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Unnecessary Roughness

Page 5

by GA Hauser


  Slumped in the front seat, listening to one of his favorite Peter Gabriel CDs, Kyle stared at Connor and studied his body language closely. Just the sight of Connor’s brown hair blowing in the warm breeze, his tanned skin, and his glowing light eyes made Kyle hot. He began rubbing the mound between his legs as it throbbed.

  Connor’s posture changed a few times, from nervousness to relief and then back to apprehension. It matched the expressions on his face. When Connor hung up he stared at the phone for a few moments as if gathering his thoughts. Kyle grew concerned. They hadn’t delved into family history yet, so he had no idea what dynamics governed the Worthington household. Connor finally raised his head and started walking to the car.

  In a surreal moment, during Red Rain’s chorus repeating in the background, Kyle’s focused was glued to that bulge between Connor’s legs. The way it moved when he walked, right to left, hypnotizing him. The amount he wanted to fuck Connor was driving him insane. Before Connor came too close, Kyle pressed his palm onto his crotch, pushing it down, trying to tame it.

  Connor opened the passenger’s side of the Ford Taurus and climbed in. Kyle asked, “Any luck?”

  “Yes, she’s giving me money.”

  “Good.” Kyle started the engine. “Then why aren’t you smiling?”

  Without a word in reply, Connor put his seatbelt on and leaned on the passenger’s door to stare out of the window.

  Having a bad feeling about Connor’s home life, Kyle tried to change the subject. “Practice in an hour. Let’s unload and get something to eat quickly. My treat.”

  Connor turned to look at him distractedly. “Cool.”

  Kyle left him alone to his thoughts. Whatever was going on, it wasn’t good.


  After a few trips up and down the stairs, Connor dumped the packages in the middle of the floor in the living room and headed back out. Still running on empty, Kyle drove them to a pancake house and they finally got their much needed coffee.

  “You up for our date tonight?” When the waitress approached with a pot of coffee, Connor raised his empty cup so she could refill it.

  Kyle curled his lip.

  “Are you ready to order?” the waitress asked.

  “Give us a minute.” Connor smiled sweetly at her. When the woman left, Connor whispered, “What? Oh, relax, will ya?” Connor tipped cream into his cup. When Kyle still hadn’t responded Connor exhaled loudly. “Is it because it’s a blind date?”


  “Will you calm down?” Connor didn’t want to go either but felt like he had to date. If he wasn’t seen with a woman, especially after moving in with Kyle, the rumors in the locker room would be cruel, and that didn’t even begin to describe the punishment he’d endure if word reached home he didn’t see women. Ever.

  As if avoiding the conversation, Kyle picked up his menu.

  Trying to figure out why he was reacting so badly, Connor reached to lower it as it acted as a wall between them. “Are you upset about this double date?” Kyle didn’t answer. Connor tried to analyze why. “Kyle, if you really don’t want to go, then I’ll call Hannah and tell her I’ll go alone.”

  “I can’t decide between the waffles or pancakes.”

  “Kyle!” Feeling exasperated, Connor wanted a straight answer and wasn’t getting one. “Quit the bullshit!”

  The waitress returned. “Are you ready to order?”

  Grumbling under his breath, Connor exhaled and checked the selections. “How about two eggs, poached, toast with butter on the side, and home fries.”

  Kyle muttered, “First a veggie burger, now you’re on a diet.”

  “Shut up and order,” Connor grumbled, throwing the menu down. He had no idea why Kyle had become hostile.

  “I’ll take a stack of buttermilk pancakes, a side of sausages, and an egg, over medium.” After Kyle handed the waitress the menus, he leaned his chin on his palm staring at Connor. “Who the hell are you? Long hair? Diet food? What the hell? Next thing you’ll tell me is you do yoga.”

  “Oh, fuck you.” Hating the taunting, Connor pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Imitating Connor’s expression, sticking out his lower lip at him, Kyle cracked up.

  “Stop laughing at me, Baker!”

  Kyle sipped his coffee, staring at him.

  His cheeks burned in humiliation. Connor peeked up at him. “You done abusing me?” Connor had taken so much painful tormenting at home he was very thinned skinned.

