Immortal of My Heart

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Immortal of My Heart Page 17

by Unknown

  Kaelyn stared at the closed door and then glanced over to the closet. Slowly, she went over turning the knob oh so quietly. What if Alexander had come up to bed already? He’d want to know why she snuck through the closet to his side. She bit her lip and decided she’d think of something to say if he was in his room. She just wanted a peek.

  She walked into her huge closet, which was filled with folded fabrics set on shelves. There were paisley, pea green fabrics, turquoise silks, red wools, orange velvets, and everything in between. They were gorgeous and would make beautiful dresses…if one liked dresses.

  At the end of the closet, was a door identical to her’s. She let out a deep breath and put her hand on the knob. She turned. The knob didn’t turn. It must have been locked on his side of the closet.


  Startled, Kaelyn spun around and hurried out of the closet. A maid stood at the bedroom door. “Hi,” Kaelyn said for lack of a better response.

  The maid curtsied and then continued staring at the floor. “I have a bath for milady if she is ready.”

  “Oh, yes. I’m so ready,” Kaelyn said with a groan.

  With that, the maid motioned to someone outside the door and two servants walked in carrying a huge copper tub. They set the tub in the corner of the room next to the fireplace where the maid busily started a fire. Next, came a procession of stable boys with buckets of steaming hot water.

  Kaelyn thanked each one and bid them all goodnight reassuring the maid she needn’t help her bathe. Kaelyn stuck her hand in the tub. Perfect. Her weary bones and muscles cried out in anticipation. Kaelyn locked her bedroom door and then slowly peeled off her dirty, grimy clothes, dumping them in a heap on the floor.

  Next to the tub, sat a folded white linen, lavender smelling soap, and a white, woman’s nightshirt. Everything looked so inviting. Without waiting any longer, Kaelyn slipped her foot in the bath followed by the other, then sunk down into the steaming water. She began soaping her body as a thought occurred to her. It was only a matter of time before Rowena or Cain came for her. She pressed her lips together. She didn’t want anymore innocent people getting hurt, especially, Jillian’s children. No, Alexander and she would have to leave first thing in the morning. She’d talk to him tonight.

  * * * * *

  “So, ‘tis most likely Cain and Rowena will follow ye here?” Merrick asked, concern written all over his face. Alexander looked at his old friend and former Immortal. He knew Merrick risked a lot, letting he and Kaelyn spend the night.

  “Aye, that’s a possibility,” he said quietly. “We’ll leave first thing in the morn. I willna put Jillian and the bairns in harms way.”

  Merrick ran his hand through his salt and pepper hair. “Ye already did, Alexander.”

  Alexander clenched his jaw together. “I’m sorry, but where else was I to go? Ye are the only one I knew Kaelyn would feel safe with. The lass has been through a lot.”

  “Ye care for her then?” Merrick asked.

  “Does it matter If I do or don’t?”

  For the time being, Merrick left the issue of Kaelyn alone. “Weel,” he continued, “there’s no use in ye worrying about me and mine. I have news about the Guardians.”

  Alexander leaned forward in his seat and asked warily, “What news?”

  * * * * *


  “It started three years ago,” Merrick said, standing up and walking over to the large stone fireplace. He braced himself on the mantel as he stared into the fire. “I had a visit from Baltzar, my Guardian…my father of sorts,” he said glancing sheepishly over his shoulder at Alexander. “Baltzar came to Jillian and I right after we had our third child.

  “Baltzar said there was an impasse between the thirteen Guardians. He said Rowena was responsible for splitting them up. She wants more power than what’s good for her. Rowena will stop at nothing to get it. She believes all humans and all life is beneath her.”

  “How many Guardians are on her side?” asked Alexander, now, really wanting to know why Rowena wanted Kaelyn dead. What were her motives? Power? Envy? Why was Kaelyn such an important piece of this puzzle?

  Merrick walked back over to his chair and sat down. “There are three Guardians helping Rowena get what she wants.”

  “What happened to the others…the ones who don’t agree with Rowena? Can’t they stop her?”

