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Santa Wore Leathers

Page 6

by Vonnie Davis

  “About which was more important. Your feminine pull on me or my feelings toward reporters.”

  She worried her lower lip. “Wolf, I’m not thure I’m ready for anything. Ethpethally right before the holidayth.” She wasn’t looking forward to them after all the pain of last year’s solitary existence.

  He pivoted on the ball of his foot and slung one forearm over a muscular thigh. “You’re dreading them, aren’t you? You’re welcome to join in on all the celebrations with me and my family. You’ll have a good time. I promise.”

  “I already mithed your caroling night. How did it go?” She had stood at her window watching them all pile into their vehicles, laughing and teasing each other and, once more, felt on the perimeter of happiness.

  A wide smile spread. “Went great. Two old geezers fell in love with Megan and tried to hit on her.” He laughed. “The look on her face.” He shook his head. “I wish you’d come along and join us for the rest of our celebrations.”

  The doorbell rang and Einstein raced to it, barking.

  Wolf stood and looked at her. “No pressure. No obligation. I just hate the thought of you being alone during Christmas and New Year’s.”

  On Wolf’s command, Einstein returned to her side. After settling up with the delivery person, he carried in a large pizza box and a six-pack of beer, setting them on the coffee table. “My lady, dinner is served.” He flipped back the lid and the aromas of onions, green peppers, sausage and pepperoni filled her living room.

  “Lookth great.” Her stomach growled. “I’ll get plateth and napkinth.” She stood and Wolf’s hands settled at her waist. Her insides did a twitchy thing at his touch.

  He tilted his head. “You’re not dizzy, are you? I’m still concerned you might have a slight concussion.”

  “No. I’m fine.” She shook her head twice and the room spun slightly. Waiting for her world to stop twirling, she focused on the dimple that blinked with his smile. What would it feel like to dip the tip of her tongue into the delicious little crevice? Girl, don’t even go there.

  Once she returned with their utensils, she sat and shoved pillows behind her back.

  Wolf settled on the floor across from her. “I’m starved. This has to serve as late lunch and dinner. I helped Cassie decorate her beauty shop after I put up my latest addition out in the yard. Did you see the bear? Wendy Anne found him in a Goodwill store.”

  Yes, and she should have left it there. “Why tho many decorationth?”

  He snapped off a top on one of the beers and handed it to her. “Mom was always crazy about Christmas. Guess I got it from her. Plus, after I left the SEALs to make a home for my sisters, things like decorating for the holidays became a fun thing for us. We’d go overboard, each of us trying to outdo the other.” He opened his beer and took a long drag, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

  Becca sipped, pretending not to gawk. What was wrong with her? Since when did a man swallowing beer turn into such a sensual sight? She had the strangest urge to open her mouth over his windpipe, just to explore every nuance of movement with her tongue. My God, I must have a concussion. I’ve gone insane.

  “Easy on the beer. We don’t know if your stomach can handle a lot of liquid and food just yet.”

  “You juth want the whole pitha for yourthelf.” She feigned annoyance as she placed a slice on her plate. There was too much attraction ricocheting through her system for this man, and to her shock it was growing at breathtaking speed. She was ensnared in a vortex of feelings, swirling and pulling her down for the count.

  She didn’t want to be attracted. She feared it. Yet, part of her was drawn to him. Perhaps it was his devotion to family and how he took his obligations to them so seriously. If only her dad and Tommy Ray had been half the men Wolf was in that regard. The man sitting across from her could be funny and caring, yet damned annoying. She’d do better to focus on the latter.

  “The family is doing Christmas at my place this year. Usually Jace and Wendy Anne have it at their house, but I’m afraid of overtaxing the little momma.”

  “You’re very protective.” She bit into her pizza slice, enjoying the pull of cheese and slurping it in with her tongue.

  Wolf stared at her for a beat or two, his brown eyes darkening. “God, you can even make eating pizza sexy.”

  She laughed. “What? What did I do?” The heat of a blush warmed her cheeks.

  He shook his head and brought his second slice of pizza to his mouth, devouring half of it in one bite. Einstein laid his muzzle on Wolf’s thigh and whined.

