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Mark Of The B*E*A*S*T*

Page 19

by Rebecca Goings

"Yes! Yes, please, you've got to let me go. Please!"

  Wade and Noah dropped him, making him stumble in the dirt.

  "Where is she?"

  Noah pointed up. “Out there somewhere, trying to forget you."

  Mac took a deep breath and followed Robyn's scent into the house. It went out the back door and into the yard behind the cabin.

  His friends had their fun with vigilante justice.

  Now, it was time to make amends with the woman he loved.

  Rogan howled with laughter. “Killed her spirit?” He slapped his knee and doubled over. “Oh, tiger, that was a nice touch."

  "You like that?” Noah said, picking up his mug from the step he'd left it on.

  "You're crueler than any of us, and we all took a swing!"

  With a grin, Noah glanced at his friend. “Perhaps I am

  at that."

  Wade sat on the porch, grinning himself. He pulled Keira down on his lap and kissed the tip of her nose. “He deserved it."

  Noah nodded. “Yes, he did."

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  Robyn's wings were tired after hours of flying and playing on the currents. Her thoughts finally began pestering her about her mate, and worry for him broke through the barrier she'd erected as the owl. Would she never have peace?

  She tried pushing thoughts of him away, but as sure as she felt the wind on her face, she felt him. Angry with herself, Robyn perched on a high tree and gazed out at the countryside. The brook she'd found yesterday babbled far beneath her. Even its comforting sounds couldn't soothe her.

  With her keen eyes, Robyn could see for miles. But all she wanted to see was his face. If she could cry in her shifted state, she would. Instead, she cawed a few times in her sorrow.

  A loud crash came to her from the ground. Robyn glanced down, spying a flash of yellow-orange in the foliage. And just like that, a sleek, handsome jaguar appeared, lapping a few times at the water.

  Robyn's heart skipped a beat. Great. Now she was seeing things. Holding her breath, she waited for the apparition to disappear, but it didn't. It howled and scanned the trees.

  She didn't dare to hope. Was it really him?

  She cooed again, if only to get his attention.

  Those beautiful golden eyes lit on her a moment before he slowly crossed the brook, as if she'd flee him if he came too fast. Truth be told, she didn't know what the hell to do.

  It was Mackenzie! He was here, in the forest, with her,

  in Colorado.

  Did something happen? Was he all right?

  Fear entered her heart and she squawked again, this time, flapping her wings.

  The jag stopped. He looked cautious, as if he didn't want to spook her. In that moment, he shifted and stood.

  "Robyn!” he called out. “Sweetheart, we need to talk. Come on down."

  His voice wasn't filled with the anger and pain she'd heard not too long ago. He sounded almost...repentant.

  But she wasn't sure if she was ready to face him. What if he decided he only wanted to see her one more time before leaving her forever? Her heart couldn't take it. She contemplated heading for the hills. She even looked up to gauge their distance. If she went for it, she'd probably spend the rest of her life as an owl.

  She'd never want another man for as long as she lived.

  "Please, Robyn?"

  She closed her eyes. She couldn't deny him. His tone was filled with desperation mixed with fear and it pulled on her heartstrings.

  She spread her wings and coasted to the ground. But she couldn't shift, not yet. He stood before her, gloriously naked. It would be too tempting to fly into his arms as a human. Instead, she cooed at him and flapped, telling him she wasn't going to change. Yet.

  "I'm an asshole."

  Robyn bobbed her head. He smiled at that.

  "Honey...” He looked as if he was searching for the words. Kneeling before her, he continued. “I'm so sorry. For everything. For not talking to you, for shutting you out, for scaring you and pushing you away. You didn't deserve any of it."

  She cocked her head and stepped closer, but remained a bird. She was too afraid he'd push her away again. But his scent wasn't guarded at all. He was nervous. And a little terrified.

  Of what?

  "When you left, I went crazy. I trashed that hotel room."

  She cawed angrily at that.

  "Yeah, I know. Wade will probably kick my ass when he gets the bill, but I couldn't help it. I had to shift and destroy something."

