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Mark Of The B*E*A*S*T*

Page 13

by Rebecca Goings

  He rubbed his eyes, amazed to find he was human again.

  The assistant spoke while Dylan gazed at his own hands in confusion.

  "Lucian gave you the stuff that makes you shift. Thought you might have a harder time fighting that concoction off than the serum you've been getting."

  "Where is Carver?"

  "Packing, I think."


  "We're leaving the compound."

  Dylan tilted his head. “We?"

  "Yeah. We."

  The man entered a code on a keypad next to the cage door. The door rumbled aside.

  "I trust you won't try to kill me? Seeing as how you can't shift into a gorilla, I figure I'm safe enough."

  Dylan chuckled when he noticed the pistol the man had in his hand. It was leveled at his chest. Still grinning, Dylan crawled out of the cage and stretched. The man handed him a change of clothing.

  "Where are we going?” Dylan breathed deep. This man

  wasn't a shifter. And he was scared. Good. He should be.

  "Don't know,” he answered, his voice wavering.

  "How old are you, kid?"


  Dylan shook his head. “Old enough to know better.” He allowed his eyes to flash.

  The man's heart rate shot through the roof. “You behave or I have orders to shoot you."

  "I just bet you do,” Dylan said. “There's one thing you don't understand about Lucian's serums."

  The man swallowed hard and cocked the gun. “And what's that?"

  "It forces me to shift from my gorilla state. But I'm a crossbreed, boy. You know what that means?"


  "Oh, it's too late for that, I'm afraid."


  Dylan's stomach growled. He was friggin’ hungry. His mouth watered as his body shifted fluidly. Within moments, he'd become a crocodile.

  He barely heard a few shots hit the wall before he dashed forward and grabbed the man in his powerful jaws, rolling again and again on B*E*A*S*T*'s slick tile floor.

  The snap of bone and the salty, iron tang of blood filled the air, along with screams. So many screams. Dylan didn't care.

  He was starving.

  Not much was left of the man once he'd eaten his fill.

  Lumbering down the corridor, Dylan was intent on freeing the others, even if he was still in his croc shape. With the contents of his stomach, he surmised it might actually hurt to shift back now.

  The man he'd just snacked on had been right, though. The serum that forced him to shift was blocking him from the gorilla. It seemed different than the other crap he'd been given many times before.

  No matter. He'd find a way around it.

  A scientist rounded the corner and dropped the files in his arms with one look at Dylan. It amused him. Most folk believed crocodiles to be slow, hulking beasts. But nothing could be farther from the truth. They were indeed more

  agile in water, but they were still very dangerous on land.

  With a screech, the scientist bolted. Dylan grinned, but realized he was merely baring his teeth. Dashing after him, he managed to snap on the scientist's ankle. The man went down, still frantically trying to get away by crawling and crying at the same time.

  Using his massive weight, Dylan climbed on top of the man, pinning him to the floor. He allowed himself to shift just enough to use his rough voice right in the man's ear.

  "Give me the key code."


  "Do you want to die?” he asked, his half-human voice grating against his own ears.


  "Key code!"

  Great. The scientist just wet himself.

  "Please, I have a family. I have a wife!"

  "Then after I kill you, I'll kill them."

  "Oh, God, no, I beg of you!"

  A few drops of blood dripped off Dylan's sharp teeth onto the scientist's cheek.

  "Then your choice is easy."

  "One-one-five-zero-nine. Please! Sweet Jesus, help me!"

  Dylan fully shifted back into his croc form and crawled off the man, who was now a sniveling mess on the floor. He didn't care about him. He needed to find the main key pad that controlled every shifter's cage.

  Shouts and screams were coming through a pair of double doors to his right.

  Shit. He needed a badge to get through this door.

  Dylan glanced back down the hall at the scientist he'd just crushed beneath him. He was still screaming. His leg was shredded after all. Dylan didn't blame him for blubbering so much.

