On Her Terms (The Arrangement Duet Book 2)

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On Her Terms (The Arrangement Duet Book 2) Page 3

by Madison Quinn

  I decide to start making a list of things I need to address with him before I can make a decision on this proposal. I go into the office to grab a pen and paper before returning to the living room. Although it’s probably not a wise decision, I decide I want a glass of wine while I try to decide what I’m going to do. It’s late, but I think a liquor store would still be open; the only problem is that Hunter isn’t here and there’s no way I’m going to leave the apartment without some type of security. I decide to call Carter to see if he is available to go with me or perhaps he has someone who can go.

  “Ms. Rose, is everything okay?” he answers on the first ring.

  “Oh, yes, everything is fine. I’m sorry to bother you—“

  “It’s no bother at all, Ms. Rose. What can I do for you?”

  “I need to run an errand; I’m sure Hunter has already left for the day…”

  “It’s not a problem. Where would you like to go?”

  “I just wanted to run to a liquor store; I don’t know if there’s one nearby—“

  “Just a few blocks from here. If you don’t mind, what are you looking to get?”

  “Just a bottle of wine.”

  “What kind do you like?”

  “Something sweet—“

  “I’ll have something to you in a few minutes.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind going—“

  “I’ll see you in a few, Ms. Rose.”

  Well, that didn’t go as I thought it would. I didn’t expect Carter to drop what he was doing to run to the store for me. I’m still trying to get used to the whole idea of needing security; I don’t know how I feel about having someone go shopping for me. Although, I suppose this isn’t too different than what I would have to deal with if I agreed to marry Nicholas. I have no doubt that he doesn’t go food shopping for himself and doesn’t run to Walmart to pick up something he needs. I can’t help but laugh at the idea of Nicholas in Walmart; yeah, that would never happen.

  Knock knock

  I’m surprised to find Carter at my door only a few minutes after I hung up the phone with him. It’s not possible that he went to the liquor store that fast; perhaps he changed his mind and decided it would be best if I went with him to pick out the type of wine.

  “Good evening, Ms. Rose,” Carter greets me when I open the door. “Mr. Parker has sent several different types of wines from his collection that he thought you might like.”

  “Nicholas sent these?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Mr. Parker has an extensive wine collection, one that is far better than what you would find at the local liquor store.”

  “Please send him my thanks. I… wasn’t expecting this.”

  “You should have wine glasses in the kitchen, but if you need anything else this evening please contact me.”

  “Thank you, Carter.”

  “And, Ms. Rose… can be I honest with you?”

  “Of course, Carter.”

  “Mr. Parker is a good man; I’ve worked for him for several years now, as has Julie. Neither of us would stay if Mr. Parker wasn’t a good person. Don’t believe everything the media says about him; trust what you know. He’s let you in and that’s something he’s never done before.”

  “I… thank you.”

  “Good night, Ms. Rose.”

  “Night, Carter.”


  Carter has just completely thrown me by what he said. I don’t know if he knows about the new arrangement Nicholas has proposed but I have no doubt that he was being honest. I don’t think Nicholas told him to come down and say something like that to me or to try to influence my decision. I’m sure that he wants this decision to be mine and mine alone.

  I think back to what Carter said about Nicholas letting me in; I was surprised when he said that Nicholas hasn’t done that before. I wanted so badly to ask him what he meant by that, but I didn’t think he would tell me even if I did ask. He dated that woman before for quite some time by the sound of it; surely he would have opened up to her?

  I shake my head, needing to stop trying to figure out what Carter meant and go into the kitchen to pour a glass of wine. In the bag that Carter gave me were four bottles of wine, all from different countries. I randomly pick one that has a beautiful picture of a vineyard on the front and head back to the living room where the new proposal awaits.

  Thank you for the wine. It wasn’t necessary but I appreciate it. –Kenzie

  The response from Nicholas is almost instantaneous.

  I hope you find one you like, but if not I can send more. –Nicholas.

  The first one I opened is just perfect; thank you –Kenzie

  Do you have any questions about the paperwork? I’d be happy to discuss anything with you –Nicholas

  I’ve just started reading through it all, but I’m starting a list –Kenzie

  I’ll answer any questions, Kenzie, or change anything you want –Nicholas

  I know… I just need to think this all through. It’s a lot to consider. –Kenzie

  He doesn’t respond, but I don’t know that he really needs to either. I pull the coffee table closer to the couch and start making notes on parts of the prenup that I have questions about or just things about this arrangement I have questions about in general. I’m still kind of surprised that I’m considering this, but knowing what Nicholas could lose if I don’t, how can I not consider his proposal? How could I say no if it means he would lose everything he has worked this hard to achieve? Especially when he is offering to help me make my dreams come true? The one thing I dreamed of but did not think would be possible was to return to school and earn some type of degree. And now it’s being handed to me.

