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Heavenly Survivor: Survivors of Teralis

Page 7

by L P Peace

  ‘You mentioned a waterfall before?’

  Kerr grinned at her. ‘We’ve gone by the waterfall. I am bringing you to the calcite pools that feed the waterfall.’

  They’d been following a well-trod path going up. Now they banked over the hill, and for the second time, Charlotte’s breath was stolen.

  ‘Calcite pools.’ Kerr grinned, his eyes searching her face. He pulled her forward towards the pure white pools of water. ‘The water is warm,’ Kerr said.


  ‘I thought we could go for a swim.’

  ‘Oh! I didn’t bring a costu—oh.’ Charlotte turned to face Kerr. ‘You mean a “swim”.’

  A wicked grin stretched across his face. ‘I was thinking that. After we eat.’ Kerr’s hand slipped from hers and he went over to a clear patch of ground. He set the basket down and unfolded the blanket, spreading it over the ground.

  Charlotte looked around, taking in the scene.

  The red and purple trees hugged the shoreline. The river—because that’s what it was—was divided into dozens of cups of calcite. From where Charlotte stood, she could see that some of the pools were only a few inches deep, while others were much deeper. The water moved, keeping the water clean. The spot where Kerr had set up the picnic was one of the few spots where sunshine could get through the tree canopy.

  This place was stunning!

  Kerr opened the basket and was about to start laying out food. He looked at Charlotte, that sexy smirk on his face.

  Charlotte knew a way to wipe away that smirk. At least for a little while.

  She stripped off her top. Charlotte didn’t have a bra or another top underneath. As soon as her creamy breasts were exposed to the air, her nipples hardened.

  Kerr’s face fell, becoming completely blank as his jaw slackened.

  Dropping her top on the ground, Charlotte kicked off her shoes and took off her pants. ‘You shouldn’t go swimming after eating,’ she said coolly as she walked by him.

  She stepped down into one of the pools and waded out. The water got deeper as she did until she could lie forward.

  There was a splash above her. Charlotte turned and saw Kerr’s head appear in the pool above the one where she was swimming. He stood. The scales he carried partially covered his chest in a symmetrical pattern that covered his sternum and clavicle, leaving his pectorals uncovered. He had nipples, and Charlotte’s mouth watered at the thought of licking them.

  His arm muscles flexed as he pulled himself up the ledge and, in one fluid motion, over it and into the same pool as her.

  He had more scales down his ribcage, though they faded before they reached the deep, muscular V of his Adonis belt.

  His cock was large, orange, and pointed. There were deep ridges from his glans over half of its length, then smooth for an inch or two before the ridges resumed. It stood proud against his abdomen. He found his feet in the water and moved towards her, moving like the lithe predator he was.

  Charlotte couldn’t wait any longer. She stood to meet him, then screamed when he picked her up and carried her back towards the bank.

  Charlotte wrapped her arms around Kerr’s neck, her lips finding his. Even as he lay her in the shallow water next to the bank, Kerr never broke the kiss. He lay down, covering her body with his, his weight carefully balanced on one arm at her side and deepened the kiss.

  His long white hair fell around them. Charlotte moved her fingers into his hair and lost herself to the sensation of Kerr surrounding her.

  Stopping, his body was shaking, Charlotte could see the tenuous hold he had over his control and that hold was slipping.

  ‘Are you sure, Charlotte? There is no going back. Once I bite you, we are forever entwined.’

  Forever entwined!

  ‘Sounds perfect,’ she whispered, capturing his lips with hers once again.

  Kerr growled, the sound electric, vibrating through her body and carrying her away on waves of promise.

  ‘Kerr, I need you,’ she whispered.

  ‘I’m here, Charlotte.’

  The kiss broken, Kerr began to explore. Charlotte whimpered. It was already too much for her. Everything about Kerr had always appealed to her, and the ember of desire he stoked had burned her for a month. His lips touched her jaw and cheeks, then trailed down her neck. He licked a spot on her shoulder, near her neck, and it evoked a moan.

  ‘This is where I will bite you,’ he licked the spot again. ‘This is where we will become one, my love.’

