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Cat Star 04 - Outcast

Page 27

by Cheryl Brooks

  Lynx stared at Leo in disbelief. What was he say­ing? Was he really asking for advice on how to please a woman? In the past, Lynx had always felt like an outsider when other men discussed such things—he had never been with a woman before he became a slave, so he had nothing to contribute. This had always made him feel uncomfortable, but suddenly, he understood—it wasn't a matter of boasting or trying to prove he was better than anyone else; it was simply an exchange of useful infor­mation. Unfortunately, knowing so many things, Lynx hardly knew where to begin. "What does she like?"

  Leo smiled broadly. "Everything."

  Lynx paused for a moment while he tried to decide what he would know that others might not. The slave women had always been eager to try anything differ­ent, and while learning to vibrate his cock—which was extremely popular—had required considerable practice, there were several other positions and combinations that he felt sure any self-respecting Zetithian male should be able to accomplish.

  "Standing up?"

  Leo shook his head. "Done that." "From behind?" "Done that, too." "Backwards?"

  "Sounds peculiar," Leo said, shaking his head again.

  Lynx shrugged. "You might try it anyway," he sug­gested, remembering that Bonnie had been particularly fond of that variation.

  "What else?"

  Lynx stopped to think again. "Does she enjoy very deep penetration?"

  Leo grinned. "Loves it."

  "Ever sit her on your cock with your legs up out of the way?"

  Leo shook his head, trying to imagine just what Lynx was getting at. "Facing toward me, or away?"

  "Facing away," Lynx replied. "Once you get her up there, pulse or circle your cock. Women love it."

  Leo was skeptical, but after hearing Lynx's descrip­tion, thought he'd better give it a shot anyway. Tisana never complained about his lack of inventiveness, but it was best to keep one's wife well pleased.

  "Anything else?" Leo prompted.

  Lynx knew there were other techniques, and he told Leo a few of them, but he had no way of knowing whether Leo could actually do them or not. Leo wasn't sure he could, either, but he stored the knowledge away for future reference. He might even tell Cat.

  While Bonnie and Lynx were at the market, Sylor took the opportunity to explore his options and decided that the enocks were his best choice of weapons. As usual, his own hands would be clean, and he would enjoy watching the birds rip his rival to shreds. Bonnie would be horrified, of course, but with her new lover dead, she would welcome Sylor back with open arms; arms that would comfort her just as they had before. All would be forgiven. Sylor knew exactly how to handle her— always had. This time would be no different.

  Chapter 20

  As the Jolly Roger left orbit, Jack leaned back in the pilot's seat, biting her lip, her eyes narrowed in deep thought. Bonnie and Lynx were doing just fine, but there was something about Sylor that kept nagging at her. The shifty-eyed snake! How a sweet woman like Bonnie ever wound up with him... Sitting up decisively, she sent out a hail to a certain arms dealer she knew, thinking it might be best to alter course and make a little detour to one of the shadier territories in the quadrant. Lerotan Kanotay might not be anything but a shrewd businessman bent on making sales, but his line of mer­chandise tended to put him in contact with the criminal element on most planets he visited. He might know a little something that could help out Bonnie.

  "Kanotay here," came the reply. The viewscreen pro­jected the image of a dark-skinned, exotically handsome man with a Ralayan rune tattooed on his left temple. His black hair was long and laced up in a leather sheath that lay over the right side of his powerful chest. He was friendly enough—and could be very charming—but was definitely not a man to cross. "What's up, Jack?"

  "Hey, there, Leroy! See you've let your hair grow out! Looks damn good!" Jack said, smiling. "How the hell you been?"

  "Just fine, Jack," he said, eyeing her carefully. Some­thing told him this wasn't a social call. "Don't need any more weapons, do you?" Lerotan smiled, his dark eyes alight at the prospect of a sale.

  "Nope," Jack replied. "Haven't had to use them much, but so far, they work just fine. No, what I called about was this guy," she said, punching up an image of Sylor. "Ever seen him before?"

  "Can't say that I have," he replied, "but I can do some checking."

  "That'd be great!" she said. "Where are you?"

  "Arvada," he replied. "You know, one of those nasty little planets you tend to avoid?"

  "Yeah, I know it," Jack said. "Haven't been there in a while, which is probably just as well. How's Trag?"

  "Just fine," he replied. "He's around here somewhere. You should drop by. You could probably do some lucra­tive trading here."

  "Think so?" Jack chewed on her fingertip for a moment. "Might be worth it," she said reflectively. "Maybe we'll drop by. In the meantime, see if you can find out anything about this guy. Name's Sylor Halen, and he's on Terra Minor right now, but there's something fishy about him."

  "And so naturally you're asking me," Lerotan said dryly. "What a low opinion you must have of the com­pany I keep!"

  Jack glared back at him with a raised eyebrow. "Come on, now, Leroy! You don't have to take it per­sonally," she grumbled. "Not my fault you aren't deal­ing in legal goods."

  "My weapons are all perfectly legal," he protested, but added with his flashing, piratical grin, "on some planets."

