The Laws of Kings

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The Laws of Kings Page 25

by Jennifer Loren

  “What do you need, Michael?” I say, moving in between Antony and him.

  “I feel like you don’t trust me with my own brother?” Michael accuses.

  “I’m not feeling very trusting these days.”

  “I don’t know what has gotten into you lately, but for you not to trust me, me, of all people, is outrageous.”

  “Why did you tell Antony to leave his gun in the car?” I ask him point blank.

  “Because it doesn’t look very good to the press to have your supposed straight and narrow brother carrying a gun at his side. We were there to make a great impression, remember?” Michael hisses at me as if I have crossed a line. “We are trying to go legit and …”

  “And get you elected. Yes, I remember.”

  Michael sighs, seeming to search for the right thing to say to me. “I guess that means you’re not going to leave here anytime soon?” I shake my head. “Fine, then there is no reason for me to hire any guards for him then?”

  “Your guards? No. We don’t need them. Thanks anyway.”

  He looks me over for some reason before nodding and checking on Antony. “Oh, and Father will be here soon to check on Antony too. Please try to get along and not start anything with him while he is here.”

  “I’ll try, but I can’t make any promises.”

  “You need to trust me, Dace. Everything I have done I have done for you and Antony’s best interest. That’s why I am doing all of this, so you, Antony, Sage, and any other children that might come along won’t have to go through what Ettore and I have had to deal with. I will not apologize for trying to protect you.”

  “I can protect myself now, Michael. Trust that.” Michael’s attitudes changes as he takes a step back from my hardened chest. It’s as if he only just now realized I am no longer his ‘little’ brother.

  “Alright, I’ll let you calm down. It’s been a pretty rough day for us all, but we need to get this worked out. I love you, Dace. I don’t want bad blood between us like there is between me and Ettore.” I don’t say a word as he walks away, meeting Austin in the hallway with a kiss before taking her hand and leaving.

  “You look like a lost puppy,” Antony says.

  “What are you doing awake? You should be resting.”

  “How can anyone get any sleep around here with all the drama? If I wasn’t gay, I would be really annoyed by it,” he laughs. “So tell me what’s really going on. Who are we supposed to trust, and don’t lie to me because you know I can tell when you are.”

  “I honestly don’t know, Antony, but someone is trying to kill us, and I am pretty sure it is our own family. The problem is, I am just not sure who or why.”

  “Is there something I can do to help figure that out?”

  “Yeah. I need you to leave town and locate some friends of mine and tell them I need their help. Otherwise, I don’t think I am ever going to leave this city again, not alive.”

  Chapter 29


  I spend every second I can at Antony’s side until he is ready to check out. Once he does, I send him to a safe place and give him instructions on how to get a hold of my friends and tell them I need their help. It’s not going to be easy for him to get a hold of them. The email I set up for them is only accessed when they are looking for their next job. If they are in the middle of one, it could be months before they check it again. In the meantime, I have to figure out who is out to get me and who isn’t.

  My father shows up at his usual rendezvous spot, but he looks none too happy to be here. “Thank you for coming.”

  “It seemed important enough,” he says coolly. “So have you calmed down and realized that I’m not trying to kill you and Antony, who has suddenly disappeared. Hiding from his own father. Ridiculous.”

  “It’s not ridiculous. Someone close to us is trying to kill us. If not you, then who? Ettore? Why would he wait until now? Why protect me all this time just to kill me? No, there is something not making sense about all this, and I have a feeling you know what’s missing.” He looks away from me, sighing deeply.

  “Your mother. It’s all your mother’s fault. If she had been able to be faithful to me, then none of this would be happening.”

  “What are you saying? Did you have her killed?” I say, choking on the last words as if they knotted up in my throat.

  “I wanted to know who he was, and she refused to tell us. I wanted to know who was my son and who wasn’t.”

  I take a step back from him, suddenly understanding the separation between us all. “I’m not your son.” He stares at me from the corner of his eyes. “When did you know?” He shakes his head. “When did you know?!” I scream at him.

  “When Antony became sick and had to go to the hospital. Your mother was away at the time, and I didn’t want her to worry, so I tried to handle it on my own. They were afraid he wouldn’t get better, that the illness would take over his little body and destroy his kidneys. I thought it best to be prepared and had myself tested to be a donor for him, but I was not a match. I wasn’t even close. After that, I had all my sons tested and discovered I only have two sons, legitimately. Your father is unknown since she refused to talk. I only wanted his name. I didn’t ask for anything more to happen. I tried to have her followed and find out that way, but she must have stopped seeing him or it was one of her guards.”

  I stand back, looking at the monster who caused my mother’s death. “You slaughtered her and would have killed us. We were only kids. If Antony had not left with me that night… you are truly …”

  “Don’t say that. I loved you both, and I would have never allowed what happened. Something went wrong, and no one knows who was to blame because all the participants that we know of were either killed or killed themselves before they would tell me everything. I allowed them into my home to scare her into confessing, but they used my trust to destroy me. I loved her …”

  “Don’t act like you deserve to be pitied after what you have done. And you know damn well one of them is still alive, Rowen Rodecker.”

