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Bite Me, Baby

Page 15

by Alice Brown, Lady V, Samantha Potter, Rayne O'Gara, Lei Carol, Hazel Gower

  “Will you take me, Gavin? Please? I want to be yours.”

  The glow in his eyes flashed before his mouth fused hotly to hers in a desperate kiss, shattering her world into sparkling pieces. His rough tongue lapped at her lips before thrusting inside and marking her mouth as his only.

  Strong arms swept her up against his body. She heard the thunk of a door hitting a wall before the sway of walking penetrated her mind. His bedroom.

  The darker, more masculine colors covered everything. Even the earth brown bedspread tucked into a massive king sized bed placed on the opposite wall. With its own fireplace and throw rug, she could easily imagine rarely leaving this room for anything. A perfect heaven.

  “Sammie. Beauty.” Pulled back into the moment by his soft words, she licked her lips at the raw lust reflecting in his eyes. Unbuttoning his flannel shirt, she pressed her mouth to the exposed skin she uncovered, getting her first real taste of Gavin’s skin.

  The feel of her hot little mouth on his chest sent his cock pounding. The zipper from his jeans was going to leave a permanent mark if he didn’t get out of them soon. She brushed her hands up his stomach and chest before sliding his shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall down his arms to flutter onto the floor. Reaching up onto her tiptoes, she licked his bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth. Nipping it playfully she released it, but not before sucking the sting away from her teeth.

  “I hav’ ta hav’ ye now!” he roared before making quick work of the rest of his clothes and hers, until catching a glimpse of what she had on underneath.

  “Wha’ is that yer wearin', lass?” he asked hoarsely, barely able to push the words through his dry throat.

  “Do you like it?” Sammie asked shyly.

  “Aye, verra much. So much tha’ if ye donna get it off righ’ now it will be shredded.”

  She smiled wantonly. She loved this teddy, but she loved him more. Plus she could always buy new ones. “Shred it, baby,” she whispered.

  A quick slice all the way down the flimsy material from a claw had it dropping to the ground alongside his discarded clothes. Lifting her into the air, Gavin dropped her onto his bed and watched her bounce with satisfaction.

  Not one ounce of worry entered her mind at him seeing her naked. Her flab wasn’t going to stop her from enjoying this moment with him and by the look he was giving her there was no need to be self-conscious. He stood proudly at the end of his bed watching her silently. Chest rising and falling rapidly, she slid her hungry gaze over his hard body. His well-defined pecks tapered perfectly into a set of beautiful washboard abs that contracted with every breath he took.

  His broad, smooth, chest and stomach was devoid of hair except for a happy trail by his belly button. She followed it down until it broadened into a thick patch of curls housing a dick even better than any of her battery operated boyfriends. Both long and thick, his vein covered cock pulsed and jumped, ready for action.

  “I need ta taste ye,” he growled before climbing onto the bed. His rough hands felt so good sliding up her legs to stop at her thighs. A slight pressure had her wide open to his gaze. And he was looking. Intensely.

  A growl and a snap of her thong hit her ears before electricity zapped through her body, arching her back into the air at the first touch of his tongue. Long slow licks from her gushing hole to her throbbing clit had her moaning out his name. The rough sandpaper likeness of his tongue had her coming when he hit her clit one more time.

  “Gavin!” she screamed out his name with her completion.

  “Ye taste so fuckin’ good, beauty. But I need ta be inside you.”

  “Thank God,” she moaned, ready for the sweet torture to end.

  She tasted like pure sin. He would never get tired of lapping up her sweet cream. Licking and kissing his way up her soft form, he showed special attention to each one of her breasts. More than a handful, he squeezed and grazed his lengthened incisors over the swollen buds of each nipple. Feeling how much she liked what he was doing by the cream she gushed covering his cock, he pushed his hips down trying to get closer to her heat.

