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Dawn of Evil_FBI Flashback

Page 36

by Morgan Kelley

  “He has a point,” she offered. Then she leaned over and gave Tony a kiss. She knew he was a jokester, but beneath it all, he was like her brother.

  “And now the making out begins,” he teased.

  Chris whipped a chopstick at him.

  “Who did you hurt with that stunt?” Tony asked. “Now you have a uni-stick to eat noodles.”

  Elizabeth kept watching but it was hard.

  What was she thinking?

  “Can you give him that back?” she asked. “And stop distracting me?”

  They stopped fooling around. She kept eating her shrimp and watching the various sexual acts.

  “Ewww. He performed oral sex on her,” Chris stated.

  “Yeah, she’s a hooker. I’d never go down on a hooker,” Tony stated. “Does he realize how many dicks were in there?”

  She snorted.

  “Mental note. Tony won’t be performing oral on a hooker,” she stated.

  Chris agreed.

  “That’s a one-way trip to Disease-Ville. That right there is how you get some STD. I like my women clean.”

  They both looked over.

  “Women?” she asked.

  “Do tell…,” Tony stated.

  “I’m going to shut up,” Chris stated.

  They kept watching, and as they did, they watched the man crawling on his hands and knees, as she peed on him.

  “DID SHE JUST…?” Elizabeth asked.

  They had to rewind it.

  “Jesus in a sinking ship. The world is going to Hell in a handbasket. Some man just paid a hooker to pee on him.”

  “It’s called a golden shower,” Tony offered.

  They both looked over at him.

  “What? I don’t participate in that kind of thing. I’m an anthropologist. I have read some papers on the Greeks and their kinkery. This is a page from their books.”

  Chris smiled.

  The torment began.

  “SURE you did.”


  “Children, she’s spanking him.”

  And she was.

  They watched as his ass was the shade of blood.

  “That’s going to leave one hell of a bruise,” Chris said, as he studied it. “What’s on his dick?”

  They paused and rewound the footage.

  “A chastity device,” she said.

  They both looked horrified.

  “Why hurt little Daryl?” Tony asked. “He’s never done anything to hurt anyone.”

  She snorted.

  “So wrong, Anthony. So wrong.”

  There was something far worse.

  “He’s going through all that, and he’s not going to get off?” Tony asked. “What the hell is wrong with a blowjob in the front seat?”

  Again, he had their attention.


  She began laughing.

  “I love you both. Thank you for being my best friends. Well, and my guy.”

  Chris was done eating and put his container down. When he sat back, she went under his arm and leaned into him.

  It was…nice.

  “She told me he left at ten thirty with no gratification. He went there to be humiliated and beat on, and he didn’t get to cum. Where does a guy go after that?” she asked, needing their opinion on it.

  “HOME,” Chris said.

  “Screw that,” Tony added. “The front seat of your car with some tissues and sexy thoughts.”

  “That’s so wrong.”

  Chris happened to agree.

  “And this is why I like straight, normal, couple sex,” Chris added.

  “In a morgue,” Tony added. “And before you say anything, her boots were off. I saw it. I know what she was doing, and you were involved.”

  “Sue me. It was on my bucket list. I got off in the morgue with my girl.”

  She kept laughing.

  “He couldn’t see my feet, Christopher. He was fishing, and you fell for it. Now he knows way too much.”

  Tony grinned.

  Chris sighed.

  She pointed at the screen. “It’s just about over. Well, not for him, but for their session.”

  They watched as the mistress slapped him on the ass, used him to get her off with his mouth, and then told him to go home. He crawled out wearing her panties.

  Well, that was…something.

  “Anything anthropological about that?” he asked, motioning to the man wearing the hooker’s panties.

  “I got nothing,” Tony stated.

  She noticed the time stamp. The hooker didn’t lie.

  The runaway professor had lied about the time and his time there. One she could forgive…the time thing, no.

  That was bad.

  When she stood, she faced the board, Chris knew he needed to put a stop to that.

  “Sweetheart, you have to be up early for that raid tomorrow,” Chris stated.

  He was scared shitless about that, but he was going to be the supportive boyfriend.

  “Yeah, before dawn.”

  “You need to rest for a few hours. If you go in distracted…”

  Yeah, he’d worry even more.

  Chris had a point.

  Heading toward Tony, she kissed him on the cheek and said goodnight.

  “See you tomorrow. Get Debbie down to her bones. I’ll pop in when I’m free. I want to watch a mob man squirm in interrogation.”

  Of course she did.

  “She’s scheduled to be placed in the box in the morning.”

  She let them talk.

  Elizabeth went to brush her teeth.

  When she was gone, Tony saw the look on Chris’s face.


  “I have a bad feeling about that. Michael O’Banion is trying to get to her. She’s walking into his henchman’s hellhole. I feel sick.”

  Tony patted him on the back as he helped clean up.

