Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 15

by Ellie R. Hunter

  On the inside I feel anything but casual.

  “Last night must have been exceptional to have changed your mind this fast?” Aunt Helen smirks.

  I roll my eyes at her innuendos and prey this is over quickly.

  “Last night couldn’t have been better Miss Maguire,” Slade says, squeezing my hand under the table.

  “Can’t say I blame her Marnie, you couldn’t be without Robert when you first met him and he was nowhere near as sizzling as this young man.”

  “Hold your mouth Helen.”

  “Okay, I’m going to pack our things. Please don’t scare him away while I’m gone,” I beg.

  “He’ll be safe enough with us,” Aunt Helen promises.

  “I’ll help you,” my mom says, standing with me.

  Zachery shimmies of his chair and rounds the table, stopping next to Slade.

  “Hey little guy, how you been?” Slade asks him, picking him up and onto his lap.

  “Mom-ma,” Zachery beams.

  “I’ll be back in a minute baby,” I tell him, heading back into the house.

  My mom keeps her opinion to herself until we are in the room I’ve been staying in.

  “He’s a very good looking young man,” she starts.

  “Yes he is,” I agree.

  “I’m not going to stop you from going, you’re old enough to do as you please but as your mother, I have a right to make sure you’re thinking this through properly?”

  I sit on the bed and smile up at her.

  “I couldn’t be surer about anything. I can’t explain it, the way he makes me feel, how he is with Zachery, it is everything about him. I love him mom, and if I don’t go back with him I’ll be wasting time and I don’t want that.”

  And it is because of that and not because of the photos taken of us.

  “You remind me of myself when I fell in love with your dad. He could have told me the sky was green and I would have believed him. I never wasted time with him and I am so happy I didn’t. I trust you to know what you’re doing and if he makes you this happy then I am glad you found him.”

  “Thanks mom, I’m glad you’re smiling again too.”

  “You have your Aunt Helen to thank for that, it was the right decision moving out here. There was too many memories of your dad.”

  “Good memories,” I agree.

  “Always good, that’s why it hurt too much. Good memories are sometimes the most painful to bear.”

  I whole heartedly agreed, my father was a diamond in the rough.

  It doesn’t take long to collect my things together and change out of last night’s dress. Arriving back downstairs I find Slade and Aunt Helen laughing and chatting away with Zachery still on Slade’s lap.

  “I’ve never seen Zachery so taken with someone not in the family before,” my mom observes next to me.

  “I know, he’s like my sixth sense when it comes to people. They both click.”

  “Mom-ma,” Zachery squeals when he sees us.

  “Hey baby, come and give momma a cuddle.”

  I peel him away from Slade and hold him close until he is begging to go back to Slade.

  He takes him from me and stands by my side. A sense of jealousy hits me. I have had Zachery all to myself since he was born, him choosing me over anyone else and now it feels like he doesn’t need me. I know I am being silly, having Slade in his life is good for him.

  “Are you ready to go? I don’t want to rush you but I want to get on the road soon,” he ask, quietly.

  “Ready when you are.”

  After goodbyes have been said and my mom and aunt have given Zachery their hugs goodbye, he’s back in Slade’s arms again and it dawns on me I won’t be driving my car back. I doubt Slade will drive separately.

  “We can have it brought back, don’t worry,” he murmurs in my ear when he catches me looking at my car parked in front of his. I nod and feel relieved, the last thing I need is to be in Willows Peak and relying on him to drive us around.

  I leave Slade to buckle Zachery in his seat which has been transferred to his truck and hug my mom once more.

  “Call me when you get there and never forget, you are welcome here anytime,” she assures me.

  “I know mom.”

  “Look after them please,” she urges Slade when he joins us.

  “You have my word Mrs Collins,” he smiles.

  Once we’re in the car I get myself comfortable for the long journey.

  “Ready to go home?” he asks.

  Home. It feels weird referring to Willows Peak as my home but that is what it is about to become so I nod and rest my hand on his thigh as he drives us away.

  I had long ago fallen asleep, the smooth motion on the road was hypnotizing. Horns blasting stirred me and had me looking out of the rear view. No one was there. Slade looking amused, pointed into the short distance in front where four men clad in a mix of jeans and leather were sitting on their bikes. As we passed they pulled off from the side of the road and followed behind us.

  “Don’t look so worried, it’s only Cas, Sparky, Oak and Pope,” he tells me.

  “Why are they here?” I ask.

  “Just making sure we get back to town safely,” he says, taking a side glance look at me, “Trust me darlin’, this is what we do, we look out for each other.”

  I settle back in my seat and take a peek at Zachery, he is watching out of the window trying to work out what the noise of the bikes is.

  “How long do we have till we get to town?”

  “About half an hour.”

  The time soon flies by and instead of going straight to Slade’s house, we pull into their clubhouse.

  The last time I was here feels like a lifetime ago instead of just under a week.

  I still remember I have apologies to make but right now I am too tired and achy.

  “I promise this won’t take long and then I’ll take you both home.”

  “It’s okay, we can stretch our legs while we wait.”

