Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 14

by Ellie R. Hunter

  I’m finding I can’t not smile this week. My life is finally moving forward and I will do anything to keep up the pace.

  I add a little more blusher to my cheeks before I am satisfied I’m good to go and give myself one last onceover in the mirror.

  I feel like I am going to the prom again. My little black dress clings snugly and my matching black heels adds inches to my legs. My hair, which normally lives in a ponytail, is falling down my back in loose curls and my green eyes look alive accentuated by the black eye liner.

  “I don’t think there’s a man out there who wouldn’t travel the world to take you out to dinner looking as beautiful as you do,” my mom compliments me proudly.

  “Thanks mom and thank you for watching Zachery tonight.”

  “What are Granma’s for? Besides, we’re going to have so much fun we won’t notice you’re gone.” She teases.

  The doorbell shrills its piercing tone throughout the house and my nerves wreak havoc on my body. He’s here.

  “Go on then, answer the door.” She laughs.

  I quickly kiss them both goodbye and near enough fly down the stairs as much as my heels will allow. My hand is on the doorknob and I take a deep breath to calm myself before I turn it and open the door.

  What I see when I do knocks whatever breath I struggled to contain right out of me. It is Slade, but not like I’ve ever seen him before.

  To look at him now standing on the doorstep with his hair perfectly in place, no leather in sight and no tattoos on show. If I didn’t know better I would think he was your average guy in his shirt and smart jeans.

  It’s now I realise that although he is pretty hot dressed like this, I much prefer his biker look.

  “You look…wow, just wow,” he chokes, taking me in from head to toe.

  “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  Sexual tension zings between us and becomes unbearable. Slade feels it too as he pulls me by the hand to his truck.

  As soon as he has closed my door he is racing around the truck and jumping in. One last look at me is all the warning I get before he’s leaning over the gear stick and kissing me like our lives depend on it.

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” he pants, pulling away, “I’ve missed you.” He adds.

  “I’ve missed you too,” I say, enjoying the tingle on my lips from his kiss.

  As he drives through the streets into the city, he keeps my hand held in his. The heat from his touch is comforting.

  “How has Zach been?” he asks.

  “He’s been good, he calls me momma so naturally now.”

  “That’s good darlin’. Is your mom okay to babysit for the night?”


  “Good, because I have plans for you,” he grins, lifting our entwined hands to his mouth to kiss mine.

  I can barely contain my excitement at the possibilities tonight will bring. Our date begins at a top class restaurant when we are seated at Slade’s request at a private balcony table.

  “Slade, this is more than what I was expecting,” I tell him when we are alone.

  “It’s no less than you deserve.”

  If anyone else had said that to me I would have thought they were being cheesy but coming from Slade’s mouth, I know he is being genuine.

  The chatter flows steadily until our food arrives and then I bite and ask him about the club.

  “I thought you weren’t interested in the club?” he asks, suspiciously.

  “I’m not interested in the danger in your club, but I listened the other day and know it’s a part of you and you I am interested in,” I explain.

  “We found the fu…I mean guy who you spoke to at the store.”

  I silently laugh as he stops himself from cussing and then violence crosses my mind.

  “Did you hurt him?” I ask him, feeling stupid for having to.

  “No, all we did was ask him some questions, he answered and we left.” He assures me.

  I sigh in relief and mentally promise to stop being so judgemental again.

  “What you see with me is what you get Kristen, I won’t lie to you again even if I think you shouldn’t know something. I want to be open with you so I don’t lose you,” He opens up.

  I reach across the able and squeeze his hand.

  “I can’t promise I’ll agree with some of the things you do but I can see you’re not a monster.”

  He snorts before he answers, “I’m hardly a monster. I’m a computer geek with muscles who isn’t afraid to protect what’s mine.”

  The fierce impact his statement has on me makes me want him more.

  “Did you have any plans after dinner?” I ask, gulping hard.

  “Only getting you back to my hotel and ripping your dress off,” he smirks.

  “That’s all I needed to know,” I smile, “Eat up, I’ve suddenly lost my appetite for food.”

  “Oh yeah, I thought you wanted to do the dating thing?” he laughs.

  “So did I, now you’re here my resolve isn’t so strong,” I wink at him.

  “In that case,” he says, throwing his fork down on the plate, he signals for the waiter and impatiently awaits for him.

  “Bill please,” he orders, keeping his eyes focused on me.

  The thrill coursing through my veins is on fire. This place must be costing him a fortune and he doesn’t care to stay and finish what he’s paying for.

  Once the bill is paid, he pulls me up from the table and rapidly but smoothly leads us out of the restaurant.

  “Get in the truck,” he says, keeping the demanding tone to his voice.

  I do as I’m told and as I’m feeling a little giddy, I like it when he’s forceful.

  He drives quickly but precisely to his hotel and throws the keys to the valet.

  I have seconds to appreciate the niceness of the hotel as it becomes a blur in passing to the elevators.

