Immortal of My Heart

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Immortal of My Heart Page 18

by Unknown

  “For eternity,” he whispered.

  Kaelyn paused, knowing once she spoke, a door to her heart closed forever.

  “For eternity,” she whispered.

  Cain’s mouth curved up to one side. He leaned down covering her mouth in a hard kiss, one meaning to seal her future. “’Till we meet again, mi croi.” In a flash, Cain was suddenly walking back to the open window. He paused, glancing back over his shoulder at Kaelyn. “If ye tell Alexander any of this…I’ll take it as you’re breaking the deal. Then…all bets are off.” A cold breeze blew Kaelyn’s hair around her face. After she righted it, she realized she sat alone.

  Taking a deep breath, the knob on her closet door turned. “Kaelyn?” Alexander asked, peering over to her bed, “Are ye alright? I heard noises.”

  She swallowed. Every minute, she grew closer to an eternity of hell. “It was nothing.”

  Alexander’s expression turned grim. “Nay, lass. It was something,” he said quietly. The golden, serpent-headed dagger shimmered from the firelight in Alexander’s hand.

  Kaelyn glanced up at Alexander and realized he stared over to the window. Kaelyn followed his gaze. The curtains blew in the wind from the wide open window.

  Kaelyn swallowed. “I was hot,” she said, but her chattering teeth gave her away.

  “Did Cain get in?” he asked roughly. “Or was it Rowena?” Kaelyn shook her head.

  “Really, I’m fine. I needed some fresh air.”

  Alexander eyed her skeptically. “Ye keep the crystal on while ye sleep, right?” Kaelyn’s hand subconsciously went to the empty valley between her breasts. Alexander’s gaze followed her hand. “Ye do have the crystal?” he demanded.

  Kaelyn diverted her gaze. She would not cry, she would not cry. “I-.

  Alexander rushed over and gripped her shoulders. “Where is it?” he roared.

  Kaelyn pointed over to the blowing curtains. “I threw it out the window,” she said barely audible.

  Alexander leapt off the bed. “What in bloody hell do ye mean ye threw it out the window! I can never get another one! Why on earth would ye do that!” he demanded.

  “I’m only acting the part you wanted me to play,” she yelled back defensively. “I did it so you could catch Cain. Or is that not what being ‘bait’ means!”

  “Ye daft lass! That crystal was the only way to travel through time!” He cursed and headed toward the closet door. Right before he disappeared, she heard him yell, “Thank yourself, because now ye can never get home!”

  A sad smile crossed Kaelyn’s face. “Thanks,” she barely whispered, “but getting home was never an option.”

  * * * * *


  “Wow,” Jillian said as she buttered a thick slice of bread, “I can’t believe I’ve been here for nearly thirteen years.” Jillian glanced down at the other end of the table to Merrick, who gave her a lazy grin. Kaelyn smiled. Those two were definitely in love.

  Merrick cleared his throat and then looked over to their breakfast guest, “So, Kaelyn, when will ye be going back to the twenty-first century?”

  Kaelyn knew her face flushed. “Well, there’s a funny thing about that. You see, I lost the crystal-“

  -“More like she threw it away!” Alexander shouted as he stormed into the dining room.

  Kaelyn’s cheeks turned a brighter shade of red. Did the man never hear of being tactful! He embarrassed her beyond measure in front of her hosts, not to mention, the only woman who’d ever been nice to her. Thank God Jillian left the four kids up with the nanny.

  “Alexander,” Merrick said, stopping him in the middle of his tirade, “why dinna ye sit down and have something to eat?”

  “Aren’t ye going to ask?” Alexander roared from across the table at Kaelyn, ignoring Merrick. “Dinna ye want to ken if I found it?” He slammed the mud encrusted crystal on the table in front of him. “Because I did!”

  “Alexander, please,” Jillian said, “this is not the time nor the place for this-“

  -“It most definitely is!” he roared.

  “Friend or no,” Merrick shouted, standing abruptly, “ye’ll not yell at my wife. Jillian, let’s leave them to speak privately-“

  -“No,” Kaelyn said placing her napkin on the table. She glared at Alexander. “I find I’ve suddenly lost my appetite. You two finish your breakfasts. Excuse me.” Kaelyn quietly rose and walked out of the room holding her head high. Her pace picked up when she hit the corridor. She would’ve began running, if a large arm hadn’t wrapped around her waist.

