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Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series

Page 16

by Ellie R. Hunter


  Storming towards my bike I can’t believe how I just reacted. I felt like killing them all in there and I think I would have if it wasn’t for Slade pulling me away. I am used to guys thinking they’re hard and out to prove they are the big man, usually a simple slap is enough to show them they aren’t, but back there was different. “You okay?” Slade asks, looking wearily at me, “You normally calm down once we get out of a fight.”

  I struggle to talk until I get my heart rate down and my hands stop trembling.

  “I’m good, I’m goin’ for a ride. I don’t know why they wound me up so much but I need to clear my head,” I tell him, swinging my leg over my bike.

  “Sure, I’ll call Cas and fill him in.”

  I nod once and start my bike. Slade isn’t far behind me as I take a left turn out of town while he takes a right turn.

  I don’t mind a good fight, in fact I used to embrace them. I enjoyed the rush it gave me, but today something else reared up and I don’t like not understanding it.

  Since I married Bonnie, I made a promise to myself that I would keep violence out of her life as much as I could, which meant no pathetic bar brawls. After everything she went through with her father, brother and that cunt Tommy, I never wanted her to put up with it from me, not that I would ever lay a hand on her, but I didn’t want to bring any more trouble into her life and for a long time I haven’t. She has been so happy for many months now and she hasn’t seen an ounce of violence.

  A stupid fight like today wouldn’t make her walk away from me, but it could put me in a situation where I could be hauled to jail and then she would be on her own with our son. This is what I have been avoiding since I put a ring on her finger.

  Don’t get me wrong, if I have to fight, it will be because I am protecting her and my family. That shit goes without a thought of hesitation. If I end up in jail for it, I know it would have been worth it but today wasn’t worth it at all.

  And the last thing the club needs right now is more trouble at the door because a group of jackasses wanted to prove themselves.

  Being around Bonnie would help now, but she is with Kristen and Zach and to be honest, as much as she would help me calm down and work this shit out, I don’t want her seeing me like this.

  I continue riding and head for nowhere in particular.

  Chapter Fifteen


  So much has changed since I came back with Slade. He doesn’t voluntary tell me what’s going on with the club but if I ask he tells me. He promised me he wouldn’t keep anything big from me again and I believe him. When I think back to before I met Slade I would have said I was happy, me and my boy together making our own way in the world. However, Slade has shown me a different kind of happiness and it doesn’t detract from me being a mother.

  Zachery is opening up more and more every day. My heart beats that little much harder when he lights up around Slade.

  Slade is keen for us to feel settled. Last night he told me to have my belongings that are in storage shipped here. I won’t deny that I would love have all my things around me again and Zachery too.

  I know being here is right because I can see a future here for us. I haven’t mentioned it to Slade yet but I am going to look into opening my own shop in town. I’ll have to do my research and find out what the town needs most and go from there. All I know is I don’t want to keep draining the money I do have and I don’t want to depend on Slade either. He likes to remind me he wants to take care of us and I will allow him to but only to a certain extent.

  I apologized to Bonnie a couple of days ago at Alannah’s and thankfully, she accepted with little effort on my part. Like Alannah said, she understood my shock and said she would have acted the same. My friendship with the two of them is easy and without the feeling of backstabbing like previous friends of mine. Although, the last time I had friends were in high school before my father’s health declined.

  The knock at the door announces Bonnie’s arrival. Slade and Sparky has some business at the club today so we decided we would spend the afternoon with the boys at mine. Since we’ve been back Slade has been going over the top ordering toys and climbing apparatus for the garden for Zachery. Half of the stuff is too old for him but Slade doesn’t care and hell nearly freezes over when I offer to pay half of the cost.

  “Hey, come in,” I say, opening the door wide.

  “Hi, it so hot today,” she groans.

  “Tell me about it, I feel like I am melting.”

  “How are you settling in?” she asks, setting JJ’s car seat down in the kitchen. Zachery moves his bricks next to him and watches him sleep while he plays.

  “Really well, everything here feels so right. Slade has decorated Zachery’s bedroom and is filling it with way more toys than he needs,” I laugh, sitting at the table.

  “He just wants to make sure you’re comfortable.”

  “Oh I am more than comfortable here, especially with Slade.”

  We eventually move to sit out in the garden, conversation with Bonnie always flows easily. We talk about the boys, our men, and the future. She tells me she’s been trying for another baby and while Sparky is all too happy to oblige, it isn’t happening. When asked if I plan on having any more children, I’m stumped. I haven’t given it any thought. I’ve always given Zachery all of my attention and I suppose Slade would want his own children someday, but I’m not sure.

  I hadn’t heard Slade come in, so when I turned to go to the bathroom to get away from baby talk I saw him leaning against the door and it made me jump.

  “What’re you creeping around for?” I ask, when I get breathing back under control.

  “I’m not creeping,” he grunts, “I’m admiring the view. I love coming home knowing you’re here.”

  He pulls me into him and delivers one of his breath stealing kisses.

  “And this is our cue to go JJ,” Bonnie laughs behind us.

