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A Fistful 0f Cyborg (Cyborgs On Mars Book 2)

Page 8

by Honey Phillips

“I need to patrol,” he barked, interrupting her as he forced himself to his feet.

  Her teeth closed over her bottom lip. “I’m sorry. I know I bore people when I talk too much about my work.”

  He heard the echo of someone else’s reprimands in her words and he didn’t have the heart to reinforce them.

  “No, Addie. Your work is fascinating, and I can tell how passionate and determined you are about this project. GenCon is very lucky to have you.”

  A pleased blush covered her cheeks and she gave him a small smile.

  “But I have a job also and I really do need to patrol,” he said more gently.

  “I understand.” She worried her lip again. “Will you be back before dark? Not that you have to report to me or anything,” she added hastily.

  He remembered the previous night and finding her huddled, close to freezing, in front of the small stove and shuddered. He had no intention of taking any additional risks with her safety.

  “I will be back by late afternoon,” he promised, then hesitated. “Do you have a gun?”

  “They issued me one when I arrived, but I didn’t bring it.”

  “Do you know how to use it?”

  “I practiced a little at the holographic range on the ship,” she said doubtfully.

  “That’s a good start. We will work on it some more. In the meantime, take this.”

  He retrieved his holster from where it had been slung over a container and handed it to her. She took it reluctantly.

  “I’m really not sure if I can use this.”

  “And you shouldn’t have to. There is no one nearby and I didn’t tell GenCon where we were coming.”

  “Then why?”

  He hesitated, reluctant to remind her of her encounter with the miners, and comprehension dawned on her face. Her lips tightened and she clasped her hand more firmly around the gun.

  “I understand. But… you don’t expect anyone to show up, right?”

  If he did, he would never leave her.

  “No. I checked and there are no claims anywhere nearby and we are not on the path to anywhere.” Despite the determination on her face, her mouth trembled just a little. “Don’t worry, angel. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She smiled up at him and the trust on her face made him ache deep inside. “I know you won’t, Sam.”

  He didn’t even have the heart to remind her to use his cyborg designation. He simply nodded and strode out of the shelter, fighting the urge to remain the entire way.

  Chapter Twelve

  As soon as the habitat was out of sight, S-756 began to worry. He had been entirely truthful with her about the lack of anyone in the surrounding vicinity but the memory of her at the mercy of those miners tormented him. He had intended to make a trip to the nearest power station to see if there were any disputes he needed to settle, but it would require a few hours there and an equal amount of time to return and he had no intention of leaving her alone for that long.

  Fuck. He had thought he was being clever in choosing the location of their camp, but given his reluctance to leave her, he suspected carrying out his regular duties was going to be impossible. He could still act as a territorial judge, he decided, if he set up a regular schedule for trials in New Arcadia. Once that was established, he could even take her to the town with him. Would she enjoy meeting the other two human females who were mated to cyborgs?

  But in the meantime, he still needed some breathing room before returning to their habitat and the temptation of her presence.

  Two of his fellow cyborgs had established a mining claim further up in the mountains. Their camp was less than an hour away and he decided to visit them. He had heard a rumor that they had a human female up there with them, but he didn’t entirely believe it. J-817 was a grouchy old bastard, even less social than he was. On the other hand, he could believe that B-669, the younger and more reckless member of the pair, had come up with such a plan.

  He was still speculating about their situation when he came to a narrow passage in the rocks and found B-669 sitting on a ledge overlooking the valley.

  “B-669, what are you doing here?”

  The cyborg jumped, too lost in his own thoughts to have noticed S-756’s approach.

  “I’m not doing anything wrong.”

  He almost sighed. Was that all anyone thought he was capable of? Searching for wrongdoing?

  “I didn’t say you were,” he snapped, then forced himself to moderate his voice. “I was on my way to visit you and J-817.”

  “You can’t,” B-669 said immediately, then looked around as if searching for inspiration. “He is… indisposed.”

