Book Read Free

Unnecessary Roughness

Page 17

by GA Hauser


  Kyle turned off his phone and tucked it into his backpack behind the seat. “You think your parents will have a fit?”

  “Dad will.”

  “We’ll deal with it.” Kyle reached for Connor’s hand and kissed his knuckles.

  “We have to. I’m tired of this too. I have to admit, though I was scared to come out to the team, I feel like a load has been lifted.”

  “And Ross Cartmen is gone!” Kyle pumped his fist into the air.

  “Thank fuck.”

  Kyle smoothed his hand between Connor’s legs, riding his palm over his package. “Yeah. Thank fuck.”

  Connor widened his straddle and smiled.


  They spent most of the drive chatting about school. Connor was nearing his parents’ home and his nerves were kicking in. He wasn’t so sure he could ‘come out’ and be honest. Maybe he would introduce Kyle as just his friend, teammate, and classmate.

  “I cannot believe Professor Jacobs came on to you.” Kyle shook his head. “I swear, Connor, I’ve never had any of my teachers or profs show any interest in me.”

  Connor slowed for the turn onto his parents’ street. “I’m not kidding. She did. She shut the classroom door and made a pass at me. Freaked me out.”


  “And when Professor Patrick asked me to join the physics club, I thought the same about him.”

  Kyle cracked up. “Well, he is pretty gay.”

  “Yeah, but what do they think? Man. I’m not that easy.” Connor pulled into the curved drive.

  “Says you.” Kyle laughed and sat up in the seat. “This is where you live?”


  Kyle’s mouth was open but he didn’t reply.

  “You ready?” Connor parked.

  “As I can be.” Kyle reached behind the seat for his backpack.

  Just before Connor touched the front doorknob, Lawrence opened it from the inside, obviously hearing his car.

  “So good to see you again, sir.”

  “Thanks, Lawrence. This is my friend, Kyle.”

  Kyle gaped at the butler. “Er. Hi.”

  “Can I help you with that?” Lawrence gestured to Kyle’s backpack.

  “No. I got it. Thanks.” Kyle shot Connor a pained look.

  Connor allowed Lawrence so take his things. “Could you put both our packs in my room, please?”

  “Very good.” Lawrence reached out for Kyle’s backpack.

  When he left, Kyle made another exaggerated attempt at showing he was impressed.

  Connor winked at him sweetly.

  “Connor!” Becky raced over to him excitedly.

  With one hand held out in front of him, Connor backed her off. “Becky, this is my gay lover, Kyle.”

  Kyle choked and bit his lip.

  “Kyle, this is Becky, our housekeeper.” Connor studied Becky’s reaction, predicting it.

  “You’re gay?”

  “Yup. Come on, Kyle. I’m hungry.” Connor held Kyle’s elbow and dragged him down the hall. Becky had the same gaping expression on her face Kyle did. It made Connor laugh. “Well, that was easy. But she’s not my dad.”

  Connor led the way to the kitchen and instinctively stood at the back window to check on the horses. He didn’t see any in the ring or out in the grassy field.

  “Would you like me to prepare a meal, sir?” Lawrence asked as he entered the kitchen.

  “Yes. Please.” Connor looked outside. “Lawrence, are the horses in the barn?”

  Lawrence’s expression darkened as he wrapped an apron around his dark suit.

  Connor glanced back at Kyle first, then approached the butler. “Lawrence?”

  “I’m afraid your father decided he no longer wanted the horses. He’s sold them.”

  “What?” Connor’s skin crawled and he felt sick. “Sold them? Even my Brandy?”

  “I’m afraid so, sir.”

  As Lawrence began preparing them lunch, Connor stormed out of the room.

  “Should I come?” Kyle asked.

  “No. I’ll be right back.” Connor searched each room as he passed finally finding his mother in the conservatory with a glass of iced tea. “Why did Dad get rid of the horses?”

  “Oh, Connor. You’re here. Lawrence didn’t announce you. Did you just arrive?”

  “Yes. I just got here. Where is my horse?” He put his hands on his hips.

