Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 18

by Ellie R. Hunter

  He goes quiet, Cas must be asking him who it is because when he next speaks, he reveals her name.

  “It’s Kitty Blake.”


  The owner of the slaughterhouse couldn’t recall anyone specific asking for the pig’s blood used at Sparky’s house. The cameras in the place are fakes, used only as a deterrent. So yet again, another dead fucking end.

  The owner flings the closed sign over the door and locks up as we leave.

  “Back to knowin’ nothin’,” Sparky fumes.

  “Sooner or later they are going to tire of these games and show their faces. I say we wait till then,” Pope suggests.

  “Pope’s right, we’ll head back and wait, the next time they come for us we will be fuckin’ ready.” Cas orders.

  I prayed we would be able to track this fucker through the blood. As much as Kristen acts okay at the club, I know she wants to get back to our home.

  All Cas’s phone seems to do these days is ring. He sits on his bike and answers.

  “Oak, what’s up?”

  Every brother is on alert when Cas jumps off his bike and the colour drains from his face.

  “Who the fuck is it?” he yells.

  He stops dead and stares straight at me.


  “We know who’s been after us,” he says, looking sick.

  “Fuckin’ tell us then,” Sparky demands.


  “No way. She isn’t capable of any of this,” Pope says, defending our previous president’s old lady.

  “Oak says she has Kristen,” Cas says, quickly and directly at me.

  “What do you mean, she fuckin’ has her?” I grind out, barely keeping myself together.

  “That’s all Oak said.”

  I don’t reply. I’m not sure I can form any words. I run for my bike and ride hard with my brothers following close behind.

  We are an hour from the club and the speed I’m riding at doesn’t feel like we’re making any ground.

  A thousand images flash before my eyes of how Kitty has Kristen and where the hell Zach is while all this is going on? All I can feel is pure fear. The raw need to take out any danger to Kristen and Zach is blistering as thousand flames across my body and if anything happens to them, I will let the flames burn me alive.

  We ride through the gates and while my brothers come to a stop I don’t give a shit, I am on my feet running as my bike slides across the ground.

  Rushing inside I can’t see her. Alannah and Oak are in the way.

  They both turn when they hear me approaching and that is when I see her.

  Standing there shaking with a gun pointed at her head. Kitty looks unrecognizable to the last time I saw her. Her vibrant red hair she was known for is now dyed a stark black and has been cut to above her shoulders. She definitely fits the description given to us by Gregory of looking like a junkie. It isn’t drugs though that has her looking so dishevelled and withdrawn.

  Every coiling muscle in my body is dying to go to Kristen but when I take a step closer, Kitty pushes the gun harder against Kristen and she whimpers.

  “Let her go Kitty, she has nothing to do with this,” I try to say calmly, but even I can hear the violence in my voice.

  “Too predictable,” Kitty laughs, “I told you didn’t I Kristen…I told you he’d rush to your rescue,” she laughs again.

  “I will fuckin’ kill you slowly if you pull that trigger,” I threaten her.

  For a moment, just a brief moment, my threat scares her but then her walls come back up and she stands tall.

  “All I want is Cas,” she says.

  “Here I am, you’ve got me,” he says, coming up behind me, his voice is deep and commanding.

  He stands beside me and pushes Alannah behind him. Kitty visibly shakes having him in her sight, but it isn’t from fear.

  “You’ve been fuckin’ with my club and now you stand here behind an innocent woman. Tell me why and tell me now.”

  “Your club,” she snorts.

  As brothers arrive, I know this is going to be a long game. She has backed the two of them against the wall so none of us can jump her.

  “No, it’s time you answered my fucking questions because once the grief didn’t hurt so much I got to thinking and I don’t believe Hunter killed Michael. Do you actually know how long their hatred lasted?” she asks.

  Her body might be shaking but her voice is strong and unwavering.

  “He was always going to die that night wasn’t he? You wanted to kill him because of what he done to your precious Lana,” her voice now oozes with venom.

