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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

Page 41

by Pam Funke

  CHAPTER one hundred and seventy-six

  Nicolaitanes had just finished watching the breaking news report with the others. He was very pleased. Everything was going according to his plans. The next couple of phases would be the most important. If all went well, he would soon be in control of the entire world. He smiled at this. Rosalind laid her hand on his shoulder.

  “You have done very well, Nicolaitanes. In due time, you will come to your purpose here. I am proud of you,” Rosalind said smiling.

  “Thank you, Rosalind,” Nicolaitanes replied.

  He was proud of himself. He was accomplishing what he set out to do. Yes, this is definitely my time.

  “They will turn to me for help and they will worship me and choose me over you. You will see, they do not want you. You love them, but yet they still do not choose you. Why do you love these humans? ” he said out loud.

  He smiled as he stared out at the world. The world was in the beginning of a war and he would be there waiting for just the right time and opportunity for what lay ahead.

  Catch the next installment of The Apocalypse series

  turn the page for a sneak peek

  the world at war


  The man walked through the streets of San Francisco, California. He looked around at how the people were behaving and reacting to the world’s current chaos. He shook his head sadly as he knew things were about to get much worse and many would still not care.

  “Now prophesy all these words against them and say to them: “The Lord will roar from on high; he will thunder from his holy dwelling and roar mightily against his land. He will shout like those who tread the grapes, shout against all who live on the earth. The tumult will resound to the ends of the earth, for the Lord will bring charges against the nations; he will bring judgment on all mankind and put the wicked to the sword,”” the man said boldly to any who would listen. No one seemed to care. He looked around once more and then he was gone.


  A lowly man dressed in rags walked up to the steps of the UN building. The building was host to the new United World Religion (UWR). He did not know if anyone would pay him any mind, but he had a message for the people—for anyone who would listen. He stood proudly on the top most step and unfolded his sign for all to read.

  Repent for the hour is at hand. Jesus came that you may have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus is the doorway to the Kingdom of Heaven. Without Him, there is no hope. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God!

  For God so loved the world that He sent His only Begotten Son whosoever believeth in Him shall have everlasting life. God loves each and every one of us. He does not want any to succumb to the evil one. He wants us to not only have life but to be happy. He wants only the best for us. God loves each and every one of us.

  Although he was unable to speak because he was mute, he still had a voice. He prayed for someone would listen. Unfortunately, people only glanced at him or avoided him altogether. Do they not care? He sadly shook his head. He saw a man walking around the building; he wondered who the man was.

  The man walked around outside of the UN building. He looked up at the building of evil and spoke with a loud voice, “Now the spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars, whose consciousness are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.”

  The lowly man smiled as he listened to the man speak; his message was empowering. He watched as the man walked down the stairs and disappeared. Where did he go? He noticed a police cruiser coming up the street and he quickly folded up his sign and left. He would go to another spot to give his voice.


  Nicolaitanes Balac turned the television off and sat back in his chair thoughtfully; he had just finished watching the news report with Rosalind. He was very pleased as everything was going according to his plans. The next couple of phases would be the most important. If all went according to his plans, he would soon be in control of the entire world. He smiled at this. If only they knew what this was really all about, what I am really after. He laughed maniacally.

  Rosalind Carey laid her hand on his shoulder. “You have done very well, Nicolaitanes. In due time you will come into your purpose here, I am proud of you,” Rosalind said smiling.

  “Thank you, Rosalind,” Nicolaitanes replied.

  He was proud of himself. He was accomplishing everything that he set out to do. Yes, this is definitely my time.

  “They will turn to me for help and they will worship me and choose me over you. You will see, they do not want you. You love them but yet they still do not choose you. Why do you love these humans? ” he said looking to the heavens.

  There was no answer but he did not really expect there to be. He would have been surprised if The Master had spoken to him. He smiled as he stared out at the world. The world was in the beginning of a war and he would be there waiting for just the right time and opportunity for what lay ahead.


  The man stood staring up at Nicolaitanes boldly standing in the window, for he knew who Nicolaitanes truly was. He knew the man would trick the people and many would fall for it; this greatly saddened the man.

  “And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time,” he declared boldly and was gone.


  All around the earth people were clinging to their television sets. Afraid if they turned the tvs on, they would hear about another missile strike taking out yet another complete civilization or worse one in their own back yard. Afraid that if they didn’t turn the televisions on, they would surely miss something important. They did not know what to make of the latest news report. All of this talk about war lately—the world was falling apart. The inhabitants of the earth were terrified by the events going on. No one knew who was attacking various countries with the new missile warfare making it difficult to even suspect or guess who would be next. How could they defend themselves against an unknown and extremely dangerous foe? How could anyone? It would be like trying to catch an invisible man—nearly impossible. What were they to do?

  The man’s heart was extremely heavy now as he walked the earth. He knew what was about to come to the inhabitants of the earth and he was saddened by it but joyous at the same time. Saddened because he knew the hurt, sadness, turmoil and deaths of those who would never get a chance to live with the Father and the pain that it would cause their families and friends. Joyous because at the end of all of this the Son would be returning to the people who persevered until the very end—what a happy reunion that was going to be. He knew that the love of many would
wax cold during these times. He walked slowly through various villages, towns, and cities throughout the world and then he was gone.


