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Bite Me, Baby

Page 13

by Alice Brown, Lady V, Samantha Potter, Rayne O'Gara, Lei Carol, Hazel Gower

  “So, me beauty. What would ye like ta do today?”

  Chapter Seven

  Gavin’s explanation of his dislike for large populated areas had their plans go from sightseeing in Inverness to a tour of the property around the cottage. Which ended up being okay with her. She had found herself more comfortable in the wide open spaces around her.

  Layered up in clothing to the gills, and once she had on the borrowed mud boots or ‘gillies’ as Gavin called them, they headed out into the cold. The hidden sun played a game of peek-a-boo with giant grey clouds, which gave them a little warmth for their hike. Without the normally blowing wind, the weather was invigorating.

  The landscape was breathtaking. Of course she has seen pictures of some Highland castles and panoramic photos as well, but to be there, in person. Wow. Even with the overcast, the vibrant colors surrounded her. She thought if it was like this in winter, she just knew she had to come back in the spring or summer.

  Gavin slowed down his speed to match hers. He was such a wonderful guide. He explained everything they came across and also told her about what laid further on the land without trudging her through all the rough patches. She would have gone but she was extremely thankful she didn’t have to. She loved to walk, it was the only form of exercise for her actually, but she knew when she would have had enough and needed to quit. He seemed to pick up on that and not take her to far away.

  Stopping for a little rest on top of one of the many hills, she sucked in a crisp, cold breath of air. Why does the air taste so good here? Taking in a huge lungful of the clean country air, she looked over at Gavin to see him smiling at her antics. She couldn’t help the blush that covered her face. Of course he has to be watching when I act like an excited child. I just can’t catch a break.

  God, he looks so good. She wasn’t sure if it was this place, or if it was just him, but he looked so masculine, so rugged, so…yum. Excitement lit his eyes as he stood next to her. Only wearing a light jacket and jean pants the cold didn’t seem to bother him. Well…forget the hot coco, I’ll just snuggle up with him. Under some blankets…naked. To conserve body heat of course.

  His full blown smile changed into a smirk and she knew he knew what dirty little thoughts were running through her mind. Well, not little, at least I hope he’s not. Ah, Crackers! Get your mind out of the gutter, say something. Think, think, think…ah!

  “So, see any magical creatures around here?” Yup, I’m certified crazy. I can’t believe I asked that.

  All playfulness left his face and a new strange light flared in his eyes.

  “Aye, there are.”

  Her eyes widen at his honest sounding reply. Trying to lighten the mood back to what is was shortly before, Gavin smiled a toothy grin before tweaking her nose. “If ye look hard enough, lass, ye’ll see one soon.”

  Laughing, she replied, “I’ll keep my eyes open.”

  A smile stayed on his lips as he swung an arm around her shoulders and started to lead her down the hill back toward the cottage. Tucked under his arm and somewhat pressed into his side, her body shivered at the heat radiating from him. Oh so warm.

  Passing an outcropping of stones she remembered Gavin’s earlier words about snakes making it their homes in the spring.

  “Do you get a lot of wild animals close to the house, Gavin?”

  “Not much during the winter months. Maybe some wolves, but none that get too close. They doona like coming onto my land. You will be seein’ a cat around no matter the time of year though.”

  “Oh, okay. I am okay with kitties. I love cats,” she said laughing up at him with her eyes sparkling. A chuckle rumbled from him before he stopped walking and stepped away from her. The cold instantly chilled her when he took his heat away. She wanted him back against her.

  “The cat I’m talkin’ about is quite a bit larger than that of a house cat, lass.”

  She lost her smile at his words. This just got serious, she thought.

  “Um…how much bigger are we talking about here?” she asked nervously.

  Gavin took a step closer, trying to assure her, and brought their bodies a hair's breadth away from touching. He took in her cheeks and nose turned pink from the cold and found himself caught up in her beauty. Yeah, fate is awesome. ‘Yes! Mine, mine, mine!’ He cleared his throat and tried to tap back the cat before speaking.