  “He’s sick?” he asked incredulously. The cyborgs were never sick. Had J-817 been hurt?

  “No, not exactly.” A fleeting grin crossed B-669’s face, followed by a scowl. “He’s just having difficulty adjusting to a new situation.”

  “What situation?” He remembered the rumor and frowned. Surely none of his brethren would take advantage of a female. “Have you done anything illegal?”

  B-669’s face twisted. “Maybe it’s not exactly legal—although it should be—but it’s certainly not wrong.”

  “You are not the person to judge that,” he said sternly.

  Did he have any room to talk? He had not given Addie any choice in joining him. GenCon had agreed on her behalf but she had not volunteered. Suppressing the feeling of guilt, he glared at the other cyborg and waited.

  “There’s a female at our camp,” B-669 burst out.

  “Does she want to be there?”

  “Y-yes. Yes,” the younger male repeated more firmly.


  “She thinks she’s married to J-817.”

  “Cyborgs are not allowed to marry. You know that.” Even as he spoke, he imagined being able to declare Addie as his wife and a surge of longing shot through him. He knew it was foolish, there were still too many obstacles between them, but if they could find a way past them… He had thought Clint and Morgan foolish for wanting a wedding ceremony with no legal basis behind it but he suddenly understood.

  Looking ridiculously young despite his size and strength, B-669 scowled at him.

  “We should be allowed to. And we’re not on Earth anymore. Their rules don’t apply to us.”

  “We are under their jurisdiction,” he reminded himself as much as the younger male.

  “Well, maybe we shouldn’t be. A new planet deserves a new government.”

  B-669’s words struck a spark inside him, but even if that was a possibility for the future, it didn’t change the reality of the present.

  “Why does this female think she is married?”

  Once again, B-669 avoided his gaze. “I may have hacked into the database and made it appear that way in order for her to make the trip.”

  He sighed and rubbed his chin. A week ago, he would have demanded that the female be returned to New Arcadia immediately. Today, he wasn’t quite as sure.

  “Is she happy with the arrangement? Does she want to be here?”

  “She definitely wants to be with us. She says that we make her feel safe. As for her happiness…” He raised a shoulder. “We are still working on that part.”

  “And you are not taking advantage of her?”

  He hated to even suspect that of one of his cyborgs, but he had to ask. B-669’s obvious outrage reassured him.

  “We would never hurt her. In any way.”

  “I assume this was your idea. What does J-817 think?”

  “He doesn’t know what to think. But he likes her. How could he help it?” he asked as if speaking to himself.

  “It sounds like he’s not the only one,” he said dryly.

  B-669’s young face turned hard. “I didn’t bring her for me. She’s J-817’s wife. I can’t think of her any other way.”

  He rather suspected that the younger male was trying to convince himself, but he didn’t pursue the subject.

  “Do you think she would li
ke to meet another female?” he asked suddenly, surprising himself.

  “It’s a full day trip to town. We would have to spend the night and she… she doesn’t like being around people.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m not sure.” B-669 smiled fondly. “She has her secrets.”

  “Don’t they all?” he muttered.


  “Nothing. But what I was going to tell you was that I have set up a camp in the canyon that leads out to the valley. A female scientist is there with me. If your female was comfortable with meeting one other person, she would be welcome.”

  “A scientist?” B-669 shuddered. “I don’t trust any of them.”

  “Neither do I, but Addie… Dr. Montgomery is different.”

  “S-756, is she your female?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he snapped, even as a feeling of guilt spread through him at his denial.

  “You sound like J-817.” B’s eyes were uncomfortably penetrating. Before S-756 could respond, he continued. “But I’ll ask if Daisy wants to come and visit.”


  B-669 stood up awkwardly, his cybernetic leg stiff, and brushed himself off. “I’d best be getting back. He’s had enough time.”

  “Time for what?”