  As I make my way round to Zachery, Slade is waiting and has a devilish grin spread across his face.

  “What?” I ask, wondering what I missed.

  “This,” he murmurs, pulling me against his chest.

  His lips smack against mine in full force taking me by surprise. I quickly get over it and return the hunger he is feeding me.

  “What was that for?” I ask breathlessly.

  “No reason,” he smirks, “You’ll be fine out here or in the bar. I’ll come and find you when I’m done.”

  Zachery is excited to be out of the car and walks around the grounds taking everything in. Thankfully he doesn’t try to walk into the garage but he stops to look at every bike that is parked up.

  “Be careful baby,” I warn when he gets too close to one.

  “You’ve got a lovely little boy.”

  I turn to find Alannah behind me holding two bottles of water.

  “When you were last here…”

  I hold my hand up to stop her.

  “You don’t have to say anything, it’s me who should be talking. I’m sorry I blamed you before hearing all the details. I should have stayed and listened. When Slade came to me that night I felt terrible after I heard everything you went through that night and then the way I treated you, I’m so sorry.”

  “I never wanted to lie to you but I honestly felt no good would come from you knowing the awful details.”

  “So we’re both sorry,” I smile.

  “And now we’re forgetting it,” she smiles back, “Shall we sit?” she asks, pointing to the picnic tables.


  She passes me one of the bottles of water she’s holding and I drain half of it in one go.

  “I should apologize to Bonnie, I hurt her too.” I say.

  “She knows you were in shock, she understands.”

  “Still, I should apologise.”

  “How about we all meet up at my house during the week, we can clear the air and put it all behind u
s?” she offers.

  “Sounds good.”

  She begins telling me the plans of her upcoming wedding that I have missed in the last week and I begin to feel her excitement with her, that’s where Slade finds us forty-five minutes later.

  “Everything ok here?” he asks, leaning down on the table.

  “It’s great,” I smile up at him.

  “Come on, let’s get home.”

  Before leaving, Slade takes Zachery over to the truck while I say goodbye to Alannah.

  “This is all he’s ever wanted you know, someone to call his. He’s really happy you’re back.”

  “I know,” I agree softly, knowing I made the right decision to return.

  Back at Slade’s house he seems anxious to show us something. Before we have a chance to do anything we are being taken upstairs.

  “What’s going on Slade?” I ask amused.

  “I want to show you something, I hope you like it?”

  He sounds nervous. He opens the guest room door and the room is a complete contrast to the last time I was here. The walls have been painted a dark shade of green and there is a new lighter green carpet. Shelves and drawers have been added too and off to the side is a new cot with sheets and bedding.

  “Slade…” I whisper, “When did you do this?”

  “As soon as you left to go to your moms. Like I said, I hoped one day you would come back and I wanted it to be ready for when you did.”

  I put Zachery down so he could wonder around his new room.

  “I’m sorry you were forced to come back before you wanted…”

  I cut him off and step closer.

  “Do you want to know a secret?” I ask him mischievously.

  “I want to know everything you do.”

  “Just before Cas called this morning at the hotel, I was about to tell you I wanted to come back with you,” I smile.

  “That’s why you didn’t fight me about it?” he asks or states, I’m not sure which.

  I nod softly and my smiles grows as does his.

  “I should make you sorry for making me feel bad all day.”

  “Is that so? How would you make me sorry?” I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

  “Let me think about it, I’m just happy you’re here for me.”

  “It’s the only reason we’re here, for you.”

  “You have no idea how happy that makes me.”

  “Does this mean I’m your old lady?” I laugh.

  “I already class you as my old lady, I’ve just been waiting for you to catch up,” he admits.

  “Oh I’ve caught up, and when Zachery goes to bed I’ll show you exactly what you mean to me.”

  “Promises promises,” he taunts.

  Promises indeed, and one I intend to keep.

  Chapter Fourteen


  For over a week we have been going over and over the same shit. No one has seen or heard anything that could lead us to whoever the fuck is our mystery game player.

  Ricky is still in jail with his trial coming up, the joke of a raid at Cas’s house and all the little bullshit charges flying at us, not forgetting someone following me on my date with Kristen. Sooner or later we will find them and when we do I can’t imagine we will wait for answers.

  “I think they are hidin’ in town,” Sparky says.

  “That’s a possibility, we’ve had prospects on watch at the town lines for weeks looking out for possible threats and they ain’t seen nothing yet,” Cas replies.

  “Whoever it is, they’re playin’ games. Don’t you think that if they wanted us gone we’d all have holes in our heads by now?” Oak adds in.

  “Whoever it is they are drawing it out and enjoying us look like cunts chasing our own tails,” Pope says, bored.

  “To be honest I’m fuckin’ sick of it,” Cas sighs, “But, I’m not gonna let it make us lazy while we wait around for them to show their face.”

  “So what are we gonna do?” Sparky asks.

  “First, you and Slade are gonna roam the bars to see if you can hear anything, show unity and if you do hear anything call us.”

  “Anything else?” I ask.

