Book Read Free

Screwing the Mob

Page 12

by Luciani, Kristen

I reach next to her and grab a condom from the wooden box on the night stand. I bite open the foil package with my teeth and sit back on my heels. She loosens her grip, setting my cock free, still stiff as a corpse. I roll on the condom and lower myself on top of her. I gently spread her legs, allowing the head of my cock to graze her opening.

  “Was that good?” she whispers. “I know not all guys like it the same way.”

  “It was fucking incredible.” I trail a hand down her flat abdomen, reaching around to grab her ass, tilting it upward for leverage. “Now I want to make you feel the same way, okay?”

  She nods, still biting her lip.

  “It will hurt, but I’ll go slow. And then it’s gonna feel amazing, baby. I’ll make sure of that.”

  A nervous smile lifts her lips part way. “Kiss me.”

  My cock swells, and I slowly thrust my hips forward, stretching her open, readying her to take everything I have to give. A gasp escapes her lips and she squeezes her eyes shut, teeth clenched tight. “Ahh!”

  I graze her lips with mine to distract her, feeling them relax the instant we connect. She wraps her arms around me, parting her mouth, beckoning my tongue to sweep in and erase the fear and apprehension. I hold her close, sliding in and out of her wet heat. Her walls encase my cock like a glove. They throb as I delve deeper, tightening around me. God, this pussy is like no other. I’ll be damned if I can’t have it for the rest of my fucking life. Blood rushes to the head of my dick and I grip her ass, pulling her closer and closer.

  “Should I move?” she whispers against my mouth. “I don’t know what to do.”

  A low growl erupts from my throat. “Just push against me, baby. Squeeze me tight. Holy fuck…”

  Fingernails dig into my back, pressing me down as her hips lift into me. Once, twice, three times. Jesus, she’s a fast learner, and it’s not like I gave much instruction the last time. It was more like, just lay there while I fuck the shit out of you. But this time, we move together like we were meant to be this connected. Our bodies are in sync, our souls that much more so. I can feel it. I can feel everything. Her thighs tense, legs stiffening as my movements become more and more frenzied.

  “Nico!” Her screams pierce the still air and she scrapes her nails down my spine, in deep enough grooves to draw blood, but I couldn’t give a flying fuck less. The only thing I care about right now is making her feel as amazing as I do because there is just nothing better.

  “Enjoy every second of it, baby. Just let go.” I drive into her a few more times until I can’t see straight anymore and finally let my own orgasm rumble through me like an erupting volcano. My cock pulsates deep in her pussy, blood rushing to the tip, draining from every other extremity. My limbs suddenly transform into rubber, and I can barely muster the strength to keep myself from collapsing on top of her. I lay my head on top of her chest, still supporting the weight of my body with my weakened arms. My chest heaves with labored breaths, my mind a blank slate. Hell, I don’t know if I’d be able to recall my own name if someone asked at this very second, but that just means one thing…it was fucking earth-shattering.

  Shaye’s fingers run through my hair and I lift my heavy head, flashing her a grin. Her eyes crinkle at the corners. “So that’s how it’s supposed to be done, huh?”

  “Only for you, baby. Only for you.”


  The aftershocks are still rippling through me. I’d only read about them before, but holy crap. Amazing is an understatement. I roll over to find Nico’s eyes on me. A lazy grin lifts his lips. Those lips…Jesus. They don’t quit. I could live out the rest of my days very happily wearing absolutely nothing and having those lips blanket me in the sweetest of kisses from morning until night.

  “How do you feel?” His eyebrows furrow, his fingertips tracing a path over my arm. “Are you sore? I tried to go easy, but…” I can see a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “It was hard, literally and figuratively.”

  I giggle. “I’m okay. It burned in the beginning, you know, until we really got going.” Heat creeps into my cheeks and my eyes fall to the sheet covering us. “It’s fine now. Trust me, any tiny bit of pain pales in comparison to that epic ending.”

  He winks at me. “Trust me, there’s a hell of a lot more where that came from.”

  “Good, because I’ve waited a really long time for it.”

