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Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future: Darcy Saga Prequel Duo Book 2

Page 35

by Sharon Lathan

  “I, Elizabeth Nicole Bennet, take thee, Fitzwilliam Alexander James Darcy, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance: and thereto I plight thee my troth.”

  Eyes never leaving the beauty of her face, Darcy reached into his waistcoat pocket with his left hand and placed the slim band of gold upon the open Book of Common Prayer held by Reverend Jenney. Covering it with his fingers, the priest closed his eyes for a silent prayer, then handed the ring back to Darcy.

  Only then did Darcy release Elizabeth’s right hand, immediately clasping her left. Sliding the narrow band embedded with tiny diamonds halfway onto the fourth finger, he poured all his immense love into his eyes and voice.

  “With this ring, I thee wed: with my body I thee worship: and with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

  Another tear slipped down her cheek and a sob caught in her throat. Darcy squeezed their now-entwined hands, fighting his own emotions. Kneeling beside Charles and Jane before Reverend Jenney at the altar, they bowed their heads and closed their eyes.

  “Let us pray. O, Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of everlasting life: Send thy blessing upon these thy servants, these men and these women, whom we bless in thy Name, that, as Isaac and Rebecca lived faithfully together, so these persons may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, whereof these rings were given and received are a token and pledge, and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

  “You may rise,” he said, the couples doing so. Per the ritual, they joined hands once again with the priest—as best they could with so many hands—and kept still as he drew out the final, official proclamation.

  “For those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. Forasmuch as Charles Bingley and Jane Bennet, and Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, have consented together in Holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth each to the other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by the joining of hands: I pronounce that these two couples be man and wife together. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”

  “God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you all; the Lord mercifully with His favor look upon you all; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen!”

  Elizabeth Bennet is now Elizabeth Darcy, my wife! Praise God!

  Darcy had, quite literally, never been happier in his entire life, and the urge to whoop and dance with joy was intense. Glancing at Elizabeth’s face, he saw the same measure of joy in the eyes fixed upon him. Before they were forced to stop the intimate exchange and join the priest at the Lord’s table for communion, she whispered, “I love you, Husband.”

  From that moment onward, all other words barely registered. The recited Psalms, sacred hymns, and final prayers pierced deeply into his soul, but only because he had memorized them all years ago. Walking up the aisle with his wife on his arm, Darcy finally felt complete. As much as he longed to take her into his arms, the last task before exiting the church could not be forgotten.

  Near the entryway to the church was a wooden lectern. Sitting on top and propped at an angle was a large, open book with an ink pot and quill beside. The necessary information of names, parishes of residence, and date had already been written in the designated blanks by the parish registrar, who stood beside the lectern to ensure each of them signed their names in the proper places. While seemingly a small thing, viewing their names linked together and knowing it was the last time Elizabeth would ever sign her name as Bennet was profoundly moving.

  Stepping aside so Richard and Mary could sign their names as witnesses on each of the two new register entries, Darcy clasped onto Elizabeth’s hand. He leaned a hairbreadth away from her ear and whispered, “Mrs. Darcy, I love you, with all my heart.”

  Instinctively, she turned to meet his eyes, her smile radiant. “Could you repeat that?”

  He knew what she meant but said instead, “I love you.” He kissed her—brief and chaste, but firm. Then, pulling away, he repeated what she especially wanted to hear and what he knew he would never tire of saying: “Mrs. Darcy.”

  A crowd had gathered outside the church, and cheers of congratulations greeted the newly married couples when they stepped beyond the doors. Rice, grains, and assorted seeds were tossed into the air and showered them. Laughter abounded, and Lizzy and Jane were frequently waylaid by friendly embraces and congratulatory pats. The twenty-some feet between the church and the open landau took much time to cover, but eventually, the foursome set off. Wheeling slowly through the main street of Meryton, the church celebrants trailed behind, children cavorting and ladies waving handkerchiefs, until they reached the last building.

  Gradually the ruckus faded into silence, the only sounds that of the clomping horses and metal wheels. The carriages carrying the wedding guests were farther behind, so for the present, they were alone.

  For the span of a dozen heartbeats they stared at each other. Then, as if on cue, all four burst into laughter.

  A Hopeful Future Begins


  Two hours later, the feasting and celebration had concluded—or at least, it had for the new Mr. and Mrs. Darcy.

  They had a journey of several hours ahead of them and mutually agreed it was time to depart. A long round of congratulations, best wishes, hopes for safe travels, and mournful farewell embraces and kisses ensued.

  Finally, they climbed into the sturdy coach emblazoned with the Darcy crest. While Elizabeth clutched the windowsill and waved at her family and friends, Darcy gave the signaling knock for Mr. Anders to snap the reins.

  At Netherfield Park’s driveway exit, the coachman steered the horses onto the main road, and the last glimpse of Elizabeth’s waving family disappeared.