  I pull away only slightly embarrassed.

  “You don’t have to leave,” I tell her.

  “Actually I do. Sparky messaged me, he wants us to meet him.” she says, slipping JJ’s socks back on his tiny feet.

  Once she’s ready to leave she turns back to Slade.

  “Sparky only got a new number last week, how come he’s got another one?” she asks.

  “I wasn’t aware he did,” he frowns, “But you know what he’s like, he probably sat on it again or something.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like him,” she laughs.

  After she has left, I clean our lunch dishes away while Slade sits with Zachery in front of the TV.

  When everything is back in its place I decide to join them and tell Slade about my plans to open up a shop when I notice his bruised knuckles.

  “Have you been fighting?” I ask him.

  “Not really, some guys thought they could jump Sparky and I helped him out. Don’t worry, it was nothing,” he promises.

  “I was thinking,” he says, jumping in before I can ask anything else.


  “Since I’ve met your mom and you’re living with me, I’d like you to meet my mom and my sister.”

  I’m thrilled he wants me to meet his family, but what will happen if his mother doesn’t approve of her son taking on another man’s child?

  “I’m not saying right this second, you don’t have to look so worried,” he laughs.

  “I’d love to meet your family,” I tell him honestly.

  “Then why do you look so worried?”

  “What if she doesn’t approve of you taking Zachery on?”

  I don’t know whether his deep laugh calms me for being ridiculous or irritates me.

  “Darlin’, my mom already knows about the both of you, that’s why I’m asking because she’s asked to meet you guys,” he explains.


  Of course his mom knows about us, he’s told me before how close he is to his mom and sister.

  “So, can I arran
ge for us to visit?” he asks.

  This time I don’t hesitate to answer.

  “Sure, I’d love to.”

  When Zachery yawns I immediately know what I want.

  “Are you going back to the club today?”

  “No, why?”

  “I was thinking that Zachery is due for his nap round about now and I could do with a lay down too,” I say, hoping he catches my double meaning explanation.

  He gives me his lop-sided grin I love so much and mocks stretches his arms into the air.

  “Yeah, I could do with an afternoon lay down.”

  I am on my feet with Zachery in my arms before Slade is on his feet.

  Halfway up the stairs Slade’s phone rings.

  “I’ll quickly get that while you put Zach down.”

  It isn’t until I hear him say ‘oh shit’ that I know our afternoon pleasure is no longer happening.

  I have barely laid Zachery in his cot when I hear Slade bounding up the stairs. He looms in the doorway looking worried.

  I wait for Zachery to close his eyes before leaving him and closing his door behind me.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, knowing something has definitely happened.

  “Cops are swarming the town for Sparky, they’re everywhere at the club looking for him.”


  “Someone called in reporting a domestic disturbance at his house, apparently when the cops arrived they found blood but no sign of Bonnie and JJ, or Sparky for that matter.”

  “Do they think Sparky hurt her?” I ask, my voice clearly shaking.

  “That’s exactly what they’re fuckin’ saying. I have to go, but I’m not leaving you here on your own, Sparky hasn’t done shit to Bonnie, he’d hurt himself before he hurt her. It’s the same guy behind everything else, I’d put money on it.” he rants.

  “More importantly, where the fuck is Bonnie? She said she was going to meet him,” he continues.

  “What do you want me to do?” I ask, choosing not to make his life harder at the moment.

  His pain is evident over his brother and family.

  “Come with me to the club, Cas has Alannah there so you won’t be on your own. If you’re there I’ll know you’re safe while we figure this out.”

  “Okay, will I need anything?”

  “Pack a bag for a couple of days just in case. I don’t think we’ll be stopping until we get this guy.” he says, urging me into our bedroom.

  I quickly pack us a bag and grab Zachery from his nap. Hopefully he will go back to sleep in the car.

  Slade pulls away from the house and heads for the club.

  “Please don’t worry about this, everything always gets sorted in the end.”

  It isn’t Sparky’s situation that I am worried about, it’s how it will get sorted that does. This time I don’t think about Slade and everyone having to resort to extreme measures, it is the thought of anything happening to Slade.


  Kristen is taking this better than I thought she would, every time I think we’re moving forward nicely, this fucker throws us a swerve and I begin to doubt she will stay.

  My foot is itching to push down hard on the accelerator and get her and Zach to the club where protection for them is in abundance but I refrain from putting them in danger.

  “Bon wouldn’t be with Sparky if he hurt her, not after everything she has been through. Whoever has caused this is gonna get the show they want because he won’t be taken in quietly.” I tell her, as if I want to cement it in that this is a huge mistake. I try not to think about the brawl at the bar earlier. There is no way my brother would’ve gone home to be around his family in that mood.

  “She told me about her past before she met you guys, even I can see how much Sparky loves her.” She replies.

  Although she has been to the club a couple of times she hasn’t spent enough time there to see how my brothers are and how easy the women can be. Before we get there I should let her know so she isn’t taken back if she sees anything.

