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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

Page 27

by Pam Funke

“How did those people find my house, Zeke? Did they follow you and Serenity there? How did they know she was there? I’m telling you I don’t trust her. We need to keep a close eye on her. How do we know she didn’t call those people?” Katy whispered back.

  Serenity just sat quietly in the backseat. How can I complain? If I were her, I would be wondering the exact same thing. Katy is right to not trust me; she doesn’t know anything about me. Right now, I don’t even trust me. Why are you really helping me, Katy? You said that you met me on a military post. What was I doing there? What were you doing there? Does that have anything to do with what’s happening now? Who am I?

  CHAPTER one hundred and six

  Nicolaitanes was not pleased. He was not pleased at all! He paced back and forth across the situation room. They all watched him quietly. The group knew better than to say anything at the moment. It would be detrimental to their health. Rosalind watched Nicolaitanes uneasily. Something was upsetting him and she needed to find out what it was exactly.

  “Nicolaitanes?” asked Rosalind.

  “Yes, Rosalind. What is it?”

  “Is something bothering you?”

  Nicolaitanes just stared at Rosalind incredulously. She was unbelievable.

  “Rosalind, if I wanted to tell you then I would have told you,” Nicolaitanes communicated directly with Rosalind’s mind.

  How does he do that? Rosalind was hurt. She turned away from Nicolaitanes and sat quietly like everyone else.

  Nicolaitanes continued to pace back and forth across the situation room. He was highly annoyed with the Serenity situation. He had to take care of it and soon. She knew way too much and this could potentially blow up in his face. No, he would have to find her and get rid of her. Meanwhile, he would have to focus on continuing Phase Two.

  “General Ludlow? Can you please give us an update as to where we are with Phase Two?” Nicolaitanes asked.

  “Phase Two was initiated approximately an hour ago. Tel Aviv, Israel was completely demolished. We have a video feed confirming this. From what we know, there were no survivors. We are currently counting down to the next stage of Phase Two.”

  General Ludlow placed the video feed onto one of the flat screens. He pulled up the countdown clock on another. He sat back down in his chair carefully watching Nicolaitanes as they watched the video feed of the bombing of Tel Aviv and the brief newscast.

  “What’s with the clock?” Andrew asked

  General Ludlow stared at him. “Really?” he said. What a moron.

  Andrew sat quietly waiting for an answer.

  “That is the countdown clock to the second portion of Phase II. The most important part of this whole project. Have you not been paying attention?” General Ludlow replied a little annoyed.

  There was less than an hour left on the countdown clock—things were about to get really chaotic. Nicolaitanes smiled to himself. At least, the plan is going accordingly. The world is completely unaware of what is going on. He was very pleased; very pleased indeed.


  Byron was waiting patiently by the car for Gage to return. What is taking so long? He was ready to get out of there and head to the hotel. He desired to check on his family. Byron suddenly had a desperate need to hear their voices and to know that they were okay. Byron had a bad feeling about him and Gage being in Israel. Something very serious was going on and he was no longer sure that he wanted any part of it. Who was the man Gage had been chasing after? Better yet, where had that man come from? Why had he been walking among the wreckage? Was he a survivor? What was his purpose there? Byron didn’t remember seeing any other vehicles or news vans around.

  There were so many unanswered questions. There has been nothing, but bad things happening ever since we’ve gotten to Israel. Actually, ever since Gage started listening to his new source. Who is the source Gage met with recently and how had they known that all of these things were going to happen? Byron knew one thing, whoever was responsible for these bombings was going to have to answer for them; to God and to mankind. Something much worse is coming, I can feel it. Maybe I can convince Gage to forget this and return home, but I doubt that he will agree.