  “I’m sorry, Connor. Your father said we didn’t need them and they were too expensive to keep. I was going to tell you—”

  “When?” He tried not to scream.

  “Don’t use that tone with me. It was his decision. I had to agree with him. You’re never here and it isn’t like when you were young and you spent all day with them.”

  Connor was so furious he couldn’t think straight.

  “Dear, please stop acting like a child. You’re a month away from twenty-one, a senior in college, and you need to grow up.”

  “I’m a baby because I like my pet horse?”

  “Well, yes, if you want my honest opinion.” Carole sat up in her chair and adjusted her blouse. “Connor, you’re away. You’ve been away since you were sixteen. It isn’t fair to them either.”

  “Where did they go? Please tell me it wasn’t a dog food factory.” Connor was about to be sick.

  “Oh, heavens no!” She waved her hand dismissively. “They were given to a very good family. Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “I’m gay.” Connor wanted to get even. Had to.

  “What did you say?” She went pale.

  “I’m gay. Kyle’s my lover.” He spun around, giving her his back.


  “Lawrence is making us lunch. I’ll talk to you later.” He kept moving, trying to control his anger at the loss.

  Kyle was waiting in the kitchen for him. He stood up from the table the minute Connor entered the room.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I told my mother I’m gay.” Connor raised the pitcher from the counter and filled two tumblers with lemonade.

  “Okay. And?”

  Connor gave Kyle one of the glasses and sipped his. “She told me Dad sold my horse. They didn’t even ask me if I wanted to say goodbye.”

  “I’m sorry, Connor.” Kyle paused, checked on the butler who was cutting up fruit, and asked, “So you told your mother as revenge?”

  “In a way.”


  Connor and Kyle spun to the doorway of the room. Carole was standing there.

  “Is this your friend?” she asked.

  “Lover. Gay lover. Not friend,” Connor said coldly.

  “Connor,” Kyle scolded quietly.

  “N-nice to meet you.” Carole held out her hand.

  “Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Worthington.”

  Connor watched his mother carefully. “Where’s Dad?”



  “Are you planning on spending the night?”

  “No.” Connor walked to the window with his juice, staring at the empty paddock and fields. “I came to ride. Since I can’t ride, after lunch I’m leaving.” Connor heard shuffling and looked over his shoulder. His mother had left the room and Kyle looked upset.

  Kyle approached him to whisper, “Are you going to let her tell your dad?”

  Connor shrugged.

  “I think it would be better coming from you. You won’t be there to defend yourself.”

  “I’m so angry right now I won’t be civil. I’ll react to my father’s rage and it’ll be a nightmare.”

  “Will they cut off your college funds?”

  “Too late to worry about that now.” Connor put his empty glass on the table.

  “I’m sorry about your horse.”

  “At least someone is.” Connor looked back at Lawrence who was trying not to eavesdrop.


  After lunch, Kyle followed Connor to the second floor. Connor gestured for Kyle to
enter a room and he realized it must be Connor’s old bedroom. Both of their backpacks were on the floor by the bed.

  “Nice.” Kyle admired the Architectural Digest décor, with the cream walls and layered window dressing. The bed was whitewashed pine with a palette of neutral tone throw pillows and silky bedspread.

  The whole house appeared to be like looking through an interior design brochure, right down to the upholstered Cowtan and Tout chairs and tasteful acrylic paintings.

  A far cry from his family’s three-bedroom ranch home in Salem, Oregon.

  Kyle was drawn to the window. The blinds were raised letting in the winter sunshine with a view of the barn and a fenced enclosure where the horses had been.

  When he turned to see Connor, Kyle found him seated on the bed, slouched, looking worn out. “You’ve been through a lot.”

  Connor shrugged.

  Kyle sat beside him and leaned on his shoulder. “You know you can talk to me.”

  “I’ve never been any good at that.” Connor gave Kyle a wry smile.

  “Feelings-shit, brrr,” Kyle teased.

  It made Connor laugh.

  “Come here.” Kyle drew Connor into an embrace and held him, pressing his lips into Connor’s neck. He inhaled his skin. “You always smell good.”

