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Broken Cheaters

Page 12

by Lacey Silks

  “What is it?” Axel asked.

  “I don’t know. You know that feeling you get when you’re so sure you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be? I just got that.”

  “Like déjà vu?”

  “No. Not repeating something.” I shook my head. “Like everything that has happened in your life has led you here, for a purpose. You’ve been guided by some force, just so you could reach this point.”

  “Okay, like meant to be? I’m not surprised, because the moment I saw you I knew that we were meant to be.”

  “Really, from that night only? I thought I’d never see you again after that evening, and if I did, I was afraid you’d run away. I mean, what woman lets a man… well, you know what we did.”

  “Well, to answer your first question, yes, I knew from the moment I saw you. Your innocence brought me comfort. You were lost, and so was I. And to answer your second question, what we did might have been brought on by desire and hormones, but I’d do it a hundred times again if you let me.”

  “Would you do it with another woman?”

  “As difficult as it may be to believe, no.” He shook his head. “I couldn’t stop looking at you by the bar. I remember you looked up.”

  I remembered that too. Our gazes had locked for a brief moment, and I’d felt drawn to him.

  “In fact, I was going to buy you a drink, but I got called downstairs. When I saw you turn on your heal to follow me, I knew our connection was real.”

  “Wait – you knew I would follow you?” My mouth opened in shock.

  “I was hoping you would, at any rate. I wanted to know that it wasn’t just me who felt drawn together. We connected that night on a level I’m not sure I’ll ever understand. Like not only all the planets in the world had to align, but all the galaxies in the universe. It was a mistake to let you go that night. If we hadn’t met at the park again, I don’t know what I would have done. Sometimes I feel like I never want to let you go; but I don’t want to be that possessive jerk.”

  His gaze remained on Trevor, but it seemed like he was thinking about the past. The skies above were clear, and the sun was bright but not hot, at least not in the shade where we were sitting at the edge of the playground. I had another hour before I filled in for the evening shift for someone. It had been one week since Brad had been captured, and my injuries had healed. Olivier had insisted that I take my time with recovery and do only as many hours as my health would allow.

  “You’re nothing close to a possessive jerk. Trust me; I know.”

  “Yeah, but I can be. I have been in the past.”

  “But you’re not anymore.” I took his hand into mine and squeezed it. There was no way I would allow this man to think so poorly of himself, because if it weren’t for him, I’d still be attached to Brad’s hip – or worse, dead. I was pretty sure that if it hadn’t been for that night at the club, I wouldn’t have snapped out of my despair and wouldn’t have realized that there was a better way to pay for my mistakes: with vengeance. And it would start with the man who ruined both me and my sister: Jack Powers. Once I settled that debt this weekend, I could concentrate on Axel, Trevor, and me.

  “You know, I used to carry a gun everywhere. I couldn’t sleep unless it was under my pillow.”

  “What changed?”

  “Trevor’s mother. She came into my life and showed me a different way of living. She was my light in the darkest days. When she passed, I wanted my life to end; and then I looked at Trevor. She made sure that through him, I would always remember the way I should live. I think it was the greatest gift she could have given me.”

  Thinking about his loss broke my heart.

  “Is it difficult to talk about her?” I asked.

  “Not with you. I haven’t talked about her with anyone else.”


  My heart was doing that happy dance again, so grateful that he would trust me enough to confide in me.

  “Axel, where is this thing between us going?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Me, you, Trevor.”

  “I don’t know, but I’m involved now. My son is involved now. I haven’t introduced a woman into his life before.”

  “So, we’re like, boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  He looked at me like I fell off the moon. “I think we’re way past that, don’t you?”

  “Maybe. I adore Trevor. Please promise me that no matter what happens between us, you’ll let me keep in touch.”

  “Hey.” He wound his arm around me. “Don’t think about something that I can’t see happening. But yes, you and me, we’re a couple. And I’m crazy about you.”

  “I’m crazy about you too. Both of you.” I looked at Trevor as he climbed the monkey bars, my heart picking up its pace. “I can’t imagine my life without him.”

  “Should I be jealous?”

  “And you. I can’t imagine my life without the two of you. If it weren’t for you…”

  “Please don’t tell me that you’d still be with that asshole.”

  “What if I was?”

  “No, you wouldn’t be. You think you would, but you wouldn’t. For whatever reason you left your family, a time to make up would eventually come, and you would have left him. I guess I just sped up the process.”

  “You didn’t just speed up the process, Axel. You set me free. You reminded me how to think on my own. Looking at you and Trevor gave me a new perspective on life.”

  He brought me closer to his body. Feeling the care radiate from his body, I leaned my head against him.

  “The fundraiser is tomorrow night. Will you join me?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Good. I may have to do some business while I’m there, but it should be a good evening.”

  “Is that the gala Beth was taking about?”

  “Yes. It’s to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation,” Axel explained. “I didn’t know about your transplant when I invited you, but now that I do, it’s perfect, isn’t it?”

  “I wouldn’t be here if someone hadn’t given me their heart.”

  “Have you ever thought about finding the donor?”