  CHAPTER one hundred and seven

  Gage finally saw Byron and the car up ahead. Thank goodness. I wasn’t so sure I was headed in the right direction. We need to leave from here. He started walking faster. If he was right about where he had seen the symbol, then he and Byron were in danger and so was Byron’s family. How can I accuse the company of the most powerful man in the world? I really need to have more proof before I say anything. Perhaps there’s a reasonable excuse for this.

  “Byron? Byron?” Gage called out.

  Byron looked up and saw Gage hurrying towards him with something metallic in his hands. He appeared to be excited about something.

  “Did you find something, Gage?” Byron replied curiously.

  “Get in the car quickly and let’s get out of here,” Gage replied quickly getting on the passenger’s side of the car.

  Curiously, Byron got into the car and started it up. He looked over at Gage, “What in the world is that?”

  “I found it amongst the rubble. I think that it’s part of one of the missiles, but that’s not what’s important. Look at this symbol here,” Gage replied pointing at the symbol.

  “That’s not what I think it is, is it? Tell me that is not the symbol that Carey Balac Architetti uses. That company is owned by Italian President Nicolaitanes Balac. You do know that right?”

  What is his company’s connection to this? Is this something that I should keep my eye on Lord? He is one of the world’s most powerful men. Byron felt uneasy.

  “Yes, I think that it is. We need to get somewhere safe where I can verify this symbol and do some research.”

  “And Byron?”


  “If it is what we think it is, you need to get your family to a safe location.”

  Gage sighed heavily. He looked down at the metal in his hands. Now, what made me say that? President Balac seems like a wonderful man. If this is connected to his company somehow, I don’t think that he knows about it. Maybe I should talk to Ros about this after I get my facts together.

  Byron’s uneasiness was now confirmed. He was going to call his wife as soon as they got to the hotel in Ramla, Israel.

  “Lord, please watch over my family and protect them from whatever’s coming. Watch over Gage and me as we investigate here in Israel. Help us to do your will, Lord, no matter what happens. In Jesus’ holy name, amen,” Byron prayed silently as he drove away from Tel Aviv and headed to Ramla.

  CHAPTER one hundred and eight

  Tara Matthews couldn’t wait to get back to the base. She had not liked being on assignment with Andrew Jackson. The man had creeped her out. Besides, she was curious as to what was going on back in the situation room anyway. Tara knew Nicolaitanes was going to be upset because they had failed their mission. What did he want with the old woman anyway? I don’t understand what the big fuss is all about? She is just a scientist from down in the lab. So what if she had gone home at the end of her shift. They all did. That’s how you wanted it. Only the group was to work the long hours; everyone else went home like a normal day to keep down suspicions. Katy hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary—at least not as far as I can tell. And what is this thing with Serenity? Why is she so important to Nicolaitanes anyway? Besides wasn’t Serenity among the dead from the Hinesville Inne bombing?

  Tara was glad that it would be Andrew’s pleasure to inform Nicolaitanes of their failure. Perhaps he will only take his anger out on Andrew. How did the old woman and the doctor get out of the house without us seeing them? She had a feeling there was more to the house than meets the eye. She filed that thought away in the back of her mind; they might need it for later—you never know.

  “Will you hurry up, Andrew? Nicolaitanes is expecting us,” Tara said annoyed.

  Andrew rolled his eyes and kept driving. This girl is so
annoying. Why did Nicolaitanes even pick her for this assignment, I’ll never know? What’s the big deal anyway? I’m certainly not in a hurry to tell Nicolaitanes that we’ve returned empty handed. The only good thing about getting back is that I will no longer have to put up with Tara by myself. He smiled to himself as he turned the radio on. He tapped his hands on the steering wheel in time to the music. He could tell Tara was becoming annoyed, but he didn’t really care.

  CHAPTER one hundred and nine

  After what seemed like hours, Gage and Byron arrived back at the hotel in Ramla, Israel. Gage headed to the internet café to do some research on the symbol that he found. Byron went off in search of a working phone; he wanted to call his wife.

  “Karin? How are you? How are the twins?” Byron asked.