  “Yeah, as of now, the prospects will keep their eyes open all night as well as during the day. I want everyone in town on full alert. If you see anything or anyone that doesn’t fit, hold em’ until the rest of us can get to you. Eventually we will catch them.”

  The most frustrating aspect is the waiting, at least when we were at war with the Raging Riders we knew who was after our club.

  “As I seem to be sayin’ too fuckin’ much lately, keep your eyes open and be careful out there,” Cas says, banging the gavel down.

  Sparky and I head out to our bikes and decide to hit the first bar in town. Being early on a Friday afternoon the bar will be heaving with regulars and there isn’t much they don’t hear. There is only three bars in this small town and the Lost Souls rarely drink in them, having our own bar at the clubhouse, we tend to stay close to home. It saves a lot of unnecessary fights with the locals.

  During the half an hour ride into town I use the time thinking how lucky I am at the moment. The many months of not feeling satisfied no matter what I did to fill the empty void has been repaid in full in the hot bodily shape of Kristen.

  Pulling up outside the first bar the car lot is packed. We back our bikes into a couple of spaces that are left and straighten up before we go in.

  “What’s the deal?” Sparky asks, tucking his riding gloves into his back pocket.

  The deal has always been, enter the front door, head straight for the bar, order a drink and keep an eye on our surroundings. If trouble occurs we fight fast and we fight dirty then high tail it of there before the cops show up.

  “The usual,” I say, opening the door.


  It is busier than usual for this time of day, but it isn’t loud and Sparky and I become the focal point for all the patrons. After forty minutes without hearing or seeing anything out of the ordinary, we move onto the next bar. We spend a little longer at the second bar after getting carried away playing pool.

  By the time we walk into the third and last bar there are a lot more Friday night regulars starting early.

  “I don’t recognize half of the people in here brother,” Sparky says, quietly beside me.

  “That could be a good thing, look out for anyone acting suspiciously around us,” I say.

  Sparky goes to the bar while I grab us a seat at a small table in the corner. As usual we receive the usual glances but it doesn’t take long for them to get over it and resume their conversations over their drinks.

  Sparky places two bottles of beer on the table and pulls out a stool.

  “So how’s life with Kristen goin’? Must be different havin’ a kid around. I know how different that can make things.”

  “It’s good, I like different. Little Zach is cool kid, he isn’t any trouble. They’re both what I’ve been waiting for,” I smile, feeling like a fucking chick going gooey over romance.

  “You definitely look a lot happier these days, you were beginning to worry us.”

  “I feel it, that’s why I want this fucker caught. I don’t want anything scaring her away. Fuck that, I don’t want anyone going near them.”

  “We all feel like that, just carry on looking after your girl and we’ll deal with shit when we have to,” he advises.

  The whole time we talk about this and that, both of us keeping an eye on everyone. So far nothing is happening here either. We agreed on one last beer before calling it a day when four young guys walk in whilst I was at the bar.

  I forget about our drinks when I watch them spot Sparky sitting on his own and strut over in his direction.

  I flex my fingers and crunch my knuckles preparing for the worst and walk up behind them unnoticed.

  “You’re in our seat asshole,” One of the jumped up pricks slur, already half cut.

  “Is that right?” Sparky grunts, not giving them
his attention.

  “Yeah, so move.”

  They have his attention now.

  “I’ll move when I’m good to leave, so fuck off before you piss me off.”

  “Piss you off? You’re pissing me off just being here.”

  When Sparky begins laughing at them, all four pricks puff out their bony chests thinking they are intimidating him.

  “You can either move or we’ll fucking help you,” the leader of the pricks threaten.

  Sparky casually runs his hand over his smooth head and tries to remain calm.

  He can be an easy-going, cool and collected guy but when he is threatened or someone he cares about is then his demons are hard to control. The last time I saw him lose control was way back when he killed Tommy after he found out what he had put Bonnie through.

  “Look, I ain’t gonna fuck around. Let me tell you how this is gonna go down if you don’t fuck off,” he starts, standing abruptly sending his stool toppling to the floor. The pricks step back slightly when they take in Sparky’s size.

  “First I’m gonna grab you by the throat…actually why don’t we show you.”

  “We?” one of the pricks gulps.

  “Behind you,” Sparky tells them.

  As the pricks look behind them and see me standing there, they realize Sparky isn’t on his own and while their attention is on me, Sparky leans across the table and reaches out for the leader of their pack’s head. He slams onto the table and the prick falls to the floor.

  The three other pricks look to each other briefly undecided on how to go on, but it is too late.

  Sparky rounds the table and while he goes for one, I land a right hook on another before turning and punching the fourth prick.

  I give him his dues, he doesn’t fall down like his pathetic friends, his head snaps back and he swings his arm out towards me. I dodge it with ease and I slam my fist into his stomach, sending him doubling over panting for breath. Throwing one last punch to the guy’s face, he also falls to the floor.

  Trying to breathe through the rush of violence I turn to see Sparky laying into both pricks he took on while they’re both on the floor.

  Rushing over I tear him away and drag him to the door, throwing a bunch of cash on the bar as we pass.


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