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Bite Me, Baby

Page 19

by Alice Brown, Lady V, Samantha Potter, Rayne O'Gara, Lei Carol, Hazel Gower

  Knowing she was pushing for something, though not quite sure what, she said just two words, “Prove it.”

  Watching the carnal grin spread across his face, showing off his impressively long canines before he whispered, “Gladly. Challenge accepted. Hang on, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.” Without giving her a moment to think about what was about to happen, Jayson pulled back enough to kick her feet apart before surging his hips forward to slam his cock straight into her still sopping wet pussy.

  Letting out a scream in ecstasy as he continued the punishing pace of pounding in and out of her before pulling her hair causing her neck to stretch so he could attack that same place he had marked just a little while before.

  Moaning as he lifted her right leg up to hold at his hip so he could piston in and out harder and faster. Both of their moans and groans echoed around the bathroom, each getting louder and louder before finally, as he bit down on her neck without breaking the skin, both of them let out a scream as both of their orgasms crashed over them at the same time.

  Closing her eyes as she felt like she fell head first in to the darkness, never noticing when Jayson placed her leg back down or turned off the water and picked her up to carry her over to the bed, gently drying her off then tucking the covers around her as he slid into the bed next to her. Sighing in contentment, softly whispering, “I love you, Callie. Hopefully one day you will love me as well.”

  Chapter Five

  Walking down the aisle, occasionally glancing down at her shopping list, making sure to get everything needed for the New Year’s Eve dinner she was making Jayson tonight. Callie still felt a little guilty for causing him to miss the big Christmas dinner at his parents’ house, so to make up for it she had invited him to her little apartment for New Year’s, and she couldn’t wait. Hopefully nothing would go wrong between now and the time he was supposed to show up.

  Reaching to grab one of the hams out of the cooler, it felt as if the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. As she stood to put the ham in the cart, Callie glanced around trying to see where the feeling that she was being watched came from but wasn’t able to see anyone staring at her.

  Trying to ignore the feeling that someone was watching her, Callie decided to hurry up and get the rest of the stuff on her list so she could go home. Walking up to the check-out line, sharing a smile with a couple of different people as she moved past them before placing her items on the conveyer belt then heading out the doors to head for home.

  Thinking over everything that she still had to make, Callie was thankful she had made the pumpkin pie the day before. Now to just prepare the ham, mashed potatoes, and gravy.

  Callie was surprised it had been three days since she had last seen Jayson because it felt as if it had been months instead of days. He was never far from her thoughts; from the time she got up to the time she went to bed and sometimes even while sleeping, she would dream of him.

  Pulling into her apartment complex, staring through the windshield at all the snow falling from the sky, Callie hoped that tonight she would be able to convince Jayson to stay the night with her. Quickly shutting the car off, she jumped out to grab the groceries, shivering slightly as the snow fell between the back of her neck and jacket.

  Slamming the car door shut as she slowly made her way to her porch, hoping and praying that she wouldn’t slip and fall in the snow. Reaching up to unlock the door, Callie noticed the boot prints on her porch as if someone had been there at her place.

  Looking around the parking lot as the feeling of being watched crept up and down her back again. However, just like at the store, she didn’t notice anyone watching her. Shivering as the heebie jeebies raced up and down her spine, Callie quickly unlocked the door and went inside, making sure to lock the door behind her.

  Glancing up at the clock, she noticed she had about four hours until Jayson was supposed to be there. Once she had the ham in the oven to start cooking, Callie turned on the Pandora app on her phone to the holiday channel because even though Christmas was over, she finally felt the spirit.

  After putting the last of the dinner prep dishes in the dishwasher, she decided it was time to start getting ready for Jayson. Going into her bathroom to run her bath, Callie decided to go with the honey and milk bath oil, hoping it would make her silky smooth as well as attract a bear to her honey pot.

  Unable to control the giggles at her thoughts and how corny she sounded to herself, Callie rolled her eyes and washed her hair. Picking up her razor to shave her legs and armpits, she heard a noise coming from the living room that almost sounded as if the door just closed.

  Sitting up in the water, cocking her head to the side trying to listen closely to see if she heard the noise again before calling out, “Hello?”

  Idiot, you think you hear someone come into your locked house and what is the first thing you do? Call out so they know where you are, haven’t you watched enough scary movies to know that’s how the dumb blonde always dies? Callie though as she leaned back to quickly rinse her hair, but before she could come up for air she noticed a shadow fall over her.

  Letting out a water-logged scream as a large hand gripped her throat, cutting off her air all the while holding her under the water. Thrashing her arms and legs trying to lessen the grip, knowing water was splashing all over the place as everything started to go grey around the edges.

  Trying to give it one last attempt to get the person off her as she clawed up and down the arm holding her at the bottom of the tub. It was as the person started to lift her toward the top of the water that she got ready to take a breath only to let it out as a scream as they slammed her head back down.

  The last thing she thought of as everything went black was Jayson’s smile.


  Feeling her head pound in time with her heartbeat, the rawness of her throat as she tried to swallow and the radiating pain in her shoulders, Callie wanted to cry. She tried to move her hands only to realize they were tied behind her, which must have been the reason her shoulders hurt.