  He wandered back up the corridor and mentally pressed against the serum barrier. It was weakening.


  With some effort, he managed to shift his body halfway between croc and gorilla. The man screamed again, but Dylan wasn't going to torture him. He merely grasped his badge and ripped it from his lab coat in his green-scaled ape-hands.

  He didn't spare the man another glance as he wandered toward the doors. Swiping the badge, he grinned when they swung open.

  But the scene that greeted him wasn't what he expected. Dozens of scientists were working in front of the cages, injecting shifter after shifter with something that made them fall over, unmoving.

  The smell of death was in this room. Dylan's stomach revolted.

  They're killing them!

  A few of the men spotted him and cried out in terror at the sight he must have presented. But Dylan was far beyond caring. Stifling his desire to charge in and kill each man himself, he decided to let the shifters have their own justice.

  Their shouts for Dylan to release them wasn't lost on him.

  The men behind B*E*A*S*T* were going to rue the day they were ever born.

  He found the main key pad on the wall easily enough. Some of the scientists yelled the safe word, but to no avail. None of them had firearms so no one dared approach him as he growled for them to stay away lest they meet their doom.

  Trying again, he found he could shift a bit more into his gorilla form. That helped with punching the buttons. One, one, five, zero, nine.

  "Stop him!"


  "Jesus Christ, he's going to—"

  A loud ringing bell echoed throughout the enormous room. Door after door on the cells opened, releasing chaos upon the scientists of the agency.

  Dylan basked in the shouts of sheer and utter agony.

  It was music to his ears.

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  From his office, Lucian heard the clang of the bell.

  Every hair on his body stood on end. That could only mean one thing.


  He didn't have time to grab every note about his various projects. God damn it!

  He'd managed to stuff his brief case full of papers, however, along with his laptop. Closing the lid, he swiped it off the desk and sprinted out the door. He couldn't afford to wait any longer. He hoped his assistants had managed to round up the shifters he wanted to take with him. As it stood, he needed to collect Mac from the pod.

  The man would be out of it and Lucian would need help to get him to the chopper, but that was what Tam and Jet were for.

  If nothing else, he'd have three shifters to barter with. Four, if he could collect the one he'd sent to D.C. not too long ago...


  Dashing across the large room, Robyn threw herself on the only pod with its lid closed. It hadn't taken long to get to the transformation room, the room every shifter in the compound had visited at least once. Two or three times if they were unlucky.

  "How the hell do you open this thing?"

  "Robyn, no!” Jet pulled her off in his strong arms. “He's being transformed right now. If you open that pod, you'll kill him!"

  "Let me go. Mackenzie!"

  "He's not dying. He's got about five more minutes before that hatch opens. All we can do is wait."

  Robyn's face was wet with tears. He was in there, she could see him t
hrough the small glass window by his face. His entire body was convulsing while his face contorted with what looked like pain.

  When Jet was satisfied she wouldn't pop open the hatch, he let her go. She draped herself across the pod and caressed the glass.

  "Christ, Jet, what the hell is that asshole turning him into?” Noah said, shaking his head.

  Squinting his dark eyes, Jet gazed at the DNA tanks. “A Kodiak."

  "Sweet Mother Mary,” Rogan whispered.

  Wade pointed at the countdown clock above the pod. “Four minutes now."

  Robyn couldn't stop the tears falling from her eyes. She'd never felt such overwhelming fear. It nearly choked her with its intensity as she laid her forehead on the glass. Thanfully Lucian hadn't turned her into a crossbreed. But Mackenzie didn't have that luxury. Thinking on Dylan's past behavior, she couldn't help but wonder if Mac would be unstable now. The thought slammed through her and ripped a sob from her lips.

  Pounding footsteps echoed in the hall. Noah, Rogan and Wade moved around the four empty pods to the door, their guns drawn. A man entered and stopped in the doorway, slipping on the tiles in his surprise.


  Robyn straightened, finding her courage through a haze of rage.