  As we exit the elevator into the hall, I guess I’m not walking fast enough because he stops in front of me and throws me over his shoulder.

  Shortly down the hall he produces his room key and has the door open and me in front of him in record time.

  No longer feeling giggly, an intense atmosphere fills the darkness around us.

  He leans down and claims my soul with only his kiss, softly dragging his lips across mine.

  He barely touches my skin as he pulls the straps off my shoulders, leaving my dress to fall to the floor. Standing in only my underwear I can see the hunger in his eyes as they rake over my body. I have slept with him before but this feels like our first time together.

  “You are so God damn beautiful,” he whispers, trailing his lips across my collarbone.

  While he’s focused on me, I slowly unbutton his shirt and pants. Now we’re even I step closer towards him and run my nails down his chest.

  There are no words to say, nothing to think about, there is only Slade and I in this moment and our bodies are doing all the communicating we need.

  I move out of his reach and slowly back up until the back of my legs hit the bed. He stands rooted in place watching me. I sit and move back until I am in the middle of the bed. Opening my legs, giving him full ability to see me, I lightly run my finger across my breast and down my stomach until I reach the top of my panties. I hook my finger into the material and pull them down slowly. Deciding he can’t take no more he climbs onto the bed and pushes me down. His lips and his hands are everywhere on my body and I love the way he feels. The hunger I have for him makes me want to take control so I do.

  Pushing at his chest, I pull myself up until he gets the idea and I straddle him and lean down to kiss him.

  We have all night for foreplay, right now I just want him inside me.

  Getting in position, he loses his breath as I guide myself down on him. The built up frustrations of being away from him blast out from somewhere deep inside me and I lose control and take my own pleasure from him. When my body begins convulsing from climax he remains in
side me as he changes position ready to take his own pleasure from me.

  I land on my back at the bottom of the bed leaving my head falling off the edge as he drives into me not holding back at all.

  “I’ve fuckin’ missed you,” he growls, continuing his assault on my body.

  I ride the waves of my orgasm until Slade reaches his finish and slumps on top of me.

  “I’ve missed you too,” I sigh into the darkness.

  The longer we lay there, the more tiredness takes over. I try to hide a yawn but fail when Slade laughs.

  “I hope you’re not that tired, I have many more plans with this body tonight,” he chuckles, grabbing my ass.

  The sunlight pouring in through the window doesn’t wake me. Zachery crying for his breakfast doesn’t wake me. It’s Slade’s fingers trailing across my back and his peppered kisses on my shoulder what wakes me.

  “Morning darlin’.”

  The way he calls me darling causes me to clench my legs together when all they want to do is open for him.

  “Hmm, morning.”

  “I was getting impatient waiting for you to wake up,” he says.

  “What time is it?” I ask.

  “It’s still early, just after seven.”

  “Why on earth are you waking me up then?” I groan into the pillow.

  He presses his morning glory into my thigh in answer.

  “Oh,” I laugh.

  “Yeah, don’t worry this won’t take long.”

  My stomach growls as he rolls off me and so does his.

  “We should eat, we didn’t eat much at dinner last night.”

  “Whose fault is that?” he points out.

  “You’re the one who ended dinner,” I argue.

  “It was worth it,” he smiles, “Do you want to go down to eat or shall I order room service?” he asks.

  I am not ready to burst our little bubble just yet, especially if we stay in the room and he keeps his top off and chest on show.

  “Room service.”

  “Good choice.”

  He calls down and orders coffee and pancakes. While we’re waiting he climbs back on the bed and lays beside me.

  “Thank you for last night…and this morning.”

  “I should be thanking you, I feel fantastic,” I tell him.

  “When you opened the door I couldn’t believe you were you. The memory of you dressed like that will be forever burned in my head. I feel like the luckiest fucker in the world.”

  “I know what you mean, I wasn’t expecting to see you dressed so…normally,” I can’t help but laugh.

  “I can do normal occasionally, only for you though.”

  “Good because the whole biker look you’ve got going on is pretty hot.”

  I damn myself for blushing.

  He dips his head to kiss me and I try to savour the way his lips feel on mine.

  “I hate that I have to leave you today,” he frowns, pulling away.

  “When will you be able to come back?”

  “I have some club business to sort out over the next few days so not till next week.”

  “It’s going to be a long week,” I say sadly, the thought of a week without him doesn’t make me feel good.

  “For us both darlin’.”

  A knock at the door interrupts us. Slade gets up and answers in only his boxer briefs and takes the trays from the hotel valet.

  The coffee is gorgeous, the pancakes are gorgeous and the man sitting cross-legged beside me on the bed is gorgeous. The only part missing is Zachery.

  “Why do you look upset?” he asks, concerned.

  “Do I?”


  “I was just thinking about Zachery. This is the first time I’ve been away from him. He’ll be awake now and wondering where I am.”

  He doesn’t think about what he says next and it damn well causes my heart to swell.