  The Iranian Alliance, a large terrorist group based out of Iran, had sleeper cells inside of the United States. They infiltrated into the United States fifteen years ago, right after the bombings of September 11th. They never knew when they might have to use them when they sent them in, but now seemed like that very day. The Iranian government was thoroughly convinced that the United States, better known as The Great Satan, was responsible for the war the world was currently in and if something wasn’t done soon that they (the Americans) would invade and take over their country as they had tried to do with Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and Israel. This Islamic group truly believed this with every fiber of their being. They believed nothing good could possibly come out of the United States no matter what the Americans kept promising. It was time to take action. All across the United States, phones started to ring activating sleepers across the nation.

  In Dallas, Texas, Malik Hassad looked at his cell phone. It was the first time it had ever rung since his family had moved to the United States fifteen years ago. His father had given the sacred cell phone to him three years ago on his deathbed. His father had died of pancreatic cancer, leaving behind his wife, Anahita and four sons Malik, Kahveh, Abdi and Ali. It had devastated his family. The phone was the only treasure that he had of his father’s. He was now the man of the house as he was the eldest son. Albeit he was only sixteen years old, he was very mature for his age. Kahveh was fourteen years old, Abdi was ten years old and little Ali was only seven years old. Malik knew he would have to tell his mother that it was time—it was going to break her heart. Maybe he could somehow leave his younger siblings out of it, but he did not think so. He wondered why the sudden decision to enact the mission was. Why now after fifteen years? He watched as his brothers played basketball in the yard. How they loved this American game.

  “What the heck, it can wait,” he said.

  He got up and joined his brothers—playing basketball for the last time. The cell phone rang again and he took it out of his back pocket to listen to the message. Malik frowned upon realizing he would be unable to leave his brothers out of this. He gathered his brothers together and told them about the wonderful adventure that they were going to go on that evening.

  note from the author

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  ~ Pam Funke, Author

  the world at war

  The World at War is the second installment of The Apocalypse Series.

  The world is in complete chaos as major nations wage war against each other forcing mankind to take sides. The entire world is watching Nicolaitanes Balac and his continuing rise to global power. Will he be the one to save the world? Is this who we should rely on for help or will this be the worst mistake that mankind has ever made?


  World Deception

  Mysterious attacks on Israel have caused the world to take sides as WWIII wreaks havoc on the earth. One-fourth of the earth's population has disappeared while another fourth has been slaughtered. The UWR (United World Religion) is steadily gaining power with the help of Nicolaitanes Balac. Who will come to save the people of the world? Mysterious attacks on Israel have caused the world to take sides as WWIII wreaks havoc on the earth. One-fourth of the earth's population has disappeared while another fourth has been slaughtered. The UWR (United World Religion) is steadily gaining power with the help of Nicolaitanes Balac. Who will come to save the people of the world?


  a valley experience

  Brianca Euley is a popular girl who feels unloved by her family and runs away right before her eighteenth birthday. She doesn't quite know what it is that is missing from her life but she is desperately trying to find it.

  She is seeking love in all the wrong places, in the clubs,and with various men. But no matter where she looks they all seem to fail her in the end. Will she ever learn that what is missing from her life is God? Will she discover the wonderful love that only God can provide or will she continue down this path of destruction?


  sodom: a nation on its knees

  3,902 years ago, there was a city so evil, corrupt and filled with sin that God saw no other choice, but to completely destroy it. The city of Sodom was completely destroyed by a rain of fire in a single day.

  The great nation of the United States of America, a nation founded and built on God, has since turned its back on God. The people have allowed the government to remove Him from our schools, our jobs and are trying to remove Him from our churches. Many have chosen to remove Him even from their homes. Why is this happening to us they ask as they helplessly watch the nation's wickedness increase? How much longer will God allow us to continue in our sinful ways? Will He destroy us as He did Sodom?

  God said that if Hisangels can find 5,000 righteous in our nation that He will spare us. When His angels walk our nation will they find even one righteous? Will there be enough righteous found to spare our great nation?



  In the midst of World War III, all of the Christians have disappeared from the face of the earth. The UWR blames all violence and the war on the Christians. If they are responsible for the war and all of the violence going on as the UWR claims, then why aren't they here? Nicolaitanes Balac has been murdered and the world is at a loss. Who will become the world's new hope?



  The Fallen were angels that were cast out of heaven for disobeying God and choosing to follow Lucifer. They were cast down to earth where they mated with human women. What happened to them? What happened to their children? What if after being cast down to earth many changed their minds and wanted to reconcile with God? What if their children did?

  My name is Kara. I am a Nephilim, a daughter of the Fallen. There are many here like me. Not all of us choose to follow the one called Lucifer. Many of us, like me, are seeking ways to reconcile our people to God. Join me as we fight for our freedom to follow God.



  Pam Funke is the grand-daughter of a pastor and was brought up in the church. Her love of reading and writing led her to write for the enjoyment of others. She is the author of the popular “The Apocalypse” series and lives in Georgia with her son and daughter.

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