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The Sorcerer's Touch

Page 15

by Imogene Nix

  “It was clear he was well born, living in the house on the hill. For all that, though, he couldn’t find and retain staff. After the first couple joined the menagerie, none would serve, so he brought others in from outside the district to care for those who dwelled there. The few girls that got away, well, they were never really sane again.

  “Until that winter, he never approached a married woman. Then one day he summoned me. He’d heard I was a competent cook and he had been preparing for a feast. He’d decided I should be the one to create it.”

  Now the memories were overlaid with the greasy fear she’d felt standing there before the man. “I told him I’d need to talk to my husband. I’d known Etienne would react poorly and hoped to find a way to refuse.

  “It was during that interview that they came. I didn’t know then, but they were vampires, and if I were a dramatic sort, I’d say evil traveled with them. Etienne forbade me to return, and I was pleased with that. He’d decreed I wasn’t to go there, but he feared that more women and girls would be subverted. So he decided he needed help. He traveled to the monastery to seek assistance and I instructed me not to leave our home, which he’d blessed.”

  “Did he come to the house?” Daniel spoke quietly and she nodded.

  “He did. When he crossed the threshold, I thought it was safe. I mean, we’d been told evil couldn’t cross holy water, and I believed the myth. So I thought it would be fine, after all, clearly he wasn’t evil, just…” For a moment, she was lost in the past. The weather had been cooling and the crops had failed. Food had been scarce and the gnaw of her belly was a palpable feeling again. “I decided to accept the work. After all, I’d be safe. I was pregnant and married. He’d never entangled someone like me.”

  He shook his head. “But you weren’t. He wanted you, he’d seen you, then because you didn’t lie down for him—”

  “No. I mean, that’s not quite accurate. The truth was, I was fascinated too, but not in what I’d call normal way. In hindsight, it was seductive. I was with child though, so I ignored what my conscience told me. I told myself he wouldn’t touch me, because I was a preacher’s wife and pregnant. I went to the house and he…” She turned away, unable to see the loathing in his eyes.

  “You shouldn’t turn away from me, Cressida. You took a chance because you honestly thought it was safe. We all make mistakes…”

  “Not ones that cost the lives of your child and your husband!” The shriek was wrenched from her soul as the anger spewed forth. “It was my fault. He bit me, drained me and changed me!”

  Daniel wrapped his arms around her. “And it could have been nothing, just the imaginings of whatever age it was…”

  “Hundreds of years ago. But the child died inside me. I had to birth it knowing it was dead and when I looked upon her face, it was perfect in every way.” Tears burned her frigid skin as her chest heaved.

  “I buried Etienne and left the area. I couldn’t take the chance that anyone would know what I’d become. The child I bore in a hostelry far from my home and it was dead. Because of my foolishness. My pride.”

  She tried to tug away from him but he hauled her back against his chest.

  “You carried this pain within you for hundreds of years, used it to keep everyone at a distance. But now, Cressida, you have to face it. Accept your pain before you can heal.”

  Hot tears poured down her face while she lay there, the pain washing over her. Daniel held her close, let her release the anguish she’d buried for so long. When it was done, she felt spent. Her eyes stung and her chest ached.

  She released the muscles that had tensed during her weeping and allowed him to rub circles on her back. A modicum of wellbeing crept through her, but she realized the truth of Daniel’s words. She needed to tell him everything.

  Before she could speak though, the rattle of his voice echoed in her mind and body. “What did you do…?”

  “I left the child on the steps of a church with her name and the name of her parents. I went back much later, when no one would recognize me. They’d buried her in a baby’s grave. Eventually I arranged for a headstone. It’s still there.” She knew, because she’d bought the land, ensuring it would never be developed.

  “One day, when this is done, we’ll visit it together and you can tell her of the life you lead. How you mourned her for centuries.”

  “But I can’t ever have another.” She breathed the most secret regret. “I mean, I had one chance and made the biggest mistake. I have to live with that knowledge forever.”

  “Would you?”

  “Would I what?”

  “Want another child. Want one with me?” His voice wavered and she felt his uncertainty. It took her a moment to consider his question, and she reached out and grasped his hand.

  “I see what Celina and Javed have, with the children and it…it hurts. Here.” She tugged his hand to the region of her heart.

  “Then we’ll adopt, if you want. When this is over, we’ll investigate it.” The words enticed. They gave her hope.

  But fear, particularly one held close for centuries, needed more than words. “Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.”

  For the first time she saw anger banked in his eyes. “I would never joke about that, Cressida. I’m not hurtful. I love you and all I want to do is bring you pleasure. I want to see your eyes sparkle with happiness. I’ve never seen you truly happy.”

  She swallowed the lump that had taken up position in her throat.

  With a great heaving breath, she gathered her courage. “I love you.” Then Cressida leaned in, kissing him on the mouth as a tiny flicker of warmth grew in her belly.

  Daniel’s body heated and hardened as she pressed her lips to his. “No, Cressida. Not like this.”

  She pulled back and he felt dirty. He knew she was using sex to blot out the memories and promises. She needed to accept that part of her life, as much as she did his love, before they could truly enjoy the promised future. “I love you, but you can’t use me to forget your pain.”