  “Michael used her as bait Kitty, they nearly killed her because of it,” Cas argues.

  “He was always going to save her,” Kitty screams in Michael’s defence.

  Alannah stumbles round Cas in shock.

  “You knew all along what his plans were didn’t you?” she asks.

  “Of course I knew, who do you think helped him with the idea? It wasn’t personal,” she smiles cruelly.

  “She was his fuckin’ niece, you don’t get more fuckin’ personal than that,” Cas bellows.

  Kitty’s demeanour instantly changes.

  “She was nothing to him and a constant reminder of her mother to me,” she spits.

  “How can you say that, you took me in and raised me,” Alannah cries.

  “You stupid, stupid girl. All of you act like the world revolves around her. All her life she’s had you all running around after her, none of you know anything.”

  “What don’t we know? Because at the moment I don’t know if you’re here for Michael or Alannah,” Cas argues.

  “It’s the same thing, everything Michael did was for this club and when he finally had the chance to destroy Hunter, none of you had his back. I know you Castiel, you’ve been after his patch for years…did you put the bullet in his head? Did you see your chance to take over?” she yells.

  “Kitty, I told you what happened that night. This is grief talkin’. You loved Michael for so long, it’s the pain makin’ you think these things.” Cas tells her.

  “Don’t patronize me, I remember what you told me but I also remember my husband and he would not have let Hunter get the better of him!” she growls. “So tell me the fucking truth or so help me I will shoot her and then as many of you as I can,” she roars.

  The determination in her has me stepping me closer to them. Cas is only antagonizing her and I feel like I am running out of time.

  The whole time Kristen keeps her eyes on me. I’m silently begging her to remain strong. I told her I would keep her safe, protect her always and now I am letting her down.

  The tears silently running down her cheeks is what tips me over the edge. I make it halfway towards them before she points the gun in my direction and I hold my hands up in surrender.

  “Please let her go, I’m begging you,” I urge.

  “Stop this Kitty. Kristen had nothing to do with that night, if you harm her then I won’t be able to stop them from killing you.”

  I turn my head quickly to see Pope stepping forward.

  “I just want answers,” she snaps, giving him her entire attention.

  “I can give you the answers you want but you have to let her go,” he replies.

  “I can’t do that. I know how you all work…you especially, my old friend.”

  “You are my friend and I want to help you. I’ll give you answers if you let Kristen go,” he assures her again.

  Kitty is not a fool, just because Pope asks doesn’t mean shit. She’s right, she knows this club and how we act.

  “Give me answers and then I will.”

  “For fucks sake, just give her what she wants Pope.” I shout, losing my patience with this back and forth negotiating bull shit.

  He nods at me once and steps closer to Kitty. The rest of my brothers are silent waiting for an opening to end this.

  “You’re right, Hunter didn’t kill Michael. In fact, Michael got w
hat he wanted for years…he killed Hunter not me.” Pope begins, shocking the shit out of me.

  This isn’t what we’ve been told of that night a year and a half ago. Cas told us that Hunter killed Michael and Pope killed Hunter.

  Kitty slumps in relief and wipes her eyes with her free arm.

  “I knew it,” she whispers, “It was Cas wasn’t it? He killed Michael?” she asks frantically only looking at Pope.

  I look at Cas and see his chest heaving in anticipation of the next revelation.

  “It wasn’t Cas,” he steps closer again, “I killed Michael,” he tells her.

  No he couldn’t have, why would they keep that from the rest of us?

  “I don’t believe you,” Kitty says, as it registers what he’s admitted, “You were brothers, he gave you everything.”

  “I’ve given what you wanted now let her go,” Pope requests.

  Kristen whimpers as Kitty grips her hair in her hand, her gun no longer pointed at Kristen’s head, she points it at Pope instead.

  “You’re lying to save his ass,” she says, waving the gun towards Cas.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes you are. You were more than club brothers, you were like true brothers.”

  Pope moves slightly in front of Cas and steps even closer to Kitty.

