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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

Page 21

by Pam Funke

  CHAPTER seventy-one

  “I wonder what Nicolaitanes wanted Serenity for,” Caitlin said to Victor.

  They were walking together to the mess hall. Caitlin and Victor had decided to grab a bite to eat before going back to the hotel.

  “I really do not see how that is any of our business, Caitlin. If Nicolaitanes had wanted the group to know he would have asked Serenity in front of everyone instead of pulling her to the side. It would suit you well not to meddle in others’ affairs. Just stick to what you are here to do,” replied Victor.

  Caitlin silently picked up a tray and placed her selections onto it. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots and a slice of pound cake. She hurried to catch up with Victor as she really did not want to eat alone.

  “Do you have a family, Victor?” Caitlin asked changing the subject.

  “Yes. Would you like to see a photo?” replied Victor taking out his wallet.

  I would never have guessed that Victor was this friendly. He seemed like one of those snooty types to me. “Sure why not,” she replied looking at the photos in his wallet.

  “This is my wife, Susan. My boys, James, and Joshua,” Victor said pointing to the photographs.

  “You have a nice looking family. Are they in a safe place?”

  “But of course!” Victor snapped. “What do you think I am? Stupid.”

  “I am sorry. I did not mean anything by that.”.

  She paid for her food and walked over to an empty table by the window.

  “Hey, there’s Serenity. I wonder where she is walking to,” said Caitlin.

  Victor glanced out of the window. Something was definitely up with Serenity. I wonder what Nicolaitanes wants her to do. It must be something really important. She seemed to be acting a little suspiciously, but then again Serenity was a little weird. At least, that was Victor’s opinion. Perhaps he should follow her. There was plenty of time before they had to be back.

  “Caitlin, would you please excuse me. I suddenly lost my appetite. Enjoy your meal, I am going to go lie down for a bit,” Victor said.

  “Sure. I hope you feel better Victor. Maybe a good movie will take your mind off of things. See you later.”

  He got up quickly and headed for the door keeping his eyes on Serenity through the windows. He followed behind her, unsure of why he was even following her. He just knew that it was something he had to do. Victor made sure to keep enough distance between them, strolling along as though he were just out for a brisk walk. But he need not have bothered, for Serenity never looked back over her shoulder. She seemed focused on something.

  CHAPTER seventy-two

  Nicolaitanes paced back and forth across the conference room. He was eager to start the next Phase of his plan, but he knew everything had to be timed perfectly. He walked over to the window, looking out into the world, not really seeing anything. Something was not quite right, he could feel it.

  “Are you meddling in my affairs?” Nicolaitanes said out loud. “This time has been given to me, remember? You promised this time to me!”

  Nicolaitanes walked over to his chair and plopped down. Frustrated he picked up the remote and turned the television back on. He wanted to see what the world was saying about his marvelous work.

  CHAPTER seventy-three

  General Ludlow paced back and forth across his office. He wished he had not sent Maya home. It would have been good to talk things over with her. She always knew just what to say to calm him down. He did not know how she did it. He was a little worried about his talk with Serenity. She had acted a little odd earlier. He was disturbed by what he had seen and heard. Alexander knew he should report it to Nicolaitanes, but he just could not bring himself to do that.

  “What is wrong with me?” General Ludlow asked himself.

  Why did it bother him so much that he had seen Serenity on her knees earlier talking to someone he had not seen? What had she been doing? He decided that he had to find out. He walked over to the phone to call his driver, Robert. Alexander wanted him to bring the car around, but Robert’s phone just rang and rang.

  “Where is that driver?” General Ludlow said out loud. He was getting a little annoyed.

  Robert glanced down at his ringing cell phone. He knew that it was the General and that he should answer it, but the General would just have to wait. He turned the cell phone off and parked the car in front of the hotel. He walked around to the trunk of the car and carefully removed the package. Once inside the hotel, he quickly left the package with the front desk clerk and returned to the car. His hands were shaking uncontrollably. At least, it is over with now. He had done what the voice had asked of him. Maybe now the voice will leave me alone.

  Robert turned the car around and headed back towards the base. He was trying to figure out an excuse to give to the General as to why he had not answered his cell phone. He decided that he did not really care what the General thought. He picked the cell phone up and dialed the office.

  “General Ludlow?” said Robert.

  “Where have you been?” the General yelled into the phone. “Bring the car around now! I wish to be driven somewhere important, Robert.”

  “Yes, sir. I will be there momentarily,” Robert said angrily. Just what is so important?

  General Ludlow walked angrily downstairs to wait for Robert. Alexander wondered what had gotten into him. Robert was normally a good kid. General Ludlow decided that he was definitely going to have a talk with him about insubordination.

  CHAPTER seventy-four

  Serenity arrived outside of the shoppette just as a taxi pulled in. She rushed over to the cab and got in.

  “The Hinesville Inne, please. And hurry,” Serenity told the driver.

  As they drove by, Serenity noticed Victor walking towards the shoppette. She wondered where he was going. She quickly turned her head away, hoping Victor had not seen her in the cab.