  By the end of the night, I’m surprised that I only have a few questions written on the paper. I expected to have a lot more, but in reality, the prenup is pretty straight forward and explains things clearly. There is one section of the contract that I need to address with Nicholas that is not sitting well with me. I know he said that he was willing to change anything in the contract, but I honestly don’t know if he’s going to be willing to change this. Unfortunately though, as the night wears on I realize this one clause is a deal breaker for me. If he isn’t willing to remove it, I don’t know that I can agree to this new arrangement. It’s probably not fair of me to ask this of him, but I have to.

  Chapter 3


  “I’m sorry… you did what, Nicholas?” Alex asks.

  “I suggested that Kenzie and I terminate our contract with Bridget and enter into a new arrangement privately.”

  “One in which she agrees to marry you?”


  “What did she say?”

  “She hasn’t given me a decision yet; she asked for some time to think about it.”

  “Why change things? I thought what you had was working.”

  “The press, Alex—plain and simple. They won’t fucking leave me alone, and now it’s affecting my business. Our employees don’t have confidence in me; if I don’t change things fast, I’m afraid they are going to start looking for jobs elsewhere. You know we can’t afford to have everyone suddenly quit; it would destroy our business. It’s taken me too long to build PFS up to where it is today. A mass exit of employees will bring me back to square one. I will lose all the ground we’ve gained in this industry; I will lose everything—“

  “I’m sure not everything—“

  “Everything! We will become the little man that the larger companies eat and spit out. We won’t have anything to offer that’s different from other companies when we present our proposals. I won’t be able to continue the charitable donations that I have promised to various places. Last week alone, I just donated two hundred thousand dollars to the pediatric unit of the hospital. What do I say the next time they call when PFS begins to go belly up? I’m sorry, I can’t help the sick children get the medications they need because I can’t keep a woman happy?”

  “Nicholas…” For once I believe Alex is speechl

  “This isn’t just about me, Alex. If it were, I would stop taking a paycheck, if it meant I could continue with the promises I have made. But this isn’t about me. This is about hundreds of people losing their jobs and charities having to go without because I can’t afford to make a donation. I had no choice—I needed to do something to get the press off my back and to leave PFS the fuck alone.”

  “And you think marrying Kenzie will accomplish this?”

  “For a time, yes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not fucking stupid. I know this isn’t going to solve my problems forever. I need a temporary fix; just long enough for them to back off so I can come up with another plan. I think someone is feeding the press lies about me or maybe they’re pushing the press to focus on me. I can’t be sure, but it takes time to dig into something like that. I need the press to leave me alone so PFS can be successful while I try to figure everything else out. I think marrying Kenzie will get me that time.”

  “You trust Kenzie enough to let her move in with you?”

  “I do.”

  “You’re not worried?”

  “No, I told you I trust Kenzie.”

  “It’s not a bad idea… besides who knows, maybe it’ll develop into something more. You might not want things to end when the time comes. She’s better for you than—“

  “There’s no emotions involved, Alex. I mean, sure we care about each other as friends, but that’s it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “Does she feel the same way?”

  “I… I think so. I mean, she agreed that she saw us as friends and not just as a business arrangement. The weekend she spent with me when I was sick brought us closer.”

  “What if she starts feeling more towards you? Living with someone day in and day out can change things. What happens then?”

  “It won’t; you don’t know her. You don’t know what she’s been through. She’s sworn off men just as much as I’ve sworn off women.”

  “You’re right, I don’t know Kenzie. I just want you to consider the chance that one of you could develop feelings towards the other beyond friendship.”

  “Won’t happen.”

  “We’ll see. So, when is she getting back to you about this marriage idea?”

  “I don’t know. She asked me for some time. I don’t want to bug her about it, but I’m hoping she decides soon. We’re attending a charity event tomorrow evening, so I know I’ll at least see her then.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, Nicholas. This could backfire, and you both could end up getting hurt. It took a long time for you to get your head out of your ass after Harper; I don’t know that I can pull it out if it happens again.”

  “It won’t.”

  I barely get anything done the rest of the day; I can’t focus on anything except what Kenzie might be thinking about. I keep wondering if I should have added more to the prenup agreement—maybe she’s expecting more in it. I purposely did not include a lump sum payment at the dissolve of the marriage as I thought she would find that insulting. Instead, I stuck with material items that I could give her that would help her reach her dreams. She had two goals, she told me as the reasons she entered into the contract with Bridget: finding a safer place to live and going back to school. Those were the two things I’ve included in the prenup agreement, but now I’m second guessing myself.

  Should I have offered a weekly “paycheck” for her to spend on whatever she wants? I didn’t include that because my thought was she would use my account for any purchases she wanted to make, but maybe she would want to keep her independence and maintain her own bank account? I’ve offered to change anything in the prenup she wants; hopefully she will feel comfortable enough to ask for those things if that’s what she wants.

  After my meeting with Alex, I head back to Accord Towers deciding to work the remainder of the day from there since I’m not getting anything done at PFS. Working from home is no different though; I can’t seem to concentrate on anything in front of me.

