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Destiny of Kings

Page 18

by Fiona Tarr

  As he was once more following Francesca to her meeting place, his mind was brought back to the present by the hypnotic sway of her hips as she walked; a far more productive use of a man’s imagination. Her high leather boots were now discarded for something more appropriate for city life in order to blend in and not arouse suspicion. He chuckled to himself. She would most certainly stand out in the long leather boots, riding skirt & frilled blouse she had worn when first they met.

  Francesca's mind was wandering; she was trying to think of a gentle way to explain to Martinez that she would be following David. She had enjoyed his company and really was not looking forward to leaving. Regret was futile. She knew she would go. Her duty was too important she told herself. When Martinez spoke, she almost jumped out of her skin, she had been so lost in her thoughts.

  'It is so very good to see you again. I only hope it is good news you have. Is David safe?' He looked intently, his eyes seeking hers out.

  'He is safe, making his way towards his destiny. I need to travel to support David now. He will be gathering men around him. In time he will need you; however he will not ask you to compromise Saul. David’s honour still holds, and he would do nothing to hurt Saul, even though he will have many chances and plenty of cause.' Francesca wondered not for the first time, if David had the strength for that honour to hold out against the power and wealth that would ultimately be his. Saul had failed. Samuel had told her of his visions, of the pain the Israeli people would experience at the hands of their King. Which King did God speak of?

  Francesca saw the questions in Martinez's eyes and did not wait for him to ask about her leaving. She continued, 'I have not fully explained David's importance and I think now is the time,' Martinez raised an eyebrow and indicated she should take a seat first. 'Yes, sorry, my mind is full and I am rushing.' They were in the rear room of the cafe, one of their many meeting places. Martinez had not returned to the healing house, and they had returned to their earlier behaviour of meeting in unexpected locations. 'A new King has been ordained. Samuel foretold of it before he died. The new King of Israel will be David.' she paused for the idea to sink in. Martinez sat quietly waiting for more. 'I have been given the task of helping to complete his training. For the first time in my life, I am not feeling so passionate about the work I have been called to. I have grown to appreciate your company Martinez; to be honest I think I would prefer to stay here. Yet my duty calls and I am a Priestess of the One. Samuel asked me to work with you to support David, yet David is not here anymore,' she paused for a breath, her words catching in her throat.

  Martinez was surprised by the information but distracted.

  'You do not have to go. You have a choice. I would rather we stayed together,' he heard himself say. He recalled his feelings at his mother’s death, this feeling was similar; his heart was being torn. 'I understand your duty, mine calls me to protect a King who is trying to kill a young shepherd boy who has done nothing but serve him faithfully for years. It is my duty nevertheless. As a soldier my choices are limited. I could walk away now and follow you, however I believe I will be far more use staying by the King's side. Jonathan has sworn an oath to serve David unto death and I have given him my word as a warrior to do the same. We both owe our allegiance to the King. He is family and he is the reigning King. We will walk a fine line, but we will serve both faithfully. It is best done from within Saul's service. With the unrest among the priests and the officials it is only a matter of time before war comes to us again. Due to Saul's weakness the Philistines will seek to overthrow us once more.'

  Francesca could not disagree. ‘You are wise as always Martinez, duty above all else.' Yet somewhere in her heart she knew she was born for more than duty. Samuel's words returned to her, niggling at her soul, nudging at her core. Seek out the soldier who leads the King’s army, he needs you as much as you need him. 'I will be able to seek you out as my spirit can travel across great distances. I will be with you and if you need anything, call me to you in your dreams, I will be with you.'

  Martinez smiled. 'I think maybe I should be the one offering to protect you on your journey. Rest assured though, if I need your counsel I will call on you.' He was thinking that Francesca would feature in his dreams, but not for counsel. 'When you see David, tell him I will do all I can to help him. There was no chance for me to speak with him before he fled. He needs to know where we stand, Jonathan and I.'

  'I am sure he knows. I will set his mind at ease and let him know what you have said. I will not share his plans with you, in order not to put you in the position of lying to the King. Jezebel would see it in an instant.'

  Chapter 21

  David was praying that word of the last few days events had not yet reached the Temple of Amrin. He was the slayer of the giant! Who could refuse him access to the legendary sword? The priests of the temple were in meditation when David arrived. He slipped off his sandals, washed his feet in the bowl provided, towelled them dry and entered the temple. The surroundings were sparse. The temple was huge, but void of decor, nothing but an altar and thick dark purple velvet curtains shielding off the living quarters of the priests from the temple worship area. He knelt on the mat facing east, placed his forehead to the floor and prayed. He chanted softly in an unknown tongue. It was a spiritual prayer, a communion without words, an unknown language which only God understood; the unravelling of his inner turmoil being released to his creator.

  As the prayer time finished, all the priests stood and went about their usual duties. David recognised the robes of the head priest and made his way to speak with him.

  'I am David of the sling' as he had been known after the battle, 'the King has sent me to collect the sword of the giant. He requires it for a ceremony.' He did not like lying, but his need outweighed the means, he justified to himself.

