Book Read Free

An Opportunity Seized

Page 9

by Donna Gallagher

Jason was stunned! He nearly didn’t see the hand Grimaldi held out to him. The man wants to shake my hand—wonder if he’d feel the same way if he knew what other things I’ve done to his daughter. Jason accepted Grimaldi’s outstretched offering.

  “Nice to meet you, sir,” Jason said as they shook hands. At least he’s got a firm grip. “You have my personal guarantee. Toni is my top priority. No one is hurting her on my watch.”

  This is not the way my dad behaves. What the hell is going on? Toni couldn’t believe the way her father had hugged her. She couldn’t actually remember the last time he’d even touched her, let alone nearly crushed her ribs with the force of his embrace.

  And now he was shaking Jason’s hands like they were friends. Frank Grimaldi hardly ever shook hands with anyone. Toni could remember a time, at some dinner party somewhere, when her father had left the Prime Minister hanging. Yet here he was pumping fists with her Jason. Of course her father was unaware of her relationship with the man he’d just begged to keep his daughter safe.

  “Good to hear, Jason… That certainly is good to hear. Antoinette, come let your mother see you. She has been as worried as I.”

  Toni was beginning to think she’d been transported to some kind of twilight zone. Her mother was in the office? She never came here. “Mother is here?” she blurted out.

  Still finding it hard to imagine, she took off in the direction of her father’s inner sanctum to see for herself. She burst through the door and there indeed, Toni found her mother, Eva, sitting in one of the big leather chairs that were scattered about the room. Owner and CEO of Grimaldi Holdings, Frank Grimaldi’s office was a huge area that took up more than half the entire floor. “Hello, Mother.” Toni noticed it took her mother a considerable amount of effort to get to her feet as she rose slowly from the chair. “Mum, what’s wrong? They told me you didn’t get hurt in the accident.”

  “Of course they did, dear. I didn’t want you to worry when you were so far away. It’s nothing really, bruised ribs and spleen from the seatbelt more than anything,” Toni’s mother explained as she patted Toni on the arm. “I will be fine, even better now I know you are home safely.”

  This was getting really eerie—her parents were acting just like Toni had dreamed on many occasions they might. But this time it was no dream. Jason must be thinking I’m a liar, whinging and moaning about how horrible my parents are to me. Seriously, have I gone mad or something? Am I dreaming this whole thing—Jason, the holiday, all this drama? Only one way to find out… Toni pinched her own arm with her thumb and index finger. “Ouch!”

  Jason pulled her hand away from her arm. “What are you doing, luv?” he asked, his voice full of concern.

  “Just checking I’m awake. Nothing to worry about, Jason, just had a bit of a twilight zone moment.”

  “Why don’t we all sit down,” her father said. “I heard you ask Charles to bring you some coffee. He should be here soon. There are some things we need to discuss, unfortunately.”

  Toni, her mother and father sat. Jason remained standing beside the office doorway. Toni was just about to call him over, include him in the discussion that was about to take place, when her father beat her to it.

  “Mr. Beck, please join us, have some coffee. You need to be part of this discussion as well.”

  Toni wasn’t sure who was more shocked by the offer, her or Jason.

  Now they were all seated, Toni’s father began to fill her in on what was happening at Grimaldi Holdings and the Cardona Mine, and, more important to Toni, what was being planned to help care for the families involved in the disaster at the mine site.

  Chapter Twelve

  Up to this point in his life, Jason had thought he had a concept of how the other half lived. He’d been wrong. Now having experienced life in the first-class section of a plane, standing on the floor that housed Grimaldi’s office in the building the man owned, and now seeing the mansion the family lived in—all in the space of one day—made his head spin. It was pure opulence. He could not even imagine the amount of money that would be needed to achieve such excess. It made the divide that he was sure existed between him and Toni even harder to ignore.

  “So this is where you spend your nights,” he muttered as he took in the size of her bedroom, a floor space that would encompass his own home twice.

