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On Her Terms (The Arrangement Duet Book 2)

Page 28

by Madison Quinn



  FUCK… she’s never stopped me before. She’s never said no before—

  “If you can’t trust me enough to tell me what’s going on—”

  “You think I don’t trust you?”

  How can she think that? Doesn’t she know that I trust her more than I’ve ever trusted anyone before? Doesn’t she realize that I don’t want to tell her because I don’t want to her hurt her? Because I know once she hears about The Blue Moon she is going to want to leave me. This isn’t about trust—this is about me not wanting to lose the woman who somehow over the last few months, has managed to turn my life completely upside down and break down every protective wall that I put up.

  “It’s fine, Nicholas, if you don’t trust me. I mean, I get that we’ve only known each other for a few months now. I trust you completely, but if don’t—”

  “Fuck, Kenzie. This isn’t about not trusting you.” I lift her chin to get her to look at me, but her eyes remain down. I can see the tears she is trying to keep from falling and I realize that she truly does believe that I’m not telling her about the club because I don’t trust her. FUCK… I didn’t want to hurt her! Can’t she see that I’m only trying to protect her? Why is it I keep fucking this up? I need to fix this before I fuck things up even more.

  “I trust you more than I’ve ever trusted anyone in my entire life. Not wanting to tell you about The Blue Moon has nothing to do with not trusting you. I love you, Kenzie, I don’t want to lose you. That’s why I don’t want to tell you about that place—”

  “I’m yours, Nicholas,” she places her lips softly against mine, her eyes never leaving mine. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not going to leave you because of whatever this place is to you. You’re not going to lose me.”

  “You can’t say that, you don’t know—”

  “I know the man you are. You’re a good man, who is kind, generous, loving and caring—”

  “I’m not—”

  “You are. And that’s the man that I fell in love with, even though I fought like hell against it. There’s nothing you can tell me that is going to make me stop loving you. I’m not going to leave you. I’m yours—I’ve been yours I think, since the moment we met.”


  Well, fuck… It was only a few minutes ago that I was doubting that she felt the same way I do about her and here she is telling me—

  “Please… just tell me whatever it is you need to, so we can move past this. I promise you it’s not going to change things between us. I just don’t want secrets between us. I don’t want whoever this person is to know you better than I do—”

  “No one knows me like you do. No one.”

  I lean down and kiss her again, hoping like hell that it isn’t the last time. She says nothing I can tell her will change things, but she doesn’t know about The Blue Moon yet. I don’t want to tell her, but I can’t stand the thought of hurting her or having her doubt that I trust her. Trust has been such an issue for both of us, but I think more so for Kenzie given how much her’s was broken in the past.

  “Come, let’s sit on the couch.”

  Holding her hand, I lead her away from the bedroom door and over to the couch in the sitting area of the suite. Once she is seated, I pour us both a glass of wine from the bottle that, at my request, the hotel had chilled before we arrived. I take a large gulp of wine before sitting down.

  “You already know that before… that things with other women… were different. You were the first woman I’ve ever made love to, the first woman I’ve ever slept with that, didn’t have their hands held. I’ve never trusted anyone, the way I trust you.”


  “After… things ended with Harper, I swore I would never open myself up like that again. I had no desire to be in a long term, committed relationship. A quick fuck was really all I was looking for, one that came with no attachments. The bar scene got old quick, and really, it just wasn’t for me. I was tired of the strange looks when I held a woman’s hands or asked her if I could restrain them. Trying to pass it off as a way to spice things up didn’t always work.

  “One night I was out with a new client, celebrating a significant return on his investment that allowed his company to open another location, when he had a little too much to drink. He started going on and on about how he couldn’t wait to get to this club the next night to really celebrate. It took another two shots before he opened up that he was going to a sex club, one that catered to various different types of kink but also offered an opportunity for casual hook ups.”

  “That’s what The Blue Moon is? A sex club?” she asks.

  “Yes,” I admit. “That wasn’t the club he was talking about, but once I had the name of his club I was able to do some digging and find one in New York. It took a lot to get a membership: they just don’t let anyone in, you need to know someone and pass all their thorough background checks. That took some work, but eventually I was able to find someone to vouch for me and I was given a membership.

  “Blue Moon caters to every type of lifestyle you can probably think of, and then some. Some couples arrive together, some meet up there regularly and some are just looking for casual, no strings attached, sex. For the first time, no one questioned my need to restrain their hands. They accepted it.”



  “I’m not sure what the big deal is… you went to a place to have sex. It was consensual, between two adults, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then what’s the big deal? Am I missing something? Why would you think I would… leave you for that?”

  “Kenzie,” I sigh and sit back. “I just told you that I belonged to an exclusive sex club, catering to sexual fetishes, where I would fuck women whenever I wanted.”

  “It’s not something I expected to hear, but you’re also not telling me that you kept women tied up somewhere at Accord Towers and held them prisoner so you could use them whenever you wanted,” despite the enormity of the conversation, she manages to laugh.

