Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 9

by Pam Funke

  “It has been a long time my son. What’s happened to you? How did you get yourself in this place? I did not raise you this way. Why have you turned your back on God? He loves you Richard more than you’ll ever understand and so do I! What about Halle? You are supposed to be taking care of her physically, mentally and spiritually! Richard, I want to see you again someday, but unless you accept Jesus and change your ways that will never happen. You have to live for God, baby boy. That’s so very important!”

  A single tear streamed down her face. “If you don’t change Richard and return home to your first love, I will never see you again. Please get right with God.”

  She let go of her son and looked at him sadly.

  “I’m sorry, momma. I really am. I will do better, I promise!”

  “Remember my son, seek ye first the kingdom of God.”

  Without another word she turned and walked away.

  “Wait! Momma, please wait! Don’t go yet, please.”

  She turned and smiled at Richard and waved. “I love you! Never forget that, Richard,” she said and was gone.

  Richard stood there with tears streaming down his face. Oh, how he had missed his momma. She had been dead since he was 15 years old. It was so good to see her again and he didn’t want the moment to end so quickly. He was feeling a little guilty about having disappointed her.

  “What do you want from me?” he yelled throwing his hands up. He looked up to the heavens and fell to his knees and sobbed. He closed his eyes and let the tears flow.

  When Richard opened his eyes again, he was appalled to find himself kneeling on the floor of the hotel room with tears steadily flowing down his face. It was unmanly and his father would have been ashamed of him. What on earth is wrong with me? He didn’t remember the dream that he’d just had. He got up and washed his face before finishing his soda. He lay on the bed and turned on the television. He started to change the channel when the news forecast caught his attention.

  “Palestine is petitioning the UN today for the right to become a state. This will be a wonderful development for the Palestinian people. It will mean a more stable and free country. However, there are those who are demanding that the UN deny this request; the United States being one of them. There are people here that are questioning the United States’ motives. More with this story as it progresses.

  On another note, closer to home a city official in California has been targeting Christian gatherings. Bible study groups that have been held in the homes of various people have been fined $500 or more and threatened with jail time if they persist. The community is outraged by this. Does the constitution not offer freedom of religion? What’s next? Targeting children’s play groups, Boy Scout, and Girl Scout troop meetings, family reunions? Where will it all end? Isn’t it bad enough that we have removed God from our schools and our places of employment? Now our homes are being attacked. Where will it all end? Where will it stop? This is James Callahan, ICNN news. Good night everyone.”


  General Alexander Ludlow glanced out of his office window located at Ft. Stewart, GA. It was a beautiful winter day in the south, but he knew more than likely he would not be enjoying it. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue without a single cloud in sight. It was actually rather warm outside, the mid 70’s. It feels more like spring than winter. He placed his palms on the window enjoying the warmth felt through the glass.

  He hoped that the group would arrive soon; he was a very busy man. Alexander desperately wanted to get this meeting over with. He was and wasn’t looking forward to initiating Operation Dark Angel.

  Why I ever got involved in all this I will never know. He also knew that it was too late to change his mind, he knew way too much. Something or someone had been tugging at his heart lately. Something kept telling him not to go through with this mission, but he chose to ignore it.

  “Forget I ever thought about backing out. They would kill me if they knew that I was even considering it,” he said to himself.

  CHAPTER twenty-four

  Halle was so lonely after her husband left. She still could not understand why Richard had left the way that he did. She was growing more and more worried about him. He had been gone for a week now and she still had not heard from him whatsoever. This was very unlike him. Whenever Richard had gone on business trips before she had always heard from him the moment he stopped at a hotel and then twice daily when he was at his destination. She was so afraid that something was wrong. Should she file a missing person report?

  “Lord, Richard has been gone on his journey for a week now. Only You know where he is and what he is doing. Something about this whole thing does not feel right to me, Father. If Richard is not out there doing your will Lord, then please place it in his heart to do your will in the situation that he is in. Watch over him, Father and keep him safe. Lord, please tell him to call me so I know that he is okay. Thank you, Father. In Jesus’ Holy name. Amen. Amen. Amen,” Halle prayed.

  Little did Halle know that her husband Richard was going to need a whole lot of prayer in the coming weeks.


  Richard Smith was driving down Interstate 95 and had just crossed the South Carolina/Georgia state line. Traffic was heavy as usual. Richard wondered how much further he had to go. He had the windows rolled down and was enjoying the warm, spring-like day. He still had no idea of why he needed to be down here. But he felt that it was important nonetheless.

  “Richard,” the voice called out. Huh? What was that?

  “Richard!” the voice called more insistently.

  “Who’s calling me?” Richard said looking in the rear-view mirror to make sure that he was in the vehicle alone. He was.

  “Richard, I want you to get off at the Richmond Hill exit, and find a hotel to stay in until I call you,” the voice replied.


  “And Richard? You are not to contact anyone! Am I clear?”

  “Can I not, at least, call my wife to let her know that I am okay? She’ll be worried.”