  “I actually tried to trace them, but the information wasn’t provided to respect the family’s privacy. Still, I’m very grateful to have this second chance.”

  “So am I Trish.” He smiled kindly. “My company is one of the event’s main sponsors. The last I heard, the non-profit organization managed to land decent donations.”

  “That’s wonderful. I’d be happy to join you.”

  “Would you like to say a few words about your own experience?”

  “No, I didn’t really deal well with it at the time I got the new heart. I’m not sure if I’m the best example.”

  “I just thought that maybe since you were a recipient—”

  “—I appreciate the thought. It’s just that I’m still not comfortable talking about it. Hey, isn’t that too high for Trevor?” I asked, pointing to the monkey bars.

  Axel’s face twisted with fear, and he shot off the stone. My heart lurched up into my throat. I stood up, but could barely move. He was running too slowly. I could already see it happen before it did. I gasped as my chest tightened. The pain seared through me.

  Trevor, no! I screamed in my mind. I was afraid if I did so out loud, though, he’d startle. Axel lunged forward and flew in the air at the same time as Trevor lost his balance and began falling. Tumbling forward, Axel caught Trevor just in time.

  My feet felt like lead as I ran to them. “Oh, my God! Are you guys okay?” Trevor was wrapped in Axel’s arms, lying on top of his body.

  “I fell,” he said.

  “Is anything broken?” I asked as I picked up Trevor before setting him down on the ground as Axel stood up.

  “I don’t think so. Caught him just in time.”

  “I’m sowwy,” Trevor pouted.

  Axel checked his son from top to bottom before I saw him relax.

  I did my ow
n share of checking before being thoroughly satisfied. “That’s okay, honey. Next time, just make sure one of us is closer when you climb up that high, okay?”

  “I will nevew climb high again.”

  “Hey, never say never. Everyone gets a pass at a hiccup,” his father replied.

  “But I don’t have a hiccup.” Trevor had that same cute confused face that I’d sometimes seen on Axel.

  I laughed. “I don’t think your dad meant a real hiccup.”

  As Axel brushed the sand off his jeans, I noticed his scraped elbow. “You’re hurt.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “But you could get an infection.”

  “Not in the next hour. Now there’s another place we want to take you to. How ‘bout it, Trevor? Want to take Trish to our favorite ride?”


  Trevor packed his dinosaurs into the knapsack and reached for my hand, then Axel’s. We walked the path through Central Park, like a family, Trevor holding both our hands between us. He kept jumping up on a count of three and we’d lift him into the air, flying. He laughed and chuckled and laughed some more. It was one of the happiest moments in my life; if I could have frozen it, I’d be happy living it perpetually.

  When we reached the carousel at the end of the park, I felt like I’d gone back in time at least twenty years. Carousels were my and Chloe’s favorite ride at theme parks, and now, standing here, feeling the shivers run along my arms, I felt like she was here with me, in spirit.

  I watched the ride go round and round as we waited in line. Axel stood behind me, the full length of his front pressing against my back, his arms wound around me, and Trevor patiently waiting in front of us, watching others get on and off the horses.

  When it was our turn, Trevor immediately ran to the sleigh.

  “You don’t want to ride on a horse?” I asked. “We can stand with you.”

  “No, let’s sit together. It’s better.”

  A shiver of past memories floated around us as I remembered the way I used to ride in the sleigh with Chloe. I could have sworn that she was with me at that moment.

  I looked at Axel, who nodded. Trevor sat between us. As the carousel turned, my mind drifted back in time once again. I remembered sitting on a horse similar to the one on our right, with Chloe next to me, before we switched to the sleigh. We laughed as our hair fluttered with the wind. It was one of the happiest and most carefree times of my life, when I felt like nothing could go wrong. Just like now. Sitting here with Trevor between me and Axel felt perfect.

  “You like coming here,” I said to Axel, who couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Before Trevor was born, it was one of his mom’s favorite rides.”

  “I’m sorry she’s gone.”

  “Me too. When I look at him, I see her all the time. And since you’ve been in our lives, I feel like she’s been watching over us.”

  “So you think she’d approve of me?”


  I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes. The wind cooled my face as we spun. Trevor laughed, and my thoughts drifted back to my sister. When I felt Axel’s hand on my shoulder, right over Trevor’s head, I opened my eyes. That look on his face confused me. I wasn’t expecting it, and was afraid that I was reading too much into it.

  “You okay?” he mouthed, and I nodded in response, biting my lip. What was happening to me? To us? Was it normal to have all these emotions bubbling up whenever he looked at me? I wasn’t sure my heart could handle it. I had the urge to call Julia and ask her how to proceed in this relationship, but she was still recovering.

  When we got off the carousel, Axel bought cotton candy for Trevor and pulled me in closer to him. “You’re acting strange,” he murmured into my ear. “Are you sure everything’s okay?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  In fact, it was perfect.

  “So, now that Brad is in jail, can I move back to my apartment?”

  “Absolutely not.”


  “You don’t like living with me?”

  “I do! It’s just that the protocol usually isn’t to move in together and then build a relationship.”