  But he didn’t bite her. Instead, he carried on down her body, licking, nipping, and kissing her. His mouth seemed to burn her nipples with its heat. Charlotte cried out, her back arching from the water as her fist closed in his hair.

  ‘Carajni!’ Kerr groaned.

  ‘Caraj—what does that mean?’

  Kerr’s head rose, her nipple slipped from his mouth with a pop, and she felt the action scour her nerves raw, her pussy throbbing and clenching. ‘Carajni. Heavenly.’ He grinned. ‘Everything about you, heavenly. Your skin, your hair, your beautiful face. Charlotte, if you knew how I worship you.’ His voice seemed almost full of desperate need. ‘The taste of your skin,’ he licked her breast, ‘heavenly! And other places?’ A hand slipped through Charlotte’s folds unexpectedly. She moaned, her eyelids fluttering closed as he pushed a finger inside her. The hand disappeared, and Charlotte opened her eyes to see him sucking on the same finger. ‘Heavenly!’ he groaned.

  His hand was there again, slipping through her wet pussy. His finger was inside her again, then another, and slowly, torturously, as he kissed her body and laved her nipples, he fucked her with them.

  ‘Kerr! Oh my god! Kerr!’

  Kerr continued on a path over her stomach and abdomen. He teased her there for a few minutes, finding the sensitive spots that heightened her arousal and made her feel like she wanted to climb out of her own skin. She hadn’t known such sensitive spots existed on her body. No man had ever found them before!

  But for Kerr, unlike the others, he didn’t seem to be interested in satisfying his own pleasure but heightening hers. And damn but the man was effective!

  Male, she reminded herself.

  Without warning, Kerr moved down her body to her promised land.

  His fingers disappeared from inside her and with both hands, he was laying her bare before him.

  ‘My Charlotte!’ Kerr groaned.

  Charlotte used her elbows to raise her upper body and looked down at Kerr. She was spread open as he gazed at her like he was witnessing a divine miracle, rather than staring at a pussy.

  ‘Let me guess… Heavenly.’ She raised an eyebrow.

  He licked her pussy from bottom to top, his tongue flicking over her clit.

  Charlotte moaned, her head falling back, her eyes closing.

  ‘Indeed,’ Kerr said. ‘Heavenly!’

  ‘Yeah, heavenly!’ Charlotte agreed.

  With that, Kerr embarked on a sustained assault to claim Charlotte’s pussy. With talented fingers and a wicked tongue, he played her body like a virtuoso performance until she was screaming her orgasm for the whole forest to hear.

  He plucked every ounce of pleasure from her until she collapsed in the shallow water, unable to take another moment.

  Her eyes still closed, Charlotte felt Kerr crawl up her body, licking, nipping, and kissing as he did. When his cock reached her pussy, he pushed inside.

  Every inch entering her felt like heaven. Charlotte’s whole body tensed as an animalistic moan was pulled from the depths of her soul. She looked into his clear green eyes that watched her with a look of such solemn emotion, Charlotte knew it would be the last thing she remembered when she left this world.

  By the time he was fully seated, Charlotte’s pussy was beating a new pulse of need.

  ‘I’m going to make you cum again,’ he whispered. ‘When you do, that is when I will bite you.’

  Charlotte nodded her understanding.

  ‘Are you sure you want this, Charlott
e? This means forever.’

  ‘I want forever,’ she told him. ‘I want you.’

  He pressed his lips to hers, and with their kiss setting the rhythm, he began to move inside her.

  His tail had wrapped around her leg again. He had one arm around her waist, the other cradling her head, which rested in the crook of his elbow as they kissed.

  His whole body moved to his rhythm and Charlotte’s body found it naturally.

  There, in the shallow of the calcite pools, he fucked her slow. His body moved over her in a smooth, sensuous wave. His muscles rippled beneath her touch, his movements speeding only by the smallest increments until Charlotte’s body was pulled taut and ready.

  Her orgasm broke over her. All thought was banished on the white tide which was stoked by Kerr’s movement. Charlotte cried out when he bit her and then again when the first new wave of intensity hit. It was followed by another, and another and again.

  All thought ceased as Kerr became the master of her heart and her pleasure.