  Taking her mouth in a long deep kiss, he slowly slid inside her tight, wet channel, inch by inch until his cock was buried from root to tip. Her inner muscles clamped down around him, making him fight hard not to orgasm yet. He wanted to feel her come before he let go. Copying the movement of their tongues with his cock, he set a fast paced tempo with only one goal in mind.

  Releasing her mouth, Gavin’s body tensed and bowed back, he was beautiful in his pleasure. Feeling her climax building to unimaginable heights, she wrapped her legs tighter around his thrusting hips. With one hand around his waist she brought her other to tangle in the soft shaggy strands of his hair. Pulling his eyes back to hers.

  “Now, Gavin! I can’t hold off any longer!” she tilted her head to the side, exposing the expanse of her neck for him. With a loud snarl he lowered his mouth to her creamy skin and bit deep. The spice of her blood hit his tongue shooting him into his climax, releasing spurts of himself into her womb.

  The sting from his teeth was quickly replaced with a fire wave so hot her body combusted, sending her to the stars. Finally coming down from her climax, she felt him lapping at her new mating mark. The warm roughness of his tongue taking the last of the sting away.

  Utterly exhausted, Sammie started to fall into a happy sleep, when she heard Gavin’s rumbled, ‘Mine,’ in her head.

  ‘Yes. And you’re mine,’ she whispered back mentally before claiming oblivion.


  The sunlight streaming through the open brown curtain brought Sammie fully awake. Wrapped in Gavin’s strong arms, she knew she was home. The thick erection digging into her backside made her eyes roll to the ceiling. He never seemed sated. After waking up three more times for lovemaking, she thought he would be wore out. Not that she was complaining. After all, it was how dinner became all over them, which naturally led to them taking a shower. Some muscles were a little tender but she would suffer through anything to feel him glide deep inside her. The mating sex was spectacular, but she found that mated sex was even better. The mental link broadcasted his feelings as well as all his thoughts. So she was able to hear all the words he didn’t say plus having his release feel like an extension of her own. They were wholly bonded.

  The tightening of his hand on her breast made her back arch, sending her closer into his purring chest. He was awake.

  “Good mornin’, mate,” his sleep rough whisper tickled the small hairs at the back of her neck.

  “Mmmm. Merry Christmas,” she replied as she rolled in his arms facing him fully, wrapping him up in her own arms.

  “Aye, a very Merry Christmas. The best one of my life,” he said, before meeting their lips together softly. When they parted, Sammie pulled back to focus on his eyes before smirking.

  “We should call Gertie and wish her a good Christmas. I believe you have her number.”

  He laughed loudly before burrowing his face into her neck, kissing his mating mark. He had a mate! A perfect one. She accepted him. His heart swelled near to bursting. He has never felt this happiness before.

  “You call Gertie. I really doona need ta hear she was right and I was wrong this morn.”

  “Hoisting it all on me now?” Feeling his nod, she laughed loudly at his antics. “Well she was right, Gavin. On your account and mine,” she said playfully. Pushing against his chest, she rolled him onto his back. Following his backward motion, she climbed up on top of him and straddled his middle, running her hand in petting motions over his stomach and chest.

  “She said I needed to explore some of the magic the Highlands could bring to me. And she was right.” She leaned down bringing her breasts to flatten against his chest and slowly, leisurely kissed him. Pulling away from his lips, she stared deep into his eyes, touching his soul, before continuing, “I have to thank her for giving me a magical Highland Christmas I’ll never forget.”

  The End

y Christmas

  By Lei Carol


  When I was first asked to be a part of this anthology I have to say I was quite pleased. My first book, ever, was set to come out in a few weeks and I had made some great new friends. I want to thank each of them for being a part of this combined effort because I know without each of them; this wouldn’t be the great book that it is.

  Ladies, this is for each of you and thank you for all the blood, sweat, and tears that went into each of our stories and I am sure we all had those conversations with our characters much like we do with our children. Lady V just wait until you have a kid to argue with like we all do with our characters/kids.