  “While you’re at the club, you might see some things or hear things that you wouldn’t normally be around…”

  “Slade, I’m not expecting tea and biscuits,” she laughs.

  The relief I feel is intense.

  Fifteen minutes from the clubhouse, the road is straight with barren land on either side. I saw a car coming towards us in the distance and didn’t take much notice until it got closer. The closer it came the more I could see it was serving from side to side across the road.

  What the fuck are they doing? I slow down and drive closer to the edge of the road. The oncoming car picks up speed and stays in the middle of the road.

  “Slade…” Kristen warns, looking back at Zachery.

  Driving off the road completely, I drive along the side hoping this gives whoever the dangerous asshole is enough room to pass.

  But the car only drives over and is once again driving directly towards us.

  “What are we going to do?” Kristen asks frantically.

  “Are you two buckled in properly?” I ask her, ignoring her question as I don’t know how to answer.

  “Of course we are,” she breathes.

  I keep driving towards the car and they don’t move either, within seconds impact will happen and I’m not going to let Kristen and Zach get hurt.

  At the last minute I swerve my truck to the left as the other car swerves to the right and my truck’s tail end spins round.

  Kristen’s cries out and holds tight onto the car door until we come to stand still.

  A second passes in silence before Zach cries out from the back seat.

  Kristen is out of the truck and opening Zach’s door and has him in her arms before she has a chance to calm down.

  By the time I get out of the truck the other car is back on the road and speeding away. It is too far gone to see the registration plate, lucky for them I have Kristen and Zach with me because if I were alone I would be in my truck and chasing after them.

  I tell myself they are fine, but they are clearly shaken up. I hug them both to me so I can try to calm them and reassure them they are fine.

  “Come on, we should get to the club.”

  “Was that on purpose?” she asks, looking to me for answers.

  “Looks like it, which is why I want to get us to the club as soon as.”

  She buckles Zach back in his seat and I get us back on the road.

  My eyes are everywhere in case asshole-driver makes another appearance.

  Thankfully the rest of the way is asshole free but when we arrive at the club it is a whole different shit situation.

  “Um…Slade…They’re not going to shoot at us are they?” Kristen asks, when she sees all the cops beginning to surround the truck.

  “No, open your window. When they see we aren’t Sparky they’ll leave us be,” I tell her, “Don’t be frightened. Trust me.”

  I hear Cas yelling to Jake that it is me and Kristen and the cops pull back a few feet.

  I twist round and unbuckle Zach and pull him through to the front, “I’ll carry him in, follow me and don’t stop.”

  My brothers form a line between the cops and the clubhouse. Cas is standing in the centre. I’ll feel one hundred per cent better when Kristen and Zach are behind that line.

  I wait for her nod before opening my door and walking round to her side. With Zach in one arm I take Kristen’s hand in the other and walk them as fast as I can to safety.

  The cops watch our every step and fall back when they see we aren’t trouble. Pope and Oak step aside to let us pass and step back in place when we’re through.

  I am trying my hardest not to push her through the door, “Stay in here, don’t come out for nothing, okay?”


  I kiss her quick and close the door. I take my place in between Cas and Pope.

  “Did you have any trouble on the way here?” Cas asks, not taking his eyes off the cops.

  “Could say th
at,” I huff, “Someone tried to run us off the fuckin’ road.”

  “What the fuck brother?” Oak growls, “With a kiddie in the car, this fucker won’t be breathing this time tomorrow.”

  “What’s going on here?” I ask, avoiding getting into it with Oak.

  “They think Sparky has attacked Bonnie, they found blood at their house but no bodies. It doesn’t help that no one can get a hold of her and fuck knows where Sparks is,” Cas informs.

  “She was at our house when I got home. She left after Sparky messaged her to meet him,” I tell my brothers. “He went for a ride after we left the bar to calm down, and I know he had his phone on him.”

  “I was able to get word to Linc before the cops showed up. He’s sending some guys down to look, he’s going to call him till he picks up too.”

  “Did you give him Sparky’s new number?” I ask.

  “He doesn’t have a new number?” Cas grumbles.

  Of course he doesn’t, like we knew this is a set up.

  “Then who the fuck did Bonnie go to meet?”

  My question brings silence.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “What’s going on?” I ask Alannah, keeping a tight hold on Zachery.

  “All I know is the scanner started going crazy. Someone reported Sparky was attacking Bonnie at their house and she needed help quickly. Cas told me to wait in here when the cops showed up. No one knows where he is and Bonnie isn’t answering her phone.”

  “She was at our place not long ago. He messaged her to meet him, she was fine,” I tell her.

  “Of course she was fine, he would never do anything to her.”

  The noise of a bike arriving had us off our feet and standing by the door with it slightly ajar to see what is happening.

  Before I saw the bike, I was blown away by the stand-off between the Lost Souls and the police. Slade is standing next to Cas, no longer the caring, soft guy he is with me. He is fierce, standing with his feet apart and his arms crossed over his chest like many of the others.

  In seconds the police surround the bike. They are yelling and pointing their guns.


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