  A buzzing sound comes from the night stand where Nico left his phone. He groans and rolls over to pick it up.

  I toy with the stitching on the sheet and watch the muscles in his back tense before he flips back over toward me. He reaches out and fingers one of my blonde-pink curls. “You are more beautiful right now than you’ve ever been, do you know that?”

  “Why? Because I’m naked?” I roll my eyes and snicker.

  “No.” He slides an arm around me and pulls me close, so he can nuzzle my ear. “Although, I will say I much prefer you this way than with clothes on.”

  “That’s such a typical guy thing to say.”

  “So you’ve heard it a lot then? Can’t say I’m not a little surprised at that.”

  I gasp. “Nico, you know I’ve never—"

  “I know.” He smirks for a second before his expression turns serious. “Shaye, any time I tell you something, I want you to know it’s genuine. I never want you to question how many times I’ve said it to any other girl before. I never want you to think I’m using lines on you, because I’m not.” He tucks my hair behind my ear and strokes the side of my face. Tiny butterflies in my belly are roused by the gentle touch and begin swarming, waiting, hoping…“I know I haven’t been honest with you in the past, but it’s only because I didn’t know how I’d be able to keep you safe.”

  “And you do now?”

  “No. And there are other things to contend with…Max, your dad, my dad, Max…”

  “So, you’re saying we’re doomed.” My eyes drop, and the once-anxious butterflies fall to the pit of my stomach, motionless and defeated. Kind of like the way I feel right now.

  “Hey.” His voice drops to a low murmur and he tilts my chin upward. I try to shake off his hand before he can see the tears pool in my eyes. I don’t want him to see me crumble. Not again. Why do I keep letting this happen? When am I going to learn? Maybe it’s time to change majors since I clearly haven’t learned a damn thing about how to control my own emotions.

  Okay, I know it’s only been four months, but still…

  “Don’t cry, baby.” He smiles and slides closer, kissing the tears streaming down my cheeks. “You can’t be sad for this next part. You’re gonna ruin the moment.”

  A sob escapes, and I cover my mouth to keep the next one from exploding out of me.

  “God, you’re fucking incredible. Everything about you, Shaye. I love your passion, your sensitivity, your warmth, your fire — I love everything about you that’s missing in me. That’s why we’re so perfect together. You fill in all the gaps, baby. Every single one.”

  I sniffle. “You can be so damn sweet. Sometimes.”

  He shakes his head. “Nobody sees me the way you do. I’d never let them. I don’t want anyone to see me the way you do. All of this is for you and you alone. Nobody makes me feel the way that you do.” He pauses, his hand still on my cheek. “I’d give it all up for you, Shaye. I’d walk away from everything.”

  My eyes widen. “Nico, don’t be insane. You can’t just—"

  “I can,” he says, his tone flat. “I can turn and leave it all behind, never looking back once. If you’re by my side, I can do that.”

  I swallow hard. “But you’re so good at what you do, and you love it…”

  His arm tightens around my waist, his fingertips trailing up and down my spine. “Not as much as I love you. None of this is worth it if I don’t have a fucking reason to come home at night.” My heart damn-near stops once those words pierce the still air. I part my lips to respond, but I don’t hear any words spoken. I know what I want to say, but my mind and my mouth refuse to coordinate
their efforts. My pulse is suddenly in my throat, throbbing with a voracity I’ve never experienced. I try once again to squeak out a reply, but now there’s a wad of imaginary cotton in its way. How convenient.

  “I’m in love with you, Shaye.” And then he smiles, a real one, not one of the bullshit ones he flashes at business associates or big-boobed girls he wants to take home. A genuine smile, bright like I’ve never seen before. “In case that wasn’t clear the first time I said it in the hospital or just now. I know how you like to be thorough. No guessing games. This is me being as honest as I’ve ever been in my life.”

  “I-I...” Well, that’s an improvement. At least I have proven that I can stutter. “N-n…” I swallow once more to battle the little slice of the Sahara Desert in my mouth. “I love you, too.” Thank God my numb tongue is now functioning once again.

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d heard me.”

  “I heard it.”