  'I have had no word from the King. However, your reputation is well known David and I recognise you. If the King wants the sword, then he shall have it.'

  The priest led David behind the purple curtains and into the assembly hall. There were large dark, ornately decorated double wooden doors at the rear of the temple. David followed the priest through the dining area, and past the massive shelves lined with scrolls. Priests sat around on benches, rugs and the occasional chair as they studied the scrolls and discussed their meaning at length. The priest nodded to the two priests who appeared to be guarding the doors. The one on the right swung the doors open for them to enter. Inside there were many artefacts of significance. Walls of even more scrolls piled high on top of shelves, statues, wooden plates, wine cups and more: obviously items as significant as the giant’s sword but David had no idea why or what they all were.


  Narayana sat on the rock. The sun was high in the sky; he gauged it to be about midday. His mind was at peace. For years he had studied the way of peace. His visions had been nagging him lately, like an old woman or a bullying wife. He felt no responsibility to get involved in this Philistine and Israeli war; however the Universe had other ideas it seemed. It was important that he meet the boy and help him to survive. He had travelled the in-between to be at the appointed meeting place in time. He hated to travel the in-between; it was a place void of life, yet souls travelled it as they slept. Relatively safe for a man of his wisdom, but not so for those who accidentally wandered into it when meditating or casting spells they knew nothing about. Bah! People should just not play with things they do not understand, he reconciled.

  He could see the boy approaching and feel the presence of the artefact he carried. It was powerful indeed; more power than the boy could handle without his help. Once again the Universe was right to disturb him from his meditative retreat. A little annoyed that the Universe did not disturb someone else, he reasoned he was probably the best, so the inconvenience could be forgiven. Yes, yes he told himself, he was supposed to have that endless forgiving nature and be humble. Regardless, he was feeling a little cranky with his wiry old frame today and sitting in the ho
t sun was not making it any more comfortable.

  David saw the little man sitting on the boulder. He was slightly built, with a shaved head and the strangest robes of bright orange and red. He wondered why he was so far from anywhere without a horse.

  'Can I help you with a ride somewhere sir?’ he asked politely, partly out of obligation, and because he thought it unusual to see such a little old man in the middle of nowhere.

  'It is I who will help you boy.'

  David was stunned. 'I did not ask for help and I do not think I need it either.’ His manner was indignant.

  'No need to be so arrogant boy! We all need help occasionally. The problem is we do not usually know it until it is too late. In this case, your God or my divine universe whichever you choose to believe in, has sent me to help. That sword you carry holds power beyond your understanding. You have been anointed with a task you are not yet ready to fulfil. It seems destiny insists that I assist you. I have no interest in matters of your nation, however the Universe must always be balanced and you are to play a role in bringing about that balance.'

  David was speechless, the sword was well hidden; he had no idea how this little man could possibly know he was carrying the artefact. His revelations regarding his God ordained destiny were a surprise to David. 'What are you going on about? Are you a little insane or have you simply spent too long sitting in the sun?'

  'I know who you are David, where you have been, who you run from and why. I also know why you have stolen the giant’s sword from the temple.' David was now becoming increasingly uneasy.

  'Do I need to be threatened by what you know? You say you have come to help me, yet you say you know from whom I run. Powerful enemies. Do you really wish to make them yours also? Are you not a man of peace?’

  David was probing now, anxious to see the reaction of this spiritual man. David was a true believer in his one true God, however he knew some people could be quite spiritual, just a little mislead.

  'Enemies come and go. Time does not stop. We live and we die, yet the universe still keeps moving forward.' The little man shrugged his bony shoulders. 'Now, shall we be going? I might be dark skinned but even I might turn to charcoal in this hot sun.' He smiled, jumped down from the rock as nimbly as a child and started walking in his bare feet towards the setting sun, straight past David.

  'I am Narayana, pleased to meet you,' He said as he strolled past. David sat his mount with his mouth open wide. He felt a twinge of guilt, travelling on horseback while the little man walked. Yet Narayana refused all offers to take turns or ride up with him.

  David was amazed that he had managed to secure a horse from the temple, claiming his had gone lame. No one checked to see if he had come in with a horse, they simply gave him a replacement. They would discover their mistake soon enough. He hoped Saul’s wrath would not be too harsh. They were priests after all!

  Francesca had mixed feelings again. Leaving was not easy. She had been planning the trip for a few weeks now. Meeting with Martinez to consider a course of action, she had been enjoying Martinez’s company which was now the cause of her conflicting emotions. In the early hours of the morning under the cover of pre-dawn light, Francesca left Jerusalem to catch up with David. The streets were deserted, except for a few merchants setting up their stalls early in the town square. The guards on the gate were almost asleep, expecting a shift change any moment. Francesca had timed her departure carefully, so she would be least likely to be noticed. The guards barely raised an eyelid as she passed out of the gate. Coming in may have been different, but what trouble could she cause leaving the city?