  She scooted back from the window but continued to contemplate the passing terrain. Every tree and bush was familiar. Not a house was driven by that she could not immediately name those who resided within. The numerous pathways and grassy meadows had been trod upon and explored thousands of times.

  Memories. Countless memories.

  Sighing, the sound a half sob, she bowed her head and closed her eyes against the stinging tears.

  “Let it go, my darling,” Darcy soothed, one hand gently rubbing the small of her back. “Tears are natural and nothing to be ashamed of. I know how difficult it is to part from those you love, no matter the circumstances. There is no reason to hide your sadness.”

  Another minute of silent inspection of the Hertfordshire landscape passed—as if she needed to see with her eyes what was forever planted in her mind—and then she melted into her husband’s waiting embrace.

  Snuggling into his warm body, she rested her cheek against his upper chest, loosely gripping his lapel, and closed her eyes. The finely worsted fabric of his jacket felt wonderful under her skin, and the smell of his cologne was both soothing and stimulating.

  He drew her closer, arms tightening, and kissed her forehead. “I have extra handkerchiefs if you need,” he said, half serious and half teasing, “but wool is tough, even against tears.”

  “You are too good, William. I should only be rejoicing this day, not mourning.”

  He laughed softly. “Oh, I have no fear that the rejoicing shall soon overcome any sadness, my dear wife. Our hearts are too full to be dampened for long.”

  Oh, how right he is.

  Just in the seconds it took him to finish those sentences, her sorrow had largely disappeared. Contentment, hap
piness, and tickles of desire were rapidly taking over.

  Lizzy opened her eyes, the colorful embroidery of his wedding waistcoat was brought into sharp focus. It was a vivid reminder that with the constant commotion during the wedding reception, closer inspection of his garment had been impossible. In fact, they had frequently been pulled apart, and the bustling activity had not allowed them a minute alone or even to speak to each other much.

  Well, we are completely alone now, and, we are married.

  While not in the best place for the type of “inspection” she wanted to do, they did need to do something to pass the time. Releasing his lapel, she brushed her fingertips over the extraordinary pattern of flowers and vines hand sewn into the silk.

  “This is truly astounding. I thought Jane was skilled at needlework, but this puts her to shame. I am a million times worse than my sister so should do the world a service and never pick up a needle and thread again.”

  Darcy chuckled, and she felt the vibration under her fingers, sending a stream of tingles up her arm. “Mr. Meyer only hires the best. For that reason alone, I trusted him to create this for me.”

  “I suspected as much. I knew this wasn’t your usual preference, but if I ever have the opportunity, I will thank Mr. Meyer personally for forcing you to submit to his wisdom.”

  As she spoke, he began lightly caressing her arm. She wore a long-sleeved, heavy brocade pelisse over her wedding dress yet still shivered at his touch and closed her eyes to enjoy the instantaneous rush of desire.

  Reopening her eyes several seconds later, Lizzy’s gaze fell on his hand.

  “Oh! What lovely cufflinks. I did not notice before. Are they new?”

  “Yes, they are. Believe it or not, a gift from my manservant.” He told her the story in brief.

  “He sounds like a good man. And he was correct that these would match. We are remarkably color coordinated as if we planned it.”

  She had remained curled against his side, her head resting on his chest. She did long to see his face, but the intimacy of being held this way was unfathomably intense. Sliding her fingers along the edge of his waistcoat, she toyed with each button as she descended the flat surface of his chest to his abdomen.

  He did not move, but his breathing increased, Elizabeth smiling at the reaction the merest brush of her hand could cause.

  How bold dare she be? Boundaries no longer applied, aside from their current location, and even then, who would know if she were to take her exploring to the next level?

  For what seemed like a long span, she debated and rightfully guessed he was having the same debate.

  Then she remembered what he had said the previous afternoon while under the willow trees. Being together fully for the first time wasn’t only about the timing or even the vows, as vital as those were. It was about the experience being special, precious, and utterly perfect. A moving carriage in broad daylight, even with the vows now exchanged, was not that place.

  So, she pressed her hand over his naval and leaned back in his arms, just enough to see his face. Indescribable love shone from his eyes, and his expression was by far the most relaxed she had ever seen it.

  “I love you, Fitzwilliam Darcy, my husband,” she declared in a firm tone but softly and tenderly, joy now bringing about the sting of tears.

  He did not immediately reply, instead leisurely caressing her arm and neck, then cupping her cheek with his palm. Inclining his head a few inches, he held her eyes for another minute or two of silent communication, finally whispering, “I love you, Elizabeth Darcy, my wife.”

  And then he kissed her.

  For a long, long time they kissed. Sweetly, deeply, and passionately—a sublime connection of lips, breath, and tongue. When they eventually withdrew, she nestled back into the warmth of his embrace and, within minutes, had fallen soundly asleep.