  “Time to see what’s right in front of his face.” B-669 looked wistful.

  After a brief farewell, S-756 turned back to the habitat, already anxious about the time he had been gone. Blackie seemed almost as enthusiastic, picking his way quickly through the rocks. What had Addie done to the horse? Cast the same spell over the animal that she had cast over him? He shook his head but didn’t try and rein in the horse. He was just as eager to return.

  Addie heard the sound of hooves and looked up eagerly from where she had been entering data into her computer. She had made good progress this afternoon, but she still found herself listening for the sound of Sam’s return. Her heart skipped a beat when she looked out and saw him riding Blackie down out of the mountains. He looked like some mythic figure, tall and stern aboard the big horse, his hat pulled down low over his eyes. She abandoned her records and headed out to meet him, grabbing a mask and coat on the way.

  “How was the patrol?”

  “Fine. No problems. Everything quiet on this end?”

  “Yes. You didn’t need to worry.” She smiled up at him uncertainly. “Everything is ready for tomorrow. If you’re sure.”

  Blackie nudged her shoulder and she patted his nose absently.

  “He likes you,” Sam said slowly.

  “I like him too.”

  “Robots are not supposed to have feelings.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Neither are cyborgs.”

  “It’s not exactly the same thing. We started out as human, even if the government did their best to strip that away from us.”

  Blackie nudged her again and she laughed. “He doesn’t seem to care. Do you think maybe we could go for a ride sometime? When you’re not rescuing me, I mean?”

  He regarded her for a second, his face unusually soft, then reached down a hand. “How about now?”

  She gave an embarrassingly girlish squeal as she reached for his hand. “Oh yes.”

  He lifted her up in front of him with his usual effortless strength, then hesitated. “Will you be warm enough?”

  “You’re good at keeping me warm.” Her voice came out unexpectedly low and husky as she snuggled back against him. She had forgotten how intimate it was to ride with him, his heat and scent surrounding her. His arm settled across her waist, holding her against a hard, warm chest.

  “I’ll take care of you,” he growled, but it sounded like a promise rather than a threat.

  Blackie turned and headed down the slope towards the valley floor.

  “How does he know where to go?”

  “I usually guide him with my knees and heels, the way they would have done back when people rode horses. I can also program him to proceed to a particular destination.”

  “He has a keyboard?”

  He laughed. “He does actually have a control chip, but he can also respond to voice commands. Halt, Blackie.”

  The big animal came to an abrupt stop.

  “Will he listen to me also?”

  “I don’t—”

  “Go, Blackie.” The horse immediately started moving again.

  “Apparently so,” Sam said dryly. “They are not supposed to take commands from anyone other than their riders.”

  “But I am riding him.”

  “We are riding him,” he corrected, settling her a little closer to him, and she put her arm over his, holding it against her.

  They rode out into the valley at a leisurely pace. Sam seemed more relaxed than he had been since they met. He occasionally pointed out some of the landmarks surrounding them but on the whole, they rode in peaceful silence. She was always conscious of his body at her back and the low thrum of arousal that surrounded her in his presence, but this felt comfortable rather than urgent and she relaxed into the moment.

  The peace between them lasted even when they returned to the habitat. She helped him clean the dust from Blackie’s coat, then he prepared a meal while she finished entering her notes. After dinner, he surprised her by pulling out a worn pack of playing cards.

  “I like to play solitaire,” he said almost defensively. “It relaxes me.”

  Solitaire. It seemed so symbolic of the path forced upon him that her heart ached, but she gave him a bright smile.

  “How about a game for two instead?”

  “Just what I had in mind.” He smiled, looking so approachable that she decided this would be a good time to talk to him. But before she could speak, he started dealing the cards and the moment passed.

  She turned out to have a natural aptitude for cards and when she won three out of the first five games, she started to worry. Derrick would not have been happy to have been bested. She should have known better.