  “You just wanted me to put it all out there before you responded.”

  “I’ve waited a long time to hear it. I didn’t want to rush the moment.” I giggle and tweak his nose like I used to when we were little, and he was beating me at Scrabble. It was my only defense back then. Feels like some things never change…

  His phone buzzes again and he lets out a loud groan before rolling over to grab it. I want to ask who’s been blowing it up for the past hour, but I know better than to pry. Some questions are better left unanswered.

  “I’ve got to get back to the club.” He pulls himself to a sitting position and leans back against the headboard. “There’s an event tonight, and I should be there, at least for part of it.” His head drops to the side and his half-hooded gaze sends tingles dancing across my bare skin. “Will you be here when I get back?”

  “Yes.” As if I’d leave before he sends me shooting into the heavens again. “I’ll stay.”

  He leans over me, his full lips curled into a sexy smirk. “Am I gonna find you like this?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see. But that’ll be your incentive to get back here fast.”

  His fingertips brush against my bare breast, the warmth of his hand cupping it before he brings his mouth to the nipple and nips at it with his teeth. I squeal and giggle, squirming out of his grasp. “Stop teasing me and go! The faster you go, the faster you can get back on top of me and back inside me, Nico.”

  “You’re making me want to stay.”

  I stroke the back of his head, running my fingers through his glossy dark hair. “You know you can’t. Besides, if Max is harassing you, he won’t stop. And we don’t want him showing up here to drag your ass out of here. I don’t think I need to remind you what he’ll do if he catches me in your bed.”

  “Okay, okay.” He pulls me close once more, his lips grazing mine. I can still taste the faint watermelon flavor of a Jolly Rancher that still lingers. His tongue works its way into my hungry mouth, taunting me as it coils around mine, electrifying my insides. This can go sideways very quickly unless he pulls away now.

  After a few more deliciously torturous seconds, he pulls away. “I didn’t want to stop.”

  “I know,” I murmur, still breathless from that kiss. Sweet Jesus, the man knows how to use that mouth...and every other tool he’s been graced with.

  “I promise I won’t stop later.” He cups the sides of my face “I don’t know how I’m gonna get anything done at the club knowing you’re here, naked in my bed.”

  “I don’t want to be responsible for you not being productive, but I can think of a way to get you back here faster.”

  “Oh yeah? Let’s hear it.”

  “Well,” I drag my fingertip over the comforter and flash a seductive smile up at him. “I may get lonely by myself. So lonely that I might need to do something to keep my mind off you not being here.”

  He drops to his knees next to the bed. “Keep going.”

  I stretch my arms overhead. “I’m just saying that I may need to come up with ways to occupy myself. You know, little games I can play while thinking about you.”

  His mouth drops open, his fingers gripping my ankles. “In about ten seconds, I’m gonna call Max and tell him I’m sick.”

  I snicker and press my lips to his. “Just do what you have to do at the club. Then get back here and do me.”

  “You’re fucking killing me, Shaye.” He groans and rolls off the bed. I bite my lower lip as I watch the muscles in his back ripple in the soft moonlight streaming through the curtains. It illuminates him as if he’s a statue on display — a perfectly chiseled specimen of a man with an extremely sizeable member that I would very much like to become acquainted with again in the very near future. We’ve only just met, but I can tell we’re going to be almost inseparable over the next couple of weeks. Shit…

  And just like that, my heart sinks to my stomach. I’ve finally allowed my mind to acknowledge the fact that I’m leaving soon, and the sharp pangs in my chest confirm that my heart is damn-near its breaking point.

  I fist the soft sheet and swallow hard past the growing lump in my throat. Tears spring to my eyes. I dread the thought of boarding that plane to Miami, which only days earlier had been my safe haven from Nico. How ironic that the person who drove me away is the one whom I now want to cling to.

  I take a few deep breaths since I don’t want him to see me having a nervous breakdown about leaving. Hello, stage five clinger! Love or not, he doesn’t need to see this. Not yet, anyway.