  Connor fell back with him with a bounce. Kyle made for his lips and rested his knee on top of Connor’s thighs. He loved kissing this man. Connor’s tongue was creative, exploring, making tiny circles, tender and soft.

  Kyle ran his hand down Connor’s chest to his abdomen, into his waistband. The sucking grew stronger as their passion heightened. Kyle struck gold inside Connor’s pants, feeling his hard cock bent down his thigh. As Kyle worked on getting it upright so he could stroke it, Connor moaned and opened his mouth wider, always the submissive. Kyle was going crazy for him.

  “Close the door. Close the door.” Connor panted.

  Kyle withdrew his hand, leapt off the bed and closed, locking, the bedroom door. He dove on top of Connor again, opening his zipper and yanking his jeans down his hips.

  He went for Connor’s mouth again. They whimpered and squirmed on the bed. Kyle released Connor’s dick and got a good palm full of his balls and the thick, hard base of his long cock. Massaging Connor’s soft, heavy sack was making Kyle hump the bed.

  Connor dug his hands into the hair on both sides of Kyle’s head, deepening the kissing to the most luxurious degree of passion, it was making Kyle high.

  Kyle ran his palm up the length of Connor’s cock to the head and felt pre-cum seeping from the tip. The surge of excitement to Kyle’s crotch made him buck his hips, maddening him to a new height. Quickly Kyle reached inside his own pants and straightened out his cock. He was already as damp and sticky as Connor. Fucking Connor’s mouth with his tongue, feeling Connor sucking it and his hips matching the motion of Kyle’s hand, Kyle had to open his pants or come inside them.

  He fumbled with his button and zipper, bumping into Connor’s fingers as they tried to get to Kyle’s cock.

  Once they were both exposed, Kyle got back to the business of kissing and jacking off Connor as Connor did the same to him.

  The pleasure shot through Kyle like electricity. He grunted into Connor’s mouth and ejaculated. Connor’s thrusting went into overdrive and he came, shooting cum into Kyle’s hand and on his shirt.

  Kyle used the silky cum to continue massaging Connor’s cock, slower, softer, getting off on the feel of it.

  “Oh, Kyle…phew…that was awesome.”

  Kyle stopped moving his hand and looked downwards. Yup, they were coated in spunk. “No kidding.” Kyle caught his breath and felt drenched in sweat.

  Connor jolted under him.


  “I think my father is home. He’s the only one who slams doors. If he knows I’m here, he’s already pissed off.” Connor disengaged himself from Kyle and noticed the spatter. “Shit. Good thing we brought fresh clothing.”

  Kyle sat up and yanked his shirt over his head.


  When his name was thundered from the lower floor, Connor went pale.

  “You think your mom’s told him?” Kyle yanked his backpack closer and unzipped it. He was shaking he was so intimidated by Connor’s father.

  “Yup.” Connor stripped off his shirt and grabbed the clean one out of his pack.


  “Crap.” Connor tucked in his shirt and inspected his fingers for cum. He wiped them on the dirty shirt and ran his hand back through his hair.

  “I’m here. We’ll get through this.” Kyle touched Connor’s arm but he was terrified.

  “Connor Andrew Worthington! Get your ass down here now!”

  Kyle could see Connor was trembling as well. Connor stuffed his shirt into his backpack and zipped it. He slung it over his shoulder and said, “We are on our way out.”

  “Okay.” Kyle wiped at his sweaty face and straightened his back. Teammates. Battle-ready.

  As they descended the staircase, Kyle could see Connor’s body reacting in fear. With each step, Connor’s legs shook.

  By the time they reached the bottom landing, both Mr. and Mrs. Worthington were waiting. Mr. Worthington, in a golf outfit; a green Ralph Lauren polo shirt and seersucker shorts, had his arms crossed and was obviously not happy.

  Kyle met the imposing man’s glare and felt very sorry for Connor.

  “Did Mom tell you?” Connor asked.

  “Tell me she’s lying.”

  “Dad…” Connor shook his head.

  “He can’t help who he is, Mr. Worthington.” Kyle felt like he was about to throw himself in front of a moving train for his lover.

  “I knew it.” Arthur addressed his wife, “How many times did I say it, Carole?”

