Book Read Free

Wicked Love

Page 28

by Michelle Dare

  My eyes frantically scan the table. The candles are still lit and fresh. The tarot reader is gone, but a single card lays in front of me: two of cups.

  I throw myself out of my chair.

  “What the hell? This can’t be.” I race out of the back room, slamming into a couple sniffing love potions. “Sorry. Excuse me.” I was just with him. In the tomb. He had to be real. My chest feels heavy. I’m unraveling. I can’t—

  “Dude, there you are!”

  My head whips to the right to find Trudy leaning against a shelf. “How’d it go? You ready to drink a shit ton now?”

  I stare at her, confused. “You’re still here?”

  “Uh…yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Be-Because you left. What time is it? How long was I in there?”

  She stares back at me, her brow raised. “Why would I leave you—?”

  “How long was I in there?” I snap.

  “Geez, chill out. I don’t know, fifteen minutes or so?”

  That’s impossible. I leave her standing there and run toward the exit. When the door opens, I’m forced to shield my eyes from the bright sun. “No…”

  “Hey, are you okay?” Trudy’s next to me, watching me as I stare out into the daytime crowd.

  “No. Something’s off. When I came out, you were gone. You texted me. You said you met someone—”

  I cut myself off and dig for my phone, pulling up the unread message on my screen.

  Trudy: What’s she telling you? Are you going to meet your future husband here? Tell her to hurry up. I need a new drink.

  “No, that is not what I saw. It’s not what I read. It was night. I left and fell. This man…” My mind replays my fall. His strong hands. The club, the rooftop, him naked and powerful. Spreading me—

  “Girl, you’re starting to weird me out. Listen, let’s get out of here. Maybe no more voodoo shops and octane daiquiris for you. Some guy was telling me about this club he recommends a few blocks down. We’re only here for one night. Let’s make the most of it, ’kay?”

  But I’ve already spent my night. With him. “I think…I think that lady put some voodoo spell on me. I swear I was just with this guy.” I shake my head, willing the huge fog in my mind to go away.

  Trudy tugs on my arm, pulling me away from the shop. I’m hesitant to leave. I should go back in and demand to speak to that woman, make her explain the craziness in my head.

  I twist around, staring at the shop sign as we walk onto the busy street. “Oh my god, I love all this live music!” Trudy yells, pulling me into the boisterous crowd, twirling me. She sways her hips as she grabs my other hand and we dance in the street alongside a bunch of strangers. My nerves are shot. This nagging feeling in the back of my head says I’m not crazy, but my current reality leaves me no choice but to accept it wasn’t real.

  “There you go! Shake those hips, girl! Let these guys see what a hottie you are!” Trudy laughs, and we dance. My frazzled mind starts to settle, and with each breath, I push the dream farther into the back of my mind. I allow the music to fill my head, enjoying the rhythmic tone of the saxophone. My hips move to the beat, and I dip my head back and close my eyes, allowing the sun to bask against my skin.

  Suddenly, I’m no longer in the street, but back in the darkness. I’m no longer dancing with Trudy, but Macareus. His hands have me captive, his mouth taking hold of the flesh along my shoulder blade. “You are too sinful for your own good, cherie. Even your skin tastes wicked.” His hands caress their way down my body. Gentle, feather like touches until he’s not gentle anymore. Rough and quick, he pushes my thighs apart and disappears into my jeans. Two thick fingers push inside me.

  “Macareus,” I moan, losing myself to his touch, the madness of his sharp teeth scraping against my neck.

  “Such a delight.” He thrusts into me so hard, my knees give out and I collapse. My eyes shoot open, the sun almost blinding me.

  “Holy shit, are you okay?” Trudy freaks, hovering over me.

  “What…what just happened?”

  “You were dancing and then you just collapsed.”

  I look around. “Where is Macareus?”


  Fighting the dizziness, I sit up. “He was just here. He was dancing with me.” Touching me. “I’m not making him up.” The wetness of my panties confirms I’m not crazy.

  Trudy peers at me, worry settling across her face. “Here, let me help you up.” When I stand, I survey the crowd. People are staring, but I couldn’t care less about them. I stalk out into the crowd, searching for him.