  Nico comes out of the bathroom, his dark wash jeans just skimming his hips. He reaches into his closet for a button-down shirt but doesn’t put it on right away. It’s almost as if he’s toying with me, slowly turning to give me a full-frontal view before covering up all of that sinfulness. The cut of that V stilts my breath, and the black cloud of sadness that had settled over me is now eclipsed by lust. I curl my toes under the sheet. We have time to figure this all out, time to get our story straight, time to figure out how this will work while I’m away, time to plan how we’re going to spring the news of this forbidden secret on our families…

  I keep repeating these words to myself as Nico leans over me, his hands on either side of my body, now wrapped like a mummy under the sheet. The musky scent of his cologne makes my knees knock and my pulse throb. I grip the sheet, afraid of what I might do with my hands if I let go of it. Later…later…later…forever…

  “Miss me, okay?” He smiles at me, caressing my forehead with his lips. “And drink that hot chocolate. I have about ten boxes of it in the pantry, so go to town.”

  “It’s better when you make it for me.” My voice is small and timid, and as much as I want to be flirty, I’m afraid I may crumble and mess it all up.

  “Then I’ll make it my first priority when I get home later.”

  “How about you make it your second priority?” I force my lips upward and manage a watery smile.

  “Point taken.” He winks and slides into his black Louboutin loafers. God, I think they’re so incredibly sexy on him, although I much prefer them on the floor, along with everything else he’s wearing.

  With a quick kiss, he’s out the door, and I finally release the sobs that have been building in my chest. The tears flow and don’t stop. I feel like my heart is unraveling like an old throw rug with a loose thread that constantly gets pulled until nothing is left but a pile of tattered yarn.

  He loves me. I love him. Why can’t everything else be that simple?


  I pull into the parking lot behind the club about half an hour later. Getting into the city at this hour is a cakewalk, especially since everyone is already at their New Year’s Eve parties, and the surrounding, non-descript streets are lined with limos, Escalades, and blacked out Town Cars doing drop offs. This isn’t an area that’s very well-traveled, which is what makes it the perfect place for A-listers to party. And at Culaccino they know I can get them anything they want and need in the most discreet manner.

  I grab my jacket from the backseat and
slide my arms into it before slamming the door shut. The lot is small, and it only fits a few cars, which means I don’t have to worry about my R8 being sideswiped on the very narrow, cobblestone street. I head toward the back entrance, but a beat-up black car stops directly in my path, blocking me from the door. I don’t make a move, but my gun is securely tucked under my shirt should I need to grab it and fire off a round. I almost forgot to grab it before I left the house and remembered because I didn’t want Shaye to see it. It represents the big reason why this thing between us is still so fucking dangerous, and we have enough other shit to deal with, namely Max and our fathers. I don’t need to bring this element into the mix just yet. She’s not stupid. She knows the deal. She just doesn’t need to see the reality sitting on the foyer table.

  The driver’s side door creaks open and I reach behind me, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible as I wait for the next move.

  “Nico…” A low gruff voice speaks my name as the driver’s head covered by a baseball cap pops out of the car. Fuck me. It’s Santino Lucchese, Rocco’s father. “Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you.”

  “Santino, it’s not a great time. I have a special event going on inside, and this type of business doesn’t belong here. Not tonight.”

  “Please,” he repeats. He rests his hand on the hood of the beat-up old Chevy car. I squint. Odd vehicle for someone like him to drive. But then again, Santino was old school, like Grandpa, and always lived modestly. He knew exactly how to avoid raising eyebrows. His son, unfortunately, never got that message. And even after that stint in California, he still hasn’t learned his lesson.

  I take a few steps toward the car, my hand still on the piece. After a minute of inner battle, I concede. Dad needs him, and I kind of fucked up his plans with Rocco. I should at least listen to what Santino has to say. “Okay. Come inside, and we can talk in my office.” This isn’t a conversation for the club, but I can’t see into the dingy windows of the car. No fucking way am I getting inside. At least if he takes me up on my offer, he’s on my turf. And there are plenty of people I can call on to take him out if it comes to that. The party is in an exclusive room reserved for special events, so there’s no risk of my personal business being made known to the masses.


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