  “He lost that right when I saw how Mickey came back to us, you remember Mickey right? Michael as good as killed him and then he used a girl for his own gain. Michael didn’t deserve the right to live, not in this world. If you’re here for retribution then you are as sick as he was.”

  “You still would’ve needed his go ahead,” she spits.

  “I don’t think you are here for Michael, I think you’re using him to get to Cas and Lana.”

  “Move Pope,” she warns, “Don’t come any closer,” she stiffens and tightens her hand on Kristen’s hair again.

  “Pope, back the fuck away.” I demand.

  I haven’t got the energy to digest Michael’s real killer, all my energy is bustling on Kristen.

  With Pope moving, she has a clear aim of Cas. He pushes Alannah behind him again thinking he is protecting her.

  In the corner of my eye Alannah’s movements look wrong. At first I think she’s undressing Cas but when I look properly she’s going for his gun.

  Unaware, Cas continues staring at Kitty. Alannah slowly steps away from Cas and moves towards me where Pope isn’t in the way. Kitty is so engrossed in her hatred for Cas that she doesn’t notice Alannah raising the gun and aiming it at her.

  “This is between us Kitty, let her go now.” Alannah says, focused on her target.

  I have no doubt Alannah will pull the trigger and not miss. What worries me is if Kitty gets a shot in first.

  “Alannah, put the gun down,” Pope orders.

  “No, that little boy upstairs lost his dad because I didn’t pull the trigger to save him. I am not going to make that mistake with his mom.”

  She is adamant, the building guilt she has held onto all these months is what will save my Kristen now.

  “Let her go, you know her aim is shit hot Kitty and I ain’t going to try and stop her,” I say.

  I stop breathing expecting her to let Kristen go.

  “I didn’t expect to leave here alive,” she smiles.

  “What did you fuckin’ expect?” Cas growls, losing his patience.

  “You dead,” she tells him.

  In seconds the club erupts into a blur before my eyes.

  Kitty keeps her hand in Kristen’s hair and swings her gun from Alannah back to Cas.

  Deep down I never thought she would ever pull the trigger. She aimed straight for Cas and the gun goes off.

  In the blink of an eye a second shot goes off and Kitty falls back into the wall. Alannah had shot her in the shoulder. Using the hand in Kristen’s hair she releases her to hold her shoulder. Kristen falls to the floor and I take advantage of the opening.

  I cross the distance between us and scoop her into my arms.

  “You okay? Tell me you’re okay,” I beg her, kissing the top of her head.

  “I’m fine, she didn’t hurt me.”

  Knowing she is safe in my arms I look around. Kitty’s shot didn’t hit Cas, it hit Pope.

  Laying on the floor in his own blood, Cas and Sparky begin working on keeping pressure on his stomach. Alannah notices Kitty slumped against the wall.

  “Are you happy now?” she asks, bending before her.

  “I’ll never be happy again because of you, since the day I met your momma, you’ve both brought me pain.”

  “What are you talking about?” Alannah demands.

  “Have you ever asked yourself why Hunter hated Michael so damn much?”

  “Cas told me it was because Michael killed his brother,” Alannah says.

  “Do you know why he killed him?”

  “You obviously want to say something, so stop playing fucking games and tell me.”

  “Your momma had everyone wrapped around her little finger just like you and in the end, it got her killed.”

  “My mother died during child birth,” Alannah reminds her.

  “There is some truth to that,” Kitty laughs then winces in pain.

  “Don’t listen to her Lana, she’s just fuckin’ with you.” I tell her.

  “It’s like history repeating itself again, except this time it’s you instead of Rayna fucking Ray. They all tried saving her too. Michael more than the others. I tried saying it was you who killed her as you are the reason she didn’t make it…”

  “Lana, don’t fuckin’ listen to her shit,” I tell her again.

  Cas and Sparky are still with Pope and Oak is on the phone, I presume to the emergency services.

  “Didn’t make what?” Alannah asks, completely ignoring me.