  “You have to play it cool. The babes don’t like when men get all insane on them.”

  He was aware.

  “I’ll be okay. Tomorrow, I’ll need a distraction.”

  He could do that.

  “Get some rest,” Tony said.

  Chris escorted him to the door, and he locked up. He turned off the lights, brushed his teeth, and headed into their shared room.

  Elizabeth was already in bed, and she was waiting for him. The sight stole his breath.

  He’d never forget how amazing it was to be a couple.

  Still, he had to go there.

  “Honey, promise me tomorrow that you’ll be safe.”

  She pulled the comforter back, and Chris stripped out of his clothes and to his boxers.

  Then he climbed into bed.

  She curled against him, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “I’ll be okay, Christopher. I promise.”

  For the longest while, he held her. When she rolled over, Chris went with her, spooning her body against his. When he finally fell asleep, he knew the night was going to be rough.

  His dreams proved him right.

  In his nightmares, his girl was going to get hurt.

  Chris only hoped they didn’t come true.

  Then what would he do?

  * * * E l i z a b e t h L a R u e * * *

  Across Boston

  Eleven P.M.

  This one was his favorite of them all. He followed her home so many times, but this time would be special.

  He was going to use her body so much that he’d never forget her.

  That’s what he wanted.


  He’d wanted her for so damn long, but she didn’t take him seriously. He was just someone she saw on the campus, and he was beneath her.

  Well, she didn’t know the truth.

  His father had power.

  He worked for the mob in Boston, and she would respect him at some point.

  He tried to do it the right way.

  He tried to be nice.

  Now all niceties aside, he was going to g
et the girl the only way he knew how. He was going to be like his old man.

  Fuck being sweet.

  As she moved around her home, he watched her. She was getting ready for bed.

  When she stripped down to her bra and panties, he got hard, and he took out his dick. As he watched her, he stroked and stroked, getting himself worked into a frenzy.

  Oh, this was one going to be amazing.

  When she settled into her bed, he gave her the time to relax. Only this time, he wanted more.

  He wanted to make her pay.

  After enough time had passed, he headed into her home, cut the phone line in her room, and stood over her still body.

  It was time to play.

  “Wake-up, precious. I’m here for you.”

  Her eyes came open and she sat up. He was on her, but he let her struggle.

  He let her fight some.

  He loved when they did that. It made it all the better. As he pulled her clothes from her body in the fight, he wanted her to feel his wrath.

  She’d been a bitch, and it was time to pay.

  As they fell off the bed, she hit her head on the nightstand. She went out like a light.


  He tossed her onto the bed and bound her with strips of her own bed linens. She was spread eagle for him. Then, he ripped off her panties and shoved them in her mouth.

  As her eyes flickered open, she stared right up at him, and tears filled her eyes.

  She recognized him.

  She knew it was time.

  “Oh, precious, you shouldn’t have mocked me. Now you have to suffer.”

  She watched as he peeled off his clothes, and there wasn’t a speck of hair on him. He was sleek, smooth, and his dick was protected by a condom.

  “I hate you. Why?” He crawled onto the bed, and she fought to get free. “Because you make me want you. Like my daddy always says, ‘take what you want’.”

  With that, he raped her over and over again. When he was satiated, he rested beside her.

  When she thought he had fallen asleep, she began trying to fray the bonds that held her to the bed.

  Only, he wasn’t asleep.

  He opened his eyes, and his hands found her throat.

  “I see you want more.”

  He strangled her with his bare hands, not even using the cord in his pants pocket.

  This was more personal.

  As she turned blue and fought for any air, he drove himself back into her.

  Over and over again.

  When he came again, and she was already dead, he simply left her with that one memento.

  Yeah, she was fun.

  Oh, and the rape too.

  And with that, he escaped into the night. One more woman down and his need still growing.

  Well, that was a problem.

  For them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sunday Morning

  Before Dawn

  B efore she left for the police station, Chris spent a few minutes making love to his girl. It was slow, gentle, and tender. There was no way he could let her leave without that one moment shared between them.

  Chris offered her what was in his heart, and he hoped she’d carry that love with her when she went into a dangerous situation, like this.

  Chris was no fool.

  This man was O’Banion’s goon. He wasn’t going to go in easy if he went at all. The man would fight his way out of being trapped, and that scared Chris.

  It made him a wreck.

  So after making love to her, he sat in the bed they were sharing and watched her get ready.

  She put on a sports bra and panties that matched. Then she layered on her Kevlar, and black cargo pants. The black shirt she pulled over her head was next, and then the riot gear that would hold her guns.

  Elizabeth strapped the holster to her thigh, and she checked her gun to make sure it was a full magazine and one in the chamber.

  She was going off to war.

  As a doctor, who dug in the dead, he didn’t understand it, but he respected it. His job was finding justice, too, but in a different way.

