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Heavenly Survivor: Survivors of Teralis

Page 5

by L P Peace


  ‘Hmm! No, Mommy! Sleep!’ Elise stilled almost immediately, her eyes firing up under her lids once again.

  ‘Okay, but I’m going to get up—’

  ‘Hmm!’ Elise wrapped her arms around Charlotte’s neck without looking and pulled herself closer to her mother.

  Unable to help it, Charlotte burst into laughter.

  Elise’s eyes opened and looked at her. Her lip quirked in a smile, then burst like the sun. They watched each other for a minute before Charlotte kissed her forehead.

  ‘I’m getting up,’ Charlotte announced. ‘You staying in bed?’

  Elise nodded.

  ‘Okay. But I’m cooking breakfast, so don’t get too comfortable.’

  Charlotte got out of bed and walked over to the bag of clothes she’d brought from the city. She pulled out something fresh and headed to the bathroom.

  As she passed by Elise’s room, she paused, listening at the door. Kerr was in there. On that tiny bed. She remembered watching him staring at it last night as though it was something he’d have to wrestle and tried not to laugh.

  She made her shower brief, keeping her hair out of the water. She’d plaited it last night in smallish plaits so it would be out of the way for a couple of days while she got the cabin sorted out. She planned to do Elise’s later, but she wanted to plait it into tiny braids to the crown and then tease it into spiral curls. Thankfully, Willow had managed to source a good oil she could use while styling it.

  After that, they’d look at this storehouse and pick out furniture. Charlotte smiled realising she felt almost optimistic.

  She rubbed lotion onto her skin with practised hands, then quickly dressed in black pants and a loose tunic top before walking back out into the main room.

  Kerr was standing in the kitchen cooking breakfast, talking to Elise as she sat at the table watching him, still dressed in her pyjamas.

  ‘Good morning, my ma—Charlotte.’ Kerr smiled, then turned back to the food.

  Charlotte scratched the partially spoken words from memory and approached the kitchen. ‘I can do that.’

  ‘No, thank you.’ Kerr flashed her another smile. ‘I have it. I want you to relax this morning until Sarah comes. The rest of the day will be busy.’

  ‘Okay,’ Charlotte said, taking the seat next to Elise. ‘I can’t remember the last time someone cooked me breakfast.’

  ‘I will cook you breakfast every morning, should you wish.’

  Kerr watched the food and didn’t seem to need an answer, so Charlotte opted against giving him one. Instead, she nudged Elise. ‘Go wash up.’

  Elise nodded and hopped out of her seat, running into the bathroom.

  ‘Every time I think I cannot possibly adore that child anymore, she does something. Just a smile or following a simple instruction like that, and I lose my heart to her again.’ Kerr smiled at her and continued cooking.

  ‘Why do you care so much?’ Charlotte asked. She couldn’t help herself. No man had ever looked at her daughter unless it was to ingratiate themselves to her. Kerr seemed to care for Elise, simply for Elise.

  ‘Why wouldn’t I?’

  ‘Her own father wouldn’t have anything to do with her,’ Charlotte confided. ‘As soon as he realised I wasn’t going to go to the doctor, he left.’

  ‘Her father—wait, what does ‘go to the doctor’ mean? It seems to infer something, but I’m not sure what.’

  Charlotte bit her lip. Could he really not understand her meaning. ‘He wanted me to end the pregnancy.’

  ‘He wanted—Elise!’ Kerr had gone completely still.

  ‘I was never gonna do that. I knew I wanted that child the moment I knew she was in me.’ Charlotte let out a shaky breath.

  ‘It’s that! Or me!’ He’d pointed at her belly with a violent jerk of his hand.

  There was never a choice. Even though Charlotte loved Stephen, even though she’d done everything he ever asked, this was the one thing she could never do.

  Kerr still hadn’t moved.

  ‘You okay?’

  ‘I… It’s different, coming from a race where there are no children. I will never judge, but, I can’t… Elise.’ Kerr looked at her before returning his attention to the food.

  ‘And now, here we are, sacrificial lambs, ready to be bred.’ The words were out before Charlotte could stop herself.

  ‘And now here you are,’ Kerr looked at her. ‘The saviours of our race, ready to be revered and loved.’ Kerr held her gaze for a moment, his own filled with solemnity.