  Hell, I’d whine, too, if I was lying across his massive thigh.

  The object of her lust tugged a piece of pepperoni off the remaining portion of his slice and fed it to Einstein.

  “Are you thtill playing Thanta thith weekend?” The thought of him dressed in a padded suit pulled at the corners of her mouth. How kissable would he be in a white beard and mustache?

  His head bobbed. “Ready as I’ll ever be. The ride is always fun. Getting people to donate toys for needy kids is a damn fine cause. No kid should do without, especially at Christmas.”

  “I know. You thould thee the toyth on my dining-room table. I can’t wait for the ride. My Ninja wath in the garage getting a new tranthmiththon. I wath afraid it wouldn’t be done in time.”

  He speared her with a glare, his beer bottle stopped halfway to his mouth. “You’re not driving. If you insist on going, you can ride with me. But you’re not getting on that crotch rocket so soon after hitting your head.”

  She slapped her pizza crust into the box. “Ith your hearing bad? ’Cauth if you thought I athked for your permithion, you damn well need it thecked.”

  His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed. “No, I don’t need my hearing thecked. But you’ll need that fine ass of yours smacked if you try riding your bike in the next few days. For all we know, you might have a slight concussion.”

  “You keep thaying that. I’m fine.” Who the hell did he think he was? Her keeper? Her master? Her…her…“I do not have a concuthon.” Well, she did have that urge a few moments ago to taste his Adam’s apple, but that wasn’t so gawd-awful weird, was it?

  Sensing her displeasure, Einstein jumped on the sofa beside her and she petted him.

  “Don’t fight me on this, sweetheart. Would riding on the back of my Harley be such a hardship?”

  “I won’t be bothed around. I’m my own woman. No man tellth me what to do.”

  He upended his beer and drained it. “God, I thought once I got the girls raised, I wouldn’t have to hear this damn song and dance again. I’m only trying to look out for your welfare.” With his dark gaze focused on her, he slid another slice of pizza on his plate. “Is it so horrible I don’t want anything bad to happen to you?”

  Well, when he put it that way…Riding with her arms wrapped around his waist wouldn’t be such a hardship. It would serve him right if she dressed up as one of Santa’s elves. Now, there’s a thought. “Okay.”

  His sexy-as-hell smile creased his face. “You’ll ride me?” He blinked and blushed. “I meant you’ll ride with me?”

  She grabbed another slice of pizza and ate. Best to just let all that riding business alone.

  Once they were through eating, Wolf gathered the empty box, bottles and dishes and carried them to her kitchen. When he returned, he settled on the sofa next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. “I thought I’d get a little dessert before I finish those shelves.”

  Her mind flew over her inventory in the kitchen. “I’ve got ith cream.”

  His fingers trailed up her neck, and all her female parts took notice, just like they did every time he touched her. “Ice cream has its appeal, but it doesn’t measure up to your soft skin.” He tilted his head and pressed his lips to her neck, working his way up to the sweet spot behind her ear. She angled her head so he could reach it better.

  “I’m glad we got that dating thing settled.” He bit her ear and her breathing hitched.

; “What…” she swallowed. “What dating thing?”

  His teeth grazed her jawline and she wanted to whimper. Chills tap-danced across her skin and her nipples all but pirouetted.

  “You and me.” He breathed more warm kisses across her neck, and strong arms banded around her as he enveloped her in his potency.

  “I…I didn’t know we were dating.”

  He bit gently on her earlobe and then soothed it with his tongue. “Really?” He splayed his large hand between her breasts. “Didn’t your heart tell you?”

  Honest to Pete, the man had more moves and lines than the Miami Dolphins. She wouldn’t be so easily swayed, no matter how he affected her—and he did affect her. “You’ve done a one eighty thinth your birthday party.”

  “That I have. I think you charmed me with all your scowls and attitude.” He pressed his face to her neck, and his shoulders shook with laughter.

  She punched his bicep. “You fool.”

  “That’s what scares me. I could be a fool for you so easily.” He stood and went back to assembling the shelves.