  She was well provisioned, expecting to travel many parasas before she caught up with David. Two spare horses laden with food and blankets trailed her mount. The visions were becoming more frequent. She would find a quiet place tonight to camp and seek out where David was now. She had tracked him early on, ensuring Jezebel did not try to harm him. That had been weeks ago, and other than the general direction, she had no idea where he was. She needed to track David’s spirit. Then she would be able to track him down in the flesh.

  Destiny was moving forward quickly now and Francesca had a sense she would be needed soon. Alone again, she was lost in her thoughts, how her past had shaped her future, how she missed Samuel and his wise counsel. A sombre mood hung over her. No matter how hard she tried, she could not budge it. As she relaxed into the saddle, she began to feel at ease for the first time in weeks. The comfort of being back in her riding clothes with her long black boots and riding skirt was liberating. She really was not the feminine sort, feeling safer in masculine clothing and armed with her sabre. Her mood began to lift.


  Martinez sat with a warm mug of herbal brew, his thoughts of Francesca. He smiled at the mug in his hands; it was one of the many fine moments she had brought to him recently. Used to the taste of the bitter leaves he had been drinking for years, the almost floral aroma of the herbal mix was stark in contrast. The men in the barracks would have laughed had they seen him. He did not mind though, he usually shared the brew with Francesca and would continue the habit as a reminder of her, in her absence. She would now be leaving the city gates and he prayed for her safe travels. Deep down, he knew she was more than capable of looking after herself. The last few drops finished, he left the still warm mug on the hearth of his fireplace and headed out to training.


  Saul was groggy, as though he had been drinking pitchers of ale all night. The past month was a blur now. He recalled the night in the dining hall when he had thrown the spear at David, beyond that, nothing was clear. Jezebel was with him every evening, but gone by morning. He remembered nothing of their nights together, his lust for her a dim memory. Yet he could not be without her by his side for long. He would begin to shake on the inside; his heart would start pounding out of his chest, his stomach would feel like it was coming up through his throat. Feelings of nausea with sweat and fainting would overcome him. This was no way for a grown man to feel, he knew. However there was nothing he could do any longer to control himself. No longer sure of who was in control, or what was going on, he summoned Jonathan to him.

  Jonathan heard the knock, only moments before the entry of Saul’s personal guard. No one was provided with courtesy from the King’s guard. They held authority over all, even the King’s own son.

  'Your presence has been requested by the King.' The guard used polite enough words, however, there was no doubt this was not a request. 'We will wait to escort you sir.'

  'An escort is hardly necessary! I know my own way to my father’s meeting chambers by now,' Jonathan felt no need for patience.

  'Of course sir, but,' there was no mistaking the hesitation in his voice.

  'I see. My father is in a good mood again it appears. Do not concern yourself. I will attend him immediately. I do believe however, that some attire is necessary first.' He was indicating with his hands spread open, palms up above his exposed groin.

  'Of course sir. We will wait outside.'

  The guard remained insistent. Saul must truly be in fine form, Jonathan thought. They walked in silence, each with their own thoughts. Jonathan prepared himself for another manic meeting with his father. They had not seen each other for weeks. There had been few meetings between them since the King had nearly killed David. There was the time Jonathan joined Martinez in advising Saul that David had fled the city. The meeting had been heated with Saul screaming that Martinez had aided David in his escape. Jonathan had begged his father to be reasonable. He promised he had been with Martinez the night before discussing the events of the dining room and that there was no way Martinez had been able to assist David. He had taken some convincing. However in the end Martinez had prevailed. Saul’s rage was not lessened. Jonathan had given him plenty of space after that, only seeing him to make arrangement for Miriam to remarry.

  Saul’s rooms were now just a few steps away. The guards slowed to open the doors wide in front of Jonathan. It was lik
e the opening of a bear’s cave. You knew you were going into danger; but you did not really know what mood you would find the bear in.


  Life for Jezebel was becoming tedious now. The King was no fun; the sport had all but gone out of the manipulation and control of him. He was so predictable that there were no more surprises in what he would do next. She basically had control in the senate, having influenced enough priests and officials. She had only had to sleep with a few of them. Some only needed the merest of fondling. Most men succumbed to her beauty with ease. There were a few who still proposed some sport, Martinez, even Jonathan, however now was not the time to pursue either. What to do next? David was gone and no longer an issue. Saul was done. The Philistines were massing to take back their lands and it was only a matter of time before Israel fell and its people would be Kingless.

  She longed to go home to see her father and the Pharaoh. Her boredom was leading her to be reckless, to take unnecessary risks. She pursued her lusts like a fox, under the cover of darkness. It was only a matter of time before someone reported back to the wrong people. This damned war between Saul and the Philistines better not be too much longer in the waiting. Frustrated now, Jezebel needed to see her father. However, she knew she would have to wait until nightfall to arrange the necessary rituals. Angry, she threw off her bed covers and walked, completely naked, out onto the balcony. If she could not have her incantations and lusts fulfilled, she would at least have some fun. The guards in the courtyard below provided her with the required reaction, only a small portion of the adrenalin she needed, but enough to suffice for now.


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