Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 8

by Pam Funke

  CHAPTER twenty

  General Alexander Ludlow sat down in his recliner. He had just sent his secretary, Maya Gillespie, home for the day. It feels good to not have Maya around the office snooping for a change. Perhaps I should send her home early a few days every week. I kind of like the peacefulness. He swiveled the chair around so that he could see out of the window. All was calm outside. He pulled the lever on the side of the chair to recline it and lay there watching the birds flying back and forth, thinking about the mission. Alexander didn’t know all of the details yet, but he was pretty pumped up about it. His eyes drooped as he watched a beautiful white crane land on the lawn in front of headquarters. A few minutes later, he was sleeping soundly.

  Alexander was walking down a lonely desert road. He was clothed in shorts, a wife beater shirt, and sandals. He looked down at the clothes confused. Whose clothes are these? He stopped for a moment to gain his bearings. He did not recognize the desert that he was currently in. Where am I? He looked around at the beautiful scenery before him. If only I had my camera, I could get some beautiful shots. Oh well, I wonder what time it is. He looked down at his left wrist, but his watch was not there. Where is it? He checked his other wrist; no watch. Strange. He dug into the cargo pockets of his shorts and pulled out: binoculars, a map, pen, piece of string and a small notepad. Still no watch. What’s with all this stuff? Am I on a mission? I’m dressed highly unusual for a mission.

  He unfolded the map to look at it. Why on earth am I in the Judean Desert? How did I even get to the Middle East? I’m so confused. He looked around himself at the terrain of the land to locate where he was on the map. If he walked 2 kilometers to the west, he would be able to see the city of Jerusalem, Israel. Perhaps, someone, there would be able to help him to return home. He folded the map and returned it to his pocket. He opened the notepad to jot down a few observations only to discover that the book was filled with what looked like numerous coordinates. Now he really was confused. What’s going on? Puzzled, he returned the notepad to his pocket and continued walking down the dirt road. The road continued to wind through the desert towards the Transjordanian Plateau. The walk up the side of the plateau was long and tiring. He had to stop a few times in order to catch his breath. At least, Jerusalem is not much further. I wonder where everyone is. I hope I get there soon. The heat from the sun is almost unbearable. I am so thirsty. A little shade would be nice too.

  Twenty minutes later he reached the top of the plateau and was surprised to find a beautiful olive tree growing next to a small stream. How odd? Shouldn’t you be down in the valley? He kneeled down at the stream and dipped a finger into the cool water. He allowed a single drop of water to fall on his tongue. Good, it’s not contaminated. He cupped his hands together and filled them with water. His body drank the water hungrily. The water tasted so good. It was unlike anything he had ever tasted. So pure. He drank until he was no longer thirsty. He next plucked some of the olives from the branches of the tree and sat down in the shade of the tree to enjoy them. This is turning out to be a pleasant day—even though I have no clue as to how I got here.

  A few minutes later, he nearly wet himself as a shadow floated across his vision. I’ve let myself be caught off-guard. This is not good. Somehow he did not feel threatened by the man standing before him. The man was frowning and staring at him intently. Alexander was getting ready to speak when the man spoke.

  “Alexander Ludlow. Why do you condemn The Master so?” he asked.

  “Excuse me. I do not even know who you are. How could I possibly be condemning your master?”

  “Come, I have something to show you.”

  He held out his hand offering to help Alexander to his feet. Alexander ignored the offer and stood up cautiously. The man walked him to the edge of the ridge.

  “Look there,” the man said pointing towards Jerusalem.

  As Alexander looked where the man was pointing, he saw huge plumes of smoke rising from the city. Strange, that smoke wasn’t there before. He cringed in horror as fire seemed to continuously rain from the sky on the city. He could hear the screams of the people in agony. The inhuman sound unnerved him. He closed his eyes and willed it away. The man laid his hand on Alexander’s shoulder.

  “Come. I have more to show you,” the man said.

  Alexander opened his eyes and wished that he hadn’t. He had been in warzones before, but none such as this. Unarmed civilians were being gunned down in the streets. Military vehicles, tanks, and amphibious vehicles were swarming the streets. He watched in horror as a man was gunned down trying to flee his home with his children. The soldier was merciless as he gunned down the children as well. The man saluted Alexander and continued down the street. Huh? Why did he do that? I am not part of this horror scene. He looked down at his clothing. He was no longer wearing the sandals, shorts, and shirt. He was standing there in his full uniform. He looked closely at the patch on the next soldier’s arm as he went passed him. Is that my command? Who sent us here to do such cruelty?

  He looked around himself quickly. Where was the enemy? There didn’t appear to be one; only an unarmed, peaceful town. Alexander felt guilty by what was taking place. He turned to talk to the man, but he was no longer there.

  “Where did he go?” Alexander pondered. I need to get out of this place.

  He turned and headed for a vehicle idling a couple of feet away. He glanced into the vehicle at the driver behind the wheel.

  “Where to sir?” the soldier asked.