  Her eyes widened. Did he succumb to the bear? She took another step.

  He must have been able to smell her own fear.

  "No, honey, I was the jag. But I realized I couldn't hear the damned Kodiak in that state. So the next time I felt the bear emerging, I pushed him away with the jaguar. And every time since, it's worked. I've found a way to control him! I can still hear him every now and again, rattling around in my head, but he's not ever getting out unless I let him."

  Elated surprise overcame her and Mac smiled, probably smelling it.

  "Robyn, I came here to find you. I don't deserve you. But...I can't live without you. When Lucian took you, I lived two hellish months without you. This time, I only lasted a day and a half."

  He scooted to her in the dirt and reached out his hand. She let him caress her snow-white feathers. It felt good. His fingers felt their way down her wings, sending shivers down her spine. Robyn cooed and watched him, desperately wanting to touch him as well. But her fear resurfaced. There was no way she'd survive if he denied her again.

  But his next words laid her fears to rest.

  "I'm in love with you, Robyn Bishop.” The stress he put on her last name wasn't lost on her. He knew she'd changed it back. She had to look away. “You're my mate. I know I broke your heart, but...I will never do it again. The others, they made sure of that back at the cabin."

  She glanced at him and cooed, staring at his face. She did indeed see a faint bruise under his skin.

  "Yeah, they knocked some sense into me.” He rubbed his chin and chuckled. After a few more moments, he bowed his head and his scent turned regretful.

  "Robyn, I'm sorry. I love you. I need you. You're true north. If I don't have you, I'll just spin out of control. I need you to forgive me. Can you please forgive me?"

  Right before her eyes, the man she'd always thought of as her rock, the powerful jaguar, the terrifying Kodiak, was coming apart. His heart was in pieces and only she could put it back together. Tears shimmered in his eyes and she couldn't take it anymore.

  Robyn shifted and knelt with him. Her hands caressed his cheeks until he gazed into her eyes. She didn't say a word, but her thumbs wiped away his tears. More replaced them. Wiping them away as well, she then ran her fingers through his dark hair.

  This was the man who'd fought for her, the one who'd jumped out of a plane to save her, the one who defied his mind-wipe by thinking only of her. There was no other man who'd loved her so fiercely, who protected her so completely.

  Now that he'd found a way to contain the madness that plagued him, he was asking her for another chance. There was no way in hell she could walk away now.

  "You're wrong, jag,” she whispered. He looked at her in confusion. “You're my true north. I'm nothing without you."

  Relief flowed out of him. He gave her a watery grin. She returned it.

  "I love you, Mackenzie."

  He leaned forward and kissed her, pulling her closer with his strong arms.

  "But don't you ever do that to me again,” she said through her kisses. “It'll be the death of me."

  "Never, baby,” he promised, moving his mouth to her ear. “Never. I promise."

  She decided to tease him. “Because then, I'd have to find a new mate. Do you think Jet remembers me?"

  Mac growled and pounced, throwing her back to the ground and attacking her neck with playful bites. “You are a damned cruel woman, you know that?"

deserve it, you ass."

  "I do, I know."

  "I should hit you for all you've done."

  "You should."

  Instead, she grabbed his hair and returned his mouth to hers. She'd barely plunged her tongue into him before withdrawing. “I need to kick your ass."

  "Do it. I'll let ya."

  She kissed him again, reveling in the feeling of him against her, all his warmth seeping into her. Her hands wandered to his butt instead, clawing at his skin, getting his attention.

  "It's been so long,” he groaned.

  "Barely more than a day."


  "I've been so cold."

  "You'll never be cold again.” With his words, he plunged forth, implanting himself deep within her. Robyn cried out and tossed back her head.

  "I've missed you,” she whispered.

  Mac withdrew and pushed forward, taking her gasps into his mouth.

  "Ah, sweetheart, I ached for you. I have no idea how I let you get away from me. On purpose."

  "It's because you're a big dumbass."

  Mac chuckled at her tone and gave her a mischievous look. “As dumbasses go, I am the biggest."