  “Abusing you? I was only teasing. Take a chill pill.”

  “You take a chill pill, you asshole!”

  “Jesus!” Kyle flinched.

  Connor slouched and focused on his coffee cup.

  “I can’t win.” Kyle rubbed his forehead. “I’m just playing around with you, Connor.”

  “No. You can’t win that game with me. So don’t try.”

  They sat in total silence until their meals arrived. Kyle covered his plate with plenty of butter and maple syrup.

  “You’ll turn into a Baby Huey eating like that.”

  “I work out. I can’t eat like you do. Jesus, I’d starve. You eat like a fucking girl.” Kyle laughed.

  Connor cringed.

  “What? Oh, you can kid me, but I can’t kid you?”

  Hating being compared to a woman, Connor turned his attention to his plate.

  “Fine. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it, Connor.” Kyle waited for a reply. When none came he stuck his fork into his pancake and held it up. “Taste? As a peace offering?”

  Feeling sorry for himself, Connor blinked his eyelashes and noticed the fork hovering before him with a delicious bite of pancake and sweet syrup. As if he were doing something naughty, Connor scanned the area first before he leaned forward, opening his lips.

  Kyle fed him the bite. “Well?”

  “It is good.” Connor smiled as he chewed.

  “You’re welcome to more.”

  “You want some of mine?”

  “The potatoes, when you don’t finish them.” Kyle grinned.

  Connor choked on a laugh. “Holy fuck. Two days and you know me that well? That’s fucking scary.” I’m beginning to adore you too much.

  In return Kyle gave him an affectionate smile.


  Drenched in sweat from a grueling practice, Connor and Kyle showered side by side. Kyle kept up small talk to keep his mind and view from Connor’s fabulous body as Connor rubbed bubbly suds all over himself.

  Once they were dry and getting dressed, he and Connor discussed the game with a few of the other players when they were standing in front of their lockers.

  “Fucking Donald kept hogging the ball,” Kevin Brown said.

  “He spends way too much time cradling and not enough time passing,” Dick Lang said.

  Kyle didn’t know why Donald was getting such a bad rap. He didn’t think the guy had done anything wrong.

  “And you, Worthington!” Arnold Walski pointed. “Nice hair.”

  Ross Cartmen laughed. “If you’re trying to look gay, it’s working.”

  Connor flinched at the jab. The rest of the guys laughed in a riot.

  Head Coach Banks called Connor’s name as Connor tucked his shirt into his jeans. As his coach approached, Connor gave Kyle a quick look as if to see if Kyle was listening in.

  “Connor, I’ve had a talk with Stu Knox, the assistant coach, and we want you to be a captain.”

  Instantly Kyle grabbed Connor’s shoulder to shake him. “Are you kidding? Connor! That’s fantastic!”

  Connor took a moment to absorb it, staring at each player as if judging their reaction to the announcement. Kyle was the only teammate who seemed pleased at the news.

  “Good job, buddy!” Coach Banks patted Connor’s bottom and left.

  Connor finished getting dressed in silence, his damp hair hiding his face.

  Kyle was confused by Connor’s lack of excitement and even more perplexed to see the rest of the
players disperse without so much as a congratulations or a pat on the back.

  Once he and Connor were on their way out of the locker room to the parking lot, Kyle put his arm around Connor’s shoulder as they walked. “I am so proud of you.”

  When they arrived at the car, Kyle unlocked the doors and climbed into the driver’s seat. While Connor sat quietly, deep in thought, Kyle fastened his seatbelt, ignited the engine, and turned down the radio. “Connor?” The urge to cup Connor’s face in affection was overwhelming.


  “Well?” Kyle gestured for him to say something.

  Connor replied, “I really don’t want to be a captain. I’m already overloaded with too many credits. I shouldn’t even be playing at all.”

  “Are you for real? Do you know how many guys would cream themselves for that honor?”

  Connor shrugged. “I don’t care. It’s just more shit to deal with.”

  Kyle sighed as he backed out of the parking space. “I just can’t figure you out, Worthington.”

  On the drive home Connor stared into space and Kyle left him alone in his thoughts. Kyle wondered if Connor’s family life was horrible and that’s where the insecurity originated from. He knew what his response would be if he was selected captain of a Western Collegiate Lacrosse League team.

