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Wicked Love

Page 12

by Michelle Dare

  The night sky was obscured with dark thunderclouds, and a flash of lightning lit up the dark, mountainous skyline. I could smell the rain before it actually made an appearance.

  He once again pressed my body against the car door and kissed me warm and soft. I melted into his kiss and draped my arms around his neck, becoming even more turned on this time. The rain began to fall more forcefully, soaking my hair and shoulders and dripping onto our faces between kisses. I could actually taste it mixed with his delicious one. He gently broke the kiss and said, “Come on.”

  After grabbing my hand, we ran to the front door of his place and he quickly unlocked the door. Once inside, he locked it up and then pushed me up against the wall. We were soaking wet but it just made it seem sexier. He grabbed both thighs to lift me up and pin me to the wall. Both of my shoes fell to the floor with a plunk, along with my clutch. He plundered my mouth with kisses and I held on to his shoulders tight. I could feel his need for me pressed between my legs and decided it was going to be a very nice, stress-relieving night for me.

  He carried me with my body pressed against his to his bedroom and then dropped me onto the bed. I giggled like a schoolgirl as he reached behind him and stripped off his Henley and tossed it behind him.

  Very nice chest! Smooth and tan with just the right amount of muscle.

  Then, he popped the fly of his leather pants and ran the zipper down. He shimmied out of them as I watched with my teeth digging into my lip. In nothing but dark-blue boxer briefs—that seemed to be stretching at the seams due to his arousal—I grinned at the sight. But he didn’t remove them, much to my disappointment.

  Instead, he leaned down and ran his finger along the seam of my waist before peeling my pants down my hips and legs. He tossed the pants aside and then gazed appreciatively at my thong, running his fingers along my flesh underneath it. Judson pressed his mouth to my mound and groaned after sniffing the outside my panties.

  Total. Fucking. Turn-on.

  In fact, he didn’t even bother removing the red lace panties. Instead, he shoved them aside and began to devour me with his mouth and tongue. It was completely unexpected, causing me to raise my hips off the bed and groan in approval. I raked my fingernails through his hair as his mouth plundered my most sensitive parts. With my eyes rolled back in my head, and my nipples hard as rocks, I cried out as the most intense orgasm rocketed through me.

  Ironically enough, a loud clap of thunder boomed outside in time with the wave of pleasure that had rocked me so intensely. My screams were unabashed, uninhibited, and completely raw. I didn’t care who heard or saw… I just knew that I had never felt anything like that before in my 24 years.

  Judson raised himself from between my legs and finally stripped off his boxer-briefs. His beautiful manhood sprang free and I propped myself up on my elbows and licked my lips appreciatively. After positioning himself in the cradle of my thighs, he leaned down, finally pulled my panties off, grazed a finger over my wetness, and then dragged it up my flat belly. With my shirt still in the way, he shook his head and yanked it off over my head. Of course, I was braless, and I loved how he sucked in a breath of appreciation before licking and sucking my nipples. I was more than ready for another round, so I arched my head back and widened my legs so he could pleasure me once again. Since my fangs had descended earlier. I had to tell myself to keep my mouth closed.

  While his hot, wet tongue devoured my nipples, I reached down and ran my hand over his smooth, perfect hardness and stroked him up and down. He groaned while circling his tongue over my breasts as my thumb used his leakage to wet his thick tip. When he leaned up and stared down into my eyes, I arched my back and widened my legs further in invitation. He didn’t break eye contact as he said, “I have condoms. Do you need me to use one?”

  Vampires couldn’t get pregnant or STDs.

  I shook my head and lied, “No, I’m on the pill. And clean. You?”

  “Of course. I mean, clean. Just not on the pill.” He grinned and plunged his rock-hard silkiness into me.

  “Oh, God, Judson!” I groaned out.

  He moaned loudly as he stretched me and filled me all the way up. There was no comparison to anyone I’d ever been with before. This man was playing his own concert and I was the fucking guitar.