  “No, nothing like that. It was sex, nothing more…”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course, anything.”

  “And… are you… still a member there?” I lift her chin, so she can look in my eyes when I answer her.

  “No, I gave up my membership the morning after you agreed to the prenup. In fact… I’ve only been there once since I met you that day on the side walk. And, even then… I didn’t….nothing happened.”

  “Why not?”

  “I couldn’t stop thinking of you. None of the women there compared to you. I had a couple of drinks and left.”

  “So this person who is texting me must know that you were a member there?”

  “It seems so. I’m going to have Brian and Carter look into it and see if they can determine who sent the texts. They correctly assumed you weren’t aware that I had been a member there—”

  “How would they have known that?”

  “It’s a small community, all the members end up knowing each other. Unfortunately, our society is very close minded when it comes to sex, so most people who engage in an alternative lifestyle do it in private. I never engaged in public scenes, but this person likely made assumptions about what I did in private rooms with women.”

  “And they thought I would leave you because of it, just like you thought?”


  “I still don’t see what the issue is.”


  I’m shocked… it couldn’t have been this easy. Maybe she just needs to think about it more, maybe she’ll feel differently in the morning after she processes everything.

  “If you would have told me this the day we first met, I might feel different than I do now. I know you Nicholas: I know the man that you are and the man who you aren’t. You used to belong to a sex club where you liked to fuck women rather than opening yourself up and trusting someone again. I
can understand why you would choose a place like that, instead of dealing with people asking questions. I’m guessing this person is trying to make me think that you were into some of the lifestyles that were at the club. But even if you did like kinky sex so what? I know you would never hurt me or try to control me the way… he did—”

  “Never… I swear I will never hurt you. That’s why it bothered me so much… when we… fooled around in my office. I was rough with you then, and I swore I would never be like that with you.”

  “Nicholas, I told you before–I liked that day in your office,” she blushes an adorable shade of pink. “It was really hot. I like when you’re gentle and take your time, but there was something about you that day that was incredibly hot. You were so in control, it was like you were so turned on that you demanded what you needed. I liked it.”

  “So did I,” I take her hand in mine and squeeze it. “But I swear to you I will never hurt you.”

  “I know you won’t.”

  “So, you’re okay with all of this?”

  “I’m fine, really. It’s not that big of a deal.”

  “God, I don’t know what I did in my life to deserve you.”

  “I ask myself that all the time.”

  I take our glasses and place them in the kitchen sink, still in complete amazement with how tonight turned out. I expected Kenzie to end things between us; I was certain she wouldn’t understand the club and that the idea of me going to a place like that would make her sick. I don’t know what I would do if she walked out of my life right now. It’s taken me this long to finally discover what real love is—I’ve learned is very far from what I felt for Harper. I realize now, that without a shadow of a doubt, I never loved her. I have no idea how I thought that I did, but whatever I felt for her was far from love. Now that I’ve found it, I’m never going to let it go.

  “Kenzie?” I turn around to find her black cocktail dress lying on the floor in the middle of the room. Looking toward the master bedroom, I see her shoes, thong and a black lace bra. Following the trail of clothes, I find her lying in the middle of the bed, completely naked.

  “Make love to me, Nicholas.”

  Chapter 29


  Not needing her to ask me twice, I quickly kick of my shoes and clothes, leaving them somewhere on the floor, as I walk toward the bed.

  “You amaze me,” I join her on the bed, lying next to her our bodies barely touching. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she places her hand on my cheek. “I was so scared that…”

  “What were you scared of, baby?”

  “That… I was the only one falling in love.”

  “I thought if I didn’t admit how I felt to anyone that it wouldn’t be true. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  “Me either; what we have… I never knew it could be like this.”

  Somehow this beautiful woman lying in the bed next to me knows exactly what to say to render me speechless—something that rarely happens. Not knowing what to say, I do the only thing that I’ve wanted to do since she first told me she loved me. My arm snakes around her waist and in one swift move I have her naked body pressed firmly against mine. Her lips immediately find mine as she wraps her legs around my thighs pushing her body further against mine. There is no space between us, absolutely nothing separating us.

  “Nicholas… I need you.”

  When my fingers tease her nipples, she immediately arches her back, pushing her breasts into my hands perfectly. I gasp when she reaches between us and strokes my dick, knowing that it wouldn’t take much for me to come right now. It seems when I’m around Kenzie this is a constant for me—she manages to tear away every ounce of self-control I have. I vow to take my time with her later, to truly worship her body, and show her how much I do love her. But right now, I need her as much as she seems to need me.

  I tighten my arm around Kenzie before rolling us over so she is now lying on top of me. Her thighs straddle my hips and my dick rubs against her hot center. I can’t keep my hands off of her: I’m overwhelmed with the need to touch her everywhere. What’s surprises me is the sudden need I have to feel her hands on me: I actually want her to touch me… something that I’ve never felt before. Her fingers tangle in my hair as her lips find mine, her tongue seeking out my own as she slowly rubs herself against me.