  As they drew near their apartment complex, Kyle took another look at Connor’s profile. He could read a dark depression engulfing him. It didn’t take a shrink to see something was troubling Connor. Tears were standing in his eyes, about to overflow. Kyle felt so much pity for him it was painful. How could a man who had Connor’s incomparable beauty, charm, and intelligence be so riddled with sadness?

  Once they parked and climbed the stairs to their unit, they came through the door to a pile of parcels still littering the floor. Without a word, Connor stepped over them to go to his room.

  After staring at the heap of items for a minute, Kyle started sorting through them.

  Connor emerged, changed into a black pair of slacks and v-neck t-shirt, headed to the bathroom. He whispered, “Let’s do that tomorrow. We need to get ready.”

  Throwing down towels in anger, Kyle let out a stressful exhale and went to his room. The date. The stupid, fucking date!

  “What? Kyle, what the hell is wrong?” Connor crossed his arms over his chest.

  Kyle held up a white polo shirt and a pair of beige Dockers. “This outfit okay for our wonderful evening?”

  “Very nice. You’ll impress her.”

  “Do I impress you?”

  Connor’s mouth opened in surprise.

  Kyle could see Connor was unsure of how to take the comment.

  Connor finally replied with a wry smirk, “Yes. Will you marry me?”

  “In a heartbeat,” Kyle mumbled, getting changed.

  “Did you just say what I think you said?” Connor gaped at him.

  “No.” Kyle tucked his shirt into his trousers in frustration.

  “How about me? Do I look all right?” Connor raised his arms and spun around.

  Sitting on the bed to put on his shoes, Kyle bit his lip. All right? Do you look all right? About to dive on him and strip that tight outfit off his sleek build, Kyle whispered, “You look fine.”

  “Fine?” Connor frowned in disappointment, obviously hoping for something better than that. “All right, I’ll find something else.”

  Kyle jumped up to stop him. “No, I mean really fine. Don’t change.”

  At the touch of Kyle’s hand on his arm, Connor halted and turned around slowly. The heat between them sent chills all over Kyle’s body. There was a look in Connor’s eyes that made the hairs stand on the back of Kyle’s neck. Kiss him! He’s right fucking there! Kiss him!

  “You sure?” Connor’s lips parted sensuously.

  Kyle wasn’t sure of anything at the moment but his increasing love and lust for this stud. “You look fine.”


  Watching as Kyle licked his lips, wetting them, Connor was beginning to get the impression they were saying one thing and thinking another. Or was he just reading messages that weren’t there? Forcing himself to get his libido under control, Connor cleared his throat. “How are we going to pick them up?”

  “Where are we meeting them?” Moving away from the contact, Kyle stuffed his wallet, keys, and cell phone into his pocket.

  “Hannah said they’d be at the sports bar. Out front.” Connor checked his watch.

  “Mine’s bigger than yours.”

  Conner gaped in shock, about to respond with something appropriately lewd when Kyle added, “The Ford! I meant the Taurus.” Kyle cracked up with laughter.

  Shaking his head, Connor held back his naughty reply.

  “Christ, no one’s is as big as yours,” Kyle murmured.

  Connor asked, “You’ve checked out my dick?”

  “It’s too big to miss, buddy.”

  “Jesus Christ, Baker.” Chills washed over Connor’s spine. This guy was looking at his cock? Holy fuck. Is he? Connor was petrified to take that leap. So he played the pathetic game. “You’ll keep it a secret, right? I don’t want that to be the reason this woman likes me.”

  “Your secret’s safe with me. You’d make a lot of dough as a porn star though.” Kyle opened the front door and gestured for Connor to go out.

  “That would go over well.” Connor used a high, funny voice as he said, “Hello, Mother? Guess what I’ve decided to do for a living?”

  “Connor Worthington, you are something else.”

  “Yes, I am. And you, Kyle Baker, have a thing for big dicks.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Big macho cocks! Am I right?” Connor wanted a reaction, wanted to touch him.

  “If you don’t shut up, I’ll spank you.” Kyle shoved him and he bounced off the wall of the hallway.

