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Screwing the Mob

Page 9

by Luciani, Kristen

  I stagger into the bathroom, cringing with each step, and start the shower while I brush my teeth. Shaye’s face flashes in front of my eyes, her expressive blue eyes, soft blonde waves with the pink-dyed tips, her pouty lips…the ones I want wrapped around my now-throbbing cock… A groan escapes my mouth as I hobble to the sink. Christ, I don’t have time to jerk off to that choice fantasy right now. I’ve got bigger issues to deal with, like finding out who the hell mauled me last night.

  I brush my teeth, shower, and throw on some clothes. Since my Range Rover was smashed beyond repair, I grab the keys to my Audi R8. I can’t hang around here like a sitting duck. I need to figure out who the hell steamrolled me last night and why.

  My phone pings with a text just as I walk out the door. I look down, expecting it to be the notification about my driver, but it’s a text from Max.

  I rub the back of my stiff neck. What the hell would my best friend do if he found out that I’m about to negotiate a job for his arch rival?

  I’m pretty sure that betrayal is a gross understatement, punishable exclusively by machete.

  Best friend or not.

  I slide into the driver’s seat and pull the door closed. The engine roars to life once I press the button on the dashboard.

  The time has come to move on. For me, anyway. Before Grandpa passed away, he went through his whole plan with me, what would happen once I take over the family down the line. He always kept me under his wing, always made sure everyone knew who I was and how successful I’d become. Let’s just say I have a lot of friends now, and Dad wants me to start flexing my muscles to remind them of everything I bring to the table.

  The Orianis are floundering right now without Grandpa around. He’d always kept a watch over them…maybe to keep them in line…and maybe now they’re trying to get shit in order since they’re on their own now. Tony has only Max to rely on, so he must be shitting bricks about the future of his family. Maybe that’s what the dinner in Atlantic City was about. Strategizing about their livelihood and trying to figure out how not to wind up at the bottom of the East River since he’s got no protection.

  I pull up to the curb outside of the club, maneuver the car into an empty space, and slide out. I grab my key ring from my pocket and unlock the front door, flipping on a light switch so I don’t crash into any of the tables and chairs that have been moved so the floor could be cleaned after what was evidently a pretty crazy night.

  I shoot off a quick text to Max letting him know he can come in around two this afternoon to prep for tonight’s A-lister event. Rocco should be here any minute, and I don’t need Max showing up unannounced during this meeting.

  I grab a bottle of water from the fridge in my office, twist off the cap, and take a long gulp before collapsing into my chair. So much plagues my mind on a daily basis when I really only want to think about one thing.

  Will I ever get the chance to be happy? I mean, really happy, not just the bullshit happy façade I put on for random strangers. Because who in my position wouldn’t be genuinely happy with this existence?

  But they don’t know the truth, and while the truth is supposed to set you free, my truth will get me strung up by the balls and dangled over the side of a building.

  I love running my own show, but I’m damn tired of this life. I want it all, and I’m not willing to sacrifice for it anymore. I tried to battle these crazy thoughts, especially since Grandpa saw so much potential in me. I wanted him to be proud and to have faith that I could carry on his legacy, and he’d probably be rolling around in his grave if he knew what was stewing in my mind right now.

  You have a lot of responsibilities, Nico.

  I know it. Mom, Dad, Lily…they’re all counting on me to do the right thing for the family. I need to protect them and their interests. It can’t be about me and what I want. That’s not how this works. It’s only about the family. It’s always been that way.

  But if I want to be with Shaye, I’d have to give it all up and walk away.

  Except that’s not an option. I’m stuck on the inside with no available exits.

  “Fuck!” I slam a hand on my desk, scattering papers over the surface. I know what’s expected of me, and as much as I want to run away from it all, I can’t. Not yet. Not unless—

  “Good morning to you, too, Nico.” Rocco appears in the doorway holding two cups of coffee. “Figured you could use this after the night you had, yeah?”

  I scrub a hand over my face. “Thanks.” I grasp the hot cup he holds out, my brow furrowing. “How did you find out?”

