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Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series

Page 7

by Ellie R. Hunter

“Yes, she’s very nice. I now believe her and Billy weren’t together.”

  “You couldn’t be more wrong about them two. Would it be a problem if they were?”

  “No, he was my friend that’s all,” I am getting fed up saying it, “I didn’t come here for me, only for Zachery.”

  He hears the irritation in my voice and drops the topic of Billy.

  “Looks like Zach is finished,” he says, drawing my attention to the empty plate.

  “That’s the first meal he’s ever finished,” I admit happily.

  “He doesn’t say much does he.”

  “No, the only noise you hear from him is crying or the occasional giggle.”

  I am about to clear our plates when Slade beats me to it and loads the dishwasher.

  Very domestic indeed.

  After cleaning up Zachery, I am back on the couch feeling content after our steak dinner with him falling asleep on my lap.

  Slade comes in from the kitchen and when noticing Zachery, joins us cautiously as not to wake him.

  “I’m glad you came over,” he says, quietly.

  “Me too, thank you for offering,” I reply.

  “I should get you both back but I don’t want you to leave.”

  “I’ve decided to stay for a while so we can do this again,” I offer, as much as I want to stay I have Zachery to think of.

  He nods never taking his eyes away from mine and runs his knuckles across my cheek. I lean into his touch and feel the air sting my skin when he pulls his hand back.

  “Come on, I’ll take you back to the motel.”

  Once Zachery’s in his car seat still asleep Slade is standing by the passenger door holding it open for me.

  Before I slide into my seat I lean up on my tip toes intending to kiss him on the cheek but his head turns at the last moment. I don’t pull away and neither does he. His lips are so soft and tempting that I wish I had done this sooner.

  The kiss grows hungrier as I wrap my arms around his neck and his around my waist pulling me tight against him.

  The longer we kiss the more intense it becomes. Every repressed feeling I’ve had since giving birth explodes into a million pieces and I hold on to Slade and kiss him with everything I have.

  “Say the word and I’ll take you back in the house,” he growls breathlessly.

  His mouth dragging down my neck is distracting me. My aching body screams at me to say the words but my head screams one word, Zachery.

  “I can’t.”

  “I know.”

  I don’t know which of us sounds more dejected, him or I?

  “Believe me, I really want to but it isn’t right with Zachery here.”

  “I understand, go on and get in the car before I forget I have a few gentleman tendencies left.”

  I can’t help myself, I kiss him once more before sliding into my seat. Turning around I make sure Zachery is still asleep, he is.

  When Slade is in the car and turning the ignition on, he focuses on my bare legs and takes a deep breath.

  Deciding to tease him a little, I kick my sandals off and rest my feet on the dash, my shorts were a very good pick this morning when I got dressed.

  I hear him hiss in frustration and I hold in my giggle as he drives us away.

  Chapter Eight


  This is it. I am going to die. Keeping my eyes firmly on the road and trying to think of anything but Kristen’s legs up on the dash, I know I am failing miserably.

  My dick has never been harder. Fidgeting in the seat I try to adjust myself so it’s not so fucking obvious I’m rocking a hard on. I know she knows what she’s doing and one day soon I will make her pay for it, because without a doubt I know she wants me just as much.

  Halfway from my house to the motel, the back wheel gives out and the metal grates along the road.

  Pulling over to the side of the road, I get out to find the back tire is fucked.

  “What’s going on?” Kristen asks, getting out of the car.

  “Please tell me you have a spare?”

  “Sure, it’s in the trunk.”

  Sure she had a spare but she doesn’t have anything to change it with.

  Pulling my cell out of my pocket I dial Sparky’s number and hope he’s at home and not at the club. His house is roughly ten minutes from here.

  He picks up on the third ring and for once it doesn’t sound like I’ve interrupted him and Bonnie. You can’t guess how many times that has happened before.


  “It’s Slade, you busy?”

  “Just got home, why?” he asks.

  “I got a flat and nothing to fuckin’ change the spare with. I’m only ten minutes away from you on the main road towards the motel,” I tell him.

  “I’ll leave now,” he says, before hanging up.

  “You drove across the country without anything to change a tire with? What would you have done if this happened then?”

  “I don’t know. I would have figured something out.”

  “You should be more organized.”

  “You’re being bossy again,” she says, pushing me back against the car.

  “Don’t be starting something you can’t finish darlin’,” I warn her.

  “Who said I want to finish?” she murmurs.

  In one fluid motion, I slam the hood down and near enough throw her on top. She wraps her legs around my waist and I claim her mouth again.

  “You’re killing me here.”

  She giggles into my mouth as I press my lips against hers and it is the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced.

  I can’t kiss her and not rock myself into her, she doesn’t hold back either. She knows I’m hard because I’m not hiding it from her now. She grinds herself against it and doesn’t hide how much she’s getting off on it.

  I know we can’t do much more tonight but her shorts are so short I can tuck one of my fingers under and into her panties. I groan in frustration at how fucking wet she is. This has to be my karma for the bad I’ve done in my life.