  Slowly cracking her eyes open, trying to contain her whimpers as the bright light in the room made her head throb even worst. Finally opening her eyes to find herself hog tied on her bed with her ex, Roofus, lying next to her.

  “About time you woke up. I’ve missed you,” he whispered softly as he reached out to caress her cheek.

  “Wh…” Trying to get the words to come out of her dry throat, all she managed to do was cough before trying again. “W…”

  Closing her eyes as the feelings of frustration filled her at both not being able to get even just one word to come out of her mouth and because she was supposed to be getting ready for a date but instead was completely tied up on her bed with her ex.

  “Here, have some water,” he said, lifting a straw to her lips.

  Thankful for the cool water rushing down her throat even though she didn’t fully understand what exactly was going on. What is he doing here? Callie wondered as she continued to drink from the glass until it was empty.

  Clearing her throat a couple of times, she was finally able to ask her questions, “What are you doing here, Roo?”

  “I missed you, baby, and I decided that I couldn’t live without you.”

  “What about Jamie?” Callie asked softly as she watched the man she had thought at one point in time that she loved but now realized she had never loved him. When she thought of love, she would see Jayson’s smile in her mind.

  Jerking out of her thoughts as Roofus gripped her throat tightly. “Pay attention to me when I’m talking to you, dumb bitch.” Feeling her heart start racing as the fear raced up and down her body as she tried gulping for air.

  “Now that I have your attention, here’s what is going to happen. You are going to pack your shit and come back home. Jamie is a horrible cook and can’t clean to save her life so you are going to come back and cook and clean. Otherwise…”

  Watching as he smiled a wickedly evil smile before leaning forward to whispe
r, “Otherwise, I will kill that asshole who thought he was good enough to stick his cock in you. So…what’s it going to be?”

  Never had Callie been as afraid as she was at that very moment, for not just herself but also for Jayson. As badly as she wanted to tell Roofus to go to hell, Callie knew she would never forgive herself if Jayson got hurt in the process.

  “Please, Roofus, don’t do this. You never wanted me, why are you doing this? It’s been a year, please,” Callie begged softly, hoping she could convince him. “Please, if you untie me and leave I won’t tell anyone what happened.”

  Letting out a yelp in pain as he smacked her across the face, snapping her head around, causing it to throb even worse than before. Whimpering in pain and fear, it took Callie a few moments to notice the sounds of a fight there in the room.

  Closing her eyes, afraid to try to figure out what was going on and who else had come into her home, Callie wasn’t sure how long the fight had lasted until there was nothing but silence.

  Scared out of her mind as to what was about to happen to her, Callie couldn’t help but cry out as two cold hands gripped her shoulder to twist her onto her stomach. Whimpering as she felt the rope finally fall away from her hands and those twin icicles started rubbing the pain out of her shoulders, causing her to cry out in pain as the pins and needles feeling started at her shoulders before racing down to her fingertips.

  Finally as the pain started to lessen, she felt the hands start to turn her back over. Still afraid to see just who it was, it wasn’t until she felt the soft caress of the tips of fingers against her cheek that she realized just who it was.

  Opening her eyes to stare up into Jayson’s amazingly bright green eyes, Callie could feel her own eyes start to fill with tears before whispering, “You rescued me…again.”

  Watching as his own eyes filled with tenderness and another emotion that she never expected to see someone else look at her with. Feeling her heart start racing at the thought, could he really love me? Callie couldn’t help but wonder as her own heart continued racing at the thought of this amazingly strong man loving her.

  “Of course I rescued you… Haven’t you realized it yet?” Jayson asked softly, refusing to look anywhere else but into her eyes.

  “Realized what yet?” she whispered back, holding her breath, hoping he was about to tell her what she really wanted to hear.

  “I will always do everything I have to in order to rescue you. I am head over heels in love with you and have been for the longest time.”

  Feeling the love surround her heart, body, and soul, Callie couldn’t believe she had finally found a man who would love her for her, even if she was a little overweight.

  “I love you, too, Jayson. So much,” she whispered before wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him down for a sweet kiss. It was as their tongues danced in each other’s mouths, both of them moaning in pleasure as well as rocking their hips together, moaning at the sensation of his hard cock pressing into her that she remembered.

  Jerking her head back to exclaim, “Oh shit. Look out, you gotta let me up.” Pushing at his shoulders to get him to move faster before jumping off the side of the bed to rush out of the room and into the kitchen.

  Grabbing the hot pads off the counter before flinging open the oven, praying the ham wasn’t overdone. As she pulled back the foil, she found just the outside edges a bit crispy but the meat in the middle was just right.

  Sighing with relief as she headed back down the hall only to have Jayson pull her back away from her room before she could go in there.

  “Um… I grabbed your robe for you. Why don’t we gather up the food and go back to my cabin to eat,” Jayson suggested, refusing to meet Callie’s eyes.

  Glancing down the hall at her bedroom door before looking back at Jayson, who was staring at her with a look that just begged her to understand what it was he was trying to say.

  It was then she felt like the light bulb went on and she remembered, “Did you have to kill him?”