  At some point, they’d moved to the blanket.

  Kerr had held off his own release until Charlotte’s body had burned through his venom. When she was twitching to the after pulse of her final orgasm, his whole body locked above hers. Charlotte watched him, his eyes watching her, his mouth falling open as he groaned. When his eyes began to close, Charlotte cupped his cheek.

  ‘Stay with me,’ she whispered.

  ‘Always!’ His voice was raspy. ‘Vrok!’

  His eyes stayed open, and they watched each other. When he was suspended above her, holding himself from her body on his arms, they shared a smile. His whole body shuddered from their hours of lovemaking. Charlotte revelled in the effect she had on him.

  ‘I… I don’t feel any different,’ she admitted.

  Kerr grinned down at her. ‘The bond grows with time,’ he whispered. ‘Like love.’

  ‘Do…’ She was hesitant to ask, but forced herself to forge ahead. ‘Do you love me?’

  ‘My Charlotte, from the first moment I saw you.’

  Charlotte bit her lip, but she couldn’t stop the grin or the happiness that spread through her at his words. ‘I love you too.’ She reached up, craning her neck to kiss him. ‘I love you.’

  She said it again, and again. She hadn’t known for sure until she heard him say the words. The fact was, she was still carrying damage from Stephen and Noel who had used the words so liberally without ever meaning them.

  But she knew Kerr meant them, and that freed her to accept the way she’d felt about him from the very beginning.

  The pale sun rose in the lilac blue sky.

  Charlotte woke to find herself wrapped in the arms of her mate, just like every morning. The cabin was quiet and still, and Charlotte took the opportunity to look up into the face of the male she loved.

  There were few things in the world she loved more than this view first thing in the morning.

  In the crib at the bottom of the bed, the baby started crying.

  ‘I’ve got him!’ Kerr was immediately awake, though his voice was husky from sleep.

  Springing out of bed, he was by the crib a moment later. His face practically shone as he leaned into the crib and lifted their son, Gadayn, named for Kerr’s father.

  Gadayn, or Gad, as they had taken to calling him, was barely four weeks old, and already the small pads on his head, just above his temples, were giving way to the nubs of his horns beneath.

  Charlotte watched Kerr beaming down at him. This view was definitely more favoured than a sleeping, relaxing Kerr. This sight—a father looking down devotedly at his child—was everything Charlotte had ever wished for Elise.

  Making his way around the bed, Kerr sat next to her. Charlotte threw the covers back over him as their little boy quieted in his father’s arms.

  ‘Three,’ Charlotte started the count, ‘two, one.’

  Even as she said one, the door swung open and Elise ran into the room.

  She climbed onto the bed and crawled over to them, inserting herself between Charlotte and Kerr. She stared at her brother, just like she did every morning.

  ‘Do you want to hold him?’ Kerr looked at her with the same love and devotion on his face as when he looked at Gad.

  ‘Yes, Daddy, please!’

  Kerr turned and rose one arm slightly. Elise burrowed into his side, and Kerr lowered Gad into Elise’s waiting arms. He never actually let go of him but supported Elise’s small arms so she could look down at him, wonder on her face.

  ‘I really love his little scales!’ she whispered, just as she had every morning since Gad was born. She traced her finger over one of the small, soft scales of Gad’s cheek. ‘I wish I had them.’

  ‘Weyilan females don’t have scales,’ Kerr said. ‘Only the males.’

  ‘Why?’ Elise looked up at him.

  ‘I’m not sure.’ He shrugged. He leaned over and smelt Elise’s hair. ‘Your head smells exactly the same as your brother’s.’

  ‘The cradle cap scent never went away.’ Charlotte grinned, smoothing a hand over her daughter's hair. It was loose today, sitting in an afro around her head.

  Kerr leaned over, and Gad’s hand shot out, grabbing some of Kerr’s loose hair and yanking hard.

  ‘Urk! Son,’ Kerr said, ‘we need to discuss hair pulling. It’s sooner than I would have thought, but the gist is, don’t!’

  Elise crumpled into fits of laughter against her daddy as Kerr tried to talk his son into letting go of his hair.

