#Blur (The GearShark Series Book 4)
Page 29
As we made out and basically humped each other, I grew a little braver. My fingertips starting sliding along his ass crack, delving between to rub and play.
Hopper’s face dropped into the side of my neck again, but he pushed his butt up into my hands.
All at once, I rolled, pinned him beneath me, and started kissing down his chest.
He made a sound and spread his legs so I could settle between them. Blood hammered in my veins. Thought was near impossible; all I felt was an urge. An urge to be all over him at once, an urge to be in him.
“Babe,” Hopper groaned. I hooked my fingers in the wasitband of his boxers, about to pull them down. “Hey.” He pushed up to his elbows and glanced down. “Arrow.”
I looked up.
“What’s gotten into you?” he rasped, brushing his hand through the hair falling into my eyes.
“Do you like it?” I asked, suddenly self-conscious.
He chuckled. “Are you kidding? I love it.”
My face broke into a lopsided smile, but then the need in my body took back over and I dipped my head.
Hopper pulled me back up. “Babe, we can’t right now.”
“What?” I blinked.
He grinned. “You have an interview in like thirty minutes.”
“Fuck!” I spat, then buried my face in his abs.
My head bobbed with his laughter, and he rubbed my back. “If it wasn’t such an important interview, I’d say fuck it and stay in bed.”
I kissed his stomach right beside his navel. He groaned. “Something’s different this morning,” he murmured. “What is it?”
“I woke up with your weight on me, and I didn’t freak.”
“You’re learning to trust me.” His fingers brushed at my hair.
I shook my head. “I already do trust you. I just…” My voice faded away. It was almost impossible to explain.
I trusted Hopper, and I could count the number of people I trusted on one hand. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me physically… but I was still apprehensive. Maybe it was the unknown. Maybe it was the broken pieces inside me, or maybe I was just scared.
Did it really matter about all the complicated feelings waging inside me just then? All I knew was after sleeping next to him for over a week, after kissing and touching, after daily blowjobs, I woke up feeling I was ready for more.
How much more?
I’d been trying to figure it out when he stopped me with the interview reminder.
Stupid work.
“You don’t have to explain,” Hopper said quietly, pushing up so he was sitting, leaning back against the headboard. I scooted forward, still between his legs. “I’m going at your pace here.”
“I want more,” I whispered.
“You can have whatever you want, babe.” Heat sparked in his blue eyes. Then he grinned. “Just not right now.”
“Bastard,” I muttered playfully.
His face split into a grin, and I laughed.
He leaned forward, catching my face between his palms. “How about tonight?”
“That’s very far away.” I stuck out my lower lip.
He leaned forward and sucked it into his mouth just like I knew he would. “Tonight,” he growled against my lips, then pulled back.
My stomach flipped with anticipation.
So now back to my hair. You’re still wondering about that, aren’t you? Thought I forgot?
I didn’t.
I just get distracted very easily by a dark-haired, muscled man in my bed.
The GearShark interview was thankfully at Gamble Speedway. When we got down to the track, the crew was already there setting up. It looked just like the other interviews I’d been to that GearShark hosted. There was a full crew with lighting and photography. The photographer was already setting up in an area a short distance from the rest of the crew. There was a white background, some lights, and other props lying around.
Near where we walked in was a table filled with pastries, fruit, and a huge carafe of coffee with all the shit you might want to put in it.
My stomach growled loudly at the sight of the donuts, and Hopper snickered. “I should have known.” He slapped me in the middle and went to get a plate of stuff for me to inhale.
The second he walked off, Lorhaven and Joey stepped into my line of vision. I smiled wide and started forward. Joey ran forward and hugged me, and I hugged her back a little tighter than normal, feeling her surprise.
After that, I offered my fist to Jace, and we bumped it out.
“You look really great,” Joey observed, her eyes sweeping over me. “Happy.”
I shrugged, a little embarassed but also kinda proud because I didn’t think I’d ever actually looked happy before.
“You, too,” I said, turning it around on her. “You both do.”
Jace tossed his arm over Joey’s shoulders, and she smiled. Her usually wild curly hair was sleek today, straight around her shoulders. They were both dressed in jeans and long-sleeved shirts. Lorhaven wore a leather jacket, and Joey was wearing one that actually looked kinda similar to my brother’s.
“You guys are like matching and shit.” I ribbed and wagged my finger between them.
Jace gave me the finger, and Joey elbowed him in the stomach.
“You ready for the interview today?” Jace asked, glancing toward the trailer where the reporter was talking to some people and writing what looked like notes.
“Sure,” I said. In truth, I was a little nervous. I wasn’t sure how personal she was going to go with the questions, and though Hopp and I were making no secret that we were involved, speaking out about it to a national magazine was something else.
“Just say what you’re comfortable saying and notthing else. This is business. Just remember that,” Lor counciled.
Hopper approached, and I automatically shifted so he was included in the group and there was a place right beside me. He held out a plate loaded with food while he sipped at a styrofoam cup in his other hand.