  Victor arrived at the shoppette just in time to see Serenity quickly get into a taxi. He cursed under his breath. There was no way he could continue to follow Serenity now. There was not a single taxi to be seen. Angry, he walked into the shoppette to purchase a soda and some snacks. There was nothing left to do, but to head back.


  Caitlin sat staring after Victor. She did not believe the way Victor had acted. Why did he suddenly become so interested in Serenity? He had not seemed the least bit interested when they were talking about her. I wonder if it has anything to do with where she is going. She walked slowly to the parking lot. Caitlin decided to use the rental car, Nicolaitanes had given her, to go back to the hotel for a while. She wanted to catch up on some sleep as they were not going to be getting much sleep in the next couple of days. She decided to take advantage of the opportunity.

  CHAPTER seventy-five

  Serenity walked quickly through the lobby of the Hinesville Inne. She had asked the taxi driver to wait for her outside. She was going to pack her things quickly and take the next flight out of here.

  “Ms. Lambert? Excuse me, Ms. Lambert?” the front desk clerk called.

  “Yes?” Serenity said turning around.

  “A package came for you while you were out,” the front desk clerk said handing Serenity a medium sized box.

  “Thank you,” Serenity said taking the package and heading quickly to her room. I wonder what this is. It’s a little heavy. Maybe it’s a book or something although I don’t remember ordering anything.

  She turned the package over in her hands. It was in a post office prepaid mailer with no return address. There was no post mark—at least not one that was legible. Serenity was really curious. Should I open it? She decided to pack her things first. She tossed the package onto the bed and went into the bathroom to gather her toiletries and make-up. The phone in her room started ringing. Serenity suddenly had a strange and urgent feeling to leave the hotel without any of her things. She looked at the ringing phone and hurried out of the room, leaving everything behind. She was in the process of leaving the
lobby when there was a deafening noise. That was all Serenity heard as she was thrown to the pavement outside.

  The windows of the hotel exploded outwards as the bomb went off. People were running and screaming. The driver of the taxi was thrown against his car; he never knew what hit him.


  Sampson followed Serenity back to the Hinesville Inne and watched her go up to her room. So far he had not seen any unusual or strange behavior, nothing to warrant his having to follow her. He walked back to his rental car after deciding to go up the street to the Chicken Palace to get a bite to eat before returning to the base. He started up the car and was driving away when he saw Serenity come back out of the hotel. Rats. He would have to turn around and go back to the hotel. He was in the process of turning around at the local ice cream parlor when there was a loud explosion and a flash of light. As he watched in his rearview mirror, the Hinesville Inne crumpled to the ground. He had to get back to the hotel before the authorities made everyone leave. I have to find out what happened. Plus I need to find out where Serenity is now. He drove as close to the hotel’s parking lot as he could get. He turned the car off and got out. Sampson walked carefully through the debris looking around for Serenity. A few minutes later, he saw her lying on the ground a few feet away. He slowly walked towards the body. Surely she is dead. He stopped when he saw her hand move. Impossible. As he watched, Serenity slowly got up. There was blood pouring out of a gash in the side of her head. There’s no point in hanging around. With an injury like that, I doubt she will even make it to the hospital. He turned around and headed back to the car. He didn’t want Serenity to see him. He got into his car and drove back to the base to report to Nicolaitanes.


  Ten minutes later, Serenity walked around dazed and with a massive headache like none she had ever had before. She touched her head and was appalled by the blood that she saw on her fingertips.

  “Hey that woman is hurt!” someone called out.

  Serenity felt hands all around her. She allowed herself to be put in the back of an ambulance. She remembered seeing the smiling face of a young woman before unconsciousness enveloped her.

  The young woman sat next to Serenity in the ambulance holding her hand. She smoothed her hair off of her face. The EMTs worked fervently on Serenity; they don’t know how she had survived the blast in the first place—Serenity should have been dead.

  The young woman smiled, “Do not question the miracles of God,” she said. The EMTs just looked at her.

  “Unbelievable,” the driver muttered under his breath. “One of those people.”

  The young woman ignored him, instead, she silently prayed over Serenity. Less than five minutes later, the ambulance arrived at the ER. The EMTs jumped out and carried Serenity’s gurney into the hospital. Serenity opened her eyes for a moment, the young woman smiled down at her.

  “God is watching over you, just trust Him,” she said. She kissed Serenity’s forehead then turned and left.

  Who are you? Serenity slipped back into unconsciousness.

  They rushed Serenity into surgery for the injury to her head. The injury was a lot more serious than the EMTs had previously thought. Upon doing a CT scan doctors discovered that they would need to remove a small piece of metal and some bone that was lodged in her brain. They would also need to place a small metal plate over the hole in her skull. The surgeon hoped to remove the objects without Serenity’s brain swelling. It was a dangerous surgery, but the surgeon was capable. He said a prayer for the patient and for God to steady and guide his hands then picked up the scalpel to begin.


  Hours later, Dr. Ezekiel White looked in on his patient in recovery. She was doing extremely well. He re-bandaged her head and moved her to a regular room.