  “He hurt you and anyone who hurts you will die,” Jayson explained venomously as his eyes shifted yellow and his canine teeth elongated.

  “But how will we explain this?” she asked as there was a knock on her door. Watching as Jayson moved away to answer the door before he stepped back to let two equally large, good looking men into the small room who were followed by Shae, their mother. “You brought Mom with you?” Jayson cringed before saying, “Callie, these are two of my brothers, Steve and Brent, and I am sure you remember our mom, Shae. My brothers are here to help with the mess. So let’s go home, alright?”

  Glancing at each of Jayson’s family members before looking back at him only to look at his mom, silently asking her, did he just say what I think he did? Watching as his mom raised just one of her perfect eyebrows up as if daring Callie to say no.

  Curious by what he meant, Callie decided to put him on the spot. Slowly walking her way up to him, sliding her palm up his chest to ask, “Home? Don’t you mean your home? Because this is my home.”

  Noticing his Adam apple bounce as he gulped down a breath of air before starting to shake his head only to stop when she raised her eyebrow in question, just like his mom had done.

  “I…um…was hoping that you would like to move in with me and it would then be our home. If it’s too small for you we can always add-on come spring and make it bigger or make whatever changes to it that you want.”

  Hearing the twin snickers and cracking whip sounds from his brothers, which were quickly followed up by twin yelps of pain as their mom smacked them upside the head before hushing them, no doubt so they could listen in as Callie leaned up to whisper, “But what about that mate you told me you had?”

  “Callie, my love, you are my mate. I’ve known it for months but I didn’t want to scare you away. I wanted you to love and accept both me and my bear on your own. I love you, Callie with all my heart and soul.”

  Hearing his brothers start making gagging noises, Callie couldn’t resist twisting to look back and forth between Steve and Brent before asking them, “So, do you have mates?” An evil smile spreading across her face as both of them shook their heads. “Good. I can’t wait to be able to torment you both when you find them.”

  Turning back around to Jayson before whispering against his lips, “Can you imagine the fun we are going to have when they meet their mates for the first time? I know I can. By the way, Jayson, I love you and your bear and can’t wait to start a life with you. Yes, I will move in with you.”

  The last thing she could hear before Jayson pressed his mouth to hers was the sound of his mom letting out a un-lady-like whoop before pulling out her cell phone, “Susie-Anne, guess what? Jayson’s mate said yes! I wonder when I will have grandcubs to spoil.”

  The End

  Christmas Escape

  By Hazel Gower

  Chapter One

  Alissa groaned as she struggled to pull herself any further. Her arse currently stuck up and out of the restaurant bathroom window. She looked down at the concrete street. She was so close to getting away and now she was stuck in the goddamn window. “Alissa, how do you get yourself into these situations,” she grumbled aloud. She pushed forward hoping to move, but nothing happened.

  A healthy size fourteen, Alissa was sure she’d fit through the window, she knew it would be a tight fit, but she was determined to get away. She wiggled herself again before she debated if she should yell for help and embarrass herself further.

  Nothing happened, she didn’t even budge.

  Oh okay, maybe she was a size sixteen.

  She wondered if she could just hang where she was until one of the women came into the bathroom and helped her, or if she risked calling for help and the person she was avoiding came to her rescue. It was the work Christmas party so surely someone would be in soon? Right?

  This was all Dolton Brown’s fault. She’d been enjoying herself at the Christmas party when Lex, the owner of the club she worked for, came ov
er to her and asked her to come with him and meet the restaurant’s owner and head chef. Sure, Alissa had happily followed Lex, eager to meet the chef of the delicious food they were eating. The back kitchen door opened and that was when Alissa saw him, all six foot eight, wide, muscular Dolton, with his dark brown hair, big chocolate eyes, full thick lips, and five o’clock shadow that added to his sexiness.

  Alissa excused herself and practically ran to the bathroom. She was just going to compose herself first before she faced Dolton. Stop the aching need she felt for him from just one look, but the longer she sat in the restroom, the longer she wanted to escape a confrontation with him. Her head fell back onto the top of the toilet and that’s when she saw the window and got the stupid idea to escape.

  “Why did this have to be one of the restaurants Dolton owned? I mean why was he working at this one? For Christ's sake he’s a five star chef,” she grumbled, heaving herself forward to see if she’d move...even an inch. Argh, nothing.

  There were a bunch of restaurants in the big coastal town, where she’d moved to get away from her overbearing brothers and father, why did this have to be the one Dolton owned? Alissa’s mother had been no help, she thought her husband was just being a dad and her sons were cute when they threatened to kill any man who showed interest in Alissa.

  With the appearance of Dolton, Alissa knew the life she’d been living for over a year was done. There was no way he wouldn’t tell her parents were she worked and who she lived with. Dolton’s family and hers had been close since Alissa was little. Her brothers and Dolton were friends.

  Her family had been big supporters of the shifters when they came out. The Browns were shifters. Bear shifters. The world hadn’t been too shocked shifters existed. TV and books had helped prepare them and the occasional sighting people put down to themselves as going crazy. Well, Alissa just bet a bunch of people left the mental homes after the outing of shifters to the world.


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