  “You knew, dear.”

  “Dad, this is Kyle Baker. He’s on my lacrosse team and we live together.”

  Kyle imagined extending his hand in greeting, but reconsidered. The look of disdain was obvious.

  “That’s it? No women? You’ve decided your entire future?”

  “Yes, Dad. I’m sorry. I’ve known I was gay since I was little. I just thought you’d kill me.”

  “He won’t kill you, Connor,” Carole said.

  “Disown me? Stop paying my college tuition? What?” Connor gestured with his palms upwards.

  Kyle knew both he and Connor expected a violent tirade. But instead, Kyle felt sorry for Mr. Worthington. He appeared so utterly let down.

  The man said nothing.

  When he walked away, Kyle could tell Connor was shocked.


  “Let him be, dear. He’s very disappointed.”

  “What’s he going to do?”


  Kyle caught Connor’s glance of worry.

  “Yeah. Do.” Connor’s gulp was audible from where Kyle stood.

  “There’s nothing he can do, Connor,” she said. “You’ve made up your mind.”

  “Mom.” Connor shifted his weight uneasily.

  “It was nice to have met you, Kyle.” She held out her hand.

  Kyle shook it but had no idea what to say. Violence they had anticipated. Arguing they had expected. Silent guilt? Way off the radar.

  “Mom, do you want us to stay for dinner? To talk?”

  “No, dear. You go back to your place. I think your father needs some time on his own.”

  When she walked away, Kyle could tell Connor was stunned. He put his arm around Connor’s shoulder and walked with him to the front door. Lawrence opened it for them.

  On the drive back to their apartment, they didn’t talk.


  The moment they were inside their tiny home, Connor said, “What the fuck? He didn’t even tell me I was disgusting.”

  “Maybe all these years he just wanted you to be honest.” Kyle dropped his bag by the door.

  “No.” Connor’s head ached. He ran both his hand into his hair to massage his scalp. �
�He’s not done. He’ll do something to me.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Is there any booze in his place?” Connor looked around the room.

  “I don’t think so. I can go out and get us beer over at that shop that doesn’t ask for ID.”

  “No. Never mind. I should have thought of it on the drive home.”

  “Come here.”

  Connor raised his head to see Kyle’s concerned expression and wide open arms. “Do I look as bad as I feel?”

  “Nope. You look delicious.”

  Connor fell against Kyle, rocking with him in the center of the room.

  “We need a nap.”

  “We need to study.” Connor yawned.

  “Nap first, study second.”

  “No.” Connor held Kyle’s hand. “Sex first, nap second, study third.” He heard Kyle’s provocative chuckle and smiled. Connor took the items they needed out of the nightstand. When he glanced back, Kyle was undressing, staring at him as he did.

  “You want to do me?” Kyle kicked off his briefs and tilted his head seductively.

  Connor’s erection throbbed at the thought, but he said, “I like you in me.”

  Kyle crawled on the bed, propping his head up in his palm as he waited.

  After he had kicked off his last item of clothing, Connor tossed one rubber on the bed beside Kyle. He spun around, squeezed a dollop of gel on his fingers, then bent over and massaged the lube on his own ass.

  “Mother-fucker,” Kyle hissed.

  “Does it tempt you?” Connor asked coyly. The sound of the condom wrapper opening reached his ears.

  Before Connor could react, Kyle had grabbed him from behind. Connor felt Kyle forcing him down onto his lap. The head of Kyle’s cock touched his rim. Connor opened his lips for a gasp and closed his eyes.

  Kyle continued to guide Conner until he was penetrated up to the hilt. Connor leaned forward, spread his legs and braced his hands on his thighs.

  “You okay?”

  “God, yeah.” Connor’s skin covered with goose bumps. He sat still, enjoying the sensation of Kyle’s body inside him, then began rocking.

  “Nice.” Kyle smoothed his hands all over Connor’s back and arms.

  “Hang on.” Connor wanted Kyle’s lips. He disconnected, spun around, and straddled Kyle’s thighs. Once they were joined again, Connor said, “Better.” He gazed at Kyle’s expression and cupped the back of his head for that kiss.


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