  Also, I want to give a BIG shout out to a great friend, Kayla. Shortly after I started writing this, I gave her some to proofread and I will forever remember the squeal of excitement as she ran away from my desk to go read. Thank you, Kayla, for being one of my biggest supporters and fans!

  Chapter One

  Sitting there in the dark corner of the bar, Callie couldn’t help but wonder for the umpteenth time what in the world she was doing there. The only thing she did know was that on the eve of Christmas Eve she didn’t want to be alone like she had been every day for the last eleven months.

  Callie still couldn’t believe the way her ex had kicked her out. He had asked her to have a threesome with her best friend under the agreement they would try a threesome with another guy as well. She had been fine with it until the day after the threesome when her ex and her friend informed her that they had been sleeping together for the last year. She was out and her now ex-best friend, Jamie, was moving in.

  What had hurt the most was she had been the one working two full-time jobs as well as doing all the cooking and cleaning. All that time he had been spending all of her money on his video games, drinking, and his stupid friends. Just once, she had wished he would spend the evening with her instead, but he never did. She shouldn’t have been surprised really but what had to hurt more than the whole thing with Jamie was the fact her ex had emptied out her bank account and proceeded to get her fired from both of her jobs by sending emails to her bosses offering to sleep with them for more money.

  Shaking her head to clear the thoughts from swimming around in it, Callie glanced around the bar just looking at all the different people who were there. She couldn’t help but notice how everyone was dressed nice. Noticing for the first time all the Christmas decorations that surrounded the bar, including the high backed chair that looked like a chair you would expect to see in the mall for Santa to sit in. It seemed like someone was having their Christmas party and she couldn’t help but maybe feel a little bad for crashing the party. It wasn’t like she was there drinking their drinks and eating their food. There was a lot of food spread out, she just didn’t want to be alone.

  Ever since she had been a little girl, her favorite holiday had been Christmas. Callie would start decorating everything the week of Thanksgiving to the point her house was always the brightest and most decorated around. But this year was different.

  No matter what Callie tried, she just couldn’t get into Christmas this year. She tried blaring Christmas carols but they just ended up annoying the living crap out of her. Callie even bought some decorations to put up in her tiny apartment; however, the decorations still sit in the bag they came in—in the trunk of her car. Nothing seemed to bring her spirit back.

  What she really needed was a Christmas miracle. But how to get one because the last thing she really wanted to do was go sit on some creepy fake Santa’s lap to tell him what she wanted for Christmas.

  Completely lost in her thoughts and feeling sorry for herself, Callie didn’t notice someone else had come into the bar until a shadow fell over her already dark corner, making it damn near impossible to see anything. Glancing up, she was barely able to contain the shiver of fear that crept up her back at the look in the man’s dark, almost evil-looking eyes.

  "Um...hello," she said softly, trying not to let her fear show.

  "Why is such a pretty little thing like you sitting in the dark corner by yourself?" he slurred.

  Trying to think of a quick answer that would get him to leave her alone, Callie said the first thing that came to mind, "I'm meeting someone."

  "Oh, yeah? Who? 'Cause I've been watching you since you came in and it hasn't looked like you were waiting for someone. Looked like you were waiting for me," he said before grabbing her arm in a vise grip, squeezing tightly. "Now you're gonna get up and walk out of this bar to come home with me."

  With fear racing up and down her spine, Callie couldn't do more than whimper low in her throat, looking for any way to escape what was about to happen.

  "Is there a problem here?" a deep masculine voice asked from directly behind the creepy guy who had never told her his name.

  As the amazing scent of fresh noble fir trees wafted around her, she noticed that all of a sudden she felt at ease. All of the fear just disappeared just from this stranger’s scent.

  Crying out in pain as the man holding her arm tightened his grip to the point of almost snapping the bone. "Buddy, I'd suggest you let my woman go before you get hurt. This is your one and only warning."

  As the most intense and agonizing pain radiated up and down her arm, it wasn't until her brain registered the loud snap did she scream before everything went black and a loud roar echoed through her ears.


