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Robert Ludlum - Aquatain Progression.txt

Page 59

by The Aquitaine Progression [lit]

  glass booth, was preferable to being out in the open.

  He felt his pulse accelerating; it seemed to explode

  when the bell rang.

  "Saint-Pierre, Nelli, et Mattilon," said the female

  voice in Paris.

  "Monsieur Mattilon, please s'il vous plait."

  "Votre. . . ?" The woman stopped, undoubtedly

  recoginzing an American's abysmal attempt at

  French. "Who may I say is calling, please?"

  "His friend from New York. He'll know. I'm a



  Rene did know. After several clicks his strained

  voice came on the line. 'Joel?" he whispered. "I don't

  believe itI"

  ' Don't," said Converse. "It's not true not what

  they say about Geneva or Bonn, not even what you

  said. I had nothing to do with those killings, and

  Paris was an accident. I had every reason to think I

  did think that man was reaching for a gun.'

  "Why didn't you stay where you were, then, my


  "Because they wanted to stop me from going on.

  It's what I honestly believed, and I couldn't let them

  do that. Let me tally.... At the George Cinq you

  asked me questions and I gave you evasive answers

  and I think you saw through me. But you were kind

  and went along. You have nothing to be sorry about,

  take my word for it my very sane word. Bertholdier

  came to me that evening in my room; we talked and

  he panicked. Six days ago I saw him again here in

  Bonn only, this time it was different. He was

  ordered to be there, along with three other very

  powerful men, two generals and a former field

  marshal. It's a cabal, Rene, an international cabal,

  and they can pull it off. Everything's secret and

  moving fast. They've recruited key military personnel

  all over Europe, the Mediterranean, Canada, and the

  U.S. There's no way to tell who's with them and who

  isn't and there isn't time to make a mistake.

  They've got millions at their disposal, warehouses all

  over filled with munitions ready to ship to their

  people when the moment comes."

  "The moment?" Mattilon broke in. "What moment?"

  "Please," insistedJoel, rushing ahead. "They've

  been funneling weapons and explosives to maniacs

  everywhere terrorists, proves, certified

  lunatics with one purpose only: destabilisation

  through violence. It's their excuse to move in. Right

  now they're blowing up Northern Ireland."

  "The madness in Ulster?" interrupted the

  Frenchman again. "The horrors going on "

  "It's their horror! It's a trial run. They did it with

  one massive shipment from the States to prove they

  can do it! But Ireland's only a test, a minor exercise.

  The big explosion's coming in a matter of days, a few

  weeks at most. I've got to reach the people who can

  stop them, and I can't do that if I'm dead!" Converse

  paused, only to catch his breath, giving Mattilon no

  chance to speak. "These are the men I was after,

  Rene after legally, to build a few cases against

  them, expose


  them in the courts before they got anywhere. But

  then, I found out. They're already there. I was too


  "But why you?"

  'it in Geneva with Halliday, the man who was

  shot to death. He was killed by their gunmen, but

  not before he recruited me. You asked me about

  Geneva and I lied to you, but that's the truth. Now,

  you'll either help me, or try to help me, or you

  won't. Not for me I'm insignificant but what I got

  roped into isn't. And I was roped into it, I know

  that now. But I've seen them, talked to them, and

  they're so goddamned logical, so bucking persuasive,

  they'll turn all Europe fascist; they'll set up a

  military federation with my country the progenitor.

  Because it started in my country, it started in San

  Francisco with a man named Delavane."

  "Saigon? The Mad Marcus of Saigon?"

  "Alive and well and living in Palo Alto, pushing

  his military buttons all over the place. He's still a

  magnet and they're drawn to him like flies to a pig."

  "Joel, are you . . . are you . . . all right?"

  "Let's put it this way, Rene. I took a lousy watch

  offa man who guarded me a paranoid who

  nevertheless was nice to me and it's got a sweep

  hand. You've got thirty seconds to think about what

  I've told you, then I'll hang up. Now, old friend,

  twenty-nine seconds."

  Ten passed and Mattilon spoke. "An insane man

  does not deliver such a precise explanation so

  precisely. Very well, perhaps I am mad, too, but

  what you speak of God knows the times are right,

  what else can I say? Everything is crazy'"

  "I've got to get back to the States alive, to

  Washington. I know people there. If I can reach

  them and show myself for what I am, they'll listen

  to me. Can you help?"