  “Anywhere but here,” Alexander replied.

  “Excuse me, sir. Do you wish to withdraw the units from the city?” the soldier asked confused.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m not even supposed to be here. I need to return home.”

  “You wish to go AWOL, sir?”

  Alexander looked at him. Was this really happening? Was this enlisted soldier trying to dictate what the General could and could not do? Alexander stood his ground.

  “I will not be AWOL, private. Now, please drive me to the nearest airport,” Alexander said firmly.

  “The only way you will leave this place, sir is in a body bag,” the soldier replied pointing his M16A2 at the General.

  Alexander’s face paled. This can’t be happening. It can’t be.

  “Do you know who you are talking to private?” Alexander asked.

  “Yes. I am talking to a liver bellied, gut fish. Get in the car sir and do it slowly. I am a sharpshooter and will not miss.”

  Alexander slowly started backing away from the vehicle. That man is crazy. I’ll see to it that he is court-martialed when he returns to the States. It was definitely a mistake walking to this vehicle unarmed. It wasn’t just a mistake, it was just plain stupid!

  “I thought I told you to get into the car, sir.” The soldier got out of the vehicle and walked swiftly over to the General. “You have no idea what you have done, do you? Well, I am condemning you as you have condemned God’s people.” The soldier didn’t hesitate as he pulled the trigger.

  Alexander watched in horror as the bullet slowly spiraled out of the barrel of the weapon and traveled through the air towards him. He tried to move to get out of the way, but he was paralyzed with fear. All he could do was keep his eyes fixated on the bullet traveling through the air towards his brain. When the bullet was less than an inch away from his left eye socket, Alexander fell out of the recliner onto the floor of his office. His body was trembling and sweating profusely. He checked himself; he was okay. He slowly got up from the floor and looked around. It took a moment for him to realize where he was. It had all been a horrible dream. Thank goodness. Maybe it’s a warning that I should not be participating in this mission. He didn’t know.

  He gathered his things together and headed home for a while. He had to see his wife, Mae. That dream had terrified him more than he’d ever been before.

  CHAPTER twenty-one

  Halle stopped at the grocer to purchase milk, eggs, and a gallon of worl
d class chocolate ice cream before heading home. On a whim, she stopped by the local sub shop and picked up a family-sized Italian sub. She wasn’t in the mood to cook dinner. She was still disappointed that she had not been able to confer with Bishop Williams. She enjoyed her private bible study lessons with him. She was even more disappointed that there had been no church service tonight. Church was the one thing in her life she looked forward to. She hoped nothing bad had happened to her friends.

  When she arrived home, Richard was sitting at the kitchen table eating a TV dinner. His travel bag was at his feet. She looked at the bag curiously as she put the grocery bag and sub down on the counter. She turned to face her husband.

  “Where are you going? Surely our little fight earlier wasn’t enough to make you want to leave?” she asked a little puzzled.

  “No. I just have some business to take care of in Georgia. I will be back soon.”

  “Do you really have to go? Why don’t you wait while I pack a bag? I will go with you.”

  “No, I have to leave right now!”

  Halle was hurt. She turned away and slowly unwrapped the sub she’d brought home. She cut off a small piece and walked over to the table to eat. She refused to look at Richard or allow him to see her cry. Why does he treat me so? What’s happened to him? She sat staring at her plate, her hair covering her face. Richard looked back at her but said nothing. He really didn‘t want her to come with him. He wasn‘t sure why, but he knew this was something that he had to do alone. Besides, he didn‘t want her to get hurt. He still wasn‘t sure what it was that he had to do when he got to Fort Stewart. He did know she most certainly would not approve of the gun he had in the van. No, it was most certainly better that she stay here. He started to walk out of the kitchen, but thought better of it and walked over and stood next to Halle.

  “I love you dear,” he said quickly as he kissed her on the cheek and walked through the kitchen and out of the door. He went quickly to the van. Richard knew Halle was watching him and waiting for him to turn back and wave. He didn‘t want to give her a chance to try to talk him out of this, so he just kept walking. He glanced back at Halle as he started the van and backed out of the driveway.

  “Lord please take care of him,” Halle said sadly as she watched her husband pull out of the driveway. What has gotten into that man? Why is he really going to Georgia? We don’t know anyone that lives there; at least, no one that I am aware of. Why has he been so mean to me? She just didn’t understand him anymore. She went back to the kitchen and put the groceries away. She didn’t much feel like talking to anyone right now and decided to call the Bishop in the morning. She headed upstairs to bed, sad and lonely.

  CHAPTER twenty-two

  As Richard drove south on Interstate 95, he began to feel a little guilty about the way he had treated his wife. Twice he thought about turning the van around and going home to make things right. But, each time he talked himself out of it and kept going. He decided Halle could wait until he was finished at Fort Stewart. If he would be returning home that is. He still had no clue as to what he needed to do there that was so important.