  “Yep. Pretty hideous, isn’t it? I had nothing to do with the gaudy décor. That was all Mum,” Toni replied. “I just never could be bothered arguing with her about it. It does have a nice big bed, though,” she added with a smile that made Jason’s insides quiver. “Wanna try it out?”

  “Don’t tease me, luv. Just the mention of you and bed has me thinking dirty, wicked thoughts. But this is your father’s house—what if someone walks in? How do you think he will feel about me and you—?”

  “Stop right there, Jason,” Toni cut in, her hands pushed against his chest. “I don’t care what my father thinks. It has been one hell of a day, and I need to feel your arms around me. I want the touch of your body next to mine, reminding me that some things in my life are the same as they were yesterday. Please don’t push me away. I can see it in your face that you are uncomfortable with what my family has. I don’t care about any of it. I never have. Don’t you see that?”

  Jason could not deny Toni or himself any longer. He swept her up in his arms. “I’m trying, baby. I really am. I think my fragile male ego is finding it all hard to deal with,” he said, trying to make light of his concerns as he carried her to the bed. “One thing I do know is I want to touch you, have wanted to get you naked and sprawled out on a bed since the moment I saw you all dressed up for me back in London. It seems like a lifetime ago.”

  He’d hardly lowered Toni to her bed before she was up on her knees, her fingers moving frantically as she tried to undo his belt buckle. He covered her hands with his own. “Let’s make a deal. I’ll ditch my clothes if you take care of yours. Last one naked is at the other’s mercy.” The words were barely out of his mouth before Toni was scrambling to get out of her top.

  Jason couldn’t decide if he wanted to win this bet or not. Usually he took the dominant role in any sexual encounter—it was just in his nature to stay in control—but everything about Toni had Jason tied up on knots. She made him feel things he’d never experienced before, emotions so unexplainable they churned up his guts, made his heart feel like it was about to explode inside his chest. That was even before his dick entered into the equation.

  Jason levered off his boots one by one then stripped out of his clothes, before leaving the discarded items in a heap on the floor. He crawled toward her on the bed. “You are so fucking hot, Toni. I lose my mind whenever I even think of you naked, but nothing compares to seeing you that way. I just gotta get me a taste of that sweet honey of yours. Spread those legs, sugar, and let me feast on that warm, sweet cunt.” Jason hoped the crudeness of his words didn’t offend Toni. If we’re going to try to build on this, there’s no point hiding who I am or how hot seeing her naked gets me.

  As he buried his head between her thighs and swiped his tongue along her wet opening Jason realized he’d had no reason for concern. Toni was just as hot for him as he was for her. He could taste how his words had affected her. The rich, exotic tang of her arousal filled his mouth as he drank it in. Looking up over the curve of her stomach, he could see she was enjoying him tongue-fucking her cunt by the pleasure that shone in her heavy-lidded eyes.

  “I’m so close… Pl…ea…se,” she cried out, her voice a breathless stammer.

  Jason plunged two fingers into her pussy, curling them so he could tease behind her clit as he pressed his tongue flat onto the sensitive nub. He built her up over and over again before stopping at the last moment, not giving her the chance to fall. His mouth was dripping with her arousal as he continued the sensual assault on her body. His cock and balls ached with the need to be inside her but Jason was determined to keep Toni on the edge for as long as he could so that when she did explode, it wou
ld be the best orgasm of her life—one he hoped would ruin her for any other man, his efforts and his love for her never to be outdone.

  He was trying to send her insane. Toni didn’t know whether to cry or demand that Jason give her the relief she craved, but it felt so good. Each time he built her up, teased her with the promise of an orgasm before denying her at the final hurdle, Toni thought she would scream, convinced that the torment would be too much for her to bear. Until his wicked tongue and magical fingers would again begin to move and she would be teetering up on the edge of that sweet abyss once more.

  “No more, Jason, please. I can’t take any more.”

  Jason must have heard the desperation in her voice. This time as Toni began her ascent he did not stop. Waves of pleasure rocketed through her pussy, her nipples contracted, tiny stars formed before her eyes. The sensations went on for so long Toni thought she would never recover. It was delicious.