  “Hi, Sweetheart. How are you? We are all okay, but we miss you terribly.”

  “Honey, I want you to pack a bag for you and the twins and leave the house. Don’t tell me where you are going. Just go. I will call you on the cell. Okay?”

  “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”

  “It may be nothing. I can’t tell you why, but I think that it may have something to do with the story Gage is working on. I think you and the twins will be in terrible danger if you stay there. Please just humor me. Pack and leave as soon as we get off the phone.”

  Karin said nothing. She was trying to figure out what had her husband afraid so. What kind of story are they doing that would be dangerous to me and the boys? How does anyone even know where we live? What’s going on?

  “Why would the boys and I be in danger, Byron?”

  “Please, just do it, Karin.”

  Karin could hear the desperation in his voice.

  “Okay. Okay. I will do as you say. Byron, please be careful and take care of yourself. I love you,” Karin resigned.

  “I love you too. Give the twins my love. Hug and kiss them each for me. I will call you soon.”

  Although Byron felt a little better knowing that his family would be safe, he was still uneasy about this whole situation. Now more than ever he thought they should leave Israel.

  Karin was really puzzled. Why did my husband sound so afraid? Why are I and the twins in danger? What in the world is this about? It is bad enough that the world seemed to be falling apart, now this?

  CHAPTER one hundred and ten

  Gage sat in front of a laptop sipping a mocha cappuccino. He scanned a picture of the symbol into the program and waited while it ran the search. He sat back enjoying the music playing in the background as he waited. Gage really hoped he was wrong about the symbol, but he didn’t think that he was. He was almost sure it was the symbol of the company Nicolaitanes Balac owned and ran from Rome. Although he would never admit it to anyone let alone himself, he was terrified of Nicolaitanes Balac. There was just something about him, which was strange as he didn’t even know him; he just knew of him. Gage had never had the pleasure of meeting Nicolaitanes Balac, but he was afraid of him just the same.

  The program’s search engine was slowing down as it narrowed the results down to ten. Gage clicked on the first one listed and his blood ran cold. He saved the results to the flash drive and shut down the program. He glanced around the café hoping that no one had been paying especially close attention to him. He did not notice anything out of the ordinary. He put the drive into his pocket and went back to the room he shared with Byron. Gage thought it would be a good idea if he and Byron left Ramla and headed to Jerusalem tonight. He wasn’t sure why exactly, but Gage was pretty sure that it was in their best interests. When he arrived in the room, it was empty. Where’s Byron? I thought he was coming up here to get some sleep. I hope that he will be back soon. Now where is the best place to hide this drive? Gage looked around the room before settling on placing it inside the side pocket of Byron’s bag. He then went about the room repacking their bags.


  Byron stopped in the lobby to grab a copy of the local newspaper and a cup of coffee. He wanted to relax a little when he got back to the room. So much was going through his mind. Byron was glad that he had been able to talk to his wife despite the circumstances. Just hearing her voice had lifted his spirit. I’m glad they are going someplace safe. I don’t know what I would do if something were to happen to them. He could hear all kinds of noise coming from inside the room as he was sliding his electronic key through the lock. What on earth is going on now? He quickly opened the door and stood in shock to see Gage frantically packing their bags. He was running around throwing things quickly into the open bags on the bed. Byron stood in the doorway watching from a safe distance. He looks like a deranged lunatic. Now what has happened? Where are we going now? Please, Lord, tell me that it’s not another bombing.

  “What’s up, Gage?” Byron asked.

  “We need to leave here tonight!”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I think it’s better that I not say until we get into the car.”

  Gage looked suspiciously around the room as though expecting someone else to be standing there or listening.

  “Now hurry and help me!” Gage rushed on as he carried his bags to the door.

  Byron quietly closed his bags and looked around the room looking for anything that Gage might have missed. I wonder what the urgency is. What did Gage find out on the internet? It must have been something serious. Gage hasn’t mentioned it whatsoever. Just what exactly is going on around here?

