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Page 5

by Ashley Love

  "Cassie, baby, there's no rush. I'm not going anywhere. I promise I'll get you there again."

  She slowed just a bit, the element of desperation fading though the tension in her body was still high. Jax dipped his head down to give her clit a suck, flicking it with his tongue as he thrust his fingers into her again and she whimpered and bucked up against him.

  "Oh my God, Jax, that's"

  "Play with your nipples for me." He watched as she hesitantly toyed with her breasts. "Pinch them harder, pull on them a little. That's it, now don't stop."

  God damn, she looked so sexy the way her mouth fell open like she was surprised it felt so good. He didn't want to tear his eyes away, so he used the thumb of his free hand to work her clit in little circles. She cried out and started rocking faster against him, her fingers tugging and twisting her nipples while he watched. He increased the pace and intensity of his thrusts once again as he felt her start to tremble.

  The climax started from the inside and worked its way out; the muscles deep inside fluttering, then tightening all along her channel in an attempt to pull his fingers deeper. Her thigh muscles, then stomach muscles joined in, contracting and releasing as her back arched up and she stopped rocking and started grinding hard against his hand as she rode out the climax to completion. Just as she started to relax he pressed his free hand gently into the spot just above her pubic bone and curled his fingers up just a bit and her eyes flew open as she lost control all over again, moisture rushing out over his hand as her body shook under him.

  Her legs were still shaking when he bent to taste her again. With his fingers still inside he could feel the aftershocks grabbing her and he knew he could make her cum a few more times if she'd let him. Ignoring her feeble protests that it was too much he lapped gently at her, glorying in the slick juices coating his hand and her thighs. He slid one finger out, wiggling the two remaining ones just a tiny bit as he sucked her clit to another small climax. And then another. And then one more, even as she was sitting up and grabbing his hair to pull his face away.

  They stared into each other's eyes as she held his hair with trembling hands. He started to lean forward, but her hand tightened in his hair and she stopped him before he actually kissed her. His mouth was open, still panting for breath as she moved slowly toward him.

  He thought she was going to break her own rule, but instead of kissing him she flattened her tongue against his chin and ran it upward to the bottom of his lip. His dick tried to punch its way out of his pants as he realized she had to be tasting herself in the coarse stubble on his chin. With her eyes fixed on his, a distinctly teasing glimmer in them, she took his bottom lip in her teeth and pulled it as far as it would go before it popped from between her teeth and snapped back in place.

  The next second he had her on her back with her hands pinned above her head. He was trembling with the effort not to crush her mouth with his, mentally talking himself out of doing it as he stared at her lips. They curled up into a mischievous grin as he watched and she tugged at his grip on her wrists, wiggling her hips against him deliciously. He tightened his grip and pressed himself against her with a low moan, his straining dick settling itself into her cleft as if it had a homing beacon.

  With a frustrated groan he buried his head in her neck, biting down on the soft flesh of her shoulder and sucking it into his mouth, not caring in the least whether he was leaving a mark. Some hidden part of him hoped he was. Her legs wrapped around his hips and once again he was shocked at how strong she was.

  Her hard little nipples pressed into his chest and she rocked her hips in a way that made him wonder whether she knew how close to losing it he was. When she pulled her hand from his grip and slid it between them and into his pants he knew she did. Her slender fingers wrapped around his throbbing shaft and she started stroking him gently.

  "Harder," he growled into her neck. "You won't break it."

  Her legs fell away and she pushed his pants down to free his erection so she could get a better hold. When she grabbed him again it took his breath away, her grip so firm he jerked against her, thrusting hard into her hand.

  He propped himself up on his forearms so he could look down at her flushed face and red hair splayed across the pillow, but her eyes were fixed intently on what she was doing with her hand. Her thumb drifted over his head and caressed that sensitive spot just underneath and he moaned in encouragement.

  She looked up at him, the corners of her mouth turning up in a satisfied grin as she grazed the spot again. "Right there?"

  He answered with an affirmative moan and she stroked him rhythmically, letting her fingers brush over the spot each time. It was clear he wasn't going to last long, but he didn't care. His hips were moving with her hand and he watched through narrowed eyes as her breasts shook with each thrust, their rosy peaks barely brushing against the tan skin of his own chest. The sight brought him right to the edge.

  "Squeeze me tight when I cum," he gasped. His forehead dropped to her shoulder and he clutched the back of her shoulders as he felt it build inside him. To his surprise she wrapped her legs around him again and the feeling of his balls resting against her hot wetness and the head of his dick pressed tight against the smooth skin of her belly shot him over the edge while her hand tightened like a clamp around the base. He muffled his shout in her neck and felt the hot liquid spread between them as he started to relax. After a few minutes he felt Cassie breathe deep under him.

  "Well, you worked hard and put in a lot of effort, but given the end result I'm going to have to call it a draw." Jax lifted his head and cocked his eyebrow at her, but she just started giggling. "I think I like this game."

  Her amusement was contagious and he couldn't help laughing with her. "Who said you get to be the ref?"

