The Laws of Kings

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The Laws of Kings Page 24

by Jennifer Loren

  “I want whoever is responsible for this to be dealt with immediately. Find them! Do you all understand me?” Michael announces to his entourage of people. They all scramble around him talking about how to make this happen. “I can’t believe they would attack my innocent wife like that, a cop even.” Michael turns back to Austin holding her hand, “I am so sorry Baby, this is my fault I’m sure. Whoever is responsible for this was obviously doing it to get back at me. I am sorry to tell you this, but I can’t have my wife put in this kind of danger anymore. You are going to have to quit.”

  “No! No why? I can handle myself, this is a part of the job, it has nothing to do with you. It was about the runaway I told you about. I found him and they followed me somehow and took him and me to see what I knew”

  “Austin they didn’t need to take you and you know it. They took you to get back at me, so it has everything to do with me and I am sorry, but even your captain agrees, you could put your own partner in jeopardy. No other cop wants to work with you.”

  “Aaron would.”

  “And you want to put your own brother at risk? That’s selfish. Honey, take some time away for a little while and then we will revisit the idea of you going back or maybe you can do something else that’s fun and safer for you. Maybe you can help me with my campaign I would really like to have you at my side at these campaign stops. My speeches could be so much better if I have someone beautiful to stare at while I make them.” She smiles a weak smile and nods. “Wonderful, okay let’s get you checked out of here and home.”

  Austin looks up at me touching her lips and I give her a smile with a wink. She leans back into bed with a sigh. It’s time to go, I walk out of her room only to be chased down by her brother.

  “Dace wait up please!” I stop and wait for him trying to think of the answers to his questions before he can ask them but when he reaches me he seems to not want to know the answers any more than I want to tell him. “I had in my head what I wanted to say to you, but now I am not so sure. I do want to say thank you, I don’t know how you found her, but thank you.” I nod and wait in silence as he breathes in deep. “You’re the guy she’s in love with aren’t you?” I stop breathing. “Don’t worry I won’t say anything. I should have known. I guess I’m not as great of a detective as I thought. Anyway, thanks and if you ever need anything let me know, I owe you one.” I nod and shake his hand.

  “Actually Aaron, I’m curious, who knew where Austin was meeting that kid today?”

  “As far as we know only Jamee, they must have been already following Austin because I don’t know how else they would have known. Jamee would never betray Austin like that, she’s a pain in the ass, but she is loyal to Austin, like a sister.”

  “Right, like a sister, so I’m sure she wouldn’t.” I say, considering a new tactic to handle Jamee.

  I show up at Jamee’s door ready and willing to do whatever I have to, to protect Austin. She opens the door in next to nothing. “I knew you would show.”

  I walk in looking around the room, “So where do you want to start?” I ask her and she smiles wide. “Oh but I have one question first. Who are you working for? Ettore? Michael? Who?”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” She says standing back from me.

  “You set your partner up to be killed today.”

  “You’re crazy, I would never do that.” She snaps at me.

  “No, you would just inform to whoever you’re working for her every move.” She stands in front of me with a smug look.

  “You should realize by now, that once Austin gets something in her head she won’t let it go until she resolves it. I tried to deter her, but she wouldn’t let it go and you know as well as I do what can happen when you go too far and run into the wrong people.”

  “Yeah I do, I also know what can happen when you threaten the wrong people and hurt the people they love.”

  “Oh yeah, well no matter what happened to Austin, your brother will still be very upset to hear what you two had been doing behind his back. Considering what is going on in your family right now, I wouldn’t think he would hesitate to kill you or someone else you love, for your betrayal.” She wiggles back and leans over a table showing off her body openly to me. “Our original deal stands if you care about your own life and Antony’s.”

  I laugh with a smile, “Threatening my brother now? That was the worst thing you could have done. By the way, Austin is alive and safe.” Jamee’s confident expression changes dramatically. “Yeah she knows it was you, but no need to worry, I’ll take care of you.” I pull my gun from my coat and shoot her dead in the face. “Nice knowing you Bitch.”

  Chapter 28


  I wake up this morning to a call from Antony, “Hey Dace wake up, I need you today.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I have decided to make an announcement to the media about being gay and Dad and Michael are going to stand at my side while I do it.” He says proudly.

  “Antony, that doesn’t sound like a good idea? Why didn’t you talk to me about this before you decided?”

  “I don’t have to tell you everything Dace, I can make decisions on my own too.”

  “I know that, but this seems like a big one, one that I’m not sure you should do.”

  “Why? Because it means I don’t need you anymore, that I have support from someone else in the family? Like our own father, which you have always wanted to please yourself.”

  “That’s not it at all, I just wish you would have …”

  “Why can’t you just be happy for me Dace?”

  “I am Antony.”

  “Good, then that means you will be at the press conference too right? Standing at my side with the rest of our family?”

  “Sure if that’s what you want?”

  “I do.” Antony exhales happily, “Thank you, this is going to be a great moment just you wait and see. Dace, make sure you dress for the conference, otherwise, you might have to stand in the back with the spectators.” Antony laughs.