  Slowly waking up, the first thing Callie heard was the soft Christmas music playing somewhere in the background. The next thing she realized was how soft the big bed was she was laying in. That’s when she noticed it. That smell. The one from when she was in the bar, it reminded her of fresh Christmas trees. Where was it coming from?

  Slowly opening her eyes to look around the room, Callie was both shocked and scared when she realized she had no clue where she was. Taking in the small cabin, she scanned from the big windows to the huge lit up tree to the equally huge kitchen all the way to the man sitting at the table watching her before looking back to the tree. Jerking her head back around to stare into the green eyes of a man whom she had never met before.

  ", where am I?" she asked, scooting up against the headboard, making sure to pull the blankets up to her chin. Unable to remove her eyes from the man, he stood up to walk toward her whimpering softly in fear.

  "Shhh…it's okay, little one. I'm not gonna hurt you. You are completely safe here with me."

  Pulling her knees to her chest, Callie wasn't sure if she should believe him or not. For one, she was completely naked in his bed and two, she didn't know the man from Adam; even if he was built like a Greek god or a pro football player and totally drool worthy.

  With his big muscles, chiseled abs, wide shoulders, and if the bulge in his pants indicated anything, well then, he had to be hung like a freaking horse. But the best two features were his eyes, such a beautiful green, and his smile. It was so big, with dimples on his cheeks, showing off his straight white teeth. Thinking softly to herself, God, he’s so sexy and that smile of his...mmmmm...what a smile. Oh look at his dimples, God what I wouldn’t give to have him as my Christmas wish.

  “My name is Jayson Kimball and you, little one, are in my home. I brought you here after the whole scene at the bar. I couldn’t just leave you there.” Listening to him talk with his deep sexy voice, she wanted to do nothing more than to crawl into his lap and never leave. “Are you hungry? I made dinner before I went out tonight. It’s not much, just an elk stew with veggies and biscuits.”

  “Elk? I’ve never had Elk before,” she said softly as she watched him move away from the bed to the single dresser before he turned back around, holding out what looked like sweats and a t-shirt.

  Watching as he moved back across the bed to lay the clothes down before he turned and walked across the open room and out into the snow as if to give her time to get dressed without him hovering.

  Wondering to herself why he went outside without a shirt or shoes
on because it had to be freezing out there. Following the scent of the stew to the equally huge kitchen area, her stomach rumbled and growled. Just as she lifted the lid off the crockpot, Jayson walked back into the cabin with his arms full of wood.

  As the smell of the stew hit her senses, it was as if a switch had been flipped. All of a sudden everything started spinning and even though she could hear Jayson’s voice calling out to her, Callie couldn’t understand anything that he was saying. With the rushing sound in her ears and the stinging of something dumping on her arm, Callie knew she was going down and nothing she could do about it.

  Forcing her eyes back open a few moments later, the dizziness started fading away and the only thing that registered in her mind was how warm she felt and that smell. God, she had always looked forward to getting a Christmas tree as a child because she absolutely loved the smell of the freshly cut tree.

  After a few more moments of not really focusing on anything but that smell and the warmth that was seeping into her bones, Callie noticed the reason she was so warm was she was in Jayson’s arms.

  “Wh…what happened?” she asked softly, staring up into his bight green eyes.

  Seeing the worry in his eyes, as well as something else she couldn’t understand, he said, “You fainted. When was the last time you ate something? Callie? Earth to Callie…”

  Ripping her eyes away from the luscious lips in front of her, Callie felt her face warm as the blush crawled across her skin. “Um… I think yesterday…maybe…” Watching those lips, which she wanted nothing more than to nibble on, turn into a frown.

  “Yesterday? Well no wonder you passed out. Alright, up so we can get some food in you. Good thing I made a big batch of stew and biscuits,” he said softly as he stood without letting her go until he reached the table to sit her down in one of the chairs. “Stay right here.”


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