  Laughing along, Charlotte watched them.

  She still couldn’t believe her luck. She had everything she’d ever wanted and much more. Things she hadn’t known she wanted until she had them and loved them with all her heart.

  Kerr caught her eye and winked as he continued reasoning with a four-week-old son to entertain their seven-year-old daughter.

  It had taken pain and fear to come to this place. Charlotte would never thank the monster who took them and experimented on her, but she would be forever grateful for everything she had gained since.

  Thank you for reading Heavenly Survivor, the first in my Survivors of Teralis series of novellas. I hope you enjoyed reading about Kerr and Charlotte. If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review.

  If this is your first visit to the Tessan Universe, you can find the free novella for my completed Renegades series, The Captain’s Promise, here and the free novella for my current Warriors series, The Commander’s Debt, here from Bookfunnel.

  Universal Menagerie

  Aavani are one of the slave races. Their skin, hair and eyes are gold. Originally known as the children of Micilla. The race actually comes from pale gold to dark bronze colour, but the golden ones are the ones everyone knows. Most of the other colours were killed by the Bentari. Decimen and Daius Edan are both Aavani.

  Adosian have bull-like horns, pale grey skin and tails. Adosian females have no rights under Adosian law, with Adosian men considered the ones who know what is best for them. Thelan, the agent who saves Zoe from the Orthali on The Crucible is Adosian.

  Ajnia are a canine-like race. They have two sets of horns, digitigrade feet, a muzzle like mouth and two sets of arms. Their skin is like suede, and they wear their hair dreaded. They used to be members of the Protectorate but left after the Tessans made their declaration against slavery.

  Amaran people have the same morphology as humans, two legs, arms, eyes and ears. They have grey skin, the males and females in lighter tones, whereas adalan, their third gender, tends to have darker grey skin. Dahnus Ascendi is Amaran, and Tyne and Aran are adalan.

  Athon have enormous feathered wings, with lighter downy feathers over the rest of their bodies. Volder, the pit fighter is Athon.

  Bataarin have dark grey skin and black eyes, which are mostly pupils. Their hair comes in blues and greens. They come from a very dark world which only gets dim twilight a handful of times a solar. Mikel is a Bataarin.

  Bolsen have blue skin with dark blue, tear-dr
op markings that start on their temples, go down their necks. The markings continue down the spine, over their chest and continue down to their sexual organs. They glow, flashing in different ways to show their emotional states. They also flash in a pattern when they meet their mates. The markings are extremely sensitive and are responsible for climax. Rorak, the male who helped Kadian rescue Olivia, is Bolsen. Chloe, Anne’s daughter in The Captain’s Promise, is half-Bolsen.

  Bentari are the most successful slaving race in known space. They have orange to red glowing eyes with vertical pupils. Their skin is ruddy brown, and they have dark red tendrils on the back of their heads. Hekalion Dar is Bentari.

  Cealin have white skin, pale blue, green and purple eyes. White hair. They are tall but slenderer than the average race. They kidnapped 50,000+ human males and genetically altered them and wiped their memories. Those males revolted, escaped and became the Protectorate. The Cealin live underground on the third planet of their system but evolved on the second planet. It was destroyed by the Enhari.

  Dauvin have black hair and eyes with dark grey to black skin. Dauvin males are subservient to their queens. A queen will have several lovers and goes through heat every few years where she will make love with her entire harem, then lays eggs.

  Davoshin have dark red, almost maroon skin. Large bone plates and bone spikes protrude from their arms, shoulders and back. Daius Edan was born free on a secret Aavani colony. Their colony was destroyed when Davoshin invaded, killed the darker-skinned Aavani and sold the remainder into slavery.

  Devori live close to nature. They are a neutral race, though some want to enter the slave trade to become more powerful. They have black hair, yellow, orange and red eyes and grey/green skin.

  Enhari have steal blue and charcoal grey skin with striations of different colours. The striations are better than fingerprints for identification. The current Enhari king murdered the previous king and his family. Their society is under embargo by most worlds for their attempts to create an empire almost four hundred solars previously. This embargo would have ended a long time ago, but they keep acting against different members of the IGC.


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