  He tickled her sides, but when she started squirming he quickly realized that if they kept it up they were going to make a serious mess. With a groan he pushed himself up and gingerly climbed off the bed. After a quick glance around he grabbed his t-shirt and wiped off her stomach, then his, before balling it up tightly and setting it next to the bed. He lay back down next to her, propping his head up on his hand and grinning down at her.

  "A draw, huh? I don't know about that."

  "You're right, I was being generous. I finished first so technically I win." Her laugh turned into a muffled shriek as he rolled on top of her, pinning her soft body against the bed.

  "How many times did I make you cum?"

  "What?" Her eyes started to unfocus as he pressed his hips against hers. He kissed his way slowly up her neck, letting his breath play over the tiny hairs and sensitive skin. The way she shivered under him was enough to make him half hard again.

  "How many times," he whispered, then paused to trail his tongue around the edge of her ear, "did I make you cum?

  "I...I don't know." Her voice sounded all breathy again and he smiled as he sucked lightly on her lobe.

  "I think five, maybe six if you count the one in the kitchen." He moved along her jaw, nipping at her chin and hovering over her lips before taking her bottom lip carefully between his teeth and pulling it until it popped free. This repeat of her earlier move broke through her arousal and she opened her eyes to give him an amused look. "Either way, you have some catching up to do before we're tied."

  She rolled her eyes and pushed him off with a laugh. Her brown eyes were glittering bright and there was a sexy little smile on her face that he'd never seen before. "Just like a guy, putting quantity before quality."

  "I didn't hear you complaining about the quality earlier."

  "No." She propped herself against him and her dark red hair spilled over his chest in silky sheets that his fingers itched to touch. "I'm definitely not complaining. I had no idea..." Her smile faltered and for a moment she looked nervous and shy again. "No one's ever come close to making me feel the way you just did."

  Caught off guard by the way his heart pounded at her words, he caught a strand of her hair betw
een his fingers and played with it so he didn't have to meet her eyes. He didn't speak until he was sure he had his voice under control. "So, are you saying you'd be interested in a rematch?"

  "I guess I do need the opportunity to catch up."

  He met her eye and grinned. "I have a feeling I'll always be a step ahead of you on that score. But don't worry, there's something you can do to level the playing field."

  Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, but she smiled in anticipation. "What's that?"

  "Tell me why you were calling me The Dick."

  "Oh." Her smile faded and he watched the color creep into her cheeks. "Jumping right into that uncomfortable conversation, are we?"

  "I want to know."

  "It was so long ago. We were like thirteen when we came up with it and it was more of a code word than a description. You know, so we could talk about you without anyone knowing who we were talking about. I don't really think you're a dick."

  "Stop dodging the question. What did I do to you?"

  She heaved a sigh and rolled away, her eyes fixing on a spot across the room. "It was a lot of things...and nothing, really. I'm sure you knew I had a huge crush on you, I wasn't very subtle about it." Her face turned bright red and she glanced over at him, but Jax didn't want to interrupt her so he just nodded.

  "No matter how hard I tried to get your attention you always blew me off. I'd convinced myself that once I was in high school you'd notice me, but you were even more out of reach there with all those older girls falling all over you. And then one day at lunch...this is so stupid." She closed her eyes and fell silent for a moment. "We were playing Truth or Dare and Kayla dared me to go talk to you. Aaron wasn't there; you were sitting with a bunch of senior girls. I was really nervous, but I didn't want to back out of a dare so I walked over and sat down at your table and said hi."

  Jax thought he had a vague memory of something like that and it gave him a sinking feeling, but couldn't remember what exactly had happened. "What did I do?"

  "You told me the grownups were talking, and suggested I run along and play with my Barbies. Looking back it wasn't really that bad, but at the time it was absolutely mortifying. All those girls sitting with you laughed at me and most of my own friends did, too. I was really upset, probably because it was obvious at that point you didn't like me, and somehow it just turned into this...thing. Kayla and Blaire tried to talk me out of being sad and we all got ourselves worked up into being mad at you instead. Calling you a dick was the worst insult our pubescent brains could think of."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Don't, please. Saying it out loud just makes it more obvious how stupid it was."

  "No, it's not stupid and I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I was embarrassed too. I knew you liked me and I didn't know how to deal with it and I'm sure I probably said all kinds of insensitive shit to you."

  "You didn't really, that was the only time you were actually mean to me. You mostly just ignored me like I wasn't worth your attention. So I ignored you back and if I did have to talk to you I tried to be rude."

  Guilt washed over him at the way his seventeen year old self treated her and he reached for her, pulling her close in a belated attempt to comfort her. "I thought you were teasing me all this time."

  Cass buried her face in his neck and her hand slid up his side as she relaxed against him. "I know. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to try and be mean to someone and have them laugh? God, you pissed me off so many times."

  There was a hint of humor in her voice and he smiled into the top of her head. "Yeah, well, obviously you aren't very good at being mean."

  She chuckled and pushed him away, but he just rolled onto his back, pulling her with him. They lay there for a little while, listening to Al Green croon softly. Jax thought she had fallen asleep until she spoke.

  "Can I ask you something?"

  "Of course."

  "Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not asking for the reason you might think." She rested her chin on her folded arms on his chest and looked up at him with a little smile on her face.