  Merrick looked up solemnly. “Nay, they canna stop her. They dinna exist anymore. When a Guardian resigns, they turn to ash. Baltzar stopped here before he resigned. He felt he owed me something, being the Guardian who solely created me and all. He cast a magic charm on my home and my land. He placed a ward around my home extending as far as the stone wall guarding my lands. No Guardian or any magic they produce can penetrate these walls or set foot on my land. It will stop them in their tracks. That’s why you’re safe here,” Merrick said with a tight smile.

  “Can Cain get through?” Alexander asked as another thought crossed his mind. What if Cain could still harm Kaelyn? At least, she had her crystal.

  Merrick let out a sigh. “To tell ye the truth…I dinna ken. Cain might still be able to get through. His magic is a different sort.”

  “I was afraid you’d say that,” Alexander said under his breath.

  * * * * *

  Kaelyn finished her bath and debated on putting on her dirty clothes to go hunt down Alexander. She had knocked on his closet door, but there was still no answer. All said and done, she refused to put on the smelly clothes. She dressed in her nightgown and was about to head downstairs, when she realized the gown was practically see through. She’d be happy to get back to the twenty-first century again. What she wouldn’t give for sweatpants and a hoodie.

  She pulled a gold, yarn-woven throw off the bed and wrapped it around her. Walking out of the room, she made her way down the hall. She turned the corner to the steps, barely colliding with Jillian who carried a tray full of grapes, cheese, sliced meats, and a carafe of wine.

  “Oh, my God!” Kaelyn yelled reaching out to grab the tray.

  “I got it!” Jillian yelled with a laugh. She smiled at Kaelyn after righting the tray.

  “I’m sorry. I was looking for-“

  -“Alexander,” Jillian said finishing Kaelyn’s sentence. “He’s in the living room. Come on, follow me. You two can eat down there. You both must be starved.”

  “Wait,” Kaelyn said stopping Jillian. “You have a living room? I thought it would be a great hall or something.”

  “I can’t seem to completely let go of the twenty-first century. And we do have a great hall. I just like the more intimate living room when we have close friends over. Tell me, do you miss your home or have you fallen in love with the days of old?”

  “Oh, I’m ready to go home and get my old life back.” Kaelyn noticed Jillian studied her with a disappointed look. “Everything has been beautiful. It’s just, I really miss my home.” And TJ, Kaelyn thought. She sucked in a deep breath, trying not to remember the last image of his body lying on the stretcher.

  “Well, I’m glad you’ll be here for a little while.”

  * * * * *

  Merrick knew the look on Alexander’s face. He hadn’t seen that look of concern since…well, never. Merrick cleared his throat. “I thought aboot that riddle ye told me. I might ken someone who could tell ye where the fairy mound ye seek is.”

  Alexander’s head shot up. “Who? Is he close by? Can I see him tonight?”

  “Weel,” he said smiling, “first off, he’s not a ‘he’, but a ‘she’ and second, she’s at least a hundred years old with an ornery disposition.”

  “I’ll get her to talk,” Alexander said darkly.

  Merrick burst out laughing. “If Morna doesna want to talk…no one can make her. Besides, Kaelyn might have a better chance at getting Morna to talk than ye.”

  “She willna be coming with me,” Alexander said coldly.

  Merrick grinned. “So, let me get this straight…ye dinna care f
or her, yet ye dinna want her to come, because…I’m assuming you’re afraid she’ll get hurt?”

  “She’s gotten hurt enough already.”

  “I’m sure she can take care of herself,” Merrick said goading his friend.

  Alexander ground his teeth together. “Kaelyn’s nothing but bait,” he roared. “She means nothing to me, but a means to an end!” Alexander immediately regretted what he said when he saw Merrick look past Alexander’s shoulder with a look of pity.

  Alexander exhaled before turning around to find the one person he prayed wouldn’t be standing there. Kaelyn froze in the doorway with Jillian awkwardly standing behind her. Jillian’s face grew bright red, with rage or embarrassment, he didn’t know which. Kaelyn’s face…he couldn’t bare to keep eye contact with her. She had the same look when he had tried to convince her he was sorry for leaving her alone in the woods. The painful look on Kaelyn’s face quickly disappeared, replaced with one of pure hatred. Her eyes narrowed and her mouth pinched together as she stared straight at Alexander.