  When she emerged as the winner in the sixth game, Sam only laughed. “My little card shark. Are you sure you’ve never played this before?”

  Relieved, she beamed at him. “Never. I must be a fast learner.”

  “Hmm.” His eyes darkened and the air between them seemed to thicken.

  Her tongue darted out to wet suddenly dry lips and his eyes focused on her mouth, an almost palpable heat in his gaze. She waited, nervously, expectantly, half-relieved and half-disappointed when he stood up abruptly. His face had hardened again.

  “I’ll go make a quick check on everything while you get ready for bed.”

  She nodded silently, fighting back a sudden urge to cry. As she watched him leave through the airlock, the night seemed to close in around her. Nights were always the worst, the loneliest. During the day, she could bury the constant ache beneath the demands of her job, but now that she was alone it clawed at her. Retrieving the small image from her pack, she stroked it with a gentle finger. Only six months to go.

  After taking advantage of the new supply of water with a long hot shower, she climbed into bed and waited for Sam to return. When she heard him enter, some cowardly instinct made her close her eyes, even when he paused by the bunks. He stood there for a moment and she was on the verge of opening her eyes when she heard him sigh softly, then move off into the lab. The small sounds from the next room were oddly comforting. She no longer felt so alone and she drifted off to sleep before he returned.

  The next morning, she woke up in his arms again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When S-756 returned to the habitat after dinner, the living quarters were still slightly steamy from her shower. Addie’s delicate floral fragrance filled the air and sent a bolt of lust through him. She had curled up on the top bunk again, fortunately not shivering this time. In fact, one corner of the blanket had slipped down to show a pale bare shoulder. Her eyes were closed but he could tell she wasn’t sleeping. He paused for a second but she kept her eyes firmly shut so he sighed and moved o
n. He needed little rest at the best of times so he might as well make himself useful. Some of the lab equipment still needed to be assembled and he had noticed that not everything was at a convenient height for her.

  Once he’d completed those chores, he contemplated taking his rest period in the lab but the lure of Addie in the next room was too great. Even if he couldn’t sleep with her again, he wanted to be closer.

  This time when he checked, her breathing was slow and even, so he climbed into the bottom bunk. He liked knowing that she was near and safe. The gentle sounds of her breathing started to lull him to sleep when the sound changed. She whimpered in her sleep and began to thrash restlessly. He couldn’t stand it. When he stood up, her eyes were still closed but her face was drawn and unhappy.

  He cupped her face gently. She immediately flinched, but then she nestled into his hand and her face relaxed. Telling himself that he just didn’t want to stand there all night, he lifted her into his arms and then settled back down in the bottom bunk in the same position as the night before. Her soft curves tormented him, especially when she sighed and wiggled closer, but despite the aching need in his body, contentment filled him.

  Holding her in his arms, protecting her from whatever terrors filled her mind, this felt right. She was back where she belonged.

  He slept very little, turning the situation over in his mind. The pain of her betrayal had faded, the lingering hurt replaced by the warmth of her presence. She seemed as genuine now as she had then, and he finally allowed himself to remember all those nights when she had been at his side, comforting him after another day of torment. He had shoved them aside after he returned to the military, refusing to remember her kindness. But he remembered now and with his bitterness fading, he was almost ready to find out what had driven her to do such a terrible thing to him.

  He would give it a few more days, he decided, and let her start her experiments. If she remained the same sweet loving Addie she was now once she had what she wanted, he would hear her out.

  In the meantime…

  Light was beginning to brighten the small window and she would be waking soon. And he knew the best way to awaken her. Moving slowly so as not to disturb her, he rolled her onto her back, then slid down her body. She was wearing a thin, silky gown that clung to her curves and he paused for a moment to admire her. The deep purple echoed the color of her eyes and made a striking contrast to her pale skin. Even in the utilitarian coveralls, he wanted her, but dressed in her surprisingly seductive underthings, she drove him mad with desire.


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