  “Who are you looking for?”

  “Macareus. He was here. Dancing with me.” What’s wrong with me? I fight back the tears. Am I crazy? I grab at my head, needing my mind to clear. That damn tarot reader. She did this to me.

  “Katie, you were dancing alone.”

  “I wasn’t!” I’m creating a scene. More people gather, taking interest in my sudden crazy.

  “Okay, okay! Let’s just…maybe go back to the hotel. Maybe you should lay down—”

  “I’m not crazy, Trudy.”

  “And I’m not saying you are. I’m just telling you what I saw. I’m not sure what’s going on with you all of a sudden, but we can just call it a day—”

  “No. I’m not ruining our trip.” Just because I can’t stop hallucinating. “I’ll be fine.” I brush off all the dirt and muck from my jeans.

  A woman pushing a cart of drinks stops in front of us. “Drinks! Spiked to your pleasure. Drinks! Let the party come to you. Drinks—”

  “Hey, we’ll take four!” Trudy yells, pulling a bunch of cash from her purse. She pays the woman, handing me two. “Bottoms up. To new beginnings.”

  “To new beginnings.” I toss back the first one, then the second right behind. The second one is stronger. I squeeze my eyes shut as the cheap booze burns down my throat. The instant my eyes close, the darkness returns—and so does the overwhelming scent of ambrosia and spice.

  My eyes shoot open, and I’m saved by the light.

  “Yum! Let’s get another round.” Trudy buys four more, and we do a repeat, slamming both shots. When I close my eyes, he returns. He’s standing in front of me, his silver eyes devouring me. I become angry at his intrusion inside my head. I rip my eyes open, the light erasing him.

  This is so messed up.

  “Hey, look!” Trudy points to a sign. “That’s the club the guy from earlier was telling me about!” She grabs my hand and pushes us through the crowd. There’s a long line and she sighs. “Shit. Do you want to wait? I kinda want to see what it’s all about.”

  I groan at the line, a good thirty people deep. I’m about to convince her to try another club when a man wearing a masquerade mask approaches us.

  “Ladies, if this place fits your fancy, please let me welcome you inside. No waiting required. My pleasure. And free of charge.”

  Trudy’s eyes light up. “Seriously?”

  The man nods. “Of course, madame. May I fancy your presence?”

  Trudy looks at me, full smile, then back at the man. “Sure! Fancy us inside!”

  He nods once more and escorts us past the line. When we enter through another set of velvet drapes, the darkness settles in around me.

  “Hey, I need to go to the bathroom. I’ll meet you by the bar. And when I do, we are getting insanely drunk.” She smacks my ass and blows me a kiss before disappearing down a long, narrow hallway.

  I walk toward the bar, excusing myself past a couple making out. The club is dark, but unlike the one Macareus took me to, this one doesn’t require your identity to be hidden behind masks or have a stage with two women luring me in. Hello! That was all in your head! Thank God. Going to keep it to myself about my temptation to have a threesome with two women.

  The music playing is a nineties hip hop beat as I make my way up to the bar. An open spot calls my name, and I squeeze in, waiting my turn for the bartender’s attention. The four shots are starting to kick in, and I’m
feeling more at ease. My hips sway to the beat, while my fingers tap on the bar.

  “Hey, did you want me to grab the bartender?”

  I bring my attention to the guy sitting next to me. Blonde. Great smile. Seems harmless. The stool on the other side of me opens, so I take a seat and twist to face him. “Um…sure, thanks.” There’s a twinkle of satisfaction in his eyes. He nods, waiving down the bartender.

  “Joe, can I get…” He turns to me.

  “Two lemon drop martinis, please.” He eyes me, probably wondering if he just ordered for me and my date. “It’s for my girlfriend. She’s in the bathroom.” The relief across his face makes me chuckle.

  “Phew. I was going to say. Not that I mind ordering you and your possible date a drink… You’re gorgeous, and I thought…well, I’m Vince.”

  I return his quirky smile and reach out to shake his hand. “Katie.”

  His hand feels nice. Gentle. Friendly. We pull apart, and he shies away, taking a sip of his drink. “I see you enjoy nineties music as much as I do. It’s hard to find it around here. This place is a great spot for it.”