  “If she wasn’t pregnant with you they would have been able to save her, she choose to save you over herself.”

  “Why? What happened to her?”

  Kitty doesn’t answer her, she spots the gun to her left and before I can get to it she reaches over and takes it.

  She goes to put it to her head but Alannah stops her.

  “Oh no you don’t, you answer me. What happened to my mom?” Alannah begs.

  The struggle continues and I fear for Alannah’s safety with the gun flying around.

  “Help her,” Kristen screams.

  “Go upstairs and make sure Zach is alright,” I tell her.

  I watch her go and then run to help Alannah. One foot away and the gun goes off. A quick scan around and no one is hurt.

  “Stop this Kitty, it isn’t right,” Alannah screams.

  “Lana, get away from her,” Cas yells, his hands covered in Pope’s blood.

  Kitty takes advantage of Alannah’s brief loss of control and Kitty gets the upper hand. She uses her elbow to push Alannah away slightly and she falls on her ass.

  Everything is happening so fast. Kitty lets her hand fall to the ground with the gun and winces from the pain her shoulder.

  I pull my gun out and point it at her.

  “Stay where you are Kitty, it’s over.” I tell her, keeping my gun on her.

  Cas is at Alannah’s side and not giving her a choice he drags her back from us.

  Oak comes over and bends in front of Kitty. Without saying a word, he pulls her cardigan to the side and takes a look at her wound. He is either not afraid of the gun still held loosely in her hand or he trusts her not to shoot him.

  “Let me help you darlin’, I promise I’ll get you out of here and get you some help. We’ve been friends for too long and been through too much to see you dead now over a traitor.” He says, soothingly to her.

  Her chest deflates and her eyes water over. She looks tired and fragile.

  “I miss him, he’s all I ever knew.” She whimpers.

  “I know darling’, but I also know it wasn’t always hearts and flowers,” he says, raising both his eyebrows at her. It was a statement that I had no clue what
he was talking about.

  “After she died, he had no choice but to love me and he did.”

  She? Is she talking about Alannah’s mom, Rayna?

  “He loved you in his own way, but don’t forget I knew Michael too and he always looked out for number one before anyone else.”

  “You knew?” she asks him.

  “I had an inkling.”

  What the fuck are they talking about?

  Kitty begins sobbing and Oak helps her stand. I keep the gun trained on her and look over to Alannah, she also heard their conversation and looks as confused as I.

  “I hate to tell you this Kit, but everything that happened to Michael was down to him, it ain’t Alannah’s fault and it ain’t Cas’s.” Oak tried again.

  I don’t think anyone but me noticed she left the gun on the floor when Oak pulled her up.

  Oak’s words flipped her again, the tears rapidly dried up and the frost descended over her again.

  “He should never have got in the way,” she whispers, looking over at Pope.

  “Kitty,” Alannah says, “Was Michael in love with my mom?” she asks.

  “Who wasn’t,” Kitty spits scornfully, “Perfect Rayna, everyone loved her.”

  “What happened to her?” Alannah asks, almost begging her for an answer.

  “Oak, you were there, tell me what happened?” Alannah screams.

  “I ain’t got a clue what she’s goin’ on about Lana. As far as I know, Ray died givin’ birth to you,” he replies in earnest, willing her to believe him.

  “I’m not telling you shit Alannah, I have to live without what I want…you can live without the truth.” Kitty tells her, dropping to the floor.

  I could see she was going for the gun, but I couldn’t stop her and nor could Oak. For a woman with a gunshot wound she sure could move fast.

  Raising her arm, she pointed the gun towards the group surrounding Pope still bleeding out from the stomach.

  “Put it down Kitty,” I yelled as loud as I could.

  The club went silent with trepidation. I didn’t need to take my eyes away from Kitty to know she had every pair of eyes in the room on her.


  I know Cas is telling me to take her out but I can’t pull the trigger.

  Kristen is safe, Zach is safe. I can’t justify killing a woman who’s grief-stricken to the point of her getting herself killed.


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