  While he worked, they chatted about her going to college and his going into the Navy. He shared bits and pieces about his SEAL training. Before long, the shelves were completed. “Where do you want them?”

  “Againth that thmall wall to the right of the dethk.”

  “You got it.”

  The muscles bunched across his back as he lifted the unit and positioned it in the center, just like she wanted. “Perfect.”

  “Will you fill this big thing with books or family pictures?”

  “Bookth and my collection of butterflieth.”

  “You like butterflies, huh? Cassie collects angels. Jenna’s really into sewing, so she collects antique thimbles. April likes cat figurines.”

  “What do you collect?”

  A slow badass smile spread. “Harleys…and grumpy women.”

  Chapter 8

  Wolf gathered the box and shipping materials from the shelves and carried them outside to the dumpster at the corner of their street. He took Einstein along for his walk. When he got back, Becca was upstairs and the shower was running.

  If he knew her better, he’d join her. His gaze swept up the steps. She’d never forgive him if he pushed things between them. Better to keep to their original plan. He’d pick out a DVD while she got out of her blood-splattered sweatshirt and showered.

  “Come on, Einstein. Help me pick out a good movie.” He crouched in front of her entertainment unit and perused her DVD titles. “Bet all she’s got are chick flicks. Hello…” He pulled a collection from the bottom shelf. “She’s got the Bourne series. It’s been a while since I’ve watched them.”

  He had The Bourne Identity queued up when Becca came down the steps. She wore yellow sleep shorts with blue frogs and a matching blue tank top. Her eyes were starting to color with bruising. “How’s your head?” He glanced at his watch. “You could probably take a couple more Tylenol.”

  “I took thom already.” She pressed fingertips to her forehead. “Hurth.”

  He placed his hands on her shoulders and slid them up and down her bare arms. God, she had soft skin. “You want me to go home so you can call it an early night?” If she sent him home, he’d only worry about her. She seemed a little unsteady on her feet. “How about if we snuggle on the sofa? I’ll rub your back to help you relax.”

  She looked at him as if he’d suggested the impossible. “You’d do that?”

  “Sure.” He sat and removed his boots before sprawling on the sofa, positioning pillows behind his head so he could watch the movie. “Come here. Lay on top of me.”

  “On top of you?” A blush kissed her cheeks and desire punched his gut. For all her grumpiness, she charmed him. Hell, she’d done more than that; she’d burrowed herself into his mind. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Somewhere along the way a fierce protectiveness had sprouted and grown.

  She twisted the hem of her sleep shirt. “I might be too heavy.”

  “Nonsense.” He patted his chest and waited. “I guarantee you’ll feel better.” I’ll hurt like hell with you so close and yet untouchable, but I have a need to take care of you. And I’m not even going to try to analyze that.

  She pressed her knee into the edge of the sofa and straddled him. He held his arms out and she snuggled against his chest. Once he’d enveloped her, he exhaled a long, shaky breath. While his intentions were honorable, his cock was a sneaky bastard. That appendage was getting ideas, getting ready to rear its ugly head. He chuckled at his own sick joke.

  “What?” She leaned her forearms into his chest and stared at him. God he loved the expressiveness of her eyes. Like, right now, curiosity sparked in them.

  He shook his head. “Sweetheart, you do not want to know.” His cock, though, wanted to join in the fun and started to grow. “Ah…just ignore that.” Shit.

  “Oh.” She wiggled against him and smiled.

  He gritted his teeth. “Becca. Have a heart. I’m trying to be good here.”

  To his surprise, she giggled. What a delightful sound. When she rubbed against him again, he growled. She had him fully aroused now.

  His hand slid down the curve of her back and cupped her ass, pulling her even closer to increase the painful friction, something that hurt so dammed much he welcomed it. His other hand slid into her damp hair and fisted. Her minty breath floated over his face and her eyes widened.

  He issued his warning. “If you don’t behave, you’ll be going down the dark side, broken nose or not. Now lie still, dammit.” Sweat beaded on his forehead. He wanted her so badly, even his molars ached.

  She tilted her head. “Dark thide? Are you into kink, Dan Wolford?”