  A gorgeous woman wet for me and nothing I can do about it. Fuck it, is what I say.

  As soon as I slide my finger inside her she buckles against me, so fucking warm. I introduce a second finger and that’s when I know she won’t last much longer. She bites down my shoulder as she nears climax. The more I thrust my fingers inside her the harder she bites. I never would have thought she was a biter but fucking hell, if that isn’t hot than nothing is.

  Rubbing her clit with my thumb finishes her off. Bringing my spare hand from her back up to her head, I force her to look at me.

  For a moment I am stunned. A climaxed Kristen is a sight I want to see over and over again. The way her eyes look all glazed over is extremely erotic.

  “Get to know Alannah, and soon.”

  “Why?” she asks.

  “So she can babysit. I need to be inside you as soon as fuckin’ possible.”

  She’s about to say something when she has to shield her eyes from upcoming head lights.

  She quickly unwraps her legs and slides between me and the car to get down.

  “I should get a flat more often,” she smirks, her hand grazing over my hard on as she steps to my side.

  “It can be arranged.” I quickly adjust myself and turn to see Sparky coming over.

  “Thanks brother.”

  “No worries, let’s get this changed. Bonnie’s got JJ to sleep and she’s waitin’ on me if you know what I mean?”

  “Everybody knows what you mean Sparks.”

  We set to work and the car is good to go after ten minutes.

  “I owe you for this.”

  “I’ll call it in soon, don’t worry.”

  Kristen comes round the car and stands beside me.

  “Thank you for coming out so late,” she says, gratefully.

  “You’re welcome. I’m Sparky by the way.” he offers her his hand and she accepts.


  She doesn�
��t need to tell him her name, he already knows it and much more about her but he doesn’t let on about it.

  “Well Kristen, me and my old lady are havin’ a BBQ tomorrow. You’re more than welcome to come with Slade.”

  I know how Sparky looks to outsiders with his big frame of a body and shaved head covered in tattoos but standing by my side Kristen is not intimidated by him one bit.

  “Thanks, I’ll see,” she says, looking at me weirdly.

  Does she think I don’t want her to come?

  “She’ll be there,” I tell him.

  “I should get back. Slade, a word,” he says, nodding his head to the side.

  “Why don’t you wait in the car,” I say to Kristen and walk with Sparky to his truck.

  “I didn’t want to say in case Kristen heard but did you see the cause of her flat?”


  “A six inch nail, not just one but five. I would say one could be an accident but five in a perfect line seems a bit coincidental.”

  “You saying someone done this on purpose?” I ask.

  “I’m not sayin’ anything, I’m surprised the tire lasted as long as it did. Where’d you come from at this time of night anyway?”

  “My place, I was taking her back to the motel.”

  “Did you drive her there?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “If someone saw you driving, they might have thought it was your car,” he speculates.

  “If someone was out to get me, why put a few nails in a tire? Why not tamper with the brakes? Unless, they were hoping to get Kristen stranded on her own?”

  For the second time today, an extreme violence was about to erupt at the thought of someone wanting to get near to Kristen.

  “At least she’s got you lookin’ out for her, us too. This way you might be able to get a little closer to her, save you tryin’ to fuck her on the open road,” he laughs.

  “Fuck off, you didn’t see anything.”

  “We’ll let Cas know tomorrow. I’d keep an eye on her tonight, with Ricky claiming he’s been set up who knows what’s goin’ on at the moment.”

  “Sure, thanks again for coming out. You need me to bring anything tomorrow?”

  “Nah, we got it covered. Be safe brother, call me if you need me.”

  I nod and head back to the car. God help anyone who comes near Kristen or Zachery. I will personally bury them alive.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks.

  “Everything’s fine,” I lie, but pray I could be wrong.

  Ten minutes later we’re sat in her car, the engine off and in silence. Is she regretting what happened earlier?

  “What are you thinking?” I ask desperate to know.

  “I’m thinking if you start your bike up it’s going to wake Zachery and I’ll be up all night with him,” she murmurs wickedly.

  “I should stay then.”

  This is perfect, I can keep an eye on her without her knowing about it.

  “I mean, I want you to stay but we can’t…” she says.

  “Hey,” I reach over and hold her hand, “I know we can’t, I’d still like to stay though. Besides, do you let many guys stick their fingers inside you by the side of the road?”

  “Of course not,” she snaps.

  “Well I’d say that kind of means something between us. I know I’ll get inside you soon enough…I can wait a little longer,” I smile.

  “I hope we don’t have to wait too long,” she whispers.

  “So do I darlin’,” I lean across and kiss her lightly before pulling back.

  I said I can wait a little longer but not if I keep teasing myself with her.

  “You take Zachery in and I’ll lock up.”

  I wait patiently for her to get the kid out of the car and inside so I can take a look around. Nothing and no one out of place that I can see so far. I backtrack to her room and still see no one around.

  Closing and locking the door behind me, I look out of the window to check again.

  “What are you doing?” Kristen whispers from the other side of the room near the kid’s cot.