  With his words, he thrust, leaving no doubt about his double entendre.

  "I won't disagree with that. Not at all."

  After a few more heated advances, Mac said, “Robyn?"

  "What?” she asked, kissing his neck.

  "If I ever hear you've changed your name back to Groves again, there's gonna be hell to pay."

  She chuckled and gasped at the same time when his thumb rubbed her sensitive skin between them.

  "I told you that you weren't subtle in claiming your territory."

  "That's right,” he agreed, nodding. “And you're mine, honey. Make no mistake."

  "You're mine too, you know,” she said, panting. “You even think of straying, I'll cut it off.” She arched into him, leaving no room for argument.

  Mac grinned down at her. “Message received. Now shut up and let me love you."

  His thrusts reached a new rhythm, taking her breath away. Robyn wrapped around him and lost herself in his kisses, determined to give him everything he asked for—

  heart and soul.

  It didn't take long before her orgasm overcame her, rushing through her body like a gale-force wind, demanding every ounce of her strength as she lifted up, wanting his pleasure as well.

  When he came, his big body shuddered, exciting her anew. The beauty of his release touched her deeply. She couldn't get enough.

  "Again. Mackenzie, again."

  His breath ruffled her hair. “Seriously?"

  Robyn nodded and kissed him, grinding her hips into his. “Please? I need you."

  He groaned, but thrust once more. “Like this?” he asked, a look of innocence on his face.

  She nodded and bit her lip. “Don't tease me."

  "I wouldn't dream of it."

  "Yes, you would."

  "You got me."

  Words were forgotten the moment Mac took her, again, to the heights only he could reach.

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  A few hours later, Mac watched his mate get dressed in the clothes she'd left behind on a log near the cabin. He'd left his in the same spot when he'd shifted to find her. He'd discovered them by the scent she left behind.

  They'd walked back through the forest, hand in hand. Every now and again, she'd give him shy smiles and he'd give her bold perusals, still amazed that every inch of her alabaster skin belonged to him.

  "When we made love,” she asked after pulling on her shirt, “you didn't hear the bear?"

  Half of his mouth turned up and he wandered to her, deliberately leaving his jeans unbuttoned. He hadn't yanked his own shirt on yet and she stared at his chest with what looked like amazed wonder. He loved knowing she enjoyed looking at him as much as he enjoyed getting his fill of her.

  Mac's arms circled her and she leaned forward without complaint. “Oh, I heard him, honey,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “I just controlled him."

  "I didn't even notice!"

  He grinned at the awe in her voice.

  "You're getting better. I'm so proud of you."

  Her words made him feel ten feet tall. “The bear will always be a part of me. You might have to live with my irrational decisions and crazy mood swings, but you'll never be in danger. Not any more."

  Robyn squeezed him tight. “I don't care about any of that. I just care about you."

  "I know."

  "Are you hungry?” she asked, stepping back.

  Mac bent to pick up his shirt. “Starving. And dead tired."

  Robyn smiled at the words “I lost my heart in Reno” emblazoned across his chest.

  "Then let's get something to eat and go to bed."

  When he glanced back at her, he let his eyes flash a moment before he pounced on her, making her squeal. “I could just eat you and we'd already be in bed."

  He heard her heart pounding in her chest. “Mackenzie, don't tempt me."

  "Mmm, I'm not temptin', babe, I'm promising."

  "We need food."

  His stomach twisted at that very moment. He groaned and laid his forehead on her shoulder. “You've got a point.” His lips found the tender skin of her throat. “But I'm still gonna eat ya."

  Robyn's body trembled, and just like that, he was hard. But he let her go the moment a glorious scent came to him on the wind.

  "They're making lunch,” she said in a breathless voice, looking in the direction of the cabin.

  "What is it? Smells fricken’ divine."

  "Do you care?” she asked.

  Mac growled and took her hand before dragging her along behind him. “Not particularly."

  They ran the rest of the way, laughing. When they burst into the cabin through the back door, everyone in the dining room stared at them. Mac held Robyn close and she clung to him, as if she never wanted to let go.