  Why did he feel as if he were being interviewed? “What I’m into at this particular moment is some serious lust. Now behave.”

  Golden flecks glowed in her hazel eyes. She trailed a finger down his jaw and the side of his neck. “Awl, ith the big bad Wolf afraid of the little wounded theep?” She was clearly in teasing mode. And damn if her temporary lisp wasn’t as appealing as hell.

  He rolled, tucking her under him. “There’s an old German saying: He who makes himself a sheep will be eaten by the wolves.”

  “Oh, and will you eat me?” A vibrant blush stained her cheeks as the full implication of her words sunk in. She pinched her eyes shut and winced.

  Her embarrassment charmed him and the thought of tasting her hardened him even more, if that were possible. “That could be arranged, sweetheart, when your head isn’t pounding.” He bit her jaw and soothed it with his tongue. His fingers slipped under her sleep shirt and feathered a trail across her warm, satin skin. “I don’t want you to be in any discomfort when I make love to you. I’ll want you focused on me, not a damn headache.”

  She tugged on his T-shirt and slipped her small hand under it to rub against his side. “You think I’ll allow you to make love to me?”

  He kissed her lips in a tentative move, trying his best not to bump her nose. “A man lives to hope.” He gave what he hoped was his most disarming smile.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for you.” Her fingers moved across his chest and found his nipple. She toyed with it and he nearly lost all rational thought.

  “You’re playing with me, right?”

  A smile tugged at her lips. “On the other hand, maybe I’m jutht a wolf in theep’th clothing.” She waggled her eyebrows and giggled.

  Well, look at her; she’s got a sense of humor. Why does she keep it hidden? He kissed her beneath her ear and enjoyed her intake of breath, her shiver of awareness. “I read somewhere that a wolf gives his opinion and rests on it. He renders service where there is no reward. He resides in solitude as if things don’t affect him. Not because he has no feelings, but because he has too much.”

  “Do you feel too muth? What thingth or people do you feel too muth for?”

  Her hazel eyes regarded him and her hand covered the bulge of his pecs. There was a famili
arity to her contact. Odd, since she’d never touched him before. Yet, his soul recognized it, reveled in it and bathed in its sustenance. Fear did a freefall over his spirit. Dear God, I’m falling in love with her.

  “All this talk must be getting to your headache.” His arm banded around her, he shifted onto his back, taking her with him so she once more laid sprawled over him. Remote in hand, he turned the volume on low. “Is that too loud?”

  “No.” She snuggled closer, smelling of vanilla and lilacs.

  He slowly stroked a hand up and down her back. God, she felt good against him. Her hand remained over his heart, almost as if she knew she owned it. He rubbed his cheek across her hair and sighed in contentment.

  The next thing he knew, credits were rolling on the screen. Becca’s long legs were draped over his hips. His hand curled around her thigh while the fingers of his other hand were woven into her long red hair. Her gentle breathing was muffled against his neck. Einstein was sprawled across his feet. Wolf was cocooned with flesh, both human and canine. It wasn’t such a bad thing. In fact, it felt damn good. It felt like home.


  Sunlight streaming through the bay window woke Becca. Why was she in her living room? Why was her sofa snoring? Who had a hand tucked under her sleep shorts, curled around her bare ass? Her mind jarred awake. Crap! I’m lying on Wolf. Did we sleep here all night?

  Had she overslept? She glanced at the clock on her desk and exhaled in relief. Seven oh nine. The first of her two interviews wasn’t scheduled until ten. What about the man lying beneath her? Did he have someplace he had to be? Einstein nudged her elbow and whined.

  She moved slowly, hoping she wouldn’t wake her surprise overnight guest. As soon as she had the sliding glass door in her dining room opened a foot, Einstein bolted outside, across her deck and into the yard. He ran for his favorite palm tree and bid it a wet good morning before racing around the yard twice, sniffing his domain for intruding monsters. Once he was sure his backyard was secure, her guard dog raced back inside.

  “Want some kibble, baby?” She snapped her fingers and he followed her into the kitchen. After filling one bowl with food, she rinsed his water bowl, scooped out a handful of ice cubes from the ice maker and added fresh water.


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