  "What have you done to him, you son of a bitch!"

  Lucian looked dumbstruck as he gazed from one shifter to another. Robyn would have crossed the room to kick his ass, but once again, Jet stopped her.

  "Welcome to the party, Luke,” Rogan said in a jovial voice. “We were wondering when you'd show your ugly mug."


  Robyn slid to the floor.

  Rogan glanced over his shoulder. Both Robyn and Tam had crumpled at the safeword. Everyone else was still standing.

  "Looks like your safeword ain't so safe after all,” Noah said with a smirk. Rogan grinned.

  "How ‘bout that, tiger?” he said, inching closer. “We're still lucid."

  Carver's expression was one of shock before he turned and bolted.

  "I'll get him!” Jet yelled, leaping over the pods with his cat-like grace.

  Wade didn't hesitate either. He chased after Jet.

  "Don't kill Tam!” Jet's voice called back down the corridor. “He's the only one who can fly the chopper!"

  Rogan glanced at Noah, then crossed the room to wake up Robyn.

  It took a few shakes, but her eyes finally focused and she sat up, clutching her head.


  "You'll have a headache for awhile,” Rogan said. “But you'll be okay. A few more forced wakenings from your catatonic state, and you'll be immune to the safeword as well."

  "How much longer?” she asked, pushing past Rogan to glare at the countdown clock.

  "A minute and a half.” It wouldn't be long now.

  "Oh, God,” Robyn moaned. “His eyes are open. He's looking at me!"

  "We've got to wait, Robyn,” Rogan soothed. “It's almost over now."

  He left her to kick Tam none-too-gently.

  "Wake up."

  When that didn't work, he smacked him with the barrel of the rifle.

  "Wake up, you damn freakshow!"

  Noah stepped in from looking down the hallway in the direction Wade and Jet chased after Lucian.

  "Think they'll be okay?"

  "Please,” Rogan scoffed as Tam groggily came to. “We all heard that bell. We know what that means. This

  compound is about to come crashing down."

  "You're right,” Noah said with a nod. “Just hope Mac's not too pissed if someone else kills Lucian. I know he wanted the honor."

  Rogan chuckled and glanced back at Robyn. She stared at the clock, which was now counting down from twenty.

  When it reached zero, a huge cloud of steam bellowed from the pod.

  "Robyn, stand back!"

  "Go to hell, Rogan, I'm staying right here."

  He admired her grit as the hatch slowly swung open and the pod itself began to rise into a standing position. With furious motions, she attacked Mac's restraints.

  "Help me!"

  Rogan hefted his gun over his shoulder and pulled on the straps. The moment their skin touched Mac's, he screamed at the top of his lungs.

  "Mackenzie!” Robyn cried, working frantically.

  Within moments, he was free.

  "Noah!” Rogan called. But his friend had seen their desperation. If they didn't help him, Mac was going to crumple to the floor.

  Noah grabbed his other arm and they supported him between them. Every inch of his skin was burning hot and little red droplets of blood had been left behind by the needles.

  Mac was crying now, heaving deep breaths between his sobs.

  "I'm here, baby, I'm here,” Robyn said, crying with him. She stroked his cheeks gently and his eyes opened.

  "You,” he breathed. “For you. For...Robyn."

  Well, dammit. Now Rogan had something in his eyes.

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  Lucian knew damn well he only had a few seconds’ headstart before those shifters caught up to him. Praying to all that was holy, he hoped the elevator was on the bottom floor. Thankfully the pad on the wall only needed his badge waved in front of it instead of swiped.

  The doors slowly opened and he squeezed his way through, turning just in time to see an enormous rhino bearing down on him.


  He hit the button that closed the doors again and again, just barely noticing Wade and his rifle taking aim down the hall. A few bullets hit the elevator wall behind him in a shower of sparks while the rhino charged. The entire corridor shook as Jet pounded forth, bellowing loudly.

  The doors closed just in time, but not before Jet hit them with such force, they dented into the cabin.