  “Doona fash. You have nothin’ ta fear from him. Give him a wee bit of meat, a tummy rub, and he’ll be a purring ball of fluff in yer arms.”

  She looked up into his strange but beautiful eyes at his explanation, and her voice disappeared. She knew his brogue thickened when angry, but he was not angry now. Oh. My. I guess anger isn’t the only thing that brings it out. Blinking rapidly, she tried to pull herself away from melting into a puddle. She thought she had herself under control, but when she tried to speak it only came out as a whisper.

  “So, like an ocelot or bobcat? You have those here? You’ve tamed one?”

  “Me? No. But ye? He’s been waitin’ a long while ta be tamed by ye, me beauty.”

  “Oh, me? Why?”

  “Aye, ye. Because ye’re special,” he answered before sliding his arms around her thick waist, bringing their bodies flush against one another. With one arm staying around her waist, he brought his other to caress her face in his large rough hand. Her eyes closed in pleasure as he ran his callused thumb across her parted lips.

  His hard cock dug into her stomach, sending her clit throbbing and her neglected pussy flooding in anticipation. Is this really happening? Her eyelashes fluttered open at his stillness and the flare she saw in his eyes right before his tongue came out to moisten his lips answered her unspoken question.

  “I think he’s jealous,” Gavin whispered, sending warm air against Sammie’s mouth.

  Not able to string a sentence together, a whimper escapes.

  “He’s jealous because he knows ye’ve already tamed me, and he wants his turn.” Not waiting a moment longer, Gavin leaned down and finally connected their mouths.

  He knew her lips would be sweet and soft, but he needed a deeper taste. Craved it. He nipped at her plump lower lip trying to express what he wanted without pulling away. The soft whimper she let out almost had his cock explode in his tight jeans. Fuck! A deep rumbling growl shook his chest, and having no choice, he pulled away.

  “Open for me, Sammie, lass.”

  Chapter Eight

  Still in a daze from the world rocking kiss she shared with Gavin almost an hour ago, she now watched him gather more firewood from the kitchen window. She was supposed to be making lunch, but her mind was still on the hilltop with Gavin’s large but sleek frame pressed tightly to hers. His lips were so soft and sweet before he pulled away. She was about to jerk him back down to her mouth when he told her to open. Wanting nothing more at that moment than his tongue touching hers, she readily complied, then jerked him back down to her mouth.

  If before it was sweet, after he came back, the kiss was purely sinful. The hard almost punishing kiss was awe inspiring. Her body lit up like a gasoline fueled forest fire at his stroking tongue. Her nipples budded painfully against her wool shirt. Every time she gasped in air, the rough texture shot tingles of desire straight to her clit. The walls of her pussy contracted and released. She was aching for fulfillment, her panties so wet she was sure her juices soaked through her jeans.

  She swore this was the actual kiss time stood still for. Unfortunately, it was over before she wanted it to be. In all honesty, she would have liked for it to have continued forever, but also with a little extra something added in there. She ached so bad it hurt. She knew that nothing would help her through this need except him buried deep inside her. Not her fingers. Not her toys. Nothing but Gavin himself would help ease her burn.

  The loud WHAM of the door shutting behind the object of her desire, and yes obsession, pulled her out of her flashback.

  “Ye alright?” he asked her with concern. Her sweet rounded face was flushed an at
tractive pink and her whole body seemed to be shaking.

  “Nnn-no, I’m fine. Just putting together some lunch.”

  Not believing her, he dropped the collected wood into a pile and took a couple steps toward her. Scenting the air around her for danger, he stilled when the erotic smell of her arousal hit his nose. The deep rumbling purr that resounded from his chest was straight from his inner cat. It could not be stopped. The 'at attention' position of his cock couldn’t be helped either, but that was all him, no help from the cat whatsoever.