  "I have contacts in the Quai d'Orsay. Let me go to


  "No," objected Converse. "They know we're

  friends. One word to the wrong person and you'd be

  killed. Forgive wee~cbaunttmaffrOedimthpotrtant,

  your talking would set off alarms.

  "Very well," said Mattilon. "There is a man in

  Amsterdam don't ask me how I know him_who

  can arrange such things. I assume you have no


  "I have one but it's not mine. It's German. I

  took it off a guard who was ready to put a bullet in

  my head."

  "Then I'm sure he's not in a position to

  complain to the authorities."


  "He's not."

  "In your mind you really did go back, didn't you,

  my friend?"

  "Let's not talk about it, okay?"

  "Bien. You are you. Keep that passport, it will be


  "Amsterdam. How do I get there?"

  "You are in Bonn, no?"


  "There is a train to Emmerich on the Dutch

  border. In Emmerich, switch to local

  transport streetcars, autobuses, whatever. The

  customs are lax, especially during the peak hours

  when workers go back and forth. No one looks, so

  just show the passport you have quickly, partially

  covering the photograph, perhaps. It's good that it's

  German. You should have no trouble."

  "Suppose I do?"

  "Then I can't help you, my friend. I'm being

  honest. And then I must go to the Quai d'Orsay."

  "All right. I get across, then what?"

  "You'll reach Arnhem. From there you take the

  train to Amsterdam."

  "And then?"

  "The man. His name is on a card in my bottom

  drawer. Do you have something to write on write


  "Go ahead," said Converse, reaching for the note

  pad and the ball-point pen on the ledge beneath the


  "Here it is. Thorbecke. Cort Thorbecke. The

  apartment house
is on the southwest corner of

  Utrechtsestraat and Kerkstraat. The telephone

  number is zero-two-zero, four-oneone-three-zero.

  When you call for an appointment, tell him you are

  a member of the Tabana family. Do you have that?

  Tatiana. "

  "Rend?" said Joel, writing. "I never would have

  guessed. How come you know someone like this?"

  "I told you not to ask, but on the other hand he

  may probe and you should have at least vague

  answers everything was always vague. Tatiana is a

  Russian name, one of the Czar's daughters reputedly

  executed at Ekaterinburg in 1918. I say 'reputedly'

  because many believe she was spared along with her

  sister Anastasia and smuggled out with a nurse who

  had a fortune in jewels on her. The nurse favored

  Tatiana and once free, gave everything to the child

  and nothing to her sis


  ten It's said she lived anonymously in great

  wealth may even be living today but no one

  knows where."

  "That's what I have to know?" asked Converse.

  "NO, it's merely the origins of its present

  meaning. Today it is a symbol of trust given to very

  few people in recent years, people who themselves

  are trusted by the most suspicious men on earth,

  men who cannot afford to make mistakes."

  "Good Lord, who?"

  "Russians, powerful Soviet commissars who have

  a fond" ness for Western banking, who broker

  money out of Moscow for investments. You can

  understand why the circle is small. Few are called

  and fewer chosen. Thorbecke is one of them and he

  does an extensive business in passports. I'll reach

  him and tell him to expect your call. Remember, no

  name, just Tatiana. He'll have you on a KLM to

  Washington in short order. You'll need money,

  however, so we must think how I can "

  "Money's one thing I don't need," interrupted

  Converse. "Just a passport and a plane ticket to

  Dulles Airport without being picked up."

  "Get to Amsterdam. Thorbecke will help."

  "Thank you, Rene. I wanted to count on you

  and you came through. It means a lot to me. It

  means my life."

  "You're not in Washington yet, my friend. But

  call me when you get there, no matter the hour."

  "I will. Thanks, again.'

  Joel hung up, put the note pad and the pen into

  his pocket, and went out of the booth to the

  counter. He asked for his charges, and while the

  English-speaking operator was getting them he

  remembered the item he had marked 2 on his list.

  His attache case with the dossiers and the names of

  the deci sion makers at the Pentagon and the State

  Department. Das Rektorat. Through some

  extraordinary oversight on Leifhelm's part, had

  Connal managed to hide it somewhere? Could it

  have been found perhaps by an employee at the

  country inn? Converse spoke to the operator who

  was handing him his bill.