  Darcy held his wife, his cheek upon her soft curls as he gazed out the window. Thoughts drifting, he mused upon the past two months, each moment a treasure, even the handful of which had been stressful in some way. All of them were parts of the whole amazing journey which had brought them to the present.

  Thank goodness it is finally over, he thought, releasing a heavy sigh.

  And, indeed, the first stage was over. Elizabeth was now his wife, as he had yearned for with an intensity that was ofttimes nearly his undoing.

  Yet, in truth, this was merely the beginning. Their journey together would span years, on into decades, God willing. What a glorious vision!

  Smiling, he rested his head back against the padded seat edge and closed his eyes. As sleep reached for him, he sent a silent prayer Heavenward.

  Thank goodness it has finally begun.

  * * *


  Continue the journey of a happily ever after life

  with Darcy, Elizabeth, their extended family,

  and a host of friends both new and familiar, in

  The Darcy Saga novels by Sharon Lathan.

  About Sharon Lathan

  Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

  Sharon began writing in 2006 and her first novel, Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One was published in 2009. With the publication of this novel, Sharon’s series of “happily ever after” for the Darcys totals nine full-length novels and one Christmas themed novella.

  Darcy & Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship and Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future complete the “prequel to the sequel” duo recounting the betrothal months before the Darcy Saga began.

  Sharon is a native Californian relocated in 2013 to the green hills of Kentucky, where she resides with her husband of thirty-one years. Retired from a thirty-year profession as a registered nurse in Neonatal Intensive Care, Sharon is pursuing her dream as a full-time writer.

  Sharon is a member of the Jane Austen Society of North America, JASNA Louisville, the Romance Writers of America (RWA), the Beau Monde chapter of the RWA, and serves as the website manager and on the board of the Louisville Romance Writers chapter of the RWA.

  Sharon is the co-creator of Austen Authors, a group blog for authors of Austenesque literary fiction.

  Visit at:

  For more information about Sharon, her novels, and the Regency Era, visit her website/blog at:



  Darcy Saga Prequel Duo Book 1

  Accepting a marriage proposal is merely the beginning . . .

  How did Lady Catherine restore Mr. Darcy’s hope to prompt his second proposal? Did Caroline Bingley yield gracefully? Were the Bennets and Meryton citizens approving?

  Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are betrothed!

  Readers of The Darcy Saga have shared in the romance, life, and marital escapades of Mr. & Mrs. Darcy. Now the “prequel to the sequel” recounts the weeks in between as two new lovers prepare for happily ever after.

  Embark on the journey as Darcy and Elizabeth overcome the rocky past and discover the depth of their love. Delight in budding passion and sweet romance. Enjoy the wedding planning and adventures during the initial weeks of their engagement.

  Darcy & Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship


  Happily Ever After Comes True . . .

  Beginning on their wedding day, Darcy and Elizabeth are deeply in love with one another and excited to begin their marriage.

  The Darcy Saga sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is a sweetly romantic, historically accurate tale recounting the daily life of newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy.

  Through five novels and one novella, Sharon Lathan presents a vision of happiness in marriage.

  Meet new friends and family members. Delve deeper into familiar characters and their futures. Dwell in the Regency world at Pemberley a
nd London.

  Through it all, delight in the unparalleled love story of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy.

  Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One

  Loving Mr. Darcy: Journeys Beyond Pemberley

  My Dearest Mr. Darcy

  In The Arms of Mr. Darcy

  The Trouble With Mr. Darcy

  A Darcy Christmas

  "If you enjoy enthusiastic romance passionately written featuring the redoubtable Mr. Darcy and his wife, then "I would by no means suspend any pleasure of yours"!" ~Austenprose


  An intimate journey of love, life, and the passionate pursuit of happiness.

  Noble young ladies were expected to play an instrument, but societal restrictions would have chafed for Georgiana Darcy, an accomplished musician.

  Her tour of Europe draws the reader into the musical life of the day, and a riveting love story of a young woman learning to direct her destiny and understand her own heart.

  Miss Darcy Falls in Love

  “If you are a Jane Austen fan, if you love historical novels, then Ms. Lathan’s wonderfully written, vividly detailed, and sweet romance novel will be one that you don’t want to miss out on!” ~Romancing the Book

  “Sharon Lathan has another home run hit on her hands here. Her name is certainly solidified with what good Jane Austen fan fiction should be. Fast-paced and always full of the romance we all dream about, Miss Darcy Falls in Love is not one you’ll want to miss.” ~Austenprose

  “This is a story that fully immerses its readers in the world of the characters, from the rainy streets of Lyon and Paris and the quiet hush of the churches and museums Georgiana visits, to the dazzle and splendor of the society balls that light up the evenings.” ~The Romance Reviews


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