  As he thrust in and out of me, I gripped his back with one hand and his ass with the other. He made quick strokes and then grabbed both my arms and pinned them down. While using his hot, wet mouth to plunder my nipples, he gave each one equal attention. Each suck and lick caused a zing of pleasure to shoot straight to my core. I squeezed him harder with my walls each time he did, which caused him to moan in my ear.

  I’d never been so turned on in my life. I could feel myself getting wetter and more aroused each time he thrust in and sucked. It was almost too much because a sudden wave of pleasure shot through me and I screamed as I gripped his back tightly with my fingers.

  He exploded with a groan at the same time pleasure washed over me. When Judson collapsed on top of me, I swore I saw stars.

  With his breaths fanning over my neck and shoulder, I closed my eyes and let the moment linger. I wasn’t sure why I felt it was important, but I just knew that it was.

  After a few feathery kisses over my neck and cheek, he finally rolled off me. As he landed on his back, he pulled me close to him, causing me to curl into his side, like we fit perfectly that way.

  “That was fucking amazing,” he breathed quietly before kissing the top of my head.

  Who was this guy? I thought I’d be bolting out the door when we were done—with or without killing him first—but that was so far removed now. All I wanted was to lie in his strong, warm arms and stay there forever.

  It was then I knew I had a huge problem. One that would require me to change my entire existence. Not that I hadn’t been used to changes, but this one was going to rock my world far more than my change from human to vampire had ever done.



  Oh. My. God.

  What have I done?

  I’d gone and fell in love with a fucking human.

  Love? What? No. Just no.

  I only was able to stay an hour, as sunrise was coming. As I drove back to the townhouse, I pulled up the rest of the videos Jonas had sent me and watched them at each stoplight. Judson had followed those vamps out… but there was no evidence he’d killed them. So… what was this all for?

  I needed to get to the bottom of this. There was no way I was falling for the very subject I was hired—paid very good money—to kill! That was literal suicide. If Ringo found out I’d slept with this guy and not killed him a la black widow style, I’d be dead meat. Done. Dead. Gonzo. Finito.

  But I wasn’t going to kill him until I had hard proof Judson was killing random vampires. I realized that I didn’t have time to get into a full-blown relationship with this guy if I was planning on killing him. I may have to come clean about what I was and then talk to him to see what was going through his mind. Why he was killing them. Yeah, we knew his sister had been killed by one, but why wipe out the whole vampire population because of it? And was it him doing the killing in the first place?

  I had a lot to think on, but first, sleep. I could see the first tiny bit of light begin to creep over the eastern horizon. I stepped on the gas and headed toward home and my bed.

  I woke up and looked at my watch. It was 5:30 p.m., but it was also October 27. I had four days to shit or get off the pot here. Either kill Judson and get paid, or don’t kill him and not only be ass-out five grand, I’d also have a lot of splainin’ to do. After a shower, I made some coffee and sat at the table in the kitchen. I knew Angie would be home from work soon, so I used the quiet time to watch the videos again.

  They were all relatively the same. Judson, mostly disguised in a hoodie or some kind of goth makeup and black clothes, sits at a bar, nurses a drink, and then watches the vampire for a few minutes. Once the vampire leaves, he follows him out. That was it. No
actual video evidence of any murders. Yet, these vamps had been killed. Admittedly, it did look very suspicious and kind of a no-brainer, so I could see why Ringo put a hit out on him.

  That got me wondering—which vampire actually killed Audrey? I got up and went to my bedroom to retrieve the folder Jonas had given me. I’d already read it but wanted to look again at some things.

  I pulled out the police report and read aloud to myself. “The victim’s brother stated a dirty-looking, young, blond man jumped out at them outside the back of Club Bash and was hissing at them with sharpened teeth and wild eyes. When Audrey Smith ran, the subject gave chase and then Judson Smith followed after them. He found his sister dead in the alley and Officer McElroy of the Denver PD was nearby and heard his screams for help. The victim was found to have several teeth marks and gashes along her neck, and her carotid artery had been torn open. The cause of death was Exsanguination.”