  “Let go of me!” Kaelyn yelled.

  “Nay!” Alexander growled. “I have to stay with ye, or did ye forget ye dinna have the crystal. I’ll be holding onto it from now on. Ye have no option but to stay by my side!”

  “I’ll take my chances with Cain!” she sneered. “I’m not staying close to you!”

  Alexander pressed Kaelyn up against the stone corridor wall. “Aye, ye are!”

  Kaelyn fought against his hold. “You’re not my husband, you’re not my boyfriend, and you’re certainly not my friend! You have no hold over me!”

  Alexander narrowed his eyes. He stilled. He continued holding onto Kaelyn, but the changed look in his eye scared her. His jaw ticked. He appeared to be making a decision.

  Without warning, Alexander pulled back and tugged Kaelyn down the corridor, still gripping her arm. “What are you doing!” Kaelyn demanded. “I’m sorry for throwing it out the window, okay! You found the crystal,” she said nervously. “It doesn’t matter anymore!” Kaelyn persisted to fight, digging in her heels, but Alexander continued swiftly down the corridor.

  When they arrived at the foot of the winding staircase, Alexander spun around and scooped Kaelyn up, throwing her over his shoulder. “Put me down!” she screamed, pounding on his back. What had gotten into him? Nothing phased him. The screaming, kicking, pounding, nothing stopped him. He had a mission and was determined to follow through to the end.

  Kaelyn finally went limp over his shoulder, deciding it didn’t matter what she did. He could make her go where ever he wanted her to. She watched the upstairs corridor floor pass by as she swayed limply over Alexander’s shoulder. He stopped.

  “What are you planning on doing?” Kaelyn asked warily, noticing they stopped in front of Alexander’s bedroom door.

  Alexander ignored her, opening his door, and kicking it shut behind him. He strode over to his bed, dropping her down in the middle of it. In quick jagged movements, he began unbuckling his belt. He threw it to the floor. His dagger, boots, and the plaid he had worn over his shoulder followed. Kaelyn’s mouth opened as she watched Alexander untie his tunic and pull it over his head, exposing his hard, chiseled torso.

  She was going to argue, but then she couldn’t remember about what. Alexander’s fingers began untying the laces on his breeches as he gazed fiercely at Kaelyn. Kaelyn gulped. The man was definitely on a mission. A gasp escaped her when his breeches dropped to the floor.

  Alexander, completely naked, climbed up on the bed, crawling toward Kaelyn. He resembled a beast stalking its prey. Kaelyn scooted backwards, but her skirts were pinned under his knee, trapping her.

  Kaelyn’s breathing increased as Alexander straddled her. She tried to make herself not want what he was so ready to give, but she craved his touch. She yearned to mean something more than just a means to catching Cain. Kaelyn braced herself up on her elbows as he leaned down and nuzzled her neck. He placed light kisses along the arch of her neck, while he ran a large hand down the side of her face. He stared intently at her for a moment, almost as if he wished her to yell at him, demand he get off of her. Kaelyn’s mouth opened and her body demanded something else. Something only Alexander could give.

  Alexander seemed to have come to a decision. He slowly pressed her back down on the bed as his mouth covered hers. His hungry kiss intensified and soon, his tongue began probing her mouth, deeper, and deeper.

  Kaelyn’s hands reached up as she sighed with
pleasure and began rubbing his neck and winding her fingers in his silky hair. Before she knew what had happened, a rip sounded and cool air tingled across her breasts. She glanced down, realizing Alexander had ripped her dress right down the middle.

  He pulled away, sitting back on his heels with Kaelyn lying under him. He gazed down at her exposed breasts with a look of longing. Before crushing his mouth to her firm breasts, he growled out in desire. His tongue swirled around one delectable nipple as his hand gently squeezed her other breast.

  Sounds of pleasure escaped Kaelyn. She couldn’t ever remember feeling this good with a man before. A heated thirst grew in the apex of her legs as she brought them up, only to wrap around Alexander. Alexander growled and switched breasts, suckling the other earnestly. He ran his hands down her sides, stopping at her waist, searching underneath her torn gown.