  “Come on Merrick,” Jillian said in a clipped tone. She placed the tray of food on the side table. “I believe I’m ready for bed.”

  Merrick rose, giving Alexander a disappointed look. When Merrick passed Kaelyn, he pressed his hand on her arm. “I believe we’ll bid ye goodnight,” he said softly. He gave her arm one more light squeeze and then walked past with Jillian in tow.

  Alexander cleared his throat. He still sat in a chair with his back to her. “I’m so-“

  “We need to leave first thing in the morning,” Kaelyn blurted out. She wouldn’t let him see how much he had hurt and embarrassed her.

  Alexander turned around after realizing she wasn’t coming into view. “Bloody hell!” he yelled, causing her to jump. “Dinna ye think ye should put some clothes on!”

  Kaelyn pulled the meager blanket tighter around her. “My clothes were dirty,” she snapped. “Besides, I’m just ‘bait’! What do you care how I look!”

  Alexander ran a shaky hand through his hair. All he could think about was running his hands under her translucent nightshirt, raise it to her hips, and mount her like some wild beast. Not to mention, try and ease the pain from her face and beg for forgiveness.

  “We need to leave first thing tomorrow,” Kaelyn began again. “I won’t put your friends in danger.”

  Without warning, Alexander sprung up from the chair. “You’re safe here,” he grumbled, “and so is Merrick’s family. I wouldn’t stay if they weren’t!” Alexander glanced down at the blanket slipping off her shoulder along with the night shirt. “Ye dinna even ken what you’re doing!” he thundered, reaching out to touch her shoulder, but stopping himself before making contact. Abruptly, he turned away, storming out of the room.

  Minutes after Alexander had left, Kaelyn still stood astonished. She was the one that should have stormed out! He had insulted her, embarrassed her, and had royally pissed her off. So that’s how it was, was it? Well, she’d stop caring for him…one way or another. Otherwise, it would only lead to a broken heart.


  * * * * *

  Kaelyn slammed her bedroom door shut, hoping to wake Alexander, and then immediately regretted it. Hopefully, her hosts didn’t wake up from her childish behavior.

  Kaelyn walked over to her bed and dropped the throw on top. After stoking the fire, she turned to go to bed, but the closet door caught her attention. It was closed, but it mocked her just like the man behind it. She was half-tempted to pound on his side of the door until he opened it, demanding an apology, and making him swear he hadn’t meant what he had said. Kaelyn clenched her fists and squared her shoulders. If he wanted her to only be bait, then that’s what she’d be.

  Kaelyn tugged on the crystal necklace, snapping it from her neck. She squeezed her palm around it, marching to the window. Pulling back the curtains, she pushed the small window open and glanced down at the dull looking crystal. “This is the means to the end!” She threw the crystal and watched it sail to the shrubs below. “Come and get me,” she whispered fiercely into the wind.

  “And come and get you I shall,” the wind answered back, but Kaelyn had already shut the window and snuggled into her bed.

  And three stories down, in a pile of dried leaves and mud, the crystal began to glow.

  * * * * *

  Alexander punched the pillow on his large bed. What was wrong with him? Why did he have to be so attracted to her! It made everything so much harder.

  Alexander plopped down on the feather filled bed and laid down, staring at the closet door with his hands propped behind his head. Was the secret access to the other bedroom still there? He remembered Merrick showing him when he had made renovations to the manor. If the door was still there…. No, Kaelyn was livid. Why couldn’t he have just been honest with Merrick? Said he thought of her not as bait, but…what? A friend? A lass he wanted to share a bed with? Something more?

  Alexander growled, punching the pillow again and turning to his side. He wasn’t going to worry over it tonight. The castle was safe from Rowena, and Kaelyn wore the crystal, keeping her safe from Cain. It would be a good night’s sleep, even if he did sleep alone. He squeezed his eyes shut, but try as he might, his thoughts kept returning to the furious woman who slumbered a few feet away.

  * * * * *

  Kaelyn tossed and turned in her sleep. Her chest felt like it was being crushed by a huge boulder. Still dreaming, she tried to reach up, but her hands wouldn’t move. Panic set in. She screamed, but nothing came out.