  He’s right about the music. No matter what era we’re in, you can never go wrong with a solid nineties playlist. “Yeah, I actually love this song.” The bartender breaks up our simple conversation, placing two martinis on the counter. I reach for my wallet, and Vince waves his hand.

  “On me. Please.”

  I nod, offering him a sweet smile in thanks.

  “So, local? Visiting? What brings you in?”

  I shrug, taking a sip of my drink, moaning at how delicious it is. “Wow, that’s good.”

  “Best drinks on this block.”

  I can’t help but take another sip before answering his original question. When I place the martini glass back on the bar to face him, I freeze.

  “Everything okay?”


  He’s there. Sitting on the opposite side of Vince.

  You are not real.

  You are not real.

  “Oh…uh…yeah. Fine.” He’s looking at me, waiting for a response. My lips fight to move, words struggling to form as not real Macareus watches me from over his shoulder. I breathe deep and shake off the chills running down my arms. “Um…visiting. Just here for the day. And you?”

  He answers, but I don’t hear a word he says. I’m too transfixed on the man next to him. The way he sits, tall and threatening, like a regal knight ready to slay. His finger taps on the bar, voiding out all other sounds around me. His eyes gleam with sinister intent. His lips curve down into a vicious frown and it stirs up the emotions from the tomb. You’re not real. You’re just in my head. My body is humming from the drugs. Not—

  “…do you want to?”

  “Huh?” I bring my attention back to Vince.

  “Do you want to dance?”

  I want to say no. I want to fall back into my dream and have Macareus pull me into his arms, whispering dirty things to me. I want him to explain why he’s haunting me in my thoughts and convince me he’s real—that I’m not crazy. The way my body is buzzing with need for him to touch me again cannot be just in my head.

  But he doesn’t move.

  He sits there, allowing Vince to place his hand on my thigh, touching me the way I only want him to. Snap out of it, Katie. He’s not real. As soon as the drugs wear off, I’ll realize that and come to my senses.

  “You know what, sure! Let’s dance.” I ignore the possessive glower from behind him and focus on Vince’s broad smile—and the fact that he’s real.

  “Great!” He reaches for his glass, bringing it to his lips. When he takes a sip, the glass shatters in his hand. “Jesus!” He holds his hand back, blood seeping from his palm. “What the hell?” He stands, inspecting his palm, touching his mouth to see if he cut his lip.

  “Oh my god, are you okay?” I stand with him, reaching for a napkin.

  “Yeah. Strange. Excuse me. I’m going to go to the restroom and clean up.” I follow his silhouette until he disappears behind a velvet drape.

  Dance with me.

  My head snaps back as his voice resonates in my mind. Macareus’s accent seeps into my veins as I inhale the scent of ambrosia and spice. I twist, barely enough room to adjust myself, when I’m suddenly chest to chest with him.

  “Why are you doing this? Who are you?” My hands ache to touch him. Convince myself he’s standing in front of me. Slap him for the havoc he’s creating inside my head and body. He doesn’t answer me, and I become angry at the way my body reacts to him. My skin vibrates with a need he’s created—this temptation to be bad and wild. A pool forms between my legs as my eyes drop to his lips, remembering his mouth on me.

  He reaches out, engulfing me in his grip, and I allow it. He guides us to the dancefloor. Even if I want to fight, tell him no, I no longer have control of my body. I’ve become lost in his trance, submitting to him.

  My arms wrap around his neck while his take hold of my hips. There’s barely a hairsbreadth between us as we move to the music. While everyone else dances to a fast beat, it’s as if we hear a different rhythm, slow and meticulous. I find myself brushing up on him, slowly grinding against his thigh. His hands grip my ass, encouraging my bold behavior. I would never be so blatant, but I can’t stop myself. His presence causes my own possessive side to break free. I want to claw at his clothes and bite at his skin, claiming him as my own.

  “Are you forgetting I’m the lion, cherie?” he hums in my ear, his breath a much-needed coolant to my overheated cheeks.