  “I don’t know who you are talking about. I have never heard that name before.”

  “Rowen Rodecker, the man with the steel toed boots? The man with the skull and cross bones engraved on the metal so he can leave it imprinted into your skin when he kicks you to death.” My father looks at me as if I have lost my mind; he clearly has no idea who I am talking about.

  “Dace, I promise you, I expect nothing from you, but yes, I would love to get your forgiveness. I have tried every day since to make it up to you both. I have protected you both like you were my own. No matter what you think, I fell in love with you the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

  “Oh, well thank you so much for not throwing the orphans out on the street after you had their mother slaughtered. How gracious you are.”

  “I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I am telling you the truth. Someone changed the orders to have your mother, Antony, and you killed. All I know is they were going to use you both to force your mother into telling them who your father was, but they couldn’t find you. So she had no reason to confess, and I’m sure she was expecting me home at any time to save her.”

  “I’m sure she was. Why wouldn’t she expect her husband to help her rather than order her execution?”

  “I gave her plenty of opportunities to confess to me, and if she had only told me who he was then she would have never been put through that. I did not want to lose her. I loved her, and I know she loved me. We ran into some rough times, and we became distant for a time.” He fists his hands out in front of him. “Things were getting better, but I had to know who he was and rid him from our lives so we could move on.” He looks up at me. “Don’t shake your head at me. You know damn well I cared for you and your brother as I would have if you were mine.”

  “If you didn’t order my mother’s execution, then who did, Father?”

  “I’m not sure, but I have a guess. I have always thought it was Ettore who changed the or
der. He and Michael both were well old enough to understand what was happening around them. They heard the arguments, and I’m sure they understood why there was such a gap in between Ettore and you. Michael wanted to protect you, and Ettore hated you both, well hated everyone most of the time. Michael talked me into sending you away to your aunt’s because Ettore asked him to help kill you. We were sure he would find a way. What was I to do? Punish my son for his anger, when I was the one that caused it? He was only reflecting my emotions. I couldn’t bring your mother back, but I could protect my sons and hers and try to bring them together one day. But it seems that’s not going to happen.”

  “So Michael and Ettore know that we are only half-brothers?” He nods. “And did you ever find out who my father was?” He looks away from me with a slight cringing at the corner of his eyes and I realize he does know.

  “Dace, don’t do anything stupid,” Michael yells, running up on us from out of nowhere.

  He grabs hold of me for no reason, “Let go of me.” I break from him, staring at them both. “How did you know we were here, Michael?” I ask as I look over at our father who seems just as shocked as I am.

  “I followed him. I have been worried about him since the attack. He hasn’t been making a lot of sense lately. I’m worried about you, Father. Your mind isn’t what it used to be. He has been inventing stories. I can’t imagine what he has told you, Dace. I think it’s time we talk about putting you in a safe, secure place for your own protection, Father,” Michael says. My father suddenly retreats from us.

  “Where are you going? You owe me a name!” I yell after him as he begins to run to his car. “Who is my father?!”

  “Dace, get down!” Michael dives on top of me and pushes me to the ground as a car drives by and begins shooting.

  “No!” I scream as I watch my father take on bullet after bullet before finally falling to the ground. Once the car is gone, I race to his side and pick up his head. “I only wanted to please you, do good so you would want me home, but you never called me home. No matter how good of grades I got, no matter how well I did in sports, none of it mattered, you never wanted me. At least tell me who my father is, you owe that much.”

  He stares at me and reaches out to place his bloody hand on my face. “I did already.” He gasps gripping my hand until he dies.

  My own body becomes limp until I see Michael lying on the ground. “Michael!”

  I race to his side as he cringes. “Motherfucker, I swear this hurts like a son of a bitch.” He holds his shoulder as blood gushes from it.

  “Hold on. I’ll call for an ambulance.”

  “I didn’t want him to tell you, Dace.”

  “I should have been told a long time ago.”

  “Maybe. He was wrong for what he did, but he did love you Dace, and so do I. Please don’t let what he did push you away. You and Antony are the only family I truly have. Damn, I told him to stop sneaking out without guards, especially after the ambush the other day.”

  “Just be still, Michael. We can talk later.” He sits back, seeming somewhat comforted by me not leaving his side and not forcing him to let go of my hand. How can I argue with him when he just risked his life to save mine?

  I’m back at the hospital, signing papers for my father when he isn’t really my father. Michael managed to get shot in the right place and should recover easily from his wound. He asked me to stay with him, although I don’t know why. His entourage showed up soon after we arrived and haven’t left his side for a minute. I really don’t want to be here. I’m not sure where I want to be though. I can’t think of anywhere that would feel like home except with … sigh.

  “I want to make a statement from the hospital so I can thank them for being so helpful in my recovery. Let’s also have a picture of my father available to distribute to the press. Dace, do you mind describing the events for everyone? In your own words, of course,” Michael asks with his arm in a sling and apparently no loss of energy.

  “I’m not really the speech giving type of person, Michael.”

  “It’s easy. If you want, we can have something written up for you to say.”