  Another tear sounded and Kaelyn knew he had rent the dress completely in half. The cool air walked tiny fingers over her most sensitive place. Alexander’s breath turned ragged as he ran his hands down her abdomen and over each thigh. He pulled back as Kaelyn’s hands dropped to the bed. Sitting back, he fixated his gaze down at the golden blonde curls between her legs.

  “Magnificent,” he said breathlessly, before slowly running his gaze up the length of her torso, stopping at her face. He stared at her…waiting. Kaelyn knew he wouldn’t make “the move” until she gave him a sign. She slowly reached out to him.

  That was all the invitation Alexander needed. He lowered his body until his throbbing shaft rested against her moist, intimate heat. He began rubbing his erection against her, creating a want in Kaelyn more than any she’d ever known. He lowered his demanding mouth over hers at the same time he drove himself into Kaelyn, filling her completely.

  Kaelyn gasped, but Alexander’s mouth swallowed any sound. She began moving her lower body in a frenzied fervor as he rocked back and forth inside her. As his movements grew frantic and more demanding, Kaelyn pressed down to meet his every upward thrust. She threw back her head, crying out, as a dizzy explosion of feeling erupted deep inside her. She couldn’t move while the exquisite sensations finished passing through her.

  Alexander drove into her one last time as his splendid body shuddered. He spilled himself into her with a husky groan and lowered his body, covering hers with his. He rested his head in-between her shoulder and neck, placing a light kiss along the sensitive skin.

  Kaelyn brought her hand up and ran it through his hair, over and over. Their breathing began to slow. After a few minutes of complete silence, Alexander pushed himself up, leaning on his forearms, and looked down at Kaelyn.

  “Now, you’re mine, lass. Ye’ll stay close by and listen to me.” It was more of a statement than a question. After she only stared at him, he made a tight nod and lay back down to the side of her. He pressed another soft kiss on her shoulder.

  Kaelyn slowly turned to her side as he pulled her close, keeping her back tight against his chest. Her eyes began to water and she hoped he wouldn’t see. Now, he’d really hate her. She would never be his. She was already promised to another. A man who would make good on his word and extinguish the life out of Alexander if she disobeyed. As much as she wanted this to be a reoccurring sport between her and Alexander, she’d have to be done after this one and only time. It would only be harder and harder to leave him when this journey came to an end.

  And leave him she would.

  * * * * *

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take more food with you?” Jillian asked, holding another basket out to Alexander.

  Alexander walked over to Jillian and slowly lowered the offering. “Jillian lass, we’ll be back on the morrow. And if ye dinna remember, I do ken how to hunt.” Jillian smiled, glancing at her husband as a blush crept up her cheeks.

  Merrick took a step forward from his wife’s side and clapped Alexander on the back. “Remember what I told ye, ye’ll get more from the old hag using honey.”

  Alexander nodded, turning to Kaelyn who stood off to the side. “Let’s go.”

  “Be safe!” Jillian shouted as her husband pulled her close and wrapped an arm around her waist.

  Kaelyn jumped up on the horse Alexander had picked from Merrick’s stable. The dark chocolate gelding had a black mane and tail, which swished back and forth. The horse was used to many different riders, for it didn’t whinny, or try to move away. Once Kaelyn had mounted, she grabbed the reins, adjusted her position, and looked up at Alexander who eagerly waited for the sign she was ready. She waved to Merrick and Jillian one last time before she and Alexander headed out of the courtyard and down the long, dirt road that exited Merrick’s land.

  Shortly after turning onto a main road, Alexander picked up the pace to a fast gallop. He glanced back over his shoulder at Kaelyn and noticed the big grin on her face as the wind blew through her hair, whipping it wildly around her face. She must have felt his gaze and she looked up at him with that same big smile.

  He wanted to think that smile was for him. He thought back to earlier that morning, when he had entered her so completely. She was his now. But for how long? He returned his gaze back to the long road ahead of him. Could he let her go when this was over? He would live forever, but would it be too much to ask if she would stay with him? He’d take care of her until the end, when she grew old and wrinkled…turned to dust.