  This was her path in life, and he was grateful they came together.

  He watched her do one more check, and he hoped this didn’t end badly. She was carrying more guns than normal, and that was never a good sign. He watched her put a smaller gun in her black military grade boot at her ankle and one to the front of her vest for easy reach.

  It was a three-gun mission, and he was scared.

  “I’ll be okay,” she said, pulling her hair into a bun at the back of her neck. On their bed was a hat that said FBI, and it matched the riot gear.

  “This scares me.”

  “I know. It’s not often I do this. When we’re asked to, Christopher, I have to do it. I’ve been trained, and I know what I’m doing.”

  S.W.A.T anything was terrifying.

  He sat up.

  “I love you.”

  Her heart skipped.

  “I love you too.”

  She could see he was struggling with this, and she got it. This had to terrify him. Chris was on the other side of missions like this. He autopsied his fair share of agents.

  “I’ll be okay. Why don’t you and Tony get ready for work and head there? Stick together, and be safe for me.”

  “Will you be safe for me?” he asked.

  She gave him a kiss as she sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Yes. I promise.”

  His heart kicked.

  “Okay. I’ll see you later. Call me if you need me. If I could go instead of you…”

  And here was that love she craved. Here was a man who began as her friend, became a lover, and now was so much more in so little time.

  He believed in her, but he wanted to protect her.

  “I know you would. I’ll call you as soon as we are done and it’s over.”

  “What time do you go in?”

  “Max sent a timeline. We kick the door at five forty-five.”

  He glanced at his watch. It was four thirty in the morning. “I’ll get to the morgue. I’ll wake Tony. We’re both going to have an early day.”

  She called him as he reached the bathroom door.

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “I can’t be anyone I’m not.”

  He smiled reassuringly at her as if reading her mind. There was fear in her eyes too—fear he’d change his mind when he had to deal with her job.

  It would never happen.

  “This isn’t your issue, Elizabeth. It’s mine. I worry you’ll get hurt. I know you’re smart and trained. I know in here,” he said, touching his head, “that you will be safe. It’s in here, that’s where I worry.”

  His hand was over his heart.

  “Thank you for that.”

  It was the least he could give her after all she gave him the last few days.

  “See you at the morgue. Bring me coffee. I’m going to need it.”

  “I will.”

  He called Tony and jumped in the shower.

  Chris couldn’t watch her walk out the door. Something bad was coming.

  He could feel it.

  And it was coming her way.

  He knew it.

  * * * E l i z a b e t h L a R u e * * *

  Boston PD

  He didn’t have much time.

  As soon as the Feds arrived at the building, his partner got everything set up and they were loading up into the trucks.

  Patty took a minute to give the man a heads-up.

  It was all he could afford.

  He’d be awake, he’d be able to fight them off, and if he was lucky, he’d be killed in the process. That was the point.

  It was a two-minute drive to the man’s home, and that wouldn’t give him time to escape.

  What Patty needed was a distraction. Some gunfire would do.

  So, he sent the text.

  ‘Tommy, cops are coming. The Fed will go through the door. Shoot to kill. Delete this. Heads
-up. Get ready. No time to run. Defend yourself to the death.’

  Patty hit send.

  Now, it was going to end. The Fed would die. The blood spilled would make O’Banion cut ties and they would all go under.

  Except him.

  Patty would be fine.

  And he would be back to fight another day.

  * * * E l i z a b e t h L a R u e * * *

  En Route

  Tommy ‘The Greek’ Chontos’s


  As they sat in the back of the S.W.A.T truck, on their way to the house, Elizabeth watched the man beside her cross himself and then flip a coin. It appeared that Detective Bronson was a religious man and a superstitious one.

  “Catholic?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m praying I make it out alive. I know the odds are NOT in my favor.”

  “And the coin?”

  “It’s my lucky charm. It’s the coin I had in my hand the day I found out about my son. I’ve carried it with me for the last year.”

  She hoped it kept them all safe.

  Still, she was curious.

  “Why do you do it? Why did you take the mob task force job if you know it’ll likely get you killed and you have a kid to worry about? I don’t have a child, and that’s why I can’t see myself as a mother.”

  He stared over at her.

  “That’s exactly why. I do this for my boy. I do this so he remembers that even though I didn’t do the right thing when I walked away from his mother, I’m still worthy. I do this so he knows I’m one of the good guys.”

  He took his helmet off and pulled the picture of his son out of it. “He’s my other good luck charm. His mom, bless her soul, she named him after me. I’m not sure if it’s because she loved me or because she wanted to be reminded that I did that to her and left.”

  She got it.

  “He’s a cute kid.”

  “He’ll be a teenager soon, and I don’t want him to take that wrong path. Yeah, I walked away from her, but I didn’t know about him. Had I, I would have married her and stayed. Now she won’t even look at me. Fate is funny.”


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