  “No Richard! I said no one!”

  Richard still did not like the fact that he had been so mean to his wife before he had left. He also did not like not being able to apologize to her. In a small way he really did miss her; even the annoying, pestering and whining about her church stuff.

  He soon saw the exit for Richmond Hill, Georgia and moved over to the right lane to get off the freeway. He saw a Motel Suites and decided that was as good a hotel as any and pulled into the parking lot. At least, this place has a swimming pool. He had not been swimming for some time. He decided to check into a room and hit the pool for a while.

  The room was pretty small, which was normal for a hotel room. It consisted of one queen size bed, a night stand, a lamp, one chair and a table on which stood a small refrigerator, microwave oven, phone, and television. There was also a bathroom with a shower and toilet. Well, at least, I do not have to eat out all the time. Richard changed into a pair of shorts to swim in, grabbed a towel and started out the door. He stopped just inside the doorway, turned around and stood to stare at the phone. What the heck. It’s just a voice anyway. How will it know if I just make a quick phone call to Halle? He closed the door and walked back over to the phone. He glanced down at the phone and stood with his hand hovering over the phone.

  “Besides, what can a voice do to me?” Richard said out loud. And with that, he picked up the phone and called home.

  “Halle?” Richard asked.

  “Richard, is that you? Are you okay, dear? Where are you? Why haven’t you called? I’ve been so worried about you.”

  “Listen, Halle, I’m fine. I’m sorry that I didn’t call sooner, but I promise to call you when I can okay? I am in Georgia at a hotel and everything is fine so quit your worrying.”

  “When will you be coming home, dear? I miss you.”

  Richard sighed. He knew the questions were coming and he really wasn’t in the mood for answering them.

  “I hav
e to go now Halle, so you take care. You hear me?”

  “Why? You haven’t even really been on the phone long. Don’t you want to talk to me?”

  Halle felt as though Richard were keeping something from her though she had no idea what it was. Is he having an affair? Is there someone else? She hoped that wasn’t what he was keeping from her.

  “Richard? Is there something else that you want to tell me? Is there someone else?” She was afraid of what the answer would be.

  “What on earth are you talking about, Halle? No, there is no one else, just you. Stop letting those people put these crazy ideas into your head! Now, I really do have to go. I love you.”

  He hung up the phone before she could reply. Halle just stood there looking at the phone in her hand. She hung up the receiver and went into the living room to sit down. She was completely stunned.

  Richard changed his mind. He was no longer in the mood for a swim. He decided to take a nap instead. He lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling. Maybe it had been a mistake to call Halle. Well, there was nothing he could do about it now.

  “Don’t cry over spilled milk, as momma used to say,” Richard muttered before closing his eyes.

  Richard suddenly felt as though someone had just sat down next to him on the bed. He tried to open his eyes, but he could not. All he could see was complete darkness—he felt as though he were blind. What’s going on? He tried to sit up but felt a great weight pressing down on his chest holding him there. Something weird and strange was going on. He then felt as though he had left his body behind. He didn’t feel the great weight on him anymore. He could now see, but he wished that he couldn’t. He did not like the horrible sight before him. Please let this be a dream.


  Halle suddenly felt a deep desire to pray for Richard. Oh Richard, what have you gotten yourself into? She felt as though his immortal soul was in peril. She quickly fell to her knees and said a prayer for him.

  CHAPTER twenty-five

  Richard was in a place of desolation. It looked like a great pit. There were greyish looking rocks and huge boulders everywhere. He did not see any other people there. Off in the distance, he could see what looked like a miniature volcano erupting, but he really did not think that was what it was. In fact, he was sure of it. This place feels…..what’s the word—evil. Richard was very afraid and he felt very lonely. He felt as though there was a heavy weight on his heart and was filled with great sadness. Everything he had ever done wrong came rushing through his mind. As each thing flashed through his mind the pit he was in grew deeper and deeper. It was as though he were being judged by the things that he had done throughout his life. He started hearing what sounded like a lot of people crying as if at a funeral.

  He felt so alone. He heard harsh laughter coming from the area where the mini volcano was. It chilled him to the bone and made all the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Richard suddenly realized where he was and it terrified him. He had thought that hell did not exist. Wait, if this place exists then Heaven must exist also. That means that God exists as well. Nooo, I was wrong all this time. How could I have been wrong? Oh please don’t leave me here; I don’t want to be here. Richard fell to his knees with his face and hands raised towards heaven.

  “Oh God, I am truly sorry for all that I have done. Please forgive me. I am so sorry that I have not acknowledged you for who you are. Please forgive my unbelief. I really do get it now. If you give me another chance, I will do your will, Lord. Just please don’t leave me here. I know that I won’t be perfect, but I will certainly try to be. I will do better. I will do whatever you want me to do. I promise. I do believe You exist and that You alone are sovereign and all mighty. I believe Jesus is your Son and that He died for me. I am so sorry it came down to this to get my attention. I will do better,” Richard pleaded, tears rolling down his face.

