orders", Ella said.

  "Then can you at least give me your word that Addison is going to be ok,"

  "I am fairly positive that she will be fine. I don't really have any healing abilities but from what I can tell she seems to be healing. Plus, I don't think Ensley would let anything happen to her."

  I was about to respond when my phone lit up.

  You are safe Kinsey. I will explain everything to you when you get here. Stay close to Will and the other Protectors. Don’t leave their side. They will keep you safe.

  What the Hell!!! Everyone had lost their minds. No, no that made no sense. I had to be having a psychotic break or maybe I was having a really bad dream. I pinched myself. "Ouch".

  "Are you okay?" Ella asked.

  Crap. Crap. Crap. What was I going to do now? "Yeah, um I'm okay." I finished up and tucked my phone away trying to come up with a plan B as quickly as possible. Maybe I could run from them or something. I could send help back for Addison. I just had to get away from them long enough to call the police. I could do that. I had to evade them long enough for a short phone call. I think I can do that. I had to for my sake and Addison’s. I had just finally found my nerve to run when the bathroom door swung open and Will yelled.


  "We got company. Let's Go. NOW."

  Ella grabbed me by the arm. There was no way I was going to be able to make a run for it if she held onto me.

  "Kinsey, stay with Ella at all times. Drew and Ensley have them distracted. We are going to make a run for the car. Keep your head down. Ella keep her safe. Please", Will said as he pushed the door open.

  I was about to ask what was going on and maybe beg the cashier to call the police when I saw Ensley and Drew staring down two black vans. I didn't have time to form a thought before Ella took off at a dead sprint pulling me along. I stumbled a few times because I couldn't take my eyes off of what was going on. This was crazy. Unbelievably crazy. Ensley was standing about 20 feet from Drew, who was TAKING HIS SHIRT OFF!!! I barely had time to process that when Will came to stand between the two guys. I still had no clue what was going on, but I knew that something was definitely wrong. I made the quick decision to trust my brother, at least until he explained things to me. I focused on making it to the car safely. As soon as we made it, Ella opened the driver door and I started for the back.

  "NO, Kinsey. Get up fr
ont with me. Never leave my side. Understand? " Ella asked as she held the door open for me.

  Going with my new plan of ‘Trust’, I accepted the request and climbed in the front seat. Ella started the vehicle. "Why aren't the guys getting in?" I asked.

  "They will in a moment. They are waiting on a distraction. Will doesn't think the demons will make a scene around so many humans. I, however, have my doubts."

  Demons???? I really wished that I was sleeping through all this like Addison. Crap! I had forgotten about Addison. I frantically turned around in the seat to check on her. She still appeared to be asleep, but at this point, I had no clue.

  "Is she still sleeping?" I asked Ella.

  "Who?" Ella asked distracted with watching the scene going on in front of her.

  "Addison," I replied.

  "Who? Oh, you mean Ms. Sleepyhead in the back. Yeah, she is going to be perfectly fine as long as we make it out of this alive." Ella said as she started putting her seatbelt on.

  "You know she has a name. It's Addison," I informed her. "And I was just wanting to make sure she was going to be okay."

  "I know and I am sure she is a wonderful kid but right now we got some major problems. And while I am not sure what you had planned for the rest of your life, my plans involved a bungalow on a tropical island and many, many, many nights alone with my honey bear and that can't happen if we don't make it out of this tonight", Ella told me putting her sunglasses on as she did.

  "Okay, what is seriously going on right now? You just put your sunglasses on. At night," I asked as I started trying to decipher the scene in front of me.

  "When I put the car in gear, I want you to cover your eyes. Unless you want to lose your vision for the next few hours, in which case please feel free to not listen to anything I say. Apparently, no one else does," Ella said.


  "Trust me, Kinsey. I don't have time to explain. Not that I could but still. Ensley is about to create a distraction and when he does, we are going to have a very short window of time to get out of here."


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