  Her eyes widened and for a moment he wondered if he’d pushed too hard. He’d ached for her as she spoke, marveled at the strength of the beautiful woman in his arms. The way she’d faced life, alone and with buckets of regrets, humbled him.

  “I’m not…” She screwed up her face and he could feel the depth of the hurt that she hid. “I would never use you, Daniel.”

  He sighed, realizing that what he’d hoped to achieve had gone awry. “I don’t mean—”

  “You do.” She slid from his grasp, making her way to the side of the bed before standing. “Please leave me.”

  He stared at her perfect body and face, but there was great anguish in her eyes and that firmed his conviction that he couldn’t leave. Not until she knew that wasn’t what he’d meant. “No.”

  “Leave me.” She gasped.

  The ripple of power stabbed at him and he collapsed backward, taking the full brunt of her anger. “No.” His skin felt as if it were peeling back, and his head ached as if it were about to crack open. He ignored it, knowing that he had to stand his ground. “I told you I’d never leave you. I meant it.” Breathing posed a great problem, with the magic stealing the air in his lungs, but he’d be damned if he would give in now.

  “Why won’t you leave me alone?” Here it came, grief crashing through her defenses as she crumpled to the ground, sobbing, and he cursed himself and the pain he was causing her.

  Daniel moved quickly and dropped down beside her. “Cressida, I love you, but you have to understand, you aren’t just the woman I see now. You are the sum of what you’ve lived through. Every experience formed the one person I want to spend eternity with.”

  “But I caused pain and death. How can you love such a flawed person?” It was a cry from her soul.

  “The heart only sees love, and I see with my heart, dear one.” He held her then, while her shoulders bowed and the tears finally flowed. Before she’d been stoic but controlled, but now that stoicism was
shattered into a million shards and it felt like each was driven into his own heart.

  “Come to bed and let me hold you,” he muttered against her hair, and she gave a tiny nod before moving in tandem with him. He led her to the bed like a child and tugged the covers over her nakedness while the streaks of her tears marred her skin.

  It hurt to watch her suffering the intense pain, but he knew she needed to accept it before she could heal. Here, in their sanctuary, she could be the woman. Here she could heal. Once outside these rooms the warrior and general needed to take ascendency.

  On the other side of the bed, he lifted the covers and slid beneath them before scooting to her side. “Let me hold you, Cressida.”

  She nestled in his embrace, and he thanked every god he could think of that such a vibrant woman, even in the midst of her darkest grief, wanted him.

  He lay there in the darkness for a long time before sleep claimed him.

  * * * *

  She woke, letting awareness sweep over her body. The warmth of Daniel beside her soothed the ragged edges left over from before. At the time she hadn’t wanted to admit to using him as an emotional barrier, but he’d been right. The pressure that had existed in her soul was a little lighter. “It’ll take time.”

  “Huh? Cressida?” Daniel moved, warm and soft against her skin, with an erection that jutted against her hip. Her body responded and heat pulsed through her veins.

  He reached, and without thought, she moved into the embrace. When he kissed her, ripples of excitement skittered.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Oh she could so get used to this. The thought slid away as he caressed her breasts, then flicked the now hard nipples into buds of pure pleasure.

  She moaned as he applied his mouth to her skin, kissing his way across her jaw, taking care to pay extra special care to the juncture of her throat. Cressida arched when the tip of his tongue slid over the sensitive, exposed flesh and streaks of lightning flashed through her mind.

  “How…?” Stringing a sensible thought together was difficult as her nerves sang their pleasure at his ministrations. “How can you,” she panted, “do this to me?”

  Daniel raised his head, his gaze seeing right through to the woman who hid behind the mask. “It’s love.”

  She squeezed her burning eyes shut and when she opened them, stark emotion on his face.

  Cressida rose to her knees, breasts jutting forward as the center of her being melted. “Let me show you my love.” She extended her hand, placing her palm against his warm and hard pectoral muscle, and shoved.

  Once he lay before her, she stripped the white cotton sheet from her body and surveyed the man.

  Firm muscles dipped down to a trim waist and the mass of curly hair at his abdomen couldn’t hide the proud thrust of his cock. Long legs, with just enough muscle to entice, but not enough to be too big.

  He grinned. “So, I take it you like what you see?”

  One long fingertip is all it would take, she thought devilishly. With great care, she reached out and slid the nail down his length, watching as his penis jerked in reaction.

  Daniel hissed and made to move. She stilled him with the palm of her hand thrust against his chest.

  “No, Daniel, this time it’s all about pleasure. Pleasure and love and desire…”

  Returning to the head of his erection, she stilled. Then pressed. Just a little. When she raised her hand she glanced at his face. His eyes were glassy and unfocussed and he breathed more heavily than before.

  “Liked that, did you?”

  She didn’t notice the hand he slowly moved in her direction, lost in the excitement of bedeviling him. When he touched the flesh at her core she moaned and moved against his fingers.

  “As much as you like this.”

  He moved his fingers so slowly she wanted to scream, but instead she bit her lip while he traced the swollen flesh.