  Part of him wished that he had allowed Halle to come with him, just so he wouldn’t have to be alone. But, he knew that if he had he would have to listen to all her God nonsense and he was really tired of arguing about it. He really was not ready to hear all that mess. He did not even know why anything about God got him so angry anyway. It all seemed really odd to him. Besides, he wasn’t sure what he would be doing when he got to Georgia and whatever it was he didn’t want Halle to be involved. He didn’t think that it was going to be something Halle would approve of. At least, how could it be, it required him to have the gun in the glove compartment. Nothing good could come of having that gun. Richard yawned and rubbed his eyes. He needed to get some sleep before he wrapped the van around a tree or something.

  He pulled over at a Motel Suites just outside of Raleigh, North Carolina to get some sleep. Tomorrow he would finish the drive down. He hoped to have a dreamless night as he could not bear having another dream like the one he’d had earlier. Everything would be alright tomorrow. At least, he hoped so. He would worry about tomorrow when tomorrow came.

  “Goodnight Halle. I really do love you, dear,” he said as he laid his head on the pillow and drifted off to sleep. No one but the empty room heard him. He hadn’t even bothered to call his wife to let her know that he was alright.

  CHAPTER twenty-three

  Richard tossed and turned in his sleep. He just wasn’t getting the rest he needed. After about fifteen minutes, but what seemed like hours, he woke up in a cold sweat. He sat up on the side of the bed his body trembling. Why the sleeplessness? He got up and used the bathroom then washed his hands and splashed cold water on his face. He glanced at himself in the mirror, he didn’t look so well. He leaned over the sink and just stood there for a moment. He felt completely drained, but he didn’t know why. Richard walked over to the chair and put his pants and shirt back on. Perhaps a cold drink and a midnight snack will help. He grabbed some change off of the dresser and walked down to the vending machines, selecting a caffeine free soda and a bag of chips. Grabbing the items he took them back to his room. He sat in the room eating the chips, but it wasn’t helping.

  Opening the soda he walked out onto the balcony and lied down on the lounge chair. He glanced up at the stars. It is such a beautiful night; so peaceful and quiet. Maybe that was it. It is too quiet here. Not enough noise for me. The stars are incredible. As he was watching the light of an airplane move across the sky, his eyes started to droop as he finally fell asleep.

  He was walking down a road in the desert. Although Richard was walking alone, he didn’t really feel alone. He glanced around himself but didn’t see anyone. Where am I? He started walking again. It was so peaceful and quiet. It was a nice cool night. He kind of liked it.

  “Hello Richard,” a voice said startling him. He turned in the direction of the voice, a man he’d never seen before was walking next to him. Now where did he come from?

  “Do I know you?” Richard asked.

  “I Am has sent me. Be careful Richard for you are walking towards the camp of the enemy of God! Put on the full armor of God before entering the camp of the wicked one for he is prowling the earth like a lion seeking whom he can devour. That includes you as well, Richard. To accomplish His will you will need to seek ye first the kingdom of God. He loves you, Richard—He loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for you and on the third day rise again and sitteth forever more on the right hand of God. You are going to need God, Richard especially through the journey at hand. You cannot do this alone,” the man pleaded.

  Richard stood there staring at the man. What in the heck did the man mean by all that? Richard was confused.

  “What do you want from me?” Richard yelled.

  But the man was gone and Richard was all alone. He walked over to a large boulder and sat down. Just what am I supposed to do now? Who was that man? What does God want with me? I thought He didn’t even exist. Why did God send someone to me? Why me? What did he mean I was entering the camp of the wicked one? Richard wished his mother were here, she’d know what to do. She always did.

  He held his head in his hands. It was so quiet here. No traffic, no noise, no people. Where is everyone? Is this a dream or is it real? He wasn’t so sure, especially since everything seemed so real. He watched a gecko slowly walking across the black top. He hoped that the little thing would make it across the road before a vehicle came by and crushed the poor little thing. The gecko was taking its time as if it didn’t have a care in the world. He was getting ready to go and pick it up out of the road when he noticed a garter snake slithering towards him on the side of the road a little further up the road. When it was within two feet of the rock it suddenly turned into a green mamba, the world’s most deadliest snake.

  Okay, this has got to be a dream. Wake up Richard, wake up now! Richard was terrified as the poisono
us snake raced towards him. He pulled his body completely up on top of the boulder; there was no possible way that he could get away from the snake for it was too quick for him. What am I to do now? Somebody, please help me. Upon reaching the boulder the snake coiled back to attack him. Richard kept still, his heart racing. He didn’t know what else to do.

  “Please God, help me!” he suddenly called out.

  A moment later as Richard expected to die; the snake was completely devoured by the gecko. Richard blinked at the gecko amazed.

  “How was that even possible?” Richard whispered.

  “All things are possible for God, Richard. Nothing is too great or too small for the Master,” Richard’s mother said smiling.

  “Momma? Is that really you?”

  Tears streamed down Richard’s face. His mother walked over to him and hugged him.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” Richard said as he wrapped his arms around his mom and held her tight. He never wanted to let her go.


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