  Her eyes burst open and found a pair of black eyes gazing down from only inches away. She couldn’t move. She knew those eyes. Hadn’t she asked him to come and get her?

  “C-Cain?” she choked out.

  “The one and only, mi croi,” he said leaning down and smelling the curve of her neck. He lightly ran his tongue down the side of her throat.

  “Kill me then,” Kaelyn demanded in a harsh whisper. “Isn’t that what you want?”

  “Nay. I realize what ye are doing with Alexander.” He pressed his face closer until his lips moved against her cheek when he talked. “Were ye planning on trapping me at the Sacred Door…at least when ye find it?” Kaelyn gritted her teeth, trying to pull out of his grip. “Ah, well I think ye should be punished for helping my enemy. How about I kill Alexander right now? Then, you’ll have no choice but to help me.”

  “Don’t you dare lay a finger on him,” she growled.

  Cain smiled dangerously. “Then maybe, we can agree on a truce?” He gently rubbed his forefinger down the curve of her neck, stopping in the valley between her breasts. He cupped one of her breasts.

  “I would never sleep with you!” she said vehemently.

  A twinkle shimmered in Cain’s dark eyes. “I can make ye want me so badly, ye wouldna ken what to do with yourself.” Cain swiftly bent down, pressing his mouth over Kaelyn’s. She fought with all her might, but within seconds, his kiss began to tingle like the most wondrous touch she’d ever felt. She opened her mouth to him, and next thing she knew, her hands clutched his head to her. He continued searching the inside of her mouth fiercely, as his hands began to run up her legs, sliding her night shirt with them.

  In the back of Kaelyn’s mind, she knew something was off. This felt so good, so freeing, but not “right”. The fog instantly cleared. She remembered this was only an illusion. This wasn’t real, at least these feelings weren’t.

  “Get off!” Kaelyn yelled pulling her hands free of him. It was like she was in another’s body. Her hands wanted to continue caressing him, run them down his chest, feel his taught muscles, but her mind wouldn’t comply.

  Cain pulled back still wearing the same smirk as if to say “told you so”. His eyes rove over her body, wanting, craving more, but he stopped, and leaned back. He forcibly pinned her arms to the bed when she went to lash out.

  “I’ll make a deal with ye,” Cain said out of breath.

  “I’ll never-“

��-hear me out.” Kaelyn narrowed her eyes up at him, letting him continue. “Ye were ready for me to kill ye tonight. I dinna want to kill ye. I want ye as my queen.” Kaelyn struggled in his grip. Cain quickly whispered into her ear. “You’re fierce, brave, and have the heart of a queen. Be mine. All ye have to do is continue to search for the door with Alexander. I willna touch one hair on his head. I’ll even make sure Rowena stays away.”

  “She’s too strong for you,” Kaelyn sneered.

  “Ah, mi croi,” Cain said huskily against her throat. “When will ye learn, no one’s powers surpass mine.”

  Kaelyn’s breath began to slow and a thought occurred. “And if I don’t agree to your deal….”

  Cain’s features turned hard and cold. “Then I kill Alexander where he lies, I make ye crave me for every second of eternity, and I might even sick Rowena on ye for fun.”

  Kaelyn stared up at the ceiling as her soon-to-be future sank in. She had to agree. And she’d agree to this crazy deal for one reason and one reason only. To make sure Alexander would never get hurt. She knew he was immortal, but Cain would eventually have the power to extinguish his life for good. It seemed he grew more powerful everyday. Was there no one to stop him? She’d spend eternity with Cain as long as she knew the one man she loved was safe.


  Kaelyn swallowed the lump in her throat. He’d never love her after he found out what deal she made with Cain.

  Kaelyn glanced up into Cain’s face. “What is your decision, Kaelyn?” he asked softly, staring at her mouth.

  “Let me get this straight,” she began. “I have to find the Sacred Door, while I’m guessing you follow us, you won’t ever hurt Alexander, plus, you’ll keep Rowena off our backs. And whenever you find whatever you’re looking for behind the door, I turn myself over to you.”


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