  His eyes, glued to her lush ass as she worked in his kitchen, had his purr turn into a growl. ‘Mine! Take! Take mine now!’ his inner beast screamed at him from within his head. Pushing to be released. Making seductive images dance in his head. It would be so easy to give him what he needed. A few steps forward and he would be right at her back. His cougar slipped out just enough to bring its razor sharp retractable claws to his fingertips. Quick slices to her jeans and panties would bare her to him completely. Bending her over the counter, he would make fast work of his own trousers before plunging his cock deep inside her tight, hot, wet pussy, a pussy that was made for him.

  Looking down at his hands, he realized his fingernails really were shifted into claws. Quickly hiding them behind his back, he walked backward to the door.

  “I’m, ah, I’m goona go foo a wee run. I’ll be back.”

  His deep, thick, and raspy voice sent shivers across Sammie’s already sensitive skin. Not turning around from the counter she nodded her head, sending tendrils of red curls down into her eyes. She cannot look at him right now. If she did, she just knew she would break down and beg him to take her. Right here, against the counter. Hard. Oh God! she thought. He needs to leave now!

  “Sounds good. I will just, ah, set your food into the fridge for you. I’m thinking I might take a nap. Enjoy your run, Gavin.”

  His name rolling off her lips in that husky manner sent another pleasure/pain bolt straight to his dick. Other ideas of better ways to use her mouth filtered through the lust that was already fogging up his brain. He grunted at her words, opened the door, and took off jogging toward the woods. Fuck, he needed to get away from her and clear his head.

  Stopping about a mile away from his unclaimed mate, Gavin stripped off his clothing before hanging them onto branches in the tree next to him. Closing his eyes, he welcomed the cougar to take over and allowed the change.

  His body temperature climbed higher and he winced at the brief pain, before his full human body itched, as thick golden fur sprouted, covering every inch of skin. The large male cougar stretched his long front legs out scratching the soil with its claws. Yawning, it showed off a set of massive teeth, before bolting off deeper into the forest.

  Now inside the beast’s head, Gavin let its instincts take over. The scents and the feel of the mud packed earth beneath their paws relaxed both man and beast, allowing Gavin to think clearly.

  If he had more time, he could get to really know her and then he would know how to break this to her. The cougar shook his sleek head at that thought. Gavin agreed. More time would have ended up as a hell on earth. The sexual need to claim his mate was a fierce one. Gavin, as well as the cat, would not take her to bed without her having full knowledge of what he was. The last thing they needed was to accidently claim her in the throes of passion. It would make their union tainted. So how could he figure this out with the short time limit his has? He smiled a full-on cat smile and followed it with a rumbling purr. Yes! Gertrude!

  Looking around at his surroundings, he realized the cat brought him home. Large paws propped up on a window ledge, they both peered into the room and saw their sleeping mate.

  ‘Mate safe?’

  ‘Yes,’ he answered the cat reassuringly. 'She’s safe.'

  Rushing back into the woods, he sprinted back to the area where he left his clothes. In feline form the mile trip was over with quickly. Without shifting, he tugged his abandoned clothing into his wide mouth and took off back to the cottage. With her sleeping, it gave him a perfect opportunity to have a private conversation with Gertie. Her aunt will know what to do about this. But first, a shower.

  Chapter Nine

  Son of a monkey’s uncle that was hot! What a dream! Sammie stretched her whole body out across the bed, waking up from her nap. Rolling to the side of the bed, she tossed her legs over the side before sitting up. Just staring into space she replayed her dream.

  It started when Gavin entered the house while she was cooking lunch. Went a lot like the conversation from real life up until she turned away from him. He was there in a flash. Pressing his entire body up against her body’s backside. His hard cock rubbed across her large ass digging in right where she needed the pressure the most.

  His hands tugged away the hair from her neck and he feasted. Licking, kissing, and nipping. So good. Dream Gavin made short work of her pants before he squeezed her breast in one big hand, his nimble fingers pinching and rolling, sending cream flooding her pussy.

  “Yer mine!” he growled out before plunging his long length fully inside her.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” Sammie screamed as he rode her fast and hard before sending them both into their climaxes.