  As they were headed out of the door, the phone in the room started ringing. Byron and Gage looked at each other. No one even knew they were staying here. Byron took a step towards the ringing phone. The hair on the back of Gage’s neck stood on end. Something isn’t right. I can’t let Byron answer that phone. He grabbed Byron’s arm holding him back, “No Byron, just let the phone ring. Let’s go.”

  Gage did not want to know who was on the phone. He had a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. They needed to hurry up and get on the road. They quickly headed down to the rental car.

  “What’s going on, Gage?” Byron asked. Something was definitely wrong.

  “Byron, please just get in the car. We need to get out of here right now,” Gage said glancing around nervously. No one seems to be paying us any attention. That’s good. Maybe they won’t know. Wait a minute, who won’t know? I don’t know. I’m so confused.

  Byron watched Gage cautiously, but he got into the car without another word. He trusted Gage; obviously, something serious was bothering him. He was certainly acting oddly. Gage pulled away from the hotel and headed east towards Jerusalem.

  “Where are we going now?” Byron asked.

  “Jerusalem,” Gage replied calmly. Byron just stared at him. Now, what?

  “Gage, why are we going to Jerusalem? What has happened in Jerusalem?”

  “Nothing has happened in Jerusalem. At least, not anything I know about. I just think we need to go see Prime Minister Olmert. I have an appointment with him in the morning. We cannot miss that appointment. Something really odd is going on; maybe he will have the answers.”

  Gage wanted to see if Nicolaitanes’ name came up in the conversation. He knew the man was somehow responsible for all this, but he wasn’t sure how. Not to mention, Gage did not have any, proof, whatsoever. Sure he had the metal thingy, but it didn’t prove anything. No, not really. Maybe I’m wrong about all of this. I’ve got to find the proof. I won’t accuse a man that I don’t even know of starting a war with Israel. Especially not the most powerful man in the world. He could make me disappear without even trying.

  “I think we will be safer in Jerusalem, Byron. I don’t know why. I just know we are supposed to go there. At least for now,” Gage said.

  Gage stared at the road ahead of them driving in silence for a few moments. He suddenly turned to face Byron.

  “Have you moved your family yet, Byron? It’s important that it’s done right now.”

  Byron was really puzzled. What is with the sudden concern fo
r my family? Gage didn’t seem to care about them or even like them before. Strange.

  “Yes, Gage. My wife and kids are packing up and going somewhere safe as we speak.”

  “Good. I’m glad they will be safe, but you really should be there with them,” Gage said smiling.

  Byron was shocked. Gage was suggesting that he go home to his family despite the world’s biggest news story happening right now. Wow. That’s a really nice sentiment, but I cannot abandon him. At least, not now. I hate to say it, but I’m actually curious to find out what’s going on around here. Besides, Gage would be disappointed in me if I left him without a cameraman.

  “I’m not abandoning you, Gage. I won’t do that. They’ll be okay,” Byron said. I really hope they will. God, please protect my family.

  Byron really did want to go home, but there was no way he would leave Gage behind. That wasn’t how you treated a friend. Besides, Gage really looked worried about something. It had to be something really big to upset Gage like this. That man isn’t afraid of anything. Curiosity and loyalty won him over. Byron would be staying right there with Gage for as long as he needed him. Maybe they would be returning to the states after going to Jerusalem. Byron prayed silently asking God to protect them as they drove to Jerusalem. He was really feeling skittish about being in Israel.

  CHAPTER one hundred and eleven

  Ezekiel pulled up in front of the safe house. The neighborhood looked like any other subdivision. People were out working in their yards, walking their dogs, playing in the yards with their children. It seemed to be a family oriented community. This was good. But, Ezekiel was still a little suspicious. Here he didn’t know who was trustworthy and who was not. That was not a good thing.


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