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God’s FURY, England’s FIRE

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by Braddick, Michael

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  Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Other than in the entry under his name, Charles I is referred to as C.

  Abbott, George 263, 305

  Aberdeen 37, 104

  Aberdeen engagement, 1644 335

  Abingdon engagement, 1645 363

  Act of Oblivion, proposed by C 521

  Adamites 149–51

  Adwalton Moor engagement, 1643 288, 301

  The Agreement of the People, 1647 513–16, 519, 549, 553–4, 568, 584

  Elizabeth Poole’s prophecy on 567

  Putney debates on 514–16, 517–18

  revision of 559, 565

  agricultural improvements 114–15, 419–20

  agricultural labourers 400–401

  agriculture 57–8, 59, 61

  harvest failures 483, 530–31, 579

  alehouses/taverns 51, 80

  in London: Bull Tavern 501; Dolphin 579; Green Dragon 103–4; Spread Eagle 205; Windmill Tavern 422

  Alford, battle of, 1645 386

  Alkin, Elizabeth (‘Parliament Joan’) 408

  allegiance, choice of 225–33, 236, 237, 238

  changes in 233, 295, 297–9, 300–301

  See also honour

  Alsop, Bernard 206

  American colonies 299, 340, 458, 535, 545, 592

  Massachusetts 24, 340

  New England 222

  position of, in Civil War 222

  Providence 340, 341

  Virginia 222, 588

  Anabaptists 8

  An Answer to Mercurius Aulicus… 357, 358, 359

  An Answer to Mis’Led Dr Ferne 257

  antinomianism 277

  anti-popery 47–9, 100–103, 108, 116, 119, 121, 128–9, 139, 142, 145–6, 154, 160–61, 196–7

  See also popish plots

  Antrim, Randall MacDonnell, Earl of 83, 84, 308, 309, 335

  Antrim plot, 1643 308

  An Apologeticall Narration 338–40, 339

  authors 338, 442

  Thomas Edwards: Antapologia as response to 340, 445–6

  apprentices 178, 407

  as petitioners 255, 497

  as preachers 344

  public disorder, involvement in 103, 116, 136, 178, 407, 482–3, 496, 533

  recreation days 482–3, 496, 497

  as soldiers in civil war 249, 406–7

  Arabic language 453

  Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 8th Earl 104, 141, 308, 309, 471, 492, 529

  Montrose’s campaign against 335–6, 348, 353, 374–5, 386–7

  plot against 159–60

  Scottish hostility towards 307, 308

  aristocracy see nobility

  Arminianism 19, 22, 45, 47, 48, 54, 55–6, 73

  Denzil Holles on 253

  House of Commons on 71

  arms industry 397–9, 403, 455–6

  See also weapons/ordnance

  army plots 136, 141, 142, 148

  arsenals see weapons/ordnance

  Arthur, John 389

  Arundel/Arundel Castle 265, 301, 322

  Arundel, Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl 116, 136

  Ashburnham, John 228, 284

  C and 467; escape with him to Isle of Wight 520–21

  Assessment Ordinances 253, 273

  implementation of 281, 321–2, 323, 394, 396

  Astley, Sir Jacob 99, 224, 266, 466–7

  at Edgehill 244

  military experience 242, 244, 466–7

  at Stow-on-the-Wold 388, 467

  Aston, John 11

  Aston, Sir Thomas 147

  astrological almanacs 366–7, 368–9

  astrology 363–9, 367, 453–5

  hororary questions 365

  judicial 363–4, 365, 368–9

  as quackery 366

  See also prophecies/prophetic pamphlets

  atrocities 395–6

  against women camp followers 317, 378, 387, 434

  by Cornish civilians 332

  by Irish papists 196–200

  by Irish royalist troops, in England 317–18; against them 318–19; in Scotland 387

  by royalist troops 285–7, 317, 318–19, 325–6

  by parliamentary troops 282–3, 318, 387, 395–6; after Naseby 378, 379, 434

  in Scotland 335, 375, 387

  Attaway, Mrs (London preacher) 344

  Audley, Lady 103

  Auldearn, battle of, 1645 375

  Axtell, Daniel 576

  Bacon, Francis: New Atlantis 156

  Bacon, Thomas 86

  Baconian science 454, 455, 463

  Bagot, Henry 219

  Baillie, Robert 131, 143, 144, 312, 346, 375

  Baillie, William 545

  Balmerino, James Elphinstone, 2nd Lord 27, 28

  Bampfield, John 117–18

  Baptists 340, 341, 344, 345, 566

  Barbados 588

  Barkley, William 458

  Basing House 393

  siege of, 1644 333, 334

  siege of, 1645 387; lifted by Cromwell’s troops 387–8, 393, 450, 527

  symbolic significance 387

  Bastwick, John 77, 120, 441, 442–3

  Bateman, Thomas 399

  Bath 288, 385

  Bath, Henry Bourchier, 5th Earl of 231–2

  Batten, Vice Admiral Sir William 372, 540, 543

  Baxter, Richard 257

  Beard, Thomas 230

  Beaumont, Captain 345

  Beaumont, Richard 116

  Bedford, Francis Russell, 4th Earl 92, 105, 126, 137

  in Long Parliament 125, 126–7, 131, 139, 148

  death 126

  Bedford, William Russell, 5th Earl 216

  Bedfordshire 99, 172, 254

  Bell, Moses 583

  Benbrigge, John: Gods Fury, Englands Fire xxii–xxiii, 452

  Bensted, Thomas 95

  Beoley House 318

  Berkeley, Sir John 301, 509, 520–21

  Berkeley, Sir William 222

  Berkenhead, Sir John 282

  Berkshire 172, 327, 395, 413, 414

  Berwick 37, 59, 88, 172

  Scottish occupation, 1648 537

  Bethell, Major Christopher 384

  Beza, Theodorus 7, 11, 14

  Bible, importance of 3, 7–8, 9, 227, 451

  Birch, Captain 217

  Birmingham 266, 286, 398

  Bishop, Captain 517

  Bishop, Lady 301

  Bishop, George 195

  bishops 22, 48, 73, 76, 93, 121, 127

  abolition of 477

  defence of 152, 225

  opposition to 121, 127, 128–9, 130, 131, 146–7, 337, 348, 448

  ‘parliamentary’ 16

  Protestant view of 21, 107–8

  regulation of 127, 131

  in Scottish Reformed Church 12, 14, 15, 16, 17–18, 23–4, 28, 29, 88, 448

  Sequestration Ordinance against 270

  treason charges against 179

  Bishops Exclusion Bill 1642 186, 193

  Bishops Wars see Prayer Book rebellion

  Black Acts 1583 15

  Black Oath (Ulster) 135, 164–5

  blasphemy 491

  ordinance against, 1677 477

  body politic concept 207–8

  Boggis, John 344

  Bolingbroke, Oliver St John, 1st Earl 105

  Bolton 318

  book burning 277–9, 293, 341, 459, 460

  of Large Petition 488, 493

  mutilation of authors and 278, 279

  of Scottish books 278, 460

  Book of Common Order 17

  Book of Declarations (New Model Army) 492, 510–11, 519, 584

  Book of Sports

  burning of 277, 280, 281, 296, 460

  opposition to 279–80, 482

  Booker, John 366, 367

  books/reading 450–51, 584–5

  accuracy/truthfulness of 582–3

  chapbooks 50

  language, use of 449, 450–51, 453, 591

  See also individual books/titles; pamphlets/
tracts; printing

  Books of Discipline 12, 14, 15


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