  I grab at his hair, gripping hard, needing him to know he doesn’t intimidate me. Real or not. “Maybe I’m trying to tell you I’m the lion.” I tug his head down, fusing my lips to his. I kiss him with an intensity, showing him two can play this game. He’s hard as stone against me, and I fight not to run my fingers down his chest, into his slacks and feel the thickness of his cock. I rub against him again, feeling myself slip. I’m losing at my own game, my legs trembling with need. I kiss him harder. He breaks the barrier of our lips, taking my mouth wholly, our tongues doing their own kind of sexual dance.

  A hasty moan breaks from my lips when I realize his hand is inside my jeans. “Fierce, yet so vulnerable, cherie. Your arousal gives you away. The sweet scent hungers me. My teeth ache to bite every part of your skin, taste your sweetness against my mouth. Would you stop me if I took you right here?” A thick finger spreads me open, and I soak his hand with my arousal.

  “People would see.”

  “They would.” He pushes inside me. “They would burn with jealousy.”

  I’m not even sure I’m standing on my own. I’ve since stopped dancing as I ride his hand. My eyes are closed, but I see everything. He continues to sway as I once again become lost in him. This consuming urge becomes too much, and I snap.

  “Fuck me. I don’t care where we are. Who sees.” I fall apart in his arms, desperate to feel him inside me again. All of him. Spreading me wide. “Please…”

  The floor below me rumbles, and my back hits a wall. We’re in a secluded corner, no one but us in sight. I’m not sure how we got here, but I don’t care. I’m done asking questions I know I won’t get the answers to.

  His mouth breaks from mine, feathering slow, soothing kisses down my neck. I hate how gentle he’s being. How relaxed he is while my entire body is wound tight like a spring.

  I pull at his hair and use my tongue to kiss at the exposed skin of his unbuttoned shirt. Without care, I drop my hands and claw at his shirt, snapping off a button, revealing more of his chiseled chest. His deep growl causes my nipples to harden, driving me to take more. I need more.

  “Use your claws, kitten. Take what belongs to you.” He pulls his hand from my pants, leaving me aching even worse.

  I lift my eyes to his, a fire lit behind his silver gaze. “And do you belong to me?” I ask.

  “I’ve marked your soul. Claimed you in a way you may never understand. You belong to me. Take me as you will, cherie. Do your worst.
I will return the favor.”

  Any sort of willpower dissipates. I transform into this fierce feline, ready to tear through every layer of him until I feel him all around me.

  “Stop talking and fuck me. I want you to fuck me hard.” He’s already grabbing my hips, his hold burning into my skin. I’m lifted and placed on top of a speaker box, the vibrations of the base an added sensation to my already throbbing sex. He works to remove my jeans, no shame that I’m suddenly bare to anyone who can see. My head tilts back as he spreads my legs and disappears between my thighs. His tongue is cool and perfect against my hot flesh. He licks at my arousal, sucking me into his mouth. “Harder. I want more,” I urge. My legs widen. My hands disappear into his hair, pushing and pulling as I ride his mouth. My vision starts to blur as my orgasm hits its peak. He takes no pity on me, biting at me, sucking hard. I bite my lip as stars form. My body jolts, bringing on a second wave, when he bites my inner thigh. The pain transforms into pleasure as he latches onto my other side, breaking skin.

  “Fuck…” I cry. My legs tremble. My sex throbs for more.

  “Greedy little cunt you have. Still unsated and thirsty for more.”

  I don’t know how he does it, but I don’t care. In a flash, he has me whipped around, my body bent over the speaker. I hold my breath, waiting for what’s to come, surprised when his lips press against my butt cheek. His teeth graze until I yelp as he nips at my skin. One after another, he marks my body with his lips, his teeth, his feral words.

  “I am ruining you, cherie. You will belong to no one but me.” He fists my hair, pulling, forcing me to look at him. “You can’t take this back. I’ve branded you. Your soul will ache for me for eternity.” He’s hard and thick against my bare ass. I inhale a deep breath as he thrusts inside me. I scream in pleasure, pushing against him. He’s slick. Like marble sliding into me, hitting the deepness of my sex. This time, he’s not gentle, nor meticulous. Gone is the patient man who holds all the cards. In his place is my lion, charging at me with full force, threatening to break me in two.


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