  Lucian's heart threatened to pound right out of his chest as the elevator finally ascended. Flattening against the wall, he fought to catch his breath. He'd bought himself some time and hoped it would be enough. Thankfully the escaped shifters hadn't sought their way out of the compound yet.

  Good news was the elevator would go all the way to the top before going back down. Even if they summoned it on the lower level, he'd be gone before they caught him. It gave him enough time to find Ramirez and get the hell out of Dodge in the chopper.

  Tam could fly it too, but that damned clone had turned

  on him.

  The ride up to the top seemed to take forever. Jesus, nothing worked in this hellhole! His serum might as well be useless. His safeword had been nullified. Even the crossbreeds weren't right in the head.

  All the more reason to perfect his work in China.

  Fear pricked him. What if they didn't bite? What if they turned him down flat?

  No, he couldn't think like that. They would. They had to. But one thing was for sure. He had to leave the country.


  Through a fog, Mac heard people talking around him.

  "Is he okay?"

  "Looks like a stiff wind would push him over."

  "Is his leg still broken?"

  "I don't know, maybe that thing healed him. I just see a little pink scar where the bone poked through."

  He couldn't understand what they were talking about. All he saw, all he cared about...was her.


  He remembered her name like a whispered prayer. Confusing thoughts and images plagued him, but none of that mattered. He'd held on to her when he fought for his sanity.

  Her face was what he'd clutched on to, her scent reminded him of who he was.

  Her dark hair tumbled over her shoulder and her bright eyes were full of tears.

  "Can you hear me?” she asked him, cupping his face in the sweetest caress. After the hell he'd just endured, her touch was like a balm, sweeping away the pain.

  He nodded.

  Robyn stood on her toes and kissed him gently. The touch of her lips thundered through him. The roar of something new reverberated thr
oughout his skull. It wanted free. What was it?

  She pulled away, but he protested, leaning forward to keep her contact, if only to inhale her deep into his lungs. Dear God, he needed her like nothing else.

  In one swift moment, his strength returned and,

  ignoring the men flanking him, he lifted his arms out of their hold and scooped Robyn against him. She cried out in shock, but only for a moment, as her whimpers were swallowed by his mouth.

  The details of his life were sketchy, hazy, as if someone had taken an eraser and smudged the paper. But Robyn was in sharp focus. She alone was what he knew, what he wanted.

  Her scent became a part of him. Her taste taunted him.

  The moment her tongue delved into his mouth, he lost all control. In and out he plunged, making love to her, devouring her.

  Her small groans drove him to squeeze her closer and he just barely registered her palms pushing on his shoulders.

  Pulling back, he gazed into her eyes. Her desire was prominent, he recognized that. But this wasn't the time or the place. No. He shook his head.

  "Too tight,” she whispered, touching his arms.

  Instantly, he let her go, allowing her feet to drop to the ground.

  "I'm sorry,” he said, the words sounding foreign to his own ears.

  "Looks like you're raring to go, eh, Mac?"

  The blond man smacked the brown-haired one on the shoulder. “Smooth, Wolfe."

  "What?” the man asked, looking innocent. “It's the truth."


  Her voice broke through the haze. His eyes rested on hers. He lifted his hand to her cheek.

  "Are you all right?"

  He glanced around at the pod and realized what had happened. The needles had pierced him. He'd become a shifter. Again.

  "What am I?” he asked.

  "Lucian made you a crossbreed. You're a jaguar and a Kodiak."

  His eyes widened as shock raced through him. “I'm a bear?"

  Robyn nodded as her tears fell. She nuzzled her face

  deeper into his palm.

  "Lucian. Why is that name familiar?"

  "He's the asshole who's done this to you, Mac,” the blond man said. “He took Robyn from you and you searched for her for two long months. Do you remember? Then he took you and carried out his experiments."

  At the mention of Robyn's abduction, he knew without a doubt who Lucian was.


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