Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 17

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “Come on Sparky, don’t do anything stupid,” Alannah whispers beside me.

  I get a better view as the Lost Souls move forward towards the police. Sparky remains on his bike looking pissed. He looks completely unaffected by the guns pointed at him.

  “Jason Carter, get on the ground now.” one of the cops yell.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Sparky yells back.

  “Get on the ground now.” the cop repeats.

  He swings his leg over the bike rapidly causing the cops to step closer. The Lost Souls go to pull their guns out but Cas holds his hand up and they all lower them down.

  “Sparky do as they say. Trust me, this is one big fuckin’ mistake.” Cas yells to him.

  Sparky looks to Cas and nods once. What Cas silently told him I don’t know but it must have worked because Sparky goes down to his knees and holds his hands behind his head.

  “Where’s your wife Bonnie Carter and your son, Jason?” the cop yells, as another cuffs him and pushes him down face first on the ground.

  “She went to visit her friend and then she should have been goin’ home. Tell me what the fuck is goin’ on,” he demands.

  The cop doesn’t answer him but reads him his rites on suspicion of the murder of his wife. When he hears the charge he is uncontrollable. It takes seven police officers to wrestle him back to the ground and hold him down. I can’t make out what he’s shouting but he isn’t giving up. He is making the cops work for their arrest.

  “They think he’s resisting arrest. He isn’t, he’s freaking out because he thinks Bonnie is dead. The fucking cops aren’t telling him differently.” Alannah speaks, but it’s more to herself than anyone else.

  Two more police officers join the fray and they pull Sparky to his feet. They must be saying something to him but he is looking straight at Cas. Cas is shaking his head and patting his chest over where his heart is, then he nods his head twice.

  “What’s he doing?” I ask, fascinated with their interaction.

  “Cas is telling him not to listen, that they don’t know if she’s dead but he’ll find her while they take him away.”

  The cops notice this too and haul him into the back of the car before anymore can be said to him.

  They vacate the club very quickly leaving angry men in its wake.

  Alannah and I step aside as they begin to filter back into the club. Slade comes and stands beside me and when he walks through the door and I immediately feel better.

  “I want to know where Bonnie and JJ are now!” Cas yells to everyone, “I want everyone out lookin’. Pope and Slade, wait here in case you’re needed,” he finishes.

  I breathe again when I hear Slade won’t be leaving.

  Cas comes to stand where Slade, Alannah and I are waiting, pulling Alannah into his arms.

  “I don’t want you two leavin’ here till we get this shit sorted.” I nod, acknowledging that I accept. “babe, please give me your word you won’t leave,” he groans, when Alannah remains silent.

  “I give you my word,” she finally says.

  The more time that passes the more wound up everyone becomes. Slade disappeared with Cas and Pope out the back and Alannah and I stayed on the couch in the bar with Zachery.

  “I’m sure she’s okay.”

  “She’s a fighter that’s for sure. I’m still worried about her though, where is she?” she groans.

  I wish I knew. I keep trying to think back to this afternoon when she was at our house. Did she say where she was meeting him? Every time it remains the same, she didn’t. She only said she was meeting him.

  After another agonizing thirty minutes I think Alannah is about to lose her mind when the bar door swings open.

  “Where is he?” Bonnie yells sounding worn out. “I swear to God if he isn’t here I’m going to kill him,” she continues loudly.

  Alannah rushes towards her and nearly takes her off of her feet. She hugs her friend until Bonnie can peel herself away.

  “Where is he?” she demands again.

  “Bonnie where have you been? Everyone is out looking for you…wait here.” Alannah disappears out of sight and returns moments later with Cas.

  “You don’t know how fuckin’ happy I am to see you Bon,” Cas smiles broadly, clearly relieved. “Where have you been?” he asks her.

  “First of all I was waiting for my jackass of a husband who was a no show. Then I decided I wasn’t waiting for him any longer and ran out of gas miles out of town. Luckily, a woman passed and stopped, she went to get me some gas. Why, what’s going on here?” she finally asks, sensing something is wrong.

  Cas explains about Sparky and what has happened at her home and her anger drifts away.

  “It’s not my blood Cas.”

  “I can see that. Let’s get you to the station so they can see for themselves you’re not fuckin’ dead,” Cas says.

  She agrees and asks Alannah to watch JJ.

  “I’ll call everyone back here,” Slade offers.

  Cas and Pope leave with Bonnie and I settle back on the couch with Zachery.

  Zachery begins to get tired and I struggle to keep him entertained. He didn’t eat much of his delivered pizza dinner choosing to play with it rather than eat.

  I don’t want to bother Slade while he’s on the phone and I don’t feel comfortable enough to roam around.

  “I’m going to put JJ to bed in Cas’s old room upstairs, would you like me to sit with Zach too?” Alannah asks.

  I could kiss her right now with appreciation.

  I gratefully accept and help settle him down before she shoos me out of the room. I mouth a quick thank you before closing the door quietly.

  Slade is still on the phone when I get back downstairs.

  Walking up behind him I lay my hand on his shoulder to let him know I am here without disturbing him. As soon as my hand connects with his shoulder he violently shrugs it off, he waves his hand over his shoulder to say go away, so I do.