  "Yeah, right," Jack snorted. "Say hello to Trag for me." Scanning the charts, she added, "We'll be there in... oh, I don't know... a week or two, maybe? That be quick enough?"

  "You need a faster ship," Lerotan observed. "I could make it in five days with my ship."

  "T could make it in five days with my ship.'" Jack mimicked. "Really, Leroy! My ship is faster than your bucket of bolts, and you know it!"

  Lerotan laughed. "Still won't sell it to me?"

  "Noway, Leroy!" she declared. "The Jolly Roger and I are like, you know, joined at the hip or something."

  "Thought that was you and Cat," he commented with a wry smile.

  "Well, yeah," she admitted. "Him, too. I'd give up the ship long before I'd give him up." Now that she thought about it, she would have given up anything to keep Cat.

  "Well, you be careful out there," Lerotan advised. "It's rough territory."

  "I will," Jack promised. She had only been to Arvada once and knew it was one of those worlds where a woman with a Zetithian mate needed to keep on her toes—which wasn't difficult because, thanks to Lerotan, the Jolly Roger was now armed to the teeth. "See you soon!"

  Lerotan signed off, shaking his head. What was it about Terran women that made them all want to call him Leroy? He had no idea, but he had to admit, he sort of liked it...

  With a few minor adjustments, Jack sent her ship hur­tling off toward the planet Arvada. While she was setting the course, Tisana brought her dinner in the cockpit.

  "Hey, thanks, Tisana," she said, sniffing the plate. "You always were a better cook than me."

  "Must be the herbs," Tisana conceded. Jack's idea of spicing something up was to keep adding salt until even the salt monsters of Norad would consider it inedible, but Tisana's approach to seasoning was more subtle.

  Jack took a bite and sighed. Yes, Tisana could defi­nitely cook! Of course, the way she could just look at something and cook it was a pretty neat trick, too. Hav­ing hot food was always possible whenever Tisana was around—which put Jack in mind of Tisana's other talents. "Say, did you ever find out what Bonnie's dog wanted?"

  "I completely forgot!" Tisana exclaimed. "I hope it wasn't something important! I got caught in the middle of a dispute between an ox and a badger and never got to talk to Kipper at all!"

  "An ox and a badger?" Jack echoed with interest. "What the hell was that about?"

  "Oh, the badger was in the right," Tisana said briskly. "The ox kept trampling his den. Couldn't blame him for biting the ox on the tail."

  "What about Salan's cow?" Jack prompted her. "Did yo
u find out what was bugging her?"

  Tisana's satisfied smile was reply enough, but Jack waited for her to speak. "Didn't need to," she said.

  "And why is that?"

  "Let's just say that there's a time limit on the cow's behavior."

  "Ha! I knew it!" Jack shook her head and lifted a forkful of Tisana's succulent baked fish to her mouth, but paused to add, "You're a dangerous woman to piss off, Tisana."

  Tisana smiled. "I know."


  <*> <*> <*> V V T

  Leo, on the other hand, was never in any danger from his wife and knew exactly how to keep her happy. Having kissed her quite thoroughly after they retired for the night, he wasted no time in implementing Lynx's suggestion.

  "You look tired, my lovely witch," Leo purred. "I think you should... sit down for a while."

  "Sit down?" Tisana echoed. "But I'm already lying down," she pointed out. Seeing the glow in his eyes, she already had some idea as to the "chair" he might be referring to, but asked, "Just where do you want me to sit?"

  "I have the perfect place," he replied, flipping his legs up so that his body resembled a chair with his stiff member pointing invitingly upward while his testicles lay heavily against his buttocks.

  Tisana went from being merely "in the mood" to overcome with desire in the space of a heartbeat. The engorgement of her nipples and clitoris was so abrupt as to border on being painful, and her entire being was soon flooded with need for him.

  "Do you enjoy the view from this perspective?"

  Leo looked good from any angle, but Tisana was forced to admit that this was one of the better ones. His cock went far beyond the usual erotic fantasy, his butt was absolutely perfect, and the way his balls swayed as he moved made her breath catch in her throat.

  "You are not saying anything," he chided.

  Tisana swallowed with some difficulty and croaked: "I'm speechless."

  Smiling, Leo pulsed his dick, causing his balls to slide up inside his scrotum and fluid to run down the shaft in gleaming rivulets that promised even greater levels of ecstasy. "Better?"

  As Tisana watched her husband's coronal fluid run down over his balls, bathing them with moisture, her mind went blank. "Than what?" she gasped.

  "Than anything you've seen before?"

  "Well," she said, doing her best to keep breathing, "I've seen some fabulous things in my life, but this is incredibly, um, profound."

  Needing no further encouragement, Leo beckoned to his wife. "Have a seat."

  Tisana wasn't quite sure how to do it gracefully, but what she did soon had Leo purring louder than ever before. As she backed up to him, he was treated to the enticing view of her lovely posterior as it began its slow descent.

  When his cock kissed her vaginal lips, Tisana felt the head begin to slide over her clitoris and moaned with delight. She loved it when he did that, but this new angle made it that much more... interesting.