  “Worth the wait, I hope, luv?”

  Toni heard the teasing note in Jason’s question. She didn’t care that she’d had to beg him, more than once for the orgasm that had just rocked her world. It had been worth it.

  “Mmmm,” she mewled. “I guess so.”

  “Just admit it, honey. That’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had.”

  He sounded cocky, but Toni couldn’t fault him. It was the best orgasm of her life. And considering that Jason had also delivered Toni her second, third and fourth best orgasms he did have a lot to crow about.

  “I admit it… You are a sex God and I’m the luckiest woman around,” she replied, trying to keep a straight face. Toni couldn’t, however, stop the giggle that escaped her lips when Jason nodded in agreement.

  “How’s that ego doing?” she finally asked when her fit of the giggles ceased.

  “Ego is just fine, but my cock…now that’s another story. Up on your hands and knees, woman. This is going to be hard and fast.”

  Jason lifted her into position. It was like she weighed no more than a feather the way he manhandled her and Toni loved it. The sensation as he entered her from behind, primitive, dominant—she was under his control. Jason crouched over her as he drove his cock into her. It was all she could do to keep her hips in the air. Toni dropped her head down to the bed and enjoyed the carnal ride. Jason strummed her clit with just the right amount of pressure to bring her to the edge again. “You’re coming with me, luv,” he whispered in her ear, his voice strained, breathless.

  She didn’t think it was possible, not after the force and potency of her last orgasm, but before she knew it Toni’s body was soaring again.

  “C’mere, luv,” Jason said, as he positioned Toni snuggly into the curve of his side, his arm around her waist and his hand splayed out over her tummy. ”We need to get some shut-eye.”

  That’s how they remained until the next morning.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He was fucking Toni on a beach, the white sand warm against his back as he plunged his cock in and out of her pussy. Toni was sitting on top of him, her bountiful tits bobbing up and down in sync with the rhythm of their thrusts. The bleating noise in the background was annoying him, though, distracting Jason from the pleasure he was experiencing. Getting louder.

  “Answer your phone, Jason,” a voice said from beside him as he felt an elbow poke his ribs.

  The dream faded away, much to his disappointment, as Jason realized Toni was the owner of the voice, and she was lying beside him, her leg flung over his own. More disconcerting, though, was that Jason realized he was still in Toni’s bed.

  Having found his pants and recovered his phone from the pocket, Jason answered the call. The irritating bleating noise ceased. Toni made a sighing noise and snuggled into her pillow—it was a beautiful sight and one Jason thought he could get used to seeing each morning for as long as he lived.

  “Beck,” he finally managed to squawk.

  “Well, hello there, sleepyhead, I hope I haven’t interrupted your beauty sleep.” The sound of Nathan Haven’s voice attracted Jason’s full attention immediately. Shit. He’d forgotten all about reporting in last night. What the hell time is it now anyway? He looked around Toni’s room for a clock or some way of determining how long he and Toni had been sleeping. Jason could see through the gap in the curtain that it was daylight outside.

  “Nathan,” he replied trying to sound normal.

  “I guess you’ve caught up on sleep now. Not feeling any effects of jet lag, buddy?” Nathan enquired, his voice sounding way too friendly for Jason’s liking. Nathan Haven was usually blunt and to the point when he called. Even though he and Jason had a history and were close friends, their telephone conversations were rarely chatty. Neither man worried about the usual pleasantries when dealing with the other, so Jason knew something was up.

  “I got some sleep,” he replied non-committally.

  “Yes, so I heard. Frank Grimaldi’s exact words were and I quote, ‘My daughter and your best man must be very worn out—neither stirred when I went to call them for dinner. In fact they seemed very comfortable in each other’s arms and I haven’t seen so much of my daughter since the day she was born.’” Nathan paused, obviously giving Jason time to absorb the full meaning of his words. “I actually wrote it down exactly as he told me, so I didn’t forget anything he said. What the fuck are you doing, Jason? Not only are you banging the man’s daughter under his own roof but it’s not like you to miss the sound of someone sneaking into a room. What if it had been the fucking un-sub?”