  Rocco drops into the chair in front of my desk. “You know, shit gets around pretty fast. It’s a real bitch that the SUV got away. Cocksucker.”

  I take a small sip of coffee. He wouldn’t have poisoned it. Not yet, anyway. He needs me. But I’d sure like to know who told him it was an SUV that plowed into me. Especially since I was alone on the road. I don’t trust this guy, and I hate like hell that I have to work with him.

  Responsibilities. They just plain suck.

  “So, what’s going on with you and Shaye? You two seemed pretty cozy at the mall yesterday.”

  “Did you notice that before or after you kidnapped my sister?”

  Rocco snickers. “Come on, we’re back to that? I was just trying to help you out. You left the kid by herself in the middle of an arcade. If I didn’t step in, someone else might have.” He cocks an eyebrow at me. “And that would be a fucking horrible thing, don’t you think?”

  My fingers grip the cup so tight, I’m afraid the plastic lid might pop off at any second. “She was safe in there before you accosted her.”

  Rocco shrugs. “I don’t know, you sure seemed freaked out when you came running over. It sucks when you lose control, huh? When it’s yanked away from you with no hope of recovering it?”

  I put down the coffee cup and lean forward, my voice low and menacing. “Rocco, I’m doing this as a favor to your family. You get that, right? I don’t need you, you need me. That means you play by my rules and for my team. Don’t ask me about my personal life and don’t fucking go near my family.” I sit back and force my lips upward, knowing as well as he does that this is a win-win for both of us. But I’m still playing my hand like the ruthless asshole I’m reputed to be. “Can you handle that? Because if you can’t, walk the fuck out of here right now.”

  Rocco grins at me. “Yeah, I can handle it just fine. Hey, so if you’re not nailing Shaye, maybe I’ll take a shot at her. Is that cool? Is that ‘playing by your rules’? Or is she off-limits, too? Because if I can get into Max’s head through his sister’s pussy, I’ll gladly take that path and enjoy every fucking step along the way.”

  I grit my teeth. I’ll fucking kill him and make it look like an accident if he goes near her. “Do you want to be skewered by him?”

  “Eh, fuck him. He’s a crazy bastard.”

  “He’s my best friend, and you’re talking about his sister.”

  “And you don’t like that.”


  “Okay. I’ve got it. You’re icing out your best friend to help out my family. Is that how loyalty works in your mind, Nico? Fucking over the guy who’s always been there for you for the one who can keep you in power? How do you think he’s gonna feel when he finds out about this meeting? I know your dad has been talking to mine about the new structure of the organization, and how my dad has a lot to gain by sticking close to you. What’s Tony Oriani got to gain? What about Max, for that matter?” He inches closer, a nasty smile on his tanned face. “You think I don’t know why this is happening? Yeah, I need a job, but you need us more, isn’t that true? You know we bring the muscle, while you’re busy empire-building. The Orianis are trying to do the same thing, yeah? Is this a game to see who can build theirs faster? Maybe I need to examine my options a little closer if I’m such a hot commodity.”

  Blood bubbles beneath the surface, and my fist twitches, anxious to connect with this fucking guy’s jaw and knock him flat out
on the floor. “You really think the other families will be fighting for the chance to hire you after you stole so much from one of their own?”

  “You’re willing to overlook the past. Why wouldn’t they do the same thing in exchange for the power?”

  I cannot fucking do this. There has to be another way. I will find another goddamn way to take care of my family, and it sure as shit won’t involve the Luccheses.

  I shove back my chair and stand up, ready to do something I should have done as soon as he strutted in here. Grandpa must be getting a good laugh over this shit show. I can almost hear him taunting me. “Serves you guys right. Shouldn’t have brought back the little cocksucker. Shoulda let him rot in California. Screw it, Grandpa would have found another way, too. I’ll deal with my father later. Right now, it’s time for this asshole to vacate. And I’ll be happy to escort him through a window if need be. “Interesting, because from where I’m standing, you have only one option right now. It’s to get the hell out of my office.”