  His words had knocked the breath from Charlotte. When Kerr finally released her, she looked down at the table, unable to think of a comeback.

  The bathroom door opened, and Elise ran out.

  ‘Come here, monster!’ Charlotte held her arms out. Elise crashed into them, growling. ‘We’re going to eat breakfast, then I’m going to braid your hair.’

  ‘Ahhh, no!’ Elise looked up at her, a wounded expression in her eyes.

  ‘I’m going to put in ringlets.’

  The wounded expression lightened a little, but not much.

  ‘What’s wrong with braiding your hair?’ Kerr asked.

  ‘It takes forever!’ Elise whined.

  ‘It doesn’t take forever,’ Charlotte laughed. ‘But it can take a few hours. I usually do it in the evening before she goes to bed, but she was too tired last night.’

  ‘I’ll entertain you.’ Kerr dished up the strange dish he’d been cooking into three plates and brought them over to the table. He fetched a teapot with steam coming out of the spout, and three cups.

  Charlotte took the pot and lifted the lid, sniffing. It smelt a little like English tea, though with a sweeter scent to it than back on Earth. She poured three cups and watched the pale red liquid fill the cups. ‘And this is definitely safe for humans?’

  ‘It’s one of Alethia’s favourites,’ Kerr said.

  Charlotte sniffed at the mention of the other albino as she placed the pot down. She hated that she felt resentment towards her and was sure the woman didn’t deserve it. Still, she’d endured a lot of pain thanks to Kallis and his obsession with this Alethia and still to this day, Charlotte had never seen her.

  Looking down at breakfast, Charlotte was surprised to see the leftovers from the meal the previous evening. She looked at Kerr, confused.

  ‘Ah, Sarah calls this “bubble and squeak”! Apparently, you take the leftovers of the previous meal, as long as it has a “potato-like element” to it, and you fry it up for breakfast. It is quick. Sarah tells me it is very tasty. Alethia tells me it was one of her mother’s favourites.’

  ‘I think I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never eaten it. I thought it had a particular recipe, though.’

  ‘Smells good,’ Elise grinned, grabbing her spoon and cutting some of the strange mess of a dish up with the edge.

  Charlotte shook her head as she watched her put the first spoonful in her mouth.

  Charlotte sat with her legs wide open, Elise tucked up between them as Charlotte leaned over her, plaiting her hair into the smallest braids she could. Kerr watched, fascinated, even as he distracted Elise, making her laugh and entertaining both mother and child.

  The plaits curved slightly to the right, sitting tight to her scalp towards her crown. When Charlotte was done, she oiled Elise’s hair and teased them into ringlets. Kerr was stunned by the talented hands of his mate as she coaxed them into falling down to her shoulders.

  ‘There. That’ll be good for three or four days. Now you look respectable for our new neighbours.’ Charlotte sat back, a pleased, proud look on her face.

  Elise looked back at her mother and stood, turning her back to Kerr. ‘What ya think?’

  ‘I think I’ve never seen hair that looked as beautiful,’ Kerr said honestly. It looked like liquid gold, but there was no Aavani blood. Just his two beautiful humans.

  ‘Go get dressed, Elise. We have a lot to do today.’

  Elise nodded, then
turning, threw her arms around Kerr and squeezed him tight. Kerr held her back, for a moment, trying to forget about a father who would demand an end to his own child. It made no sense to him, and Kerr felt like accompanying Makios and Rhona to Earth next time so he could track the kovach down and end him.

  Elise detached herself and ran to the main bedroom.

  ‘Thank you,’ Charlotte said. ‘Watching you play with her. It’s boring for a kid to sit there for that long, but you actually made it enjoyable.’

  Kerr felt a bloom of pleasure at her compliment. He wanted to tell her he’d always be there to entertain Elise, but Charlotte seemed to back away from him a little every time he mentioned the future, or not acknowledge the things he said at all. He had to be careful not to scare her away.

  When Kerr had left her, after their conversation on the beach, he thought he was doing the right thing by getting the cabin sorted in as short a time as possible. But now he realised that from her point of view, he’d abandoned her. His Charlotte was sensitive. He needed to be more careful in the future. He needed to talk to her about these things from now on. Let her know his plans so that she knew where he was and why he was away, and more importantly, that he’d be coming back.