  “Cute, I’ll do my best to be presentable for you.”

  “Thanks Dace.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” I am happy for him but nervous all at the same time. Before I can get ready to go, Ettore comes by and pushes the buzzer to come into the building. Security must be on break. I click on the speaker which annoys him immensely, “Who’s there?” I ask laughing at his annoyed expression.

  “Your fucking brother dumbass. I want to talk to you about our father.” Ettore creaks out through coughs.

  “Yeah, what about him?”

  “Just let me in!” He yells at me. I let him in and open my front door for him to come into my place and have to laugh again when he passes me with a huff.

  “Okay Sunshine, what is it you need to tell me?”

  “I have been doing some digging and found out some things I think you should know. But first off our father needs to be taken down. He’s not making wise decisions these days. He’s being horribly misguided by Michael.”

  Shaking my head, I respond. “Ettore, I’ll talk to the old man for you if you want, not that I think it matters. He is going to end up letting you have it because who else is there to give it to? Do what you want with it already and don’t worry about …”

  “I am not concerned with you or Antony. What I am worried about is Father getting me into a war that I can’t win with Michael.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The Aksakovs. Michael is making a deal with them to have us all killed. He’s using you to distract me while he arranges to have me, you, and Antony killed and hands over the keys to what’s left over to them. Don’t tell me Michael doesn’t want it. He may not care about the business, but he does care about the name and the power. He gets off on it, and if you would open your damn eyes, you would realize that.”

  I stare at him, looking for any sign of deception. “How in the hell would you ever expect me to believe that bullshit?”
r />   “Think about it, Dace. He wants nothing more than to have a clean slate and develop this family into the next Kennedys. How am I the only one that sees that?”

  “You’re paranoid.”

  “Am I? Open your fucking eyes, Dace! Ever since you have been back, you have had one foot out the door, ready to take off again. You’re so concerned about getting out of here that you don’t even realize what’s happening right in front of you. You think I don’t know that Father is meeting with you? Hell, he’s meeting with Antony too. He’s the one that got him to call you back here, to make it easier on Michael. You know Antony. He would do anything to get Father to pay attention to him, make him feel loved. Not that you’re much different. You both have been gone so long that you only remember what you want to remember. Michael is not who you think he is. He was the one to send the cops after you for Olsen’s death. I found out about it and sent you away for your own protection. I’m not sure why, but he is suddenly desperate to get rid of you, and quickly.”

  I turn away from him, considering what he is saying, and if it’s true, then Michael still suspects me and Austin are together. “Why are you telling me this Ettore?”

  “Oh, trust me, I don’t have to. I could have went ahead and let him kill you. One less brother to worry about stabbing you in the back, but ever since you have been back, you have impressed me. You are worth saving, Dace.”

  “And Antony?”

  “I respect you enough to give you the information. Do what you want with it. I like the kid. I won’t harm him. I have no reason to, but if you want to keep him alive, you better stop him from doing that favor for Michael today.” I stare at him hard. “Ah… you’re starting to understand, aren’t you?” Ettore looks at his watch and back up at me. “You don’t have much time there baby brother.”

  I rush out of the house and jump on my bike, trying to call Antony, but he won’t answer. My heart is pounding, and my mind is racing. I pull up on the crowd of press in front of the LBGT Rights city headquarters and instantly begin searching for a way to get to him. I spot the group making their way towards the makeshift stage. “Antony!” I yell at him. He turns and looks at me confused, but only for a second. He’s my brother, and we know each other better than anyone. Just as I had hoped, I don’t have to say a word. He takes a step back while I jump off my bike and run towards him. “Antony get down!” I yell as I spot the car driving towards us and realize my whole family is here, even Austin. Everything I care about is right here and in danger. I take out my gun and fire at the car that is now spraying bullets towards the stage. The attackers come in strong, aiming right for where Antony is, and then another car comes from another direction, heading directly for me. I find cover and look up to see Austin reaching for me. Michael comes after her and looks back at me briefly. He doesn’t hesitate to get her safely out of harm’s way, giving me the opportunity to concentrate on getting Antony out of here. “Antony!”

  “Dace,” I hear him softly call for me.

  “Antony, where are you?”

  “Here!” he yells painfully. I work my way towards him, firing as necessary. I manage to find him, bleeding and wounded. I check him over. Can you walk?” He nods. “Where’s your Glock?”

  “Michael said to leave it in my car because it wouldn’t look right to the media,” Antony says, holding onto me as I help him up.

  “You’re getting out of here now.” Taking hold of Antony’s jacket, I drag him along with me while trying to maneuver through the onslaught being directed at us. I make it to a door and kick at the base to try and get someone’s attention to open it. “Open the damn door!” I yell, kicking and screaming until someone finally unlocks and pushes it open for us. Austin reaches out and helps bring Antony in while I cover us until we get the door closed and locked. I check Antony’s wound and realize my father and Michael have been safely hiding inside. “Where were you?”