  Are you free to meet tonight? –Kenzie

  Anytime –Nicholas

  What time do you get home? —Kenzie

  I’m home –Nicholas

  Are you free now? –Kenzie

  Yes –Nicholas

  I’ll come up now in a few minutes. –Kenzie

  “Carter!” I call out, my voice mixed with excitement and nervousness.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Kenzie will be coming up soon. Can you meet her on her floor and escort her up?”

  “Yes, sir.”


  “Mr. Parker?” Julie responds just as quickly as Carter did.

  “Kenzie is on her way up; I don’t know if she will be staying for dinner but I’d like you to prepare two dishes if she does.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  “Also, can you bring in some wine and crackers or fruit or something to go with it?”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll be back momentarily.”

  Just before I hear the elevator ding, Julie finishes setting up a small tray of snacks with a bottle of wine in my office. I’m not suggesting that we’re going to be celebrating anything, as I don’t want to presume to know what Kenzie’s decision will be, but I want to be able to offer her something if she’s hungry.

  I was surprised last night when Carter told me she contacted him wanting to pick up a bottle of wine. Kenzie isn’t a drinker. In fact, she has never requested a drink when we’ve been out; she only accepts one if offered. I don’t know if she wanted a glass of wine to relax and help her make a decision or if she was trying to let a little of her past go. Whatever the reason, I thought it might be helpful to have some here to offer her. I probably should have done this yesterday when I first proposed this new arrangement; I was too fucking nervous to even think about that. Nicholas Parker… nervous. Nicholas Parker doesn’t do nervous; I’m in control of too much to be nervous.

  “Mr. Parker, Ms. Rose has arrived,” Carter informs me just as Julie slips out of my office.

  “Kenzie, please come in,” I gesture to the chair where she sat just yesterday afternoon, which for some reason seems like a lifetime ago. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “Please,” she says, sitting down.

  I hand her the glass of wine with a shaking hand; I can’t remember the last time I was ever this unsure of myself. If she says no to this new arrangement, I don’t know what I will do to save PFS. I can only hope that she isn’t saying no; maybe she just has questions or wants something else besides the condo and her schooling paid for. At this point she could ask me for anything and I would give it to her if it meant she would agree to the arrangement.

  “So…” I have no idea how to begin this conversation.

  “I had a couple of questions…” she rings her hands in her lap letting me know that she is just as nervous as I am, although I’m not sure why she would be nervous seeing that I’m the one with everything riding on this proposal.

  “I thought you might,” I can’t help but smile as I try to break the tension between us. “Let’s start at the beginning. Are you in agreement to the length of the proposed marriage?”

  “Yes… I mean it seems to make sense. We need to stay married for a minimum of eighteen months unless it is mutually agreed upon that we divorce prior to that time.”

  “Correct, essentially it leaves an opening if my team is able to resolve the issue with the press, but if we can’t, the marriage still appears long enough to not raise suspicion. I want to point out, though, that it’s a minimum of eighteen months; it’s very possible we would need to maintain this arrangement longer.”

  “I understand… but I would like to add a clause that enables the arrangement to be ended prior to the eighteen month time frame.”

  “What sort of a clause?”

  “I… I want an out clause,” she says so quickly that I barely understand what she said.

  “An out clause.”
  “Please… don’t take offense to what I’m asking. This… this is just something I need.”

  “Okay… what would this clause entail?” I’m still nervous but at the same time I am moving into business mode. Negotiating contracts is what I do on a daily basis; if Kenzie wants to negotiate the prenup, I’m all for it because that means she is more likely to agree to the arrangement.

  “I want it noted that I can walk away from the marriage, but still retain the condo, under certain conditions.”

  “What would those conditions be?” My interest is piqued as to what conditions she would see the need to end our arrangement prior to the agreed upon time frame. One thing I won’t agree to is ending this arrangement if she fell in love with someone else. It’s selfish, I know, but how would it look if my marriage suddenly ends and she is seen with another man? I can’t have that—

  “If… if you intentionally cause me physical injury or if you are arrested for a violent crime,” her voice is barely above a whisper and her eyes are glued to the floor.

  My initial reaction is anger—I’m angry that she could even think that I would hurt her or anyone else. I take several deep breaths trying to process what she just said, when it finally hits me why she’s adding this clause. It’s not because of me; this is because of that fucker who hurt her before. My anger doesn’t diminish, but it is no longer focused on Kenzie; instead it is on the piece of shit who hurt her. I make a mental note to follow up with Carter to determine where the fuck we are in finding out who this shithead is.

  “I will agree to that.”

  “Really?” her eyes find mine and I see the surprise in them. I guess she expected a different response; she likely expected me to be angry at her suggesting there was even a need for that clause.

  “Kenzie… I hope you know that I would never, ever intentionally hurt you. I am not him; I am nothing like that asshole, I swear to you—“


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