  “Sorry,” I say, trying to hide the embarrassment and hurt I immediately feel.

  I quickly decide to go back to Zachery when someone grabs my arm and pulls me out of sight into a small room full of stacked boxes.

  Before I can scream Slade is moving my hair away from my face.

  “I’m so sorry, I thought you were someone else,” he says, looking me directly in the eye.

  “It’s fine, I know you’re busy.”

  “I’m never too busy for you…”

  “Hang on, who do you think I was?” I ask, because I can’t see any of these guys arriving back touching him in such a feminine manner.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he smiles, “Where’s Zach?”

  “He’s asleep, Alannah is watching him with JJ.”


  His lips descend on mine and he pushes me against the back of the door, pushing his body against mine. I can’t help but moan into his mouth. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he grabs hold of my thighs and raises me off the floor. I tighten my grip around his waist giving him the opening to dispose of my top. Every time he sees my body, he can’t hold back and it turns me on even more. He doesn’t bother taking my bra off, he pulls it down baring me for him to see. As my hands fumble with his belt and zipper, he makes good and has my shorts around my ankles by the time I have his dick in my hand.

  He only gives me a split second to remember I am actually going to have sex in a fucking cupboard before he makes me forget everything.


  There is no time for foreplay. If she keeps squeezing me there won’t be any time to get inside her. Pushing her thigh down, she slips back to her feet and I swivel her round and pull her hips back. Before I can push into her, she is pushing back onto my dick. So fucking wet and warm. Moving past the tantalizing sensation of having her take me, I don’t waste any time.

  Letting go of all todays pent up stress, I take it out on her pussy and she screams out her finish and then quickly covers her mouth in embarrassment. />
  “I can’t believe we just did that in here, what if someone heard us?” she asks, mortified.

  “There is no us,” I laugh, “That darling, was all you, don’t worry about it. Trust me, no one will care.”

  “Anyway, I can’t wait till we go home, when do you think that will be?” she asks, slipping back into her shorts.

  “I’m not sure yet, as soon as it’s safe you’ll be the first one out of here,” I promise her.

  I step closer to her when she goes to rearrange her bra. Being the gentleman I can be sometimes, I take my time putting it back in place. Purposefully letting it graze over her hardened nipples.

  She narrows her eyes at me and bends to retrieve her top. Once she is put back together, we slip out of the room unnoticed and she joins everyone back in the bar while I head to Cas’s office to see what I can find out about the call put in to the cops today about the fuck up at Sparky’s house.

  I was worrying enough about Kristen witnessing all this shit without reacting badly to her like I did when she touched me. I thought she was one of the club girls trying it on again. I had lost interest in them before Kristen came along, now I have an amazing woman to call mine I don’t want anyone to come between us.

  She assures me she’s okay and isn’t going anywhere, that will have to be enough.

  Bonnie and Pope came back a short while ago and she’s sitting in the bar with them. It makes it harder to concentrate on my task when all I can think about is her. What I find surprises me.

  I leave my laptop in Cas’s office and head to the bar at the same time Cas and Sparky walk through the door.

  Every one hollers boisterously at his release, not that he should have been taken in the first place. He only has eyes for his wife though, once she is in his arms I watch him relax. He runs his hands through her hair and kisses her hard, making sure for himself she is alive.

  I slip behind Kristen at the bar and pull her closer to me, she is about to see a good time at the club and I want her to enjoy it.

  “What did you find Slade?” Cas asks.

  “Whoever called it in, they called it in using your landline Sparks,” I say.

  “They were in our house?” Bonnie says, worriedly.

  “I can’t wait to find out who this cunt is,” he spits, “Making me think Bon and my son was dead. Going in my home, they won’t be breathing for long when we find them.” Sparky promises.

  Kristen subtly flinches in my arms and while I don’t blame her, she isn’t used to this talk of violence, I leave it because I would feel exactly the same as my brother if I went through what he has done today.

  “Tonight we’ll celebrate Sparky being free but when we wake, our hunt is on.” Cas yells.

  The music grows louder and just like that everyone is relaxing. I order two beers for Kristen and I and lead her to one of the couches.

  “See, we’re not all bad,” I say in her ear, gesturing around to everyone enjoying themselves.

  “I didn’t say you were,” she replies.

  “Do you want to dance?” I ask her, noticing she keeps eyeing some of the others dancing.

  “You dance?” she asks, surprized that I’ve asked.

  “Not really,” I shrug, “But I will with you,” I add, before she thinks she’s offended me.

  “Come on.”

  I didn’t mean dance as in moving rigorously, I meant holding her in my arms and lightly swaying to the music.

  With her head coming to just below my chin, I rest my head on her soft hair as she leans into me.

  “So this what you meant by dancing?” she giggles.

  “This is what I meant.” I smile content at last, “You’re everything to me, you know that don’t you? Because if that had happened to me today I wouldn’t have been able to control myself either,” I tell her, thinking of my brother thinking he had lost his wife.

  “Nothing happened to me,” she says, pulling away slightly so she can see my face, “And I’m not going anywhere. I love you Slade McCarthy. I want to be where you are, whether it is here or at your house, as long as I’m with you and my son, that’s all I need.”