  He laughed, and the rumble of his chest ricocheted through her, leaving her a quivering mass of sensation, hungry and unsatisfied.

  She fastened her hand around him, the bulbous head engorged as she gave a single pump. Heard his exhalation.


  This time when she leaned forward he met her halfway, the kiss explosive and her body so alive with hunger. She moved to straighten and as her nipples brushed against his lips, he slid one finger deep within her.

  She gripped his hard cock harder, squeezing rhythmically. Her body was a single flame, dancing as the passion rose between them.

  She arched again, undulating as he tormented her, and the flames licked at her mind.

  “Daniel? I can’t…”

  “Let go, my love. I’ll catch you.”

  She did, her body stilling, then she shattered in his arms, tugged away from reality as instinct took over. The primal cry she gave echoed in the room.

  Blackness filled her, and when it cleared she lay against his chest. “Daniel?”

  He chuckled. “Now that was extraordinary. I’ve never had that effect on anyone.”

  Her thighs quivered as he rolled her over and pushed her against the bedding. With great care, he rose and climbed between her legs.

  “Let’s do that again.” There was devilry and desire in his tone.

  His gaze captured hers as he moved down her body, until his face drew level with her core, still damp while aftershocks of pleasure rippled. She watched, unable to form a coherent thought as he licked and sucked at her. All she could do was react, raising her legs, her feet resting at his shoulders.

  He worked her, lapping and flicking the tight bundle of nerves while arousal spiraled once more.

  “You taste so good.”

  She closed her eyes but the sensations seemed stronger without the other input. He kept up the comments, telepathically.

  “So sweet.”

  The thrill rose again and she reached down. Her hands tangled in his hair as he wrought his magic and when the wave crashed again she screamed, clenching her legs against him.

  Tears leaked from between her tightly closed eyes.

  “I want…” She could barely breathe but determination spurred her on. “Next time, you… I want you inside me.”

  When he rose his face was hard, raw with desire, and she met his kiss. It tasted musky, and when he opened his mind she nearly shattered again. “This is what I see. This is what I feel.”

  In her mind whirling colors spun, a multitude of red and gold hues.

  He settled himself between her thighs and reached out, taking her hands in his grip before he started to slowly push his way deep within her body. “This. I want more of this.”

  When he was firmly seated he stilled. “I need you with me, beside me.” The words stole the last vestiges of thought as love, strong and powerful, filled her.

  “Forever.” As if her words broke the dam he’d created, he moved, urgent thrusts that ripped free everything she had to give.

  The undulations of his hips took on a wild and primal quality as he slammed home again and again while she arched, accepting his body. Loving everything. Each sensation winding her higher.

  “Now!” The final thrust was brutal and pushed them both beyond the precipice.

  Chapter Nine

  Daniel held the blood wine in his hand, watching the swirl as he moved it around and around in the goblet.

  “Are you going to keep playing with that, or drink it?” Samra’s voice held an amused quality.

  “I don’t know.” His mind still had to find some kind of equilibrium after the explosive session with Cressida. It wasn’t so much that he regretted it. How could he? It was more that now he worried she might decide to move on, after he’d forced her to open up and face her demons.

  “Just drink it, Daniel.” Samra’s frustration with his inner ruminations made him laugh.

  “Oh well, I guess if I must.” He tipped the cup to his mouth and let the last of the life-giving liquid dribble down his throat.

  He slid the goblet back to the table, considering what had to come next. Cressida had been adamant that he should be tutored in swordplay and Samra, as the best warrior in the house, had been nominated to spar with him. On any normal day he’d probably enjoy it, but not today, when he wasn’t really working at full capacity. He grasped the grip of the rapier Samra had chosen for today’s lesson, feeling the weight, while he familiarized himself with the weapon.

  “En garde!” His head snapped up as Samra assumed her favored warrior pose, sword ready. She wore black yoga pants with a matching black bandeau top and black cotton slippers, her hair scraped back into an untidy ponytail.

  The first time he’d thought to fight her, she’d worn exactly the same thing. When he’d asked if she was worried she’d be injured, Samra had laughed off his concern. It had only taken a single session to learn why.

  Now she waited, spinning her sword from hand to hand while she watched him. Her eyes focused on him, but he knew she was intensely aware of every move the inches of metal made. Samra was a scary whirlwind of action.

  “Come on, Daniel. I really am starting to become quite impatient.”

  He shook his head, trying to clear the fog that had invaded his brain. “Yeah.”

  He lifted the sword and it wobbled a little, and she laughed. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” She dipped her sword to the floor and he lunged.

  A quick sidestep by Samra and a single foot thrust out as he shot past her had him stumbling into a heap at her feet.

  “Daniel? How many times have I told you not to telegraph your moves? That was so bad…” She shook her head and he reddened.

  Even as he scrambled to his feet, she assumed a listening look, cocking her head to one side. “Bastards. Get your things, Daniel. It’s time to put what you’ve learned into action.”

  Before he could grasp the importance of her words she was gone, running through the doorway. He hurried after her, coming upon scenes of contained chaos.


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