  That suited him just fine.

  "Aw, look, they made up!"

  Wade's words made Robyn blush.

  "We did,” Mac said proudly. “Many times."

  "Whew, we can smell it,” Rogan said, wiping his nose. “Get in here and sit down. Noah made his world-famous spaghetti."

  "Good Lord, I'm going to have an ulcer if I don't eat."

  Robyn giggled up at him. He smiled at her and gave her a swift kiss.

  "Gag,” Rogan said again, grinning. Marlie smacked his shoulder.

  "Be nice."

  "Sorry,” he said, setting the table.

  "Glad to see you two back together,” Noah said from the kitchen. He drained the pasta in the sink.

  "You guys didn't have to beat him up,” Robyn said with a pout.

  "Oh yes we did, honey,” Lanie said, pouring everyone a glass of water.

  "You too?” Robyn's eyes went wide.

  "Everyone had a go,” Mac said. He pulled out a chair for her. She sat dutifully, but held on to his hand.

  "Are you okay?” she asked him.

  Rogan scoffed. “He got off easy. Be glad he's not unrecognizable."

  Wade chuckled.

  "Just injured my pride a bit,” Mac answered, ignoring everyone else.

  Robyn turned to their friends, her face a mask of anger. “From now on, no one is to touch Mackenzie except for me, understood?"

  Everyone stopped what they were doing as if someone had yelled freeze. Rogan's face cracked a grin.

  "Well hot damn, jag, your little lady's quite protective of you, ain't she?"

  Mac's ego couldn't have become any bigger than it did the moment Robyn defended him.

  "You're damn right!” Robyn exclaimed before he could open his mouth.

  Noah brought the pasta to the table. “She gonna fight all your battles, Mac?” he asked with a wink.

  Everyone laughed.

  Mac squeezed her hand under the table a moment before he scooted his chair a little closer to her.
He ate his lunch as if it was the last meal he'd ever get. Well, it would be the last one for a long while.

  He was planning on keeping Robyn in bed until dawn.

  And dawn was hours away, considering the sun was still shining even now.

  Robyn watched with amusement as Rogan bounded from the table and put his dish in the sink.

  "Where's the fire, Wolfe?” Noah asked, taking another bite.

  "My soap is on. Can't miss another day!"

  Mac glanced at Robyn. “Is he kidding?"

  "Don't make me hurt you!” Rogan yelled from the living room. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

  "If he doesn't get to watch his One Life to Live, he gets cranky,” Marlie said with a grin. “I know, it's embarrassing."

  "I heard that!” Rogan called.

  Mac had just helped himself to seconds when Rogan yelled again.

  "Guys, guys, guys! Get your asses in here now!” His tone was no longer jovial. Everyone dropped their forks and raced into the living room.

  On the television was the reddened face of a local newscaster, as if reporting something he couldn't comprehend.

  "If you're just tuning in, it has been confirmed that Vice President Peter Henderson has been killed. Reports are coming in that he was mauled by a...wild animal on his daily run through our nation's capital. This same beast, or beasts, killed his entourage of Secret Service as well. There are no witnesses. We will get the names of those killed with him shortly.

  "Authorities are desperately seeking out this animal or pack of animals and urge anyone in Washington, D.C. to stay inside. This was not an act of terrorism, however, these creatures are very deadly and most likely will kill again.

  "Once again, Vice President Henderson has been killed, and the president has been advised."

  Rogan turned off the TV, his face as white as a sheet. “Holy fucking shit."

  Heavy silence descended.

  "Wild animal my ass,” Wade said with a scoff. “That was a shifter. Probably a crossbreed."

  Mac glanced at Wade. “Or a pack of ‘em."

  "But I thought Clive Covington was B*E*A*S*T*'s ringleader before his death. You think the Vice President of the United States was involved in this mess, too?” Lanie asked. Her gaze darted from one man to the next.

  "I do.” Noah said. “B*E*A*S*T* was a huge secret agency. It had to be bigger than Covington, who was just one mere senator from Texas."


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