  There's a place called Das Rektorat. It's a hotel

  in the countryside where I'm not sure, but I'd like

  to call it and reach the manager. I'm told he speaks


  'Yes, sir. Das Rektorat has splendid

  accommodations, if they are available."

  "I'm not looking for a reservation. A friend of

  mine stayed there last week and thinks he may have

  left a valuable item


  in his room. He called me and asked me to check for

  him, to speak with the manager. If I find the

  number, would you place the call for me and get him

  on the line? I'm sorry to say I don't speak German;

  I'd probably reach the chef."

  ' Certainly, sir," replied the woman, smiling. It

  would be easier for me to get the number. Return to

  booth seven and I'll ring you. You can pay for both

  calls when you are finished."

  Inside the glass enclosure Joel lit a cigarette,

  thinking about what he was going to say. He barely

  had time to formulate his words when the ring came.

  "This is the Vorsteher the manager of Das

  Rektorat, sir," said the operator. ' And he does speak


  "Thank you." The operator broke off her

  connection "Hello?"

  "Yes, may I help you, sir?"

  "I hope so. I'm an American friend of

  Commander Connal Fitzpatrick, chief legal officer of

  the San Diego Naval Base in California. I

  understand he stayed there last week."

  'Indeed he did, sir. We were so sorry we could

  not have extended his visit with us, but there was a

  prior reservation."

  "Oh? He left unexpectedly?"

  "I shouldn't put it that way. We spoke in the

  morning and I believe he understood our situation.

  I myself made arrangements for a taxi."

  "He was alone when he left?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Oh. Then if you'll tell me which hotel he went

  to, I can check there as well."

  'Check, sir?"

  "The Commander misplaced one of his briefcases,

  a flat leather type with two combination locks. The

  contents are of no value except to him, but he very

  much wants to find it. It was a present from his wife,

  I think. Have you come across it?"

  'No, sir."

  "Are you sure? The commander has a habit of

  concealing his legal papers, sometimes under a bed

  or in the back of a closet. '

  He left nothing here, sir. The room was

  thoroughly examined and cleaned by our staff."

  "Perhaps someone came to see him and took the



  case." Converse knew he was pressing but there was

  no reason not to.

  ' He had no visitors." The German paused. "Just

  one moment, I do recall now."


  "You say a flat briefcase, what is generally

  referred to as an attache case?"


  "He carried it with him. It was in his hand when he


  "Oh . . . " Joel tried to recover quickly. "Then if

  you'll just tell me what forwarding address he left,

  what hotel he went to."

  "I'm sorry, sir. There were no such instructions."

  "Somebody had to make a reservation for him!

  Rooms are tight in Bonul"

  "Please, sir. I myself offered to try, but he

  refused my aid somewhat discourteously, I might


  "I'm sorry." Joel was annoyed that he had lost

  control. "Those legal papers were important. Then

  you have no idea where he went?"

  "But I do, sir, if one wishes to be humored. I

  made a point of asking. He said he was going to the

  Bahnhof; the train station. If anyone asked for him,

  we were to say he was sleeping in a baggage locker.

  I'm afraid it was also meant discourteous

  The train station? A locker! It was a message!

  Fitzpatrick was telling him where to look! Without

  speaking further, Converse hung up the phone, left

the booth, and went to the counter. He paid for

  both calls and thanked the operator, wanting to

  leave her a tip but knowing it would only call at-

  tension to him. "You've been very kind and, if I

  may, one last favor."


  "Where is the train station?"

  "You can't miss it. Turn left out of the building

  and walk four streets, then left again for two more.

  It is one of the more uncertain prides of Bonn."

  "You've been very kind."

  Joel hurried down the pavement, constantly

  reminding himself to check his speed. Everything

  depended on control now, eve~7,~thing. Every

  move he made had to be normal even casual,

  nothing to cause anyone to take a second glance at

  him. Mattilon had told him to take a train;

  Fitzpatrick had


  told him to go to the train station a locker! It was

  another omen! He was beginning to think that such

  a thing did exist.

  He walked through the large open doors of the

  entrance and turned to his right toward the row of

  lockers where he had left the attache case before

  heading out to the Alter Zoll to meet "Avery

  Fowler." He reached the locker itself; there was a


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