“Blueberry’s my favorite,” I announced, snagging it off the top and shoving a huge bite into my mouth.
“That’s why I got it,” Hopper replied.
“Thanks, Hopp.” I grinned around the food, and he chuckled.
I polished it off in record time, and he handed me his coffee. I took a drink, handed it back, and then went for the bagel with cream cheese.
As I was chewing, I felt the overwhelming sensation I was being stared at. I turned to see Lorhaven and Joey looking between me and Hopp like we had twelve heads.
“What?” I grumped and shoved another bite into my mouth.
Lorhaven lifted an eyebrow. “Hopp?”
I shrugged. “You call Joey Josie,” I pointed out.
Joey giggled, and Jace looked like he just swallowed a banana whole.
Hopper cleared his throat and patted me on the back. “They’re ready for you.” He pointed to two women who were waving me toward them.
I groaned. “I’m taking my bagel.”
“You do that, babe,” Hopper said indulgently.
Jace made a sound like he was choking, and everyone looked at him.
“Just go,” Joey told me, beckoning me toward the women.
“I’m gonna go talk to Emily,” Hopper said and disappeared.
I left my brother mumbling to Joey and went over toward the crew. Turned out they were there for makeup, wardrobe, and hair.
Yep, hair.
The second I stopped in front of the tall blond one, she started running her fingers through my hair like she had every right.
I drew back and shoved another bite of bagel in my mouth.
She seemed surprised I wasn’t too thrilled with her hands on approach, then shrugged. “Have you considered a change? Maybe a cut and color.”
I blinked. “Do we have time for that?”
“Won’t take long. Your hair is short.”
The other girl chimed in. “She’s a whiz with hair. Let her do it!”
I squi
nted at the one trying to give me a makeover. “Like what?”
“Just shorten up the long side here so it’s a little more shaped.” She gestured as she explained. “That way its easier to style. It’ll look great on the cover. And maybe take out some of the blond. It’s a little too light.”
I snorted and finished off the bagel.
“I’d just add in some lowlights, maybe some dark blond so the light pieces will pop a little more.”
I considered it a second. “Yeah, okay.”
Both women squealed like it was Christmas and ushered me into their lair.
Lair = a trailer where two women talked way too fucking much about hair and clothes and celebrities and treated me like their next project.
Halfway in, Hopper stepped inside, and I gave him a help me look.
“Everyone’s ready,” he announced, then noted the scissors and empty bowl of hair color. His eyes widened. “What the fuck are you doing to him?”
“Making him a little more cover worthy,” the main stylist announced.
Hopper’s face darkened. “He was already cover worthy.”
“It’s fine, Hopp,” I said, trying to diffuse the anger suddenly masking his face. “It’s just a little cut.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “You cool with this?”
“Why wouldn’t he be?” the assistant stylist chirped. “It’s going to look amazing.”
I nodded, widening my eyes, and said, “Amazing.”
Hopper laughed. “Fine, whatever. But the photgrapher and reporter are out here waiting.”
“Give me ten!” the stylist insisted, then went to work furiously combing my hair to hold it out and snip it.
Hopper winked at me as he went out the door. It stirred up the desire I’d felt this morning.
About fifteen minutes later, I stepped in front of a mirror and saw the change I’d felt when I woke this morning. Just like she said, my hair was still blond; it just had some depth to it, and the long side wasn’t as long, but the style was about the same.
I just looked more put together, maybe a little older… and, like Joey said this morning, happy.
I gave the clothes they asked me to put on a barely-there glance and then turned toward the door, wondering if Hopper would like the hair change.
He did.
I saw it in his eyes the second I came out of the trailer and walked to his side. Before we could say two words to each other, I was swept off by the photographer, where I was a complete unnatural in front of the camera.
Added to things I would never do in my lifetime: become a model.
Gah, hopefully the poor dude got a couple usable shots out of the five hundred thousand he took.
By the time that was done, I was almost grateful for the interview part because at least I got to sit down.
Before Emily could even ask her first question, I was flanked by my brother and Hopper. They towered nearby like they were security and I was wearing a giant diamond.
I almost told them to knock the shit off, but then I didn’t. I couldn’t be mad there were people who cared enough to stand around and look intimidating. I could still be my own man but have a little backup when needed.
The interview went pretty smooth. Her questions were mostly expected, with a few personal ones thrown in. I didn’t back down from them. I answered with blunt truth while still guarding the man my heart beat for.
It was past lunch by the time everything wrapped. On one hand, I was exhausted from all the poking and prodding, physical and mental. But on the other, I was kinda grateful for all the activity. It made the day move faster.
That meant I was that much closer to tonight.
“You protected me today.”
Arrow looked up from his second burger and paused in the middle of chewing. “Did you think I wouldn’t?”
“No, I knew you would. I just…” Was still surprised by it.
The reporter didn’t back down from any personal questions. In fact, she was sharp and picked up on our relationship before Arrow talked about it. What bothered me most were her questions about me, about my identity. I totally had an internal meltdown when she asked who I really was. I thought the jig was up, that maybe she recognized me from all the media coverage five years ago.