  CHAPTER seventy-six

  Robert picked up General Ludlow. He noticed the General still seemed to be very angry with him. He decided not to push the issue.

  “Where to General?” Robert asked quietly.

  “The Hinesville Inne and hurry,” General Ludlow said getting into the car.

  Robert closed the General’s door and slowly walked over to the driver’s door. He had a really bad feeling about this. The Hinesville Inne is where he had just left that package for Ms. Lambert. Why did the General need to go there? Better yet, why was he suddenly filled with fear? He drove slowly towards the Hinesville Inne. Hoping that whatever was making him feel this way would go away soon, but the closer Robert got to the Hinesville Inne, the worst he felt. When they were ten blocks away, Robert heard sirens in the distance.

  “What is this?” General Ludlow said looking out of the window.

  There was a police officer in the street directing traffic and they could see billowing smoke in the distance. Robert pulled up to the officer and rolled down the window.

  “What is going on, officer?” Robert inquired.

  “I am sorry, sir, but you are going to have to take the detour. We are only allowing emergency vehicles through,” replied the officer pointing Robert in the opposite direction of the Hinesville Inne.

  “Officer, I need to get to the Hinesville Inne,” said General Ludlow.

  “I am sorry General, but the Hinesville Inne is a giant pile of rubble,” the officer said sadly.

  Cold sweat was running down Robert’s face. He was really nervous now. His hands were shaking terribly. He tried to get himself under control, but he was failing miserably.

  “Is something wrong, sir?” the officer asked.

  “No, I’m fine,” replied Robert.

  Now, what is wrong with Robert? “Robert, take me back to the base,” General Ludlow said quietly.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Robert was glad they had not gotten there any sooner or they would have been in the middle of whatever was going on at the Hinesville Inne. He felt a little guilty. Robert really hoped he had not been the cause of whatever had happened. What was in that package that I left? Please tell that it wasn’t a bomb. They drove silently back to Fort Stewart.

  CHAPTER seventy-seven

  Caitlin decided to stop by Wally World to do a little shopping before heading to the hotel. She wanted to pick something up for her daughter, Alexis. Caitlin had promised to bring her a gift when she returned home. As she drove to Wally World, three ambulances, and four fire trucks flew by with their sirens blaring. She glanced in her rearview mirror wondering where they were off to in such a hurry. She said a silent prayer for the people they were going to help.


  “Unbelievable, I just can’t believe it! A bomb has just gone off at the Hinesville Inne. I cannot believe that this is happening folks right here in Hinesville. People are panicking. Authorities

  are re-routing traffic to Hwy 144. No one is allowed into the area. So far as we know, there have been no survivors found. The death toll is up to 75 people, but they are still searching through the rubble. We will keep you updated as we find out more. Please take a moment of silence with me now in remembrance of those who lost their lives today. This is DJ Stylz signing off.

  Rosalind turned the radio off. Now, what? This isn’t in our plans. I have to inform Nicolaitanes. Rosalind hurried into the situation room. She had to tell him about the bombing at the hotel where members of The Group were staying.

  “Nicolaitanes. Nicolaitanes!” Rosalind called out panting heavily.

  She had just run up the flight of stairs in her excitement.

  “What is it, Rosalind?” Nicolaitanes replied. Rosalind sat down in the chair next to Nicolaitanes.

  “There was a bombing at the Hinesville Inne in town. It has been completely leveled. So far, they have not found any survivors. It was just announced on the local radio station.” Rosalind was struggling to catch her breath. She had not realized until now just how out of shape she was. I’ve definitely got to start exercising again. Maybe I’ll start tomorrow.

  “Thank you, Rosalind.”

  Nicolaitanes seemed uninterested.

nbsp; “But Nicolaitanes, that is where members of The Group are staying. Shouldn’t we check on them? I mean this could seriously mess up our plans.”

  “I heard what you said Rosalind, please do not patronize me.”

  Nicolaitanes then turned his attention back to the window and ignored her presence. Rosalind sat there staring at him for a few moments. She was completely perplexed. Well if he does not care then why should I? Don’t come whining to me if we have lost our entire group in that bombing. Why do I even bother?

  CHAPTER seventy-eight

  Sampson went upstairs to the situation room. Nicolaitanes was talking to Rosalind so he waited a few minutes. Nicolaitanes looked up and waved him into the room.

  “Well?” Nicolaitanes inquired.

  “Are you sure you want me to talk in front of her?” Sampson asked pointing at Rosalind. Nicolaitanes just glared at him.

  “I followed her back to the Hinesville Inne. She went up to her room, but then came back out a few minutes later. Shortly thereafter a bomb went off and destroyed the hotel. Most everyone was killed. Serenity did survive though and was taken to the hospital. I doubt that she’ll make it as she has a serious head injury,” Sampson said.

  Nicolaitanes said nothing—he just paced back and forth like a caged lion. He suddenly picked up the remote and flung it across the room. Sampson abruptly left the room. Rosalind just sat there waiting quietly for Nicolaitanes to finish his little tantrum.


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