  Thanking the gods for a flexible spine, Leo raised up on his elbows, bending nearly double so he wouldn't miss anything, and sent a thought out to the glowstone on the bedside table, enhancing the light.

  Tisana noted the increased level of illumination along with Leo's swift intake of air and chuckled softly. "Can you see me now?"

  "Very well," Leo purred with evident appreciation. He would have given a lot to be able to see all of her— especially her face—which, so far, seemed to be the only disadvantage to this position—and thought that a strate­gically placed mirror would have been a nice touch. But since he didn't have one handy, he had to rely on the sounds she made—which were considerable.

  "How does that feel?" he inquired after one par­ticularly unique moan. "Good? Or would you rather I stop now?"

  Her reply was almost a shout. "No!" Then she real­ized that he would have to stop what he was doing to get inside her. "Yes... no... I don't know..."

  "Itis... profound?"

  Since this was one of her favorite descriptive terms, it had become something of a catchword for the couple. "Oh, yes," she breathed. "Very profound."

  Leo pushed harder, rubbing her clit with his slick, serrated cockhead. "Is this an improvement?"

  An orgasm hit Tisana so hard her head snapped backwards, sending her long, dark hair tumbling down her back.

  "Yes, I believe it is," Leo murmured. He waited a moment for her to recover before trying something else. Grasping her hips, he slid her up and down the length of his hot cock. The lips that caressed him were slick with desire, and he was almost ready to push past them when he remembered how she used to be so reluctant to mate with him because she knew their time together would be short. He used to have to practically beg...

  "Do you want more, Tisana?" he purred.

  Tisana's whole body was on fire. "Mmm, yes," she panted. "Don't stop."

  "Say please."


  Leo laughed wickedly. "Say it again." "Please!"

  Purring with delight, he said, "Are you certain you want more?" "Yes!"

  "How certain?"

  "So certain, I'm going to scream if you don't do something quick!"

  "Ah, threatening me, are you?" Leo teased. "I do not take kindly to threats."

  "Leo!" Tisana said warningly. "If you don't hurry up, I'll—"

  "Shoot a fireball at me?" he suggested.

  The idea had merit, but Tisana didn' t want any part of her beloved Leo singed. Sighing, she said, "Of course not! But would you please keep going? You're making me crazy!"

  "We cannot have that, can we?" Leo lifted her slightly as he snapped his cock upwards. Hoping his aim was true, he then pulled her down hard on his stiff phallus and drilled it into her.

  In the darkness of their own cabin with her beloved Cat, Jack broke off their kiss abruptly, whispering, "What the hell was that?"

  Without a moment's hesitation Cat replied knowl-edgeably, "Tisana."

  "Yes, but—" Jack listened again, quite sure that, at the very least, Tisana was being maimed. Pushing back the blanket that covered them both, she sat up, mutter­ing, "Maybe I'd better check and see—"

  "It was a cry of pleasure," Cat said, catching her by the wrist, "—possibly the result of some... suggestions from Lynx."

  "Well, if you say so," Jack said dubiously. "I've cer­tainly never heard her make a noise like that before."

  "Perhaps not," Cat said. "But you have made such a sound." Chuckling softly, he added, "Many times."

  "Really?" Jack said with surprise. "Must sound dif­ferent when you're doing it yourself."

  "Would you like to test that?" he asked innocently.

  "Sure," Jack said with a shrug. "Why not?"

  Cat pulled her back against his chest and eased her down on his waiting cock. Burying it to the hilt, he wrapped his arms around her, his fingers teasing her sensitive nipples as he nibbled on her ear. Jack sighed with pleasure as his cock began a slow, sinuous dance inside her. "Ah, Jacinth, my love," Cat purred. "With you in my arms, I need nothing more than the air that I breathe."

  "Mmm, Kittycat," she murmured, leaning back against him as she pulled his long hair forward to cas­cade sensuously across her chest. She liked the way it tickled. "You say the sweetest things."

  "Giving you joy is the sweetest thing I can imagine," he said. Curling his hips beneath her, he added an in­ward thrust and felt deep satisfaction with her long, tor­tured groan.

  "And to think I almost left you on Orpheseus," she sighed. "Worst mistake of my life."

  "I would not have let that happen," he said. "I knew you were my mate from the first moment I saw you and breathed in your scent."

  "You were a lot smarter than I was," she admitted.

  "I wanted to know what it would be like to make you moan," he said, using his hands on her hips to add her movement to his own. "To give you so much joy you would—" Jack's shout of rapture stopped him in mid-sentence, and with a smile she couldn't see but could hear in his voice, he added, "—do that. "

  "Whoa!" Jack exclaime
d. "I guess you're right: I do it too." Then she remembered something. "So Leo's been talking to Lynx, huh?"

  "Yes," Cat purred. "Would you like to try some­thing... different?"

  "Well, sure," Jack began, "Bonnie told me some things, too..."

  Cat was no slouch when it came to a challenge and was prepared for the attempt—fully intending to add his own twist to anything Lynx or Bonnie or anyone else might have come up with. "We will do whatever you wish, my lovely master," he replied.


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