  "Okay..." he said hesitantly.

  "Do you have a girlfriend?"

  He looked down at her, meeting her eyes with complete seriousness. "If I had a girlfriend I wouldn't be here right now."

  "But you heard me talking about my boyfriend."

  "Yeah, I did."

  "So what's with the double standard? It's okay for me to cheat, but not you?"

  "No, I don't..." He looked away and sighed. "I'm not sure how to explain in a way that won't offend you."

  Her eyes narrowed at him. "Give it a shot." The distinct note of warning in her voice told him it would be a good idea to choose his words carefully.

  "Okay. It was just that the way you were talking about your boyfriend sounded a lot like the way Aaron talks about his girlfriends."

  "You're gonna have to elaborate."

  "Well, your brother pretty much always has a girlfriend. I'm sure you've noticed that. No sooner does he break up with one than there's another stepping up."

  "Yeah. He's a popular guy, I guess."

  "I think it's more than that. Aaron tends to immediately jump right into a relationship any time he meets someone he kind of likes. There's no middle ground. It's like there's this girlfriend slot in his life and if the slot is empty he fills it."

  "What's wrong with that?"

  "Nothing really, I'm not saying he's doing anything wrong. A lot of people are like that. I just think that sometimes when a person has that kind of outlook on relationships it can get to the point where it doesn't really matter all that much who's filling the slot as long as there's someone there. I mean, they have to be moderately attracted to each other and get along to a degree, but love hardly factors into the equation at all. It's like they care more about the relationship than the person they're in the relationship with. And then things like fidelity become more a matter of a rule they follow, or pretend to follow depending on the person, just for the sake of fitting the role."

  "As opposed to what?"

  "As opposed to truly not wanting to be with anyone else. If I'm in a relationship with someone it's because I love her, not because she fits into a slot. And if I love her I'm not going to want anyone else."

  She was quiet for several minutes and he risked a glance to see if she was pissed, but she had a thoughtful expression on her face. When she noticed him looking at her she smiled and that teasing glint came back to her eyes.

  "Why Jax Sanders, I believe you are a closet romantic."

  He shrugged and tried to ignore the warmth creeping into his cheeks. "Yeah, well, the love thing has only happened once and there've been plenty of others I've pissed off because I refused to fill their slots, no pun intended, so don't elevate me to Romeo status just yet."

  "From the way Aaron talks, you've filled a lot of slots. Pun intended."

  Jax pursed his lips and thought about that for a minute. Aaron did tease him a lot about sleeping around and Jax usually laughed along with him, but he didn't like hearing it from Cassie. "I'm not innocent, but I don't go around having one night stands either. Aaron thinks I'm a player because I don't have a string of monogamous girlfriends to count off, but I'd bet he's slept with more women than I have."

  "But you said yourself you've pissed a lot of girls off."

  He squirmed uncomfortably, unsure how they ended up talking about him when they'd started out talking about her. "Well, yeah. A lot of people see dating the way Aaron does, as the first step in a long-term relationship. I just don't. I want to go out and have a good time, show the girl I'm with a good time. I don't necessarily mean just sex, though sometimes that's part of it. If I happen to find someone I care about that's cool, but I'm not out looking for it and I'm certainly not gonna force it just because we've gone on a certain number of dates and I'm socially obligated to put a label on her."

  "Don't you tell them that? The girls you go out with?"

  "I try to tell them where I'm c
oming from, but I guess I don't always get my point across. And even when I do it doesn't mean no one's going to get hurt. Most of the girls I've dated the last couple of years aren't looking for a relationship any more than I am, but before that I know I left a few bruised hearts behind. It took a while for me to realize that regardless of how honest I was about not wanting a relationship, it wasn't fair of me to act like the other person wasn't going to hope it might happen and be disappointed when it didn't. Since then I've tried to be more careful about who I get involved with."

  He glanced down at her, realizing the incongruity of what he'd just said, given the fact that he knew damn well that she'd had a crush on him in the past and maybe still did. A heavy weight settled on his chest at the thought of hurting her again. His guilt kicked in and he mentally berated himself for playing with her like this when she interrupted his thoughts, bringing him back to the original subject.

  "So, hearing me talk about Trey gave you the impression that I was like Aaron. Just filling a slot."

  "No...well, I mean, I thought that might be the situation, but I didn't know for sure. You don't talk about him like he's the love of your life or anything and obviously you haven't been together all that long. I guess I kind of figured that if you were committed to him..." He realized where that was going and trailed off, but he was too late.

  "I would have stopped you. If I really cared about him I wouldn't have let it happen. Is that what you were gonna say?"

  He shrugged again and looked down at her hoping that she didn't misunderstand. He wasn't trying to judge her or make her feel bad, quite the opposite. He was trying to explain why he didn't feel bad about coming on to her when he knew she had a boyfriend and, more importantly, why he didn't think she should feel guilty about letting him. The silence stretched on and he started to get nervous until finally she sighed.

  "You're right. I hate to admit it, but you are. I was going out with him because there was no reason not to. He's a nice guy, good-looking, we have friends in common. I liked him, but I didn't really have strong feelings for him."


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