  I looked at the crime scene photos. Gross. Whoever or whatever did this was not in its right mind. It’s very easy to feed and leave the victim not only alive, but healthy and without any memory of their little donation.

  Speaking of… it had been about four days since I’d had any blood. I’d wanted to bite Judson so badly last night but knew I couldn’t blow my cover yet. I only needed to feed about twice a week so picked up my phone and texted one of my donors. Our bite caused a bit of a euphoric high, so we had plenty of donors who gave willingly.

  Me: You busy? I’m hungry.

  Lucy: I’ll be right over.

  Me: See you soon :)

  I put the phone down and began to get ready for the evening.

  Lucy arrived about twenty minutes later. Thankfully, Angie hadn’t come home yet so we sat on the couch. I brought her a glass of milk and a cheese sandwich (her request, yuck). As she ate, I lifted her wrist to my lips, waited for my fangs to descend, and gently pierced them into the big blue vein there. I took a few long pulls and drew her blood into my mouth. Lucy groaned between bites and let out a little shudder. After a few sips, I removed my fangs, licked her wound closed, and wiped my mouth.

  “All done?” she asked, smiling.

  I nodded. “Yes, thank you.” I looked at her thin frame and gaunt cheeks. “Please, finish your food.”

  “I’m not too hungry.” She smiled.

  “I insist.”

  I felt bad enough feeding, even though she was more than willing. I just couldn’t stand to drink the medical blood bags. I mean, I used them when necessary, but straight from the tap was always best.

  Lucy took a few more bites of her sandwich, a long drink from the milk, and then stood up.

  “See you soon. Call me if get hungry again.”

  I thanked her and she left. Feeling re-energized and in a good mood, I picked up my phone to see a text from Judson: You busy tonight?

  I grinned.

  Me: Nope, you playing again at Bash?

  Judson: No, have the night off. Wanna do something fun?

  Me: Sure, what time?

  Judson: Meet me at 7 at the Mile High Flea Market

  What the…

  Me: Why?

  Judson: Just meet me. You’ll see. Unless you want me to pick you up?

  Me: No, I’ll be there.

  Flea Market? What were we doing, shopping? Don’t those things only go on during the day? Since I figured we’d be outdoors, I chose a sweater, jeans, and boots. I put my hair into a high ponytail and put on less makeup than usual.

  I couldn’t believe I was actually going on dates with this guy. What kind of dating rabbit hole had I fallen down?

  I pulled up to the dirt parking lot of the flea market and quickly realized it wasn’t a flea market at all right now.

  It was a haunted house-slash-maze. Awesome. I was 12 years old all over again.

  Judson pulled his motorcycle up next to my car and parked. He opened my door for me, and when I got out, he leaned down and kissed me. It was almost weird, but nice, too.

  “Hope you aren’t scared of haunted houses,” he said, leading me by the hand toward the entrance to buy tickets.

  I stopped and he halted. “What if I am?”

  “I somehow doubt that.” He smiled down at me.

  I glanced over his shoulder at the big, creepy house and the tall bush maze leading up to it. Chewing my lip, I didn’t know how to tell him that yeah, I really didn’t care for those things. No, I hadn’t been to one since becoming a vampire, but the very fact that I was made it worse. I was already on edge most of the time.

  His smile fell. “You’re really scared? Come on, it’s fun. They’re just actors with fake saws and blood and stuff. It’s a little adrenaline rush.”

  I knew all of this, yet, I was afraid my reflexes would make me throat-punch one of the actors or knock someone’s teeth out.

  “What about a drink? That will loosen you up,” he suggested, pulling a flask from the inside pocket of his leather jacket.

  I fucking wish I could get drunk.

  I held a hand up. “I’ll pass, but you feel free.”

  He put the flask back and took both my hands. “I’m sorry, Dani. I thought you’d have fun at something like this. We don’t have to go in. We can go for a late dinner or something. Walk in the park?”