  “Kenzie…” There are so many things I want to say, but the only thing that I can think to say is her name.

  I reach between us and guide myself to her opening, moaning when she eagerly presses herself down against me. When she moves to sit up, to ride me, I wrap my arms around her, holding her against me instead, needing to feel her body against mine. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing her beautiful body over mine, but right now… I just need to feel her. She moans against my lips when I start moving from below her; she’s squeezing me so incredibly tight that I know I won’t last much longer. Every time I pull back, her body tightens around me as if it’s trying to hold me in.

  “Oh God…” Kenzie’s breathing is heavy at my ear, she’s tugging at my hair, letting me know how close she is right now.

  “Look at me, baby.”

  At my request, her eyes immediately find mine. They’re filled with hunger, passion and… love. That look alone does me in; my need for a release becomes unbearable.

  “Come with me, Kenzie…” I groan as I thrust into her while pulling her down hard on me, the orgasm hitting me the moment her body is against mine.

  “Nicholas!” Her walls clench around my still throbbing dick, sucking the evidence of my orgasm from me as she rocks her body against mine.

  Her head falls to my shoulder, her chest is heavy against mine, as she collapses from the strength of her orgasm. Neither of us say anything: instead we just lay there in a comfortable silence as our breathing slowly begins to return to normal. My hands glide over her skin on their own accord; I don’t see the need to touch her ever going away.

  “I love you, Nicholas,” she leans up and looks at me.

  “I love you, too, baby,” I close the gap between us by pressing her lips against mine.

  I sleep soundly with Kenzie wrapped in my arms; I haven’t had a single nightmare since we started sleeping together. I’ve given up trying to figure out why after nearly a lifetime of daily nightmares, that simply sleeping with her by my side keeps them away. While broken sleep was once a regular occurrence, I’ve come to realize how nice a full night of solid sleep is.

  An hour passes before we leave the bed the next morning; unlike last night, I take time to worship every inch of Kenzie’s beautiful body, making sure she comes twice before I sink deep into her. A quick call to room service has breakfast waiting for us by the time we finish in the shower. I was still worried that she would see things differently this morning, and part of me is still waiting for her to, but like other things between us, it seems to have only brought us closer.

  “What time are we heading back to New York today?”

  “We’ll leave once we finish breakfast. Hunter flew back last night and will meet us at the airport when we land, Carter will fly back with us.”

  “No problems with the bakery while we’ve been away?”

  “No, everything has been running fine. Ginny said Cara did a wonderful job and really clicked with a lot of the customers, so we are going to put her on the schedule permanently.”

  “That’s great; I’m really glad it worked out well for both of you. Maybe this is what she has been looking for.”

  “She’s really nice and so bubbly—I had no doubt she would do well with the customers.”

  “That she is.”

  “Do you have to go to the office when we get back?”

  “No, I mean I have work to do, but I’ll just do it from home. There’s not much I can’t do from there, which works out well when I have to travel.”

  We finish our breakfast and pack up the few items we brought on the trip. The ride to the airport is takes a little l
onger because of traffic, but we’re in the air just a few minutes later than planned. We’re back at Accord Towers, with the press waiting outside for us by mid-afternoon.

  Chapter 30


  “Sir, ma’am,” Carter quietly enters the great room.

  “Carter?” Nicholas nods.

  “If you have a few minutes, I would like to update you on a few things,” he says.

  “Sure,” Nicholas turns to me, kissing me firmly on the lips, his tongue caressing my lips just before he pulls away, leaving me breathless. I moan when he prepares to leave the couch, he smirks at me, obviously knowing the affect his kiss had on me.

  “I’ll be back soon,” Nicholas says.

  I glance around the room, my eyes settling on the fireplace which takes the slight chill off the room. The weather has been strange lately: warm some days while cooler on others. Fall in New York is always like this—you never know what to wear from one day to the next. My eyes feel heavy as I watch the flames dance across the fake logs in the fireplace and as hard as I try to fight it, exhaustion eventually takes over. I wake up more than an hour later, surprised that I even fell asleep, and head to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

  “Can I get you something Kenzie?” Julie greets me as soon as I walk in.

  “I was just going to make a cup of tea—”

  “Go sit down, I’ll bring it to you,” she immediately interrupts me and stops what she is doing to make my cup of tea.

  “It’s okay Julie, I can do it—”

  “Don’t be silly, I’ll make it for you.”

  “Okay,” I take a seat at the breakfast bar while she fusses about getting everything ready.

  “I was going to take something into Nicholas; I’m sure he must be getting hungry by now.”

  “I have some fruit or cheese with crackers? Or do you think he might want something heavier? I have—”

  “I’m sure something light will be fine.”

  Somehow Julie always has something prepared: she opens the fridge and pulls out a cheese platter before adding a few crackers to the plate. I wouldn’t even think to keep something like that ready in the fridge, but I guess she has worked for Nicholas long enough that she is used to things coming up at the last minute that she needs to prepare for. She puts the platter on a serving tray and adds a few bottles of water, some juice, napkins and plates.


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