  “I got to go.” I walk out with my head down and run right into Austin.

  “Are you okay? When they said a Colletto had been killed, I was afraid …”

  “No, it was my father or, as it turns out, the man who pretended to be my father all these years.”


  “Before he died, my father confessed that Antony and I are bastard children from a man my mother was having an affair with. Oh and that he was the one who gave the order to have her killed. Oh, no, I’m sorry, he actually said that he only wanted to scare her into telling who her lover was but someone changed the order to have not only my mother killed but Antony and I too. I think he was trying to tell me that one of my brothers wants me dead, only I am not entirely sure which one.” Austin focuses on me with so much concern in her eyes that I begin to calm. “Don’t look at me that way. I don’t want to calm down. I want to stay angry.”


  “Because if I stay angry then the truth won’t hurt so much,” I confess.

  Austin places a hand on my face. “Oh Dace, it’s not fair, I know. I wish I could say something to make it better.”

  I look her over once and then look away. “Michael is in there, but he is busy planning his next press statement.” She sighs exhaustively, and I give her a quick glance, noticing her pain nearing the surface.

  “You better go tend to your husband. I need to get home anyway.”

  “Are you going to be okay going home by yourself?” she asks.

  I actually laugh, “Yeah, I’m a big boy. I can get there all by myself.”

  “Dace, someone tried to kill you, not once, but twice now. Do you think they are just going to give up?”

  “I’m fine, Austin. Thanks for the concern.” I walk away from her, shaking my head. I can’t believe she actually would suggest I would need someone to look out for me. Even if I did, who’s going to do it? No sooner do I take off on my bike do I notice that I am being followed. I speed forward and edge through traffic, trying to lose them, but whoever it is takes a short cut and ends up at my place, waiting for me. Fuck this. I park my bike and get off with my gun in hand and walk towards the car, waiting to be attacked. Hell, maybe I want it. Maybe I have had enough of this fucked up world. Once I step near the fender of the car, Aaron gets out.

  “You know I should arrest you for reckless driving, asshole.”

  “Why are you following me?” I ask him.

  “I’m your protection.”

  “Did my brother ask for that?”

  “No. My sister did. I refused at first, then she said that you’re not actually a Colletto. My happy dancing feet couldn’t stop me from giving you my congratulatory smile.” I start to open my mouth. “No wait, here it is …” The idiot smiles wide with teeth and all before doing some type of jig in the middle of the street. “The dance was a little extra something special I threw in just for you.”

  He’s an idiot. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “No problem,” Aaron says, erasing his smile and leaning against his car, back in work mode within an instant. “I wasn’t doing much anyway but sitting with my partner. It’s sad talking to him that way.”

  I don’t know what to say to him. It’s not like I know him all that well, but I don’t exactly feel like being alone right now. “Do you want to come up and have a drink?” He points to himself in shock. “Yes you, you fool.”

  “Alright.” Aaron follows me up, watching me closely as well as every corner we pass.

  “Are you nervous about something?” I ask him.

  “You can never be too careful, even with an ex-Colletto.”

  “Fair enough.” I show him in and make us both a drink. Everything feels less awkward when you have a drink in your hand.

  “So you’re the guy my sister is in love with … huh? How did you get her to do that? Bei
ng a Colletto and all, she would have never came near you?”

  “I didn’t tell her who I was, and I didn’t know she was a cop.”

  “Ah, lying before the relationship even gets started. Haven’t you ever been told that’s not the way to start? It could cause some problems.” He smiles.

  “Funny. So how did you end up with that woman, Jamee? Don’t tell me you didn’t sleep with her because she was too obsessed with you and way too easy for you to have not.”

  He sours quickly. “It was a party for a friend and a lot of alcohol and she was my ride home.”

  “No kidding,” I laugh.

  “I know. I should not be glad that a cop was killed, but if she wasn’t dead, I would kill her myself. I still can’t believe she set Austin up to be killed. You know, not all cops are dirty. I’m sure you don’t believe that, but I don’t really care. Some of us actually believe in helping people and making a difference.”

  “A difference? That could mean a lot of things. My family has made a difference for years.” Aaron watches me as I take a drink, and I know he wants to ask me something but, for some reason, is holding back. “What?”

  “You’re not like them, now I see it. Huh. I thought Austin was just hooked on your dick. That maybe you had one huge motherfucker. But no, it’s that you are … um what’s the word, you know, somewhat respectable.”

  “Somewhat?” I ask.

  “Well you still haven’t rescued my sister from that dickhead she’s married to.”

  “Michael is not that bad.”

  “Bullshit. I swear that fuck was the one that kidnapped me and beat the shit out of me looking for that notebook Austin had. Not to mention, it gave him a great way to get her to marry him.”

  “I can’t imagine Michael doing that. Ettore, on the other hand, wouldn’t hesitate.”

  “Ettore would have killed me, not release me as a wedding gift.”

  “You don’t understand how our family works. Michael is in charge. If he tells Ettore he has to do something, then Ettore has to do it whether he wants to or not. Otherwise, our father denounces him and he has no shot at taking over.”


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