  A look of panic flickers across Rocco’s face for the briefest of seconds and disappears almost as quickly as it appeared. “You know what we bring to the table, Nico. Don’t make a fucking colossal mistake right now. You have too much to lose, and I’ll make sure it happens. Not. One. Fucking. Thing. Left. To. Your. Name.”

  I circle his chair like a predator eyeing his next meal. “Everybody makes mistakes, Rocco. Yours got you kicked out of New Jersey. Care to try your luck again? And trust me, banishment will be the least of your concerns when I’m done with you.”

  Rocco rises from the chair, a full head shorter than me. I lean over him, eyes narrowed, jaw set. Still, he doesn’t back down. “That’s the thing about not having anything to lose, Nico. Your bullshit threats don’t scare me.”

  “No, but I bet your father will see things differently. He always was the more sensible one. Maybe I should have met with him.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Get out, Rocco. We’re done.”

  “If I walk, you’re screwed, Nico. You know it, and I know it. And I think you know what’ll happen next.”

  “Yeah, I’ll get to keep my self-respect and my reputation will remain intact. Thanks for reminding me what a fuck-up you are.”

  “Your self-respect and reputation won’t mean shit when your business folds and you watch everything you worked for go up in smoke,” he sneers, grabbing his coat and stomping out of the club.

  I wander out of my office, a deep sigh deflating my shoulders. Entitled prick. He knew exactly what he was doing when he came in here. I know I should have played the game according to my father’s rules. It’s what I do, what I’ve always done. But not this time.

  Today, I played by my own rules. Today, I let Rocco know who’s in charge, who’s not afraid of his idle threats, who’s in complete control. And he can take that message back to his father on a fucking silver platter. Nobody plays me — not on my turf, not anywhere.

  I want it all, and I’m not willing to take a loss.

  I grab my iPhone and study the screen, tracing my fingertip over Shaye’s face, a picture I’d snapped before she left for school months ago. I took it because I needed to see a real smile on her face, to capture that memory forever since I knew I’d never see it again.

  I was wrong. I did see it again. Last night. And I want to see it every night from now on as she’s spread out before me in my bed.

  I’ve spent my whole life wanting, pursuing, and claiming. I’m tired of the chase, sick of always having to look over my shoulder. I’ve made a great life for myself, but it’s an empty shell without meaning. It’s nothing without Shaye. And when I go after what I want this time, it’s gonna put my ass on the chopping block. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take because she’s worth it.

  My finger hovers over the keyboard and a smile lifts my lips.

  I need to see you.

  A few seconds later, I receive a reply from Shaye.

  You sound desperate. I figured all the drugs they pumped into you last night would make you tired.

  Sleep is overrated. I can think of so many other things that I’d rather be doing with my eyes wide open. With YOU.

  A minute passes, and I drum my fingertips on the bar as I wait for her response. Patience has never been my forte, and since I just put my neck on the line, I really need to know that she’s in this with me as much as I am with her.

  Are you sure this is what you want, Nico?

  Yeah. I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.


  “So, you’re just going to go? He texts, and you go running? Didn’t that bite you in the ass the other night when you handed over your V-card to him?” Sloane cocks an eyebrow, her hands on her hips in the center of my bedroom. “What kind of message does that send?”

  I let out a sigh and rummage through my underwear drawer. I want him to peel me out of something other than the granny panties I’m currently sporting. Something pretty and glittery since it’s New Year’s Eve. “Look, I know what you’re thinking. Heck, I’ve been burned enough to know that this may be a very bad idea. But I need to see him. I need to know if this is real, or if it’s all in my mind.”

  “And you think that letting him screw you senseless is going to make it real?” Sloane shakes her head. “I’ll tell you one thing. The rejection will be real, and it’s going to hurt like a bitch.”

  I slap my hands against my legs. “Why do you have to be so fucking logical all the time?”

  Sloane grins. “Hey, I’m the one who’s supposed to talk you out of stupid choices. And you’re going to do what you want to do, but I’ll rest easier at night knowing I tried to prevent your subsequent emotional distress.”