  Kerr was determined to do better by her.

  ‘Oh, are they…’ Charlotte moved to the window. ‘Are they all coming here?’

  Kerr looked at the street and saw Sarah walking towards the house. Only she wasn’t alone. She was walking with her mate, Mikel, their daughter, Chloe, Ann, and of course, following Ann wherever she went, was her protector, the Setean, Herik.

  ‘The pregnant female is Sarah,’ Kerr said. He looked at Charlotte. Her eyes were wide, and there was a stunned expression on her face. ‘It will be well.’ Kerr moved to the door, as Sarah turned into the yard and walked up the path, her entourage directly behind her.

  ‘They are here to welcome you.’

  Three short successive knocks sounded on the door as Kerr reached it.

  ‘I am here with you, Charlotte.’

  Taking in a deep breath, Charlotte’s face transformed from nervous to happy. With a nod, she signalled Kerr to open the door.

  Sarah smiled at him. ‘Hi. I’m the official greeter today.’

  Kerr returned the smile with one of his own and gestured for Sarah to enter.

  ‘Come on in. I don’t have much seating yet, but you know that.’ Kerr could hear the nerves in his mate’s voice, but still, she welcomed them inside.

  Behind her, her half-Bolsen daughter entered, closely followed by her Bataarin mate. Immediately behind them, Ann followed, the Setean right behind her.

  The next few minutes passed quickly as Sarah introduced everyone. As they were settling down, Kerr saw Elise hiding behind the door, watching everyone quietly.

  ‘I will be just a moment,’ he said.

  Charlotte looked slightly panicked for a moment, but he smiled reassuringly.

  Slipping through the door, he shut it behind him and squatted in front of Elise. ‘Are you frightened?’

  ‘A bit,’ she admitted.

  ‘Elise!’ Charlotte called for her.

  ‘Take my hand. You don’t have to let go until you feel ready.’

  Kerr reached out, leaving his hand hanging between them so that Elise could take the lead. She slipped her hand in his and nodded. ‘Okay.’

  ‘Eli—’ Charlotte stopped as soon as Kerr lead Elise into the room.

  Charlotte looked from Elise to Kerr, gratitude on her face. ‘My daughter, Elise.’

  ‘Hi, Elise. I’m Sarah, and this is Mikel. Our daughter, Chloe.’

  Elise looked from the human Sarah to the green-skinned Bataarin Mikel, wearing a pair of red-lensed goggles, then the aqua-skinned half-Bolsen girl.

  ‘Your skin’s really pretty,’ Elise said, then gasped when the teardrop markings on Chloe’s skin slowly lit up to show her embarrassment. ‘You’re so beautiful!’ Elise’s voice was filled with awe.

  The markings, which had been fading, lit up once more. They were turquoise in colour, started at Chloe’s temples and went down the side of her face and down the sides of her neck. Kerr knew, from the Bolsen males he’d met, that they ran over the front of their bodies and ran down their spines, but even though he’d seen one Bolsen female once, she wore a covering over her head to hide the sides of her face. Until Kerr had seen Chloe, he hadn’t even been sure if the females had them. The markings were also present under her scalp. Because of this, her aqua hair had turquoise lowlights running through it, going from one temple to the other. The top of her hair, forehead to crown, was aqua. The girl's golden eyes stood out against her skin. She was a pretty child and had, since her arrival, become the darling of the village.

  ‘What about you?’ the older girl said. ‘You’re so pretty! You’re gold and cream!’

  When Chloe grinned, Kerr felt Elise relax in his arms.

  ‘We brought some stuff for your room,’ Chloe said. ‘I have pictures and some things to make your room pretty.’ Chloe held up a box.


  ‘Go show Chloe your room.’ Charlotte smiled.

  ‘Chloe, can you take Ann?’

  Kerr’s attention turned to the small, dark-haired, pale-skinned Ann. He’d seen her around the facility whenever he visited Charlotte.

  ‘Do you want to come to see Elise’s bedroom, Ann?’

  The fully grown woman smiled shyly. There was a hint of confusion in her eyes. She looked up at Herik, who smiled down at her and nodded.

  ‘You go, Ann. I’ll be right here.’

  ‘Erm!’ Chloe looked from the box to Ann.