  Nathan had been roaring so loud by the time he’d finished his rant that Jason had moved the phone away from his ear but he hadn’t missed a word.

  What the hell was he going to do now? How would he face Frank Grimaldi? Jason was still old-fashioned enough in his beliefs that he understood it was disrespectful to fuck a man’s daughter under his own roof—unless you intended to put a ring on the finger of the man’s daughter. I could offer to do that—tell Grimaldi I want to marry Toni. Yeah, he’s gonna love that option. That’s if I even get the chance before he gets me thrown off his property. Maybe if Toni and I speak to him together, explain how we feel about each other? That line of thought was quickly quashed when Jason realized Toni had never even told him she loved him. It wasn’t like she was going to agree to marry him just so he didn’t feel guilty about her father knowing they’d slept together.

  “You still there, Beck?”

  Once again the sound of Nathan Haven’s voice recaptured the attention of Jason’s wandering mind.

  “Yeah, I’m still here,” Jason replied a little more sheepishly.

  “Well, why don’t you and the little missus get your butts out of bed and join us all in the breakfast room. Can’t believe this place has a room set up just for breakfast. Oh and, Jason, don’t forget to put some clothes on first.”

  Jason did not miss Nathan’s emphasis on the word ‘all’. It looked like he was about to face the firing squad. “Right. We’ll be down in five,” he told his boss before adding, “I’m not surprised, Nate, the house is big enough to eat a meal in a different room every day for a week, maybe more.”

  After Jason had disconnected the call, he woke Toni.

  “Honey, time to wake up, luv. We need to get down to the breakfast room. Everyone is waiting for us.”

  Toni opened her eyes slowly. Jason could see she was digesting what he had just said and by the way she hurled herself up from the bed, he guessed that she understood.

  “Who is waiting for us, Jason? And who was that on the phone?”

  Jason didn’t hesitate to answer Toni’s quick-fired inquisition. Usually he bristled up when a woman got demanding or too inquisitive. Toni was different.

  “Nathan called to let me know our presence was required and also to point out that I’m losing my touch. Apparently I missed your father’s visit to your room last night. Not much of a bodyguard if I don’t hear someone enter the room—or leave it again.”

  It was really worrying Jason that he’d
not heard Frank enter. He usually slept so lightly that the slightest noise stirred him, but last night he’d been dead to the world. Nathan was right—if it had been the maniac who’d sent Toni the explosive parcel he might have done her some real harm before Jason had had the chance to stop him. The knowledge did not sit well with him. Maybe I need to step aside, let someone else take over. I couldn’t bear the thought of Toni getting hurt, let alone on my watch.

  The sound of Toni laughing interrupted Jason’s thoughts—he hadn’t been expecting that reaction from her. Maybe she didn’t understand what he had said, that her father had caught them in bed together?

  Toni could not stop laughing—the look on Jason’s face was priceless. Her big, strong protector—the man who had made love to her for hours last night, his touch inciting responses in her that no man would ever be able to reproduce—was terrified to face her dad. He really didn’t get it. She did not care what her father thought. Her parents could go jump if they had any negative opinion about her choices. This was the new and improved Toni. She wasn’t going to let her parents get in the way of what she wanted anymore. And Toni wanted Jason. Her biggest fear was not her mother or father. It was learning Jason’s true feelings for her.

  “Don’t look so worried, Jason.” Toni thought it was time to put Jason out of his misery, and time to let him know how deeply she wanted them to be together. There was also the important fact that she had fallen in love with him to disclose. Better to know now before I start a fight with my folks over him. I need to know for sure that there is something worth fighting for here.

  “I don’t care what my family think about us, good or bad. I love you, Jason. Everything else is irrelevant—the money, this house, the company. I don’t need any of it to be happy. I have my job teaching and I hope I have you as well. That is all I need.” There, she’d said it. She’d stood up for what she wanted and strangely, Toni didn’t feel nervous. She felt calm and strong as she waited for Jason to reply. The fact that she’d been stark naked as she’d made her declaration had not even registered.


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