  Alexander clenched his jaw. If only he had met Kaelyn before Deirdre. Why? The voice in his head asked. Are you admitting you love her? Admitting Kaelyn’s your soul mate? He had made the mistake of falling in love before, which led to his ruined existence. Then again, he had nothing left to lose. Alexander clenched his teeth. He didn’t know what she was to him, or what he wanted her to be.

  Kaelyn felt the wind blow against her face and she felt the muscles of the horse move beneath her. If she closed her eyes, she could almost believe she was back home, in the wilderness of Colorado, riding Northern Sky.

  She slowed her horse, following Alexander’s lead. Ah, Alexander. How was she going to leave him? It seemed that ever since they joined bodies, his demeanor had changed. Did she genuinely make him happy? Or was it just the release of having sex? She knew he hadn’t been with a woman since she came into the picture. Even with Deirdre, she was positive he had never searched her out while she was around.

  Alexander slowed his horse until Kaelyn rode next to him. “We’ll stop up ahead for a bite to eat,” he said, pointing up ahead to a meadow off the side of the road. “We should make it to the hag’s cottage by evening.”

  Kaelyn stared up into Alexander’s gaze. He had the prettiest golden flecked eyes. Alexander cleared his throat trotting forward, leaving Kaelyn to follow him once again.

  She steered her horse off to the side, tagging along, behind Alexander. He stopped at a cluster of red, leafy bushes. Alexander waited by the side of her horse and reached up to help her down. She went into his arms as he slowly lowered her from the horse. When she felt her toes touch the ground, he continued holding her. He looked down into her face and lightly stroked the hair out of her eyes.

  Kaelyn became breathless. Her lips parted. Alexander paused. More than anything, he wanted to cover her sweet mouth and make love in the meadow with the purple heather surrounding them, but they had to make the cottage by evening. The old hag lived in the village of Gunn. Merrick had told them there were many inns built in Gunn in which they could stay for the night. Out here, was no place to sleep soundly. Rowena and Cain could appear at any minute.

  Abruptly, he released her and turned to his saddle, pulling out a small leather pouch. “Over here,” he said, walking over to a large oak tree. He spread out his plaid and sat down, leaning his back against the tree. He gestured over to Kaelyn when she continued to stand by her horse.

  Kaelyn watched Alexander as he opened the leather pouch, pulling out two meat pies, some cheese, and brown, crusty bread. She sat down next to him and gladly took her rations. They ate quietly and both glanced out over the heathe
r filled meadow, when the sounds of children playing caught their attention.

  Two boys played off in the distance chasing each other and laughing. A tiny cottage sat behind them with smoke billowing out of the chimney. How simple a child’s life was, well, most children, she thought bitterly as her horrible childhood memories popped up in her head. She shook those memories out of her thoughts, focusing on the two boys who now rolled on the ground, tickling each other, and laughing hysterically. Kaelyn couldn’t resist smiling.

  Alexander watched the two children play. Out of the corner of his eye he glanced at Kaelyn. A sad smile crossed her face as she intently watched the lads play. Suddenly, she glanced down at one of her hands. A brown furry spider crawled over it. Nonchalantly, Kaelyn flicked it off her hand, and then continued to eat her meager meal.

  One corner of Alexander’s mouth bent up. “You’re definitely not like any other lass I’ve kenned.”

  Kaelyn quickly glanced at Alexander, realizing he had watched her. “I know,” she said quietly.

  “I meant it as a good thing!” Alexander said lightly, nudging her knee. They both became quiet again as the children’s mother called the two boys inside. “You’d be a good mother,” Alexander said, seeing where she gazed.

  “Thanks.” She glanced back out over the meadow, taking a bite of meat pie. “Did you ever want kids?” she asked quietly.

  “Mayhap, if I had found the right woman,” he said, his voice becoming husky.

  “Deirdre wasn’t the right woman.”

  Alexander stared at Kaelyn, undressing her beneath his gaze. “Nay, she wasn’t.”

  “I’m sorry you found out the way you did,” Kaelyn said softly. Alexander looked at her questioningly. “Um, Ethol told me some of the story,” Kaelyn answered.


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