  “How about I take you back soon and we can take him out somewhere before I leave? I’ve missed the little guy too.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  As much as this beautiful man wants me to be his, he never makes me feel like Zachery is in the way. In fact, thinking back over our many conversations he always includes Zachery. He understands I come with a child and it has never bothered him.

  I’ll always be a mom first no matter what, but Slade makes me feel like I am Kristen again, that I can be both.

  I am falling in love with him and I am not scared of it. Oh God, I love him. How can I wait a week to see him again? I can’t.

  He told me once it was inevitable I would live with him and he was right. I want to go back to Willows Peak with him. I am about to tell him this when his phone rings.

  “I’m sorry but I have to answer this,” he says, looking pissed.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  He doesn’t say much during the call but his whole body language changes. I can’t see his face as his back is turned to me but it doesn’t look like he’s hearing anything good.

  He doesn’t say goodbye as he snaps his cell shut and then makes me jump when he throws it against the wall.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” he mutters, as he begins pacing the room.

  Making sure the sheet is wrapped around me I slip off the bed and stand in his way.

  “What’s going on?” I demand.

  When he won’t look at me I know I’m not going to like what he has to say.

  “You said you wouldn’t keep anything from me anymore,” I remind him.

  “And I won’t, but what I’m about tell you will just confirm your fears about being with me.”

  “Just tell me Slade, you’re worrying me.”

  He begins pacing around me so I make it easier for him and sit on the edge of the bed.

  “That was Cas on the phone. About an hour ago some photos were delivered to the clubhouse,” he pauses and tries to calm himself down.

  “Photos of what Slade?”

  “Of us. Me picking you up last night and us at dinner,” he stops pacing and watches me waiting for my reaction.

  Judging by the look on his face he is expecting me to crumble, but I am furious. Last night was my first real date and no one is going to spoil that for me.

  “Who would do that? Why would anyone do that?” I ask calmly.

  He joins me on the bed and surprizes me when he keeps his hands to himself.

  “Someone is out to get us, the club not you. For the last few months they have been causing trouble for us and we don’t have a fuckin’ clue who it is or what they want. Whoever it is though, they know everything about us. This is probably them saying they know where we are at all times.”

  “Am I in danger now?”

  “It was me they were following but they probably know by now how much you mean to me so I can’t be sure if you’re in danger or not.”

  At least he’s honest this time. Silence fills the room and now he does take hold of my hand and holds it tightly.

  “This isn’t what you want but I can’t leave here today unless you come with me. I have to know you’re safe and I won’t know that if we are miles apart.”


  His head turns to look at me so fast it should have snapped his neck.

  “Really? I was expecting you to fight me on this.”

  I smile and shake my head.

  “Slade, I am not scared of someone taking photos of us, maybe I should be but I am angry that last night has been tainted by this. I trust you won’t let anything happen to us. So no, I’m not going to fight you on this.”

  I now believe him when he told me that the club looks out for one another because the thought of being Willows Peak makes me feel safe.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you and no one can take last night from us. It was the best night of my life and nothing will ruin that,” he promises me.

  “Last night was one of my best nights too and I expect many more,” I say bluntly.

  “Well let�
�s get dressed and back to Willows Peak so I can show you what I have to offer.”

  As we drive up to my aunt’s house the realization that Slade is about to meet my mom hits me. I’ve never introduced anyone to her before, she didn’t even meet Billy. This is bound to be awkward.

  “Are you ready?” he asks, opening my door.

  When the hell did he get out of the car?


  After digging the spare key out of my purse, I grasp Slade’s hand and hope he feels my anticipation.

  Walking through the house it is too quiet. It isn’t until we enter the kitchen that we hear voices flowing in from the back decking area. Stepping out into the well-tended to garden my aunt, my mom and Zachery are eating breakfast.

  “Are you ready for this?” I ask, trying not to move my lips.

  “More than you would believe.”

  I peak up at him and see he’s completely calm. My aunt notices us first and jumps to her feet.

  She’s four years younger than my mom and looks four years older than her. She has been known as the party girl in her youth and throughout her thirties. Now in her fifties, she enjoys the peaceful life even if she does moan she is bored often.

  “Oh my Kristen, you brought extra breakfast for us to devourer,” she winks, taking in every inch of Slade.

  “Leave him alone Aunt Helen.”

  Slade pulls out a chair for me and takes a seat himself between my mom and I. “Mom, this is Slade McCarthy. Slade, this is my mom Marnie Collins and this is my aunt, Helen Maguire.”

  “It’s nice to meet you both,” he says, awarding them his best smile.

  Before anyone, specifically my aunt can embarrass me, I turn our attention to Zachery.

  “Hey baby, did you behave yourself for Granma?”

  “He’s been a little angel, no trouble at all,” my mom says, speaking for the first time.

  “How come we have the pleasure of meeting Slade this morning? You were adamant last night I wasn’t to come down when he arrived,” mom says, cheerfully.

  And here it is, embarrassing at its best.

  “I’ve decided to go back with him, I thought you should meet him,” I shrug as if it isn’t a big deal.


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