  I snicker. “And who’s the psych major here?”

  Sloane flops onto my bed and watches me shimmy into a low-cut, black jersey top. “Well, at least you’re going to get laid. That’s something.”

  “It’s not about that.” I smooth the front of the shirt and fluff out my hair. “Not at all. I just need to know once and for all if this thing between us is real. It’s not felt real with anyone else since I left for Miami.”

  “How the hell are you going to even know? He’s never been straight with you, sweetie. He throws you a few crumbs and then when you lap them up, he goes running. What the hell is that all about?”

  I sink down next to her on my frilly pink bedspread and trace the outline of the Eiffel Tower embroidered on the fabric. Lord, I have plenty of fantasies stored up involving me and Nico at the top, savoring everything French and fabulous…wine, cheese, baguettes, and lots of kissing. “I know you think I’m making a mistake, and maybe that’s true. But I have to find out if there’s something there, Sloane. If not, I can finally start the next chapter of my life. Hell, he’s taken up so many chapters I’m going to need to start a whole new book!” I grasp her hand and squeeze. “You’re my best friend, and I love you more than anything. But I’m going to do this. I’m going to see him.”

  “And what happens if he pulls the same shit he’s done every time before this? If I can’t save you now, I sure as hell won’t be able to save you then.”

  “I know, and I’m so thankful to have you looking out for me.”

  “But you’re still going.”

  I nod, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. “I’m still going.”

  Sloane stands up and throws her hands into the air. “Okay, then. You’re a big girl. You seem to know what you’re doing, even though I think we both know you’re full of crap. And I’ll still be around to pick up the pieces if you need me to.”

  I pull her in for a quick hug and squeeze her tight. “What would I do without you?”

  “I put together a list. I’ll text it to you.”

  “God, I love you so much.” I giggle and link my arm with hers. “I’m sorry for bailing on you tonight. I know we planned a big New Year’s Eve celebration together with lots of hot chocolate, chick flicks, and Oreos.”<
br />
  “Well, lucky for you, I have a replacement date waiting in the wings. A big ol’ pile of textbooks.” Sloane snickers as we walk down the stairs. “It’s gonna be a steamy one, so yeah. Please don’t keep me from getting down and dirty with those.”

  “Oh my God, what an image! I’m already getting hot just thinking about it!” I giggle, tripping into her just as we step into the dimly lit foyer. I reach out to grab her arm before she stumbles into a sofa table, but I reach out a second too late. Luckily for her, Max steps out of the shadows in time for her to slam right into his massive chest.

  “Max!” She gasps, jumping back.

  “What’s up, creeper?” I hip-check him as I walk past. “Everything okay?”

  He grunts a response but never tears his eyes from Sloane’s face. It’s not a warm and fuzzy look either. It’s cold, angry, and…something else…could it be? Hurt? Disappointment? It sure doesn’t look like they had a few casual dates and then amicably parted ways. It looks…angsty.

  Sloane can’t seem to drag her eyes away from Max either, not that she’s uttered a single syllable since she crash-landed against him.

  I furrow my brow. Jesus, the tension in here is choking me, how are they still breathing? Watching this is so much better than any Netflix drama.

  Sloane’s lips lift, and I can see a spark ignite deep within her bright green eyes. “You look nice,” she murmurs to Max.

  “Event at the club,” he replies. No return smile, and his words are void of tone and emotion. He gives her absolutely nothing. I wonder if he’ll shut down in the same way when I hit him with my long list of questions as soon as she leaves.

  “Oh, well, have fun.” The look of dismay on her face isn’t lost on me. Holy crap, she really does have it bad. When did she go from the little girl who used to catch worms to put in Max’s shoes to the woman who is about to melt into a pile of goo under his hard stare?

  I narrow my eyes at them. And why does this not at all resemble the scenario she painted for me over coffee? She made it seem like they went out and things just fizzled. But there is so much electricity in here right now, it could probably power the whole block.


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