  Face flushed, she blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to pull herself into the here and now.

  “Maybe a shower, yeah. A shower might help,” she breathlessly said aloud to her empty room. Clothes in hand, she glanced over to the open suitcase that lay by the empty closet and raised a brow.

  “Maybe that too.” Sammie giggled as she pulled out her little waterproof bullet vibrator and wrapped it up into her shirt, just in case Gavin was in the living room.

  She creaked the door open just a bit and scanned the area. Clear of Gavin, she made the short walk to the bathroom door. Not knowing if he was back from his run yet or if he was sleeping, she tiptoed by his room. Sammie wasn’t able to help herself. She leaned in close to the door, holding her breath to better hear any movements. What she heard made her held breath hiss through her teeth.

  “Why, Gertie. Why did ye send her here?” Gavin’s voice came through the door slightly muffled, but she could make out every word.

  Why is he talking to my aunt?

  “Yes she is, how did ye know?”

  A slight pause before he continued, as if he was listening to her reply.

  “Of course I’m sure! She’s my mate. Mine! I smelled it within the first hour of her arrival.”

  His what!? She leaned closer to the door almost pressing her ear flush against the smooth wood. With wide eyes she listened longer. She wasn’t normally an eavesdropper, but she needed to hear this! At least that’s what she told herself to ease her conscience.

  “No I haven’t told her”

  Tell me what? she wondered.

  “It’s not that easy, Gertie! What do ye want me ta do? Walk up ta her and say, ‘I can shift my shape into a large feline but doona worry it’s all okay because yer my mate so I won’ hurt ye. So what do ye say? Wanna get married and have my cubs?’”

  Her mouth dropped open and eyes wide from shock, she jerked back from the door. He can WHAT!? No…freaking…way. That is not possible.

  “What!? Ye really are crazy, ye old bat! I was being sarcastic and ye know it. I canno’ do that. I have ta do it right. If she’s scared of me and I…”

  His voice trailed off into silence before coming back softer, almost like he was scared himself. “How do I do this right, Gertie? I canno’ lose her.”

  Sammie jerked fully away from the door stumbling over her feet. She walked quickly and quietly back to her room before tossing her belongings onto the bed. Her thoughts were so jumbled. She tugged on her coat and walked out of her room toward the door. She needed a walk.

  She stepped off the porch in a daze. Not knowing where to go, she let her body lead her to the left. It’s as good a direction as any. Maybe a couple rounds around the house will help her. Plus, she didn’t want to go far. If Gavin came looking for her she
didn’t want him to worry. She froze mid-step.

  Well, right there. She didn’t want him to worry. She was more concerned over his feelings than whether he would harm her. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her. He has had every opportunity to do whatever he wanted but has been nothing but nice and accommodating.

  She does have a thing for shifter romance novels and has read plenty of them so maybe she could figure this out. Not to say she’s an expert on this, for all she knew nothing in the books could be true. Come on! How would the writers know? But one thing she did know was the way he said she was his mate. The concern over not messing up his reveal and scaring her proved to her that she was important.

  If this was all for real, how could she say no? A mate. Someone made specifically for you. Your match in life. And somehow this incredible, gorgeous, kind man was hers? Remind her to kiss fate the next time she saw her.

  With her mind made up, she decided she now just had to wait it out. He needed to say something. And if he went to Gertie of all people for advice? It’s going to be good.

  Amused, Sammie suddenly laughed. She remembered his comments from this morning up on the hill. Yes, she thought, I will see a magical creature soon. Sammie wanted Highland magic. She found it.

  Chapter Ten

  Gavin stormed out of his room after his phone call to find Sammie walking back inside. His body stilled at her entrance. Her pink cheeks and windblown auburn hair captivated him. She’s perfect, he thought. And in no way was he doing this the way Gertie said to. He would lose her. An achingly sweet smile curled on her bow mouth. He wanted nothing more than to kiss it.


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