What a juicy story that would be: The discovery of Jayson Hamilton, where he is now.
Arrow didn’t even entertain her, though. He shut her down almost instantly. He even directed the attention to his brother. When she came circling back, he flat out told her to forget it.
I knew eventually someone was going to realize who I really was, but it hadn’t been today, and I had Arrow to thank for that. He kept his cool, not even hinting maybe there was more to my name than a choice.
He shielded me from it. Bought me some time. Bought us some time to continue putting our life together without the watchful, intrusive eye of the media.
“Earth to Hopp.” Arrow snapped his fingers in front of me.
I blinked and looked up. “Hmm?”
After another massive bite of his burger, he set it aside on the coffee table beside him. “Are you having second thoughts about me telling the magazine we’re together?”
He was sitting with his back against the arm, his legs stretched in front of him. I sat with my back against the cushions, feet propped on the coffee table. His feet were in my lap.
My hand wrapped around the foot closest to me and squeezed. “Not at all.”
He smiled. “Me either.”
“You bought us time today.” I looked him straight in the eye. “Thank you.”
“I’m always gonna protect you, Hopp. Protect us.”
My hand ran inside the ankle of his pants and stroked his calf. “You still feeling like you were this morning?” I asked, my voice dropping.
“Oh yeah,” he replied and rubbed the bottom of his foot over the center of my pants. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about all day.”
“Me, too.” I groaned and rotated my hips.
Arrow pulled away. The weight of his legs left my lap to be replaced with his ass as he stradled me and we began to kiss.
Our mouths fused together so completely it was as if we were the same man. I didn’t know how he he did it, but every time we kissed, I felt as if he were coaxing something from inside me, something I didn’t even know I possessed.
His thick tongue licked over my lower lip, and I shuddered because it reminded me of the way he often licked my dick. Arrow scraped his teeth over the stubble on my jaw and kissed his way down my neck.
I swiveled my hips under him. My dick was completely hard, and the weight of his ass against it made me feel like I was on fire.
“Take off your shirt,” Arrow growled, reaching between us and wrapping his hand around my cock.
I practically ripped off the shirt and threw it over the back of the couch. The leather of the sofa was shockingly cold against the overheated skin of my back.
Arrow slid down, nipping at my nipples while rubbing his palm over my cock. I threw my head back against the couch and closed my eyes, offering myself up for whatever he wanted to do to me. It was torture, you know, torture being so turned on by someone and having to move so slow.
I didn’t regret it, not at all, but sometimes a man just wanted to feel someone moving inside him.
Arrow practically melted off me and slid down so he was on his knees between my legs. His fingers reached for my pants, and I lifted my ass so we could pull them down.
The second the air in the apartment brushed over my dick, I fell back against the couch and reached for it.
Arrow pushed my hand away, shoved my thighs wide, and slipped his lips over my rod with enthusiasm that made me ache.
I moaned and fisted both hands in his hair and started to pump into his mouth. His hands caressed my inner thighs and tight balls.
There was a slight sucking sound when he released me and looked up my body.
“Bed,” he rasped and stood.
bsp; He offered his hand, and I took it. We went into the bedroom together, and I noticed he was still completely dressed.
I grabbed the front of the tank he’d worn for the cover shoot and pulled him closer. His fist closed around my still throbbing cock and jacked me.
My other hand joined the front of his shirt, impatiently I ripped the thin fabric right down the center. Arrow’s eyes flared when I shoved the scraps off him and reached for his pants.
The second we were both naked, he gripped my dick and led me to the bed as if it were a leash and I were the dog.
I panted after him, caught a flash of his naked ass, and filled my hands with the flesh. He groaned but then turned, pressed our fronts completely together, reached around, and filled both his hands with my ass.
“You’re killing me, A. I want you. I want you fucking bad.”
“I want you, too,” he murmured, kissing my shoulder, rubbing his dick against mine as his fingers delved into my crack. “I want to be inside you.”
I moaned. “Please.”
He pulled back slightly. “You’ll let me?”
I grabbed his face. “Anything. I’ll let you have anything.”
His eyes flashed. “Tonight I want your ass.”
I released him, yanked open the drawer on the nightstand, and pulled out a giant-ass bottle of lube, handing it to him. “We’re gonna need this.”
He stared at it, then looked up, shy. “This makes it not hurt?”
My heart turned over. It turned over and caved in. “You’re not gonna hurt me, babe. I’m gonna cum so hard, and your name will be on my lips when I do.”
The fact that I was his first made me dizzy with pleasure. His nerves didn’t turn me off. The way he worried he might hurt me was endearing. He was going to be the perfect lover. I knew without even doing it yet. I knew because of the way he cared.
He tossed the lube on the bed and gently pushed me back. I turned, crawling up on the mattress, giving him a clear view of my bare ass.
His hand slid over it, and I groaned, pushing farther against the touch. He played for a while, touching, caressing, dipping his finger into my crack and across my taint.
When he pulled back, I practically collapsed on the mattress.