  “Dace, calm down. Everyone is fine, and the cops are handling it now,” Michael says.

  “You left him out there by himself with no way to defend himself!” I yell at the bastard.

  “I was trying to protect my wife and my father. I thought he was right behind me. I didn’t realize he wasn’t until we were already in here. I was working on a way to get to him, but then I saw you with him, and I knew you could help him. It’s not my fault he got caught in the middle of the people targeting me.”

  “Not you! Antony was the one being targeted today, and me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Why would they target Antony, or you? Neither of you are running for office.”

  “Oh shut up, Michael. Not everyone cares about your race to the fucking White House!” I scream at him.

  “What is going on with you, Dace?”

  “Ettore told me what was going to happen. He told me you were setting up Antony. Why, so he can be your cause? Guilt people into voting for you because of your dead, gay brother who died coming out to the world with you at his side,” I say, dramatizing every word clearly to him.

  Michael looks me over, shaking his head as if he is insulted at my accusation.

  “Dace, I wanted to do this. I am the one that suggested it. My counselor said I needed to finally let go of being scared to admit it fully to my family. When I told Michael about it, he said he would be at my side only if I wanted him to be. He didn’t ask me to do this,” Antony says, putting a hand on my shoulder and trying to calm me down.

  “Yeah? Then who did? Who put this idea into your head?” I ask, looking over at my father who eyes me carefully.

  “Ettore is messing with your head. I guarantee you,” my father says to me.

  “What he says makes sense though Father.”

  “And what did he say?” Antony asks, struggling with his wound.

  “He said that Michael is working with the Aksakovs to kill us, to help Michael have a clean slate for his path to political greatness, and that Michael has Father fooled. He is making him think that Ettore is up to everything and that we are only getting caught in the crossfire.”

  Michael laughs, looking back at our father, shaking his head. “Are you kidding me? Why in the world would you ever believe that bullshit?” Michael steps to me and grabs my face. “Listen, baby brother, you have got to stop believing everyone is out to get you. You have to trust someone at some point. How you could possibly believe that I or Father would set something up to kill our own family is beyond me. I’m going to go talk to the police and see if we can help catch these fucks.”

  There are deep sighs all around as I stare down at the floor, trying to catch my breath. Michael helps Antony up and to a waiting ambulance with Austin following after, but my father stays. “Have you been lying to me? Did you set me up?” I ask him.

  “I always do what is best for my family, and if knowing that you still believe I would kill my own, then so be it. I doubt I could ever convince you otherwise with nothing more to defend myself than words.”

  “You could at least try!”

  “I told you he wanted you and he would do everything he could to find your weakness, find that person that you love so much that you would give your own life for. He’s playing you like a violin, and you’re letting him. I told you. He likes to make sure he can control everyone, and he just figured out how to control you.” My father swears under his breath and walks out. I chase after him.

  “You don’t give a damn about anyone but yourself! You don’t try to defend yourself because you know you can’t, and you don’t care enough about me to try. You’re the one that set this display up. You’re the one that talked Antony into doing this, and you’re the one that benefits if Michael wins the governor’s office. Ettore doesn’t stand to benefit from any of it; he has no reason to risk his men to pull off what happened today. He has no reason to bother, and if he did, why would he tell me?”

  “To convince you to turn your back on me.” My father smiles arrogantly.

  “You mean like you did to me and Antony?”
He stares at me in silence. “You act like family is everything when it only means something to you when you can gain something from it.”

  “Like I said, believe what you want, Dace. Just make sure before you choose a side that you know all the facts; otherwise, you might choose the wrong one,” he says, walking away from me without another word said.

  Antony is well-drugged now as he lies in his hospital bed. Michael is out talking to the press about his goals and desires to bring people to justice. I’m afraid to leave my brother’s side. Michael was right; I don’t trust anyone, but why should I?

  “Are you okay?” Austin asks, peeking in shyly from the doorway.

  “I’m fine. I wasn’t shot this time.”

  “This time.” She seems to be trying to make a point, but I am not taking the bait. “Someone killed my partner.” I give her nothing more than a glance. “I guess I should be more broken up about it, but I am pretty sure she is the one that set me up to be killed in the first place. No one would have believed me if I had ever accused her before, but they do believe that she did now. For some reason, she stupidly left out her bank account information which shows a lot of money going in and one sizeable payment made the same day Nelson and I were taken.”

  “Doesn’t sound good.”

  “No, it doesn’t. I guess I am lucky someone killed her before she killed me.” Austin moves near me and runs her fingers through my hair, and I can take the tension no longer. I turn and welcome her arms around me. “I love you, Dace.” Words that sound so beautiful coming out of her mouth it is almost as if she sang them to me.

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  We quickly let go of each other when we hear Michael coming. “Austin, Honey, we need to go. I want to be home before Sage goes to bed.” She nods as he takes her hand. “Actually, could you wait for me outside? I want to talk to Dace alone.”

  “Okay.” Austin’s worried expression looks pitiful. I wonder if she is worried about leaving with Michael in a bad mood or worried for me dealing with Michael.


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