  “But I like waking up next to you. Even more, I love sinking inside your hot pussy when I’m hard in the morning.”

  His words licked through me, and I looked around the park, grateful that no one was nearby. Our body language was hot enough to set fire to anything flammable.

  Axel’s eyes dropped to my lips and lust gripped me, putting my body into hormonal shock. “Wanna go home?”

  If we weren’t at a public place and with Trevor, I would have jumped him right there. Heck, if Trevor wasn’t there, I would have suggested sneaking into his car.

  “Yes, please.”

  That night, when I fell asleep in Axel’s arms, I was convinced that he’d never let me move into the newly furnished apartment.

  Chapter 14

  The venue oozed money. The black and red theme perfectly symbolized tonight’s event. When we entered the hallway, I was taken aback by the flawless decorations hanging down from the ceiling. Each one had a photograph of a smiling recipient attached. The logo “One life can save up to eight” hung over the arched doorway.

  Inside the hall, strings of lights hung above the stage, where a band was playing. A cluster of men wearing tuxedos stood by the bar, holding glasses filled with orange liqueur. Their chests were pushed outward and chins were held high. Gold cufflinks and expensive Bulgari and Rolex watches shone in the dimmed light.

  And if the men were dressed to impress, then the ladies took the attire for the evening to a whole new level in their flamboyant Swarovski crystal-studded gowns with feather attachments, trains, mid-section cut-outs, and embellishments that made my head spin. My choice of a floor-length dress, which I had to hold up in order not to trip, now appeared out of place, and I wondered whether I should have chosen something more eye-catching. The dozens of dresses Axel had prepared for me were all unique, and I’d chosen the simplest one I could find.

  My stomach swirled with nerves, and I wasn’t sure why. I hadn’t been out to an event this extravagant in a long time, but that wasn’t it. Something had shifted in the air, and I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I could feel the nervous energy swirling around me, and it wasn’t my own.

  “What’s the matter?” Axel squeezed my hand.

  “I’m not sure. I think I’m out of my league here.”

  “I can assure you, you’re not.”

  Someone passed me a champagne flute. I took a sip, hoping it would calm me down. The expensive bubbles broke on my tongue, releasing the liquid flavors. Axel steadied my shaky body as I held onto his arm.

  “Maybe I should have worn a different dress.”

  “You look stunning. And this dress was a perfect choice, especially that slit over your leg. I would have chosen the exact one for you. Have you seen how many men have been gawking at you?”

  Truthfully, I hadn’t noticed. I’d been worried about fitting in so much that my gaze kept shifting from one thin model to another, then from a lady who barely had room on her fingers, where her rings sparkled like stars to another one whose earlobes threatened to rip under the weight of her diamonds. Another gorgeous woman with silver hair stood with a younger man; the diamonds around her neck drew much less attention than when she leaned down and planted a wet one on his lips.

  “She calls herself Lady Marise, but most people here call her a cougar,” Axel whispered.

  “What do you call her?”

  “Aunt Mary.”

  “She’s your aunt?”

  “And her personality is as colorful as her looks.”

  Axel pointed to our table, and we headed in that direction. I couldn’t take my gaze away from Aunt Mary. There was something about the way she held her back straight and shoulders square while commanding the staff to get her another glass of champagne. I’d never seen anyone with so much poise and confidence.

p; “So, she makes a habit of twirling a magic wand and men are at her knees?” I asked.

  “More like flinging her whip,” Axel chuckled. “She runs a side business catering to women’s needs, and the best way to do that is with young potent males.”

  “An escort service?”

  “Not quite, but something along those lines.”

  “I’m assuming she’s your father’s sister.”

  “Your assumption is correct.”

  Her gown was one of the more elaborate ones I’d seen this evening. The layers of fluffy material, embellished with a diamond neckline, covered her from head to toe, with perfectly designed cut-outs to show off her gorgeous figure. My gaze shifted back to the table we were about to be seated at. Glamour radiated from the Wagners with the intensity of all the wealth combined in the room.

  “I feel underdressed to be meeting your father,” I whispered.

  “You’re stunning, Trish. And my father’s a kitten under a layer of lion’s fur. Besides, my mother promised she’d keep him in check. Sometimes he tends to let his tongue run before his mind catches up.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better for the charity if everyone here just donated, including the money they spent on this extravagant place?”

  “The problem is, many wouldn’t. They come here for show — to ensure their rivals, acquaintances, and everyone in their social circle knows how generous they are with their wealth. For one night, they want to pretend that behind the ruthless businessman lies someone who gives a fuck about others. It’s an image thing.”

  “But not for everyone.” I stopped and looked at him. I didn’t exactly picture Axel as a selfish man.

  “No, definitely not.”

  I glanced around the room, wondering how many people here were hiding scars underneath their clothes and how many had had a second chance at life, the way I had. Did anyone else know the importance of organ donation as well as I did, other than being able to write off their contribution on a tax receipt?

  We reached our table, and Axel’s father stood up to greet his us. He extended his hand to mine. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Trish.”


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