  “Ouch! You’re a mean jock.” Connor rubbed his elbow.

  “Want me to kiss it and make it better?” Kyle opened the door to the lobby for them.

  “Yes.” Connor raised his elbow to him.

  Kyle leaned over as if he would. The minute Kyle was close, Connor twisted around quickly and stuck his butt out at him.

  Much to Connor’s surprise, Kyle whacked it, hard.

  “Shit!” Getting a hard-on, Connor straightened up instantly, liking the sting and the man who administered it very much. “Oh, baby! Spank me!”

  “Don’t even start that shit!” Kyle warned, finding the keys to his car as they reached it.

  “Ooh, yes! Spank my ass hard,” he purred as Kyle’s cheeks turned a wonderful shade of bright red.

  “Get in and stop!” Kyle unlocked the door for him. When Connor settled down, Kyle stared at him, shaking his head. “You’re a tease, Connor Andrew Worthington.”

  “A tease? What the hell do you mean? You mean a cock tease?” Connor stared at him, the sensation of excitement surging through his crotch at the insinuation of attraction between them. “And how the hell do you know my middle name? First you’re checking out my dick and now my paperwork?”

  “No. I didn’t. Nothing like that. Forget about it.” Kyle started the car, driving out of the parking lot. Suddenly he looked mortified by their game.

  Connor was thinking about the comments very carefully. He wondered if Kyle meant what Connor thought he meant. That little swat on his ass left a lovely reverberation of pleasure with it. He had a wicked fantasy of being naked, bent over Kyle’s solid muscular lap, his large hand hovering over him for a slap. With that delicious vision in his head, he shivered and grew even harder. I have to stop this! If I’m gay, I’m dead. Connor gulped down his terror and thought of anything but the sexy man just an arm’s reach away. The insults in the locker room were escalating as it was.


  Kyle peeked over at Connor as he flipped down the visor and tried to tame his hair. All Kyle wanted to do was drive Connor back to the apartment and seduce him. The homoerotic innuendos were making him insane. Turn around, drag him up t
o the apartment, strip him, and suck on his cock!

  He snapped out of his dreams when Connor pointed to the two women. Hating everything about this evening, Kyle parked the car and climbed out to meet the Hannah on the sidewalk.

  Connor elbowed him in the ribs and whispered, “Not bad.”

  Taking a good look at Hannah’s friend, Kyle was glad at least she seemed decent.

  Hannah introduced the men to Vicky as Vicky gazed up into Kyle’s eyes excitedly.

  “What do you guys want to do?” Connor asked.

  “There’s an animation festival at Melnitz Hall,” Hannah said.

  They shrugged agreeably and headed towards it on foot. As they began their stroll, Hannah reached out for Connor’s hand and held it.

  Imagining holding Connor’s hand, Kyle realized Vicky was trying to do the same and felt obligated to clasp it. Peering down at her, Kyle found her dreamy smile. Her long black hair was swept back from her face in a pearl clip. Vicky wore a miniskirt and a low cut blouse showing cleavage. During the walk over to the theater, both Vicky and Hannah talked on their mobile phones and texted messages.

  When they made it through the long line to the ticket booth, Connor paid for his date and waited for Kyle to do the same. As they found seats in the noisy room, Kyle made sure he and Connor sat together with the women on the outside ends.

  “You should probably shut off your phone now.” Kyle tried not to sound harsh. Vicky nodded and withdrew it from her purse.

  “Hannah, your phone,” she reminded her friend.

  “Right.” Hannah turned hers off and said, “Connor, your phone.”

  “I never have it on.”

  “I know!” Hannah laughed and nudged him. “Do you even check your messages?”

  Connor shrugged. “Once a week?”

  “Shut up! I can’t live without my Blackberry.” Vicky giggled. “What about you, Kyle? Do you keep your phone on?”

  “Nope. It’s a pain in the butt.”

  “Man, you two are a matched pair.” Hannah shook her head.

  Yup we are. Kyle shifted in his seat and rested his leg against Connor’s comfortably. When he did, Connor didn’t pull back from the touch, instead, to Kyle’s delight, he felt Connor relax against his leg.


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