  Someone was steadily laughing in the background. This was the absolute worse that Richard had ever felt. It did not feel good to be separated from God. He did not wish this on anyone….not even his worse enemy.

  “It’s too late for you,” a cruel, hateful voice said. “He doesn’t hear you anymore. He has turned his back on you,” the voice continued.

  “No! Please God, no!” Richard screamed.

  Richard could hear his mother crying. “Richard, recite with me now the Lord’s prayer,” she said.

  “Our Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.”

  Richard joined her in a shaky voice “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven. Oh God, save me please,” Richard pleaded. He could feel an evil presence coming closer. Soon whatever it was would be upon him. Richard was terrified. He did not want things to end this way.

  “Please hear me. Oh God, please here me now. Take me away from this awful place.”

  Richard started sobbing.

  “Richard, focus. You must continue reciting the Lord’s prayer with me,” his mother said urgently. Richard nodded and took a deep breath.

  “Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Richard said a little more confidently.

  He wasn’t quite so afraid any more. He felt as though someone was warding off the evil. He felt empowered.

  “For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah,” Richard shouted.

  He started to jump up and down with excitement. He felt better than he had in a long time.

  “You’ll be back Richard. Just wait and see. And next time, you’ll be back to stay,” the voice said.

  Richard was now looking down at the pit that he had been in. He was being lifted up towards the sky. The greyness faded away into glorious light. Richard was now able to open his eyes. He saw that he was lying on the bed in the hotel room. He could not sit up yet. He looked next to him and saw an indentation in the bed next to him.

  “Jesus,” Richard called out.

  Immediately the weight was lifted off of him and whatever had been sitting next to him got up and left. The indentation was gone. Richard leapt off the bed afraid that whatever it was would come back. Nothing like this had ever happened to him in his entire life.

  He ran about the room quickly packing his things. He suddenly felt a desire to stay somewhere else, anywhere else or maybe to return home. No matter what he decided he was definitely getting out of here. Richard went to the front desk and checked out. He sat in the van; just sitting there staring out the windshield.

  “Now what?” he said out loud to no one. I guess that I will just sit here for now. What do you want me to do now God? Order my steps in the way you want me to go.

  Richard decided to drive around for a while. He wasn’t going to go far as he had never been here before. As he drove he saw a truck stop, numerous hotels, gas stations, and restaurants. He wasn’t hungry so he kept driving. He came to a traffic light and saw a billboard for a church. Not sure why it caught his attention, he typed the address into his GPS. Five minutes later he arrived at the church. It was an old church that looked like it belonged on a postcard or Christmas card. It was really pretty. He knew that Halle would have liked it. There were some cars in the parking lot and lights on inside the church. It seemed pretty strange to him as it was the middle of the week. He decided to get out and check it out. What harm could it do? As he walked towards the church he could hear music drifting out of the open door.

  Come into the light

  Beautiful light

  Jesus is the light of the world.

  Richard stopped dead in his tracks. He could not believe his ears. He pinched himself. Nope, he was wide awake. Is this just a coincidence? Why is that song so familiar to me anyway? Here was the song from his dreams, only, this time, it was real. It definitely seemed to be calling to him. He walked into the church. Inside the sanctuary, the church choir was rehearsing. Richard sat down in the back pew and listened quietly. After a
while, he got caught up in the song and began clapping and singing along. He was having a good ole time. He never even noticed when the pastor sat down on the pew next to him.

  Pastor Charles Henry sat next to the man sitting alone in the back pew. He enjoyed the man’s joy. Richard felt a presence sitting close to him and realized he was no longer alone on the pew.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I hope that I’m not disturbing you. The doors were open so I came inside,” Richard said unsure of himself.

  Pastor Henry just sat there smiling. “I’m Pastor Charles Henry. I am the pastor of this church. I am glad that you are enjoying yourself. No worries my son, the doors of this church are always open and all are welcome here,” he said extending his hand.

  The pastor seemed friendly enough. Richard shook his hand. He turned his attention back to the choir. Soon he was caught up in the music again, clapping his hands and tapping his feet. He felt so warm inside. Perhaps this is what he needed. Of course, he would never admit it to Halle. When the choir was done rehearsing Pastor Henry stood up to leave.

  “Thank you for coming. I am glad that you enjoyed yourself. Perhaps I will see you during services on Sunday,” Pastor Henry said before walking away.

  Richard suddenly reached out and gently grabbed the hem of the pastor’s jacket. Pastor Henry turned around. “Was there something else?” he asked.

  Richard looked at him with saddened eyes. “How do you get found?” he asked.

  Pastor Henry sat back down on the pew.

  “Are you lost, my son?”

  “Yes. I am very lost and I want to be found. But how could God ever find me? Why would he even want someone like me? I’ve done so many bad things in my life.”

  A single tear ran down Richard’s cheek.

  “God will meet you where you are, you only have to seek His face. He will take you just as you are. You need only repent of your sins, ask for His forgiveness, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and lead your life according to His will.”


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