  Knowing I didn’t want to make excuses again for not eating, and that it was too cold for a walk in the park (for him, not me), I gave in. “No, it’s fine, I’ll go in. Just haven’t been to one before.”

  “I’ll hold on to you the whole time. Even if you want to keep your eyes closed.”

  Damn this boy was way too cute and chivalrous. How the heck was I supposed to say no to that?

  “Lead the way,” I replied.



  Maybe vampires really do have more fun?

  This was complete insanity. I was supposed to be grilling this chick for information on the asshole who killed Audrey. Instead, I was going on dates with her. What was happening here?

  I needed information, and for that, I would have to tell her that I knew what she was. Would she lose her shit and kill me? Try to bite me? Or just not care? I wasn’t sure, but what I did know was that it had to be done very carefully. I had to be prepared. She had refused to take a swig of the holy water-laced vodka I’d had in the flask, so that was out. I had watched and read everything I could get my hands on regarding vampires, and the jury was still out on whether or not holy water could hurt them or not. Some of the lore said it only worked on demons. Others, like with Dracula, holy water burned like fire. I just didn’t know, and while I didn’t want to hurt Daniela, I knew if it did burn her, she’d heal quickly. My plan was to “accidentally” splash some on her skin before letting her drink it. But she’d refused my offer—probably because vamps couldn’t get drunk. That much I knew. I watched her drink three bloody marys without even a hint of any tipsiness.

  With her cool hand in mine, I led her across the dirt parking lot and bought us two tickets to the haunted maze that led to the house of horrors.

  “Are you ready?” I asked her.

  She glanced once again at the entrance to the maze, then back to me. “Yeah, I guess.”

  Was this big, bad, fierce vampire girl really scared of a little theatrics? I mean… yeah, haunted houses had definitely upped their game in the past few years, that I wouldn’t deny. I had read about one recently in Tennessee that made you sign a waiver before going in because people were passing out, vomiting, and having heart attacks and shit. Some of the actors were physically harming people. This wasn’t like that. My buddy Adam told me it was pretty adrenaline-fueled, but nothing like being actually harmed.

  I held Daniela’s hand tightly as we started through the maze. Tall, closely cropped shrubs reaching about twelve feet high surrounded us as we slowly walked around several turns. There were signs marked “exit” with arrows showing us which way to go, but around each corner, we both held our breath. After the third turn, a guy looking like some sort of zombie farmer h
olding a shovel jumped out in front of us. His messy, dirty hair and crazed eyes instantly brought me back to the night of Audrey’s attack and I yelled out a curse. Realizing my weakness, I swore under my breath and stepped back.

  Daniela looked up at me with a puzzling look, then back to the crazed farmer. “You all right?”

  I didn’t take my eyes off the actor, who was telling us to get off his farm and out of his maze or he’d take our heads off with the shovel.

  “Yeah, fine,” I muttered, then pushed the vampire girl behind me. “Move,” I said to the actor.

  “Get off my farm, now!” he snarled, something black dribbling from his mouth as he swung the shovel.

  As I went to push past him, he slunk back into the shrubbery, laughing maniacally and threatening to get us next time.

  Resisting an eyeroll, I chuckled and led Daniela through the maze. A few more similar “monsters” popped up to scare us, but we laughed it off.

  A long, dirt road led us to a big, rundown-looking farmhouse and we went to the front door where it instructed us to ring the bell. We pulled a long cord attached to the ceiling and a deep, booming bell chimed. Frankenstein answered the door and told us in a gravelly voice to make our way up the staircase directly ahead of us.

  The stairs creaked in very cliché fashion, and once we reached the top, a witch slowly made her way out of the wall and cackled. She threw some glittery smoke type stuff at us and told us we were cursed. We ignored her and kept walking down a long hallway. A few more surprises—one of a dude swinging a fake ax at us that made Daniela jump into me. He was pretty damn realistic-looking so I didn’t blame her. I held her tight and led her away from him.


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