  She said she loves me, it’s about fucking time.

  “You love me huh?” I question, trying to keep the smile off my face.

  “Well I think I do,” she giggles, playing me.

  I shut her up with my lips on hers. I pick her up off her feet and kiss her harder, I ignore the shouts and whistles around us. She loves me and nothing can happen tonight before I hear her say the words over and over again.

  I put her back down on her feet and pull back into me, swaying once again to the music.

  “I love you too,” I tell her.

  Chapter Seventeen


  It has been five days since the fiasco with Sparky and Bonnie and we are still staying at the clubhouse. I don’t mind as such because I’ve really gotten to know Alannah and Bonnie much better and Zachery loves to play with JJ, even though JJ can’t play back with him.

  Both Alannah and Bonnie are going crazy cooped up here but the wedding plans takes the edge of the boredom for them. Slade is what takes the edge off my boredom, that and running round after Zachery. Well, when he is around that is. Slade and the others have been in and out of the club following up on leads as they come in, so far they have all come up empty. They thought they had a good lead on the blood found at Bonnie’s house. It turns out it was pig’s blood that the cops thought was Bonnie’s.

  The pig’s blood was apparently obtained from the slaughterhouse. The Lost Souls left immediately to investigate the lead but came back emptied handed.

  Each time they come back unsuccessful the tension rose higher, not that Zachery noticed. He loves being around the guys, he takes in everything they do and will sit for hours watching them with their bikes outside.

  I have to admit watching them together, the way they work as one no matter how many of them there are it is pretty captivating.

  “So, we have one week to go until the wedding and we still have a million and one things left to do,” Alannah groans, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “Not this again,” Bonnie whines, cradling a sleeping JJ in her arms. “Everything is ordered and everyone knows what they’re doing, stop worrying,” She adds.

  “Momma, momma, momma,” Zachery chants, pulling on my hair.

  “Ouch baby, stop doing that,” I scold him, but he carries on anyway.

  “I think it’s someone’s bedtime.”

  I leave Bonnie soothing Alannah’s wedding worries and take Zachery upstairs to the room we have been staying in.

  After he’s changed and lying in bed I curl up beside him until he falls asleep. He’s asleep before I can get comfortable. Creeping out of the room I grab the monitor Bonnie had brought in and head downstairs to wait for Slade to come back.

  Halfway down the hall I hear a whimpering coming from one of the rooms. A door to my right is half open and there is a woman sitting on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands crying.

  I don’t recognize her but that doesn’t stop me. Since I’ve been here there has been a collection of different women coming in and out of the place.

  I tap on the door, “Hey, are you okay?”

  Why did I ask that? It is obvious she is far from okay.

  The woman doesn’t move as I close the door and move closer to her.

  “You weren’t meant to fall for their bullshit, you were supposed to run to the cops,” the woman mumbles into her hands.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Don’t worry, I was like you once. Falling for a guy who can blind you from wrong.”

  “I don’t understand, who are you?” I ask, taking a step away from her.

  “I need retribution, they took everything from me. You should’ve run when I gave you the chance,” she warns, finally revealing her face. She is older than I imagined. She’s also smiling, she hasn’t been crying at all.

  “Did you send that guy
at the store?”

  “You were supposed to take them down and they wouldn’t have been the wiser about me,” she says, becoming hysterical.

  “Why don’t I go and get Alannah so you can talk to her. You misunderstand, I don’t know much about the club,” I stutter.

  “We’ll get to that bitch in time, first I need you to co-operate because I need your man to rush back to your rescue, him and everyone else.”

  “Co-operate how?”

  She doesn’t answer me, she only laughs. Her hand snakes out and grabs me by the wrist. My first response is to slap her, the force sends her back and she releases my wrist. I run for the door and plan on running for help when I hear a clicking.

  “Don’t open that door or I’ll unload this gun into your back,” she warns.

  I freeze.

  “Good girl, now co-operate. I don’t want to hurt you but if I have to…I will.”

  I don’t give her the satisfaction of answering.

  “Who is downstairs?” she asks, pushing the gun on the back of my head.

  “Um…Alannah, Bonnie, Oak. I don’t know anyone else’s names,” I stammer out.

  “Good girl, knowing Oak he will be at the bar so when we go downstairs we’re going to stay by the wall. We don’t want no one sneaking up behind us.”

  The walk from the room to the bottom of the stairs feels like an eternity.

  She was right, Oak is sitting at the bar deep in thought. We had come down so quietly no one had noticed us.

  “Oak, my old friend,” the woman behind me calls out.

  The glass in Oak’s hand halts halfway to his mouth and he slowly turns his head in our direction.

  His eyes bulge when he sees the woman behind me.

  “I want Castiel back here now,” she says, pushing her point by pushing the gun harder into my head.

  “Was all this you?” he asks her, sounding sad.

  “Get…Him…Back.” she demands.

  He pulls out his phone and I watch him dial and put it to his ear.

  “Cas, we’ve got a problem here. Kristen’s bein’ held by our mystery fucker.”


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