  “I thought I heard something,” I tell her.

  Zach barely wakes as Kristen changes him into his pyjamas. The love shining in her eyes as she kisses him softly on his forehead and gently places him down in the cot is touching. It’s the look every mother should have every night as their child drifts off to sleep.

  “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  While she’s in the bathroom I make myself comfortable at the small table by the window.

  When she comes back out she looks nervous. She grabs two bottles of water and sits with me at the table.

  For hours I grill her about her life before coming here, sometimes during the night we moved to the bed. Her laying on one side and me sitting up against the headboard. She falls asleep telling me how much she misses her dad.


  Usually I am woken each morning by Zachery’s cries. This morning the room is silent and Zach and I are not alone.

  In the time it takes for my eyes to adjust to the darkened room I remember falling asleep whilst talking with Slade last night.

  It is not until I move slightly that I feel his hand resting on my hip. I lift my head slowly and see Zachery still sleeping. This is the first time he has slept right through the night. When I try to move Slade’s hand he wakes and suddenly I feel awkward. It helps when I see he has the same what-the-hell look on his face.


  His morning voice is deeper than usual and rough sounding.


  I point to Zachery and he understands.

  His devilish grin appears and he rolls closer so my body is perfectly aligned with his.

  I should be kicking myself for getting into this situation with a guy I hardly know. Well, apart from our heart to hearts at his place yesterday and here last night and now here he is in my bed.

  Albeit, nothing happened between us. It should scare me how much I like him being here but it doesn’t.

  “Not that I don’t like you being here but you should go before Zachery wakes up.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back later to pick you up,” he whispers back, making no effort to move.

  “Pick us up for what?” I ask.

  “To go to Sparky’s BBQ.”

  “I don’t know if I should go, I don’t know anyone.”

  “You know me, and you know Alannah,” he argues.

  “Okay,” I relent, “What time shall I be ready for?”

  “I’ll be here at two,” he smiles.

  Before I can complain about my morning breath his lips are on mine, but before I can get into it he pulls away and slips out of bed.

  “Be careful when you go out today,” he says, shoving his boots on, “Don’t want any more flat tires,” he adds quickly.

  I don’t think he’s bossy as such, it just seems to be who he is.

  “I’m sure you’ll rescue me bossy biker,” I tease as quietly as I can.

  He sighs and shakes his head but he’s smiling.

  “I’ll see you soon,” he says, heading for the door.

  I know I’m smiling like a silly school girl but I nod and then he’s gone.

  The idea of catching another hour in bed failed when Zachery woke to Slade starting his bike. Instead of his usual cries, he climbs up the bars smiling from ear to ear.

  A whole night’s sleep definitely agrees with my little man.

  At fifteen minutes to two Slade arrives early. Luckily, Zachery and I are ready to leave and have been for the last hour.

  And in that hour is when my nerves have rocketed out of control. I don’t feel nervous seeing Slade, quite the opposite. I feel nervous about meeting everyone else. This was Billy’s life and in a strange way I feel like I am intruding into it.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  Rifling through my bag, I make sure I have everything from my cell phone to a spare change of clothes for Zachery. When I
am satisfied I haven’t forgotten anything Slade takes it out to his truck.

  After locking the door behind me, I find Slade already transferring the car seat from my car to his truck.

  “Wouldn’t be easier to take my car?” I say, pointing out the obvious.

  “I didn’t like driving your car.”

  “It’s a good thing it isn’t your car then,” I laugh.

  When he’s finished making sure it’s safely fitted he takes Zachery from me and buckles him in.

  I stand and watch in amazement. Zachery never allows anyone to touch him unless it is me or his Granma. He doesn’t make a sound as Slade tightens the straps and makes sure he is secure.

  “What?” Slade asks, when he spots me watching him.

  “I think you have a new friend,” I say, nodding to Zachery, “He doesn’t let anyone get too close to him but you, he lets you hold him and strap him in.”

  “What can I say, I have a certain effect on people.”

  He isn’t wrong about that but I don’t tell him what he already knows.

  Once we are on the road I ask him about Sparky’s name. I obviously know it isn’t the name he was given at birth and usually when someone is given a nickname it is related to something they have done.

  Slade glances at me before answering.

  “I don’t think you want to know.”

  “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t,” I retaliate.

  “Okay, I don’t think I want to answer.”

  “Don’t then, it was only a conversation starter.”

  “I should rephrase. I mean, I don’t want you judging again and thinking badly about him.”

  I wanted to tell him he was wrong, that I wouldn’t judge but that is all I have done since I arrived.

  “Fair enough. What about you, is your name a nickname or is it your birth name?”

  “Just my birth name darlin’.”

  “Anyone else have nicknames?”

  “You’re very curious today?” he murmurs, “And a few, but again, I don’t want to say right now.”

  I bite my tongue from asking any more questions and the rest of the drive is quiet.

  We arrive at a beautiful large two story cabin like house. There is plenty of land around for parking, which is good as the drive is covered in bikes and cars.


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