  ‘I have it.’ Mikel took the box from the girl. Chloe, freed up, took Ann’s hand, and everyone followed Elise to her room.

  Mikel was gone barely seconds before he was back again, taking his spot back behind Sarah.

  ‘I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be rude. It’s just… I’ve seen Ann around the facility. There are rumours about why she’s like that.’

  ‘I will be outside,’ Herik said. He walked over to the front door and walked through.

  ‘I’ll go with him.’ Mikel leaned over and kissed the top of his mate’s head. His hand briefly stroked over her stomach, and then he followed.

  The two women waited a moment before Sarah sat forward in her seat. ‘There is a drug out here called Kuldesa. It reacts with human biology and…’ Sarah let out a deep breath. ‘It makes sex intensely pleasurable for the male. But it has a degenerative effect on the human brain. Ann’s owner knew this because he’d had slaves die of it before. But he used it anyway.’

  Charlotte’s hand had covered her mouth to stifle the gasp. But the look of horror didn’t go away. ‘He did that to her for sex!’

  Sarah nodded. ‘Tevin’s developing a treatment. He’s been tricking her brain into going through bouts of neurogenesis. It’s slow going, but she’s a lot better than she was before he came. Though he says she’ll never get her memories back.’ Sarah grimaced. ‘I think that’s a blessing.’

  ‘Are you well, Charlotte?’ The look of horror was still on his mate’s face, and it was distressing him.

  Charlotte looked up at him. She took a deep breath, and the lines of her face smoothed out. ‘I’m okay. Thanks. Kerr, do you think you can leave Sarah and me alone to talk? Woman to woman.’

  ‘Of course.’

  Kerr walked out onto the veranda where Kerr and Mikel stood close together, talking quietly.

  ‘I didn’t know,’ Kerr said. He’d seen Ann, but he had no idea what had been done to her. Though he’d heard of Kuldesa.

  ‘We’re hunting the vrokker who did it,’ the Setean said. ‘But he has gone to ground.’

  ‘We will find him, my friend.’ Mikel slapped Herik on the shoulder. ‘We’ll make him pay.’

  ‘I’ll make him die!’ Herik growled.

  ‘You are very close to her?’ Kerr asked.

  ‘I bonded to her,’ Herik answered. ‘As she is. I never knew her be
fore this time.’

  Kerr felt chilled to his bones. These humans, these females were utterly precious to him and his people. That some alien could carelessly damage them to this extent… Cold fury rose within Kerr.

  ‘Whatever you need. You have the help of the Tessan Protectorate now,’ Kerr vowed.

  Some alien had done that to that poor girl! What kind of monster was he? What kind of evil could watch that happen to a person and be okay with it?

  What kind of world am I bringing my daughter up in?

  Charlotte had thought Kallis was the very worst there was out here. But now she’d learned that aliens caused severe brain damage for the service of their own pleasure.

  ‘Are you not terrified of this world?’ Charlotte asked. She looked into the hazel eyes of the Irish woman in front of her. She had a soft, lilting accent that made everything she said seem soothing and peaceful. She had shoulder-length brown hair and looked to be in her early forties. She was beautiful. The kind of beauty that didn’t fade with age, but changed to take on new aspects. Charlotte’s mother had been like that.

  ‘I was. But, I know if anything happened to me or to—god forbid—my Chloe, Mikel would carve a path of destruction through the universe to get us back.’

  ‘That must be nice.’ Charlotte smiled.

  There was a momentary look of surprise on Sarah’s face, followed by realisation. ‘He hasn’t told you, has he?’

  ‘Who, Kerr? Hasn’t told me what?’

  Sarah frowned. ‘I don’t think… It’s not my place.’

  ‘Sarah, what?’

  ‘No. I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t. It’s for—’

  ‘Please, Sarah!’

  The Irish woman grimaced. ‘You know how he feels about you, yes?’

  That was a loaded question. Charlotte shrugged. ‘I know he finds me attractive. But I’ve known guys like Kerr before. They’re all charm and charisma, but the second shit gets real they’re gone. I have Elise. I can’t get involved with another charmer.’

  As she spoke, the frown lines across Sarah’s face deepened.

  ‘What?’ Charlotte said, feeling suddenly slightly irritated.


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