God’s FURY, England’s FIRE

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God’s FURY, England’s FIRE Page 102

by Braddick, Michael

  Books of Orders (Privy Council) 59, 60, 65

  Books of Rates 133, 134, 140

  Bourne, Nicholas 592

  Bowder, William 174

  Bovey Tracey, battle of, 1646 388

  Boynton, Sir Matthew 299, 300

  Boynton, Matthew (Sir Matthew’s son) 299, 300

  Bradford 286, 301

  Braddock Down, battle of, 1643 264

  Bradshaw, John 571, 573, 574, 576

  Brailsford, H. N. 443

  Braintree 495

  Brentford, storming of, 1642 248, 252, 253, 286

  Brereton, Sir William 251, 265, 374

  in Cheshire 346, 375, 394

  Bridge, William 338–9, 339

  Bridgewater 384

  siege of, 1645 385; clubmen at 413

  Bridgewater, John Egerton, 1st Earl 30, 66, 67, 89–90, 117, 134, 207

  John Castle as his letter writer 96, 97, 173–4, 207

  Bristol 216, 385, 398

  Charles, Prince of Wales in, 1645 374

  parliamentary occupation 221, 222; royalist storming of, 1643 228, 289, 290, 300, 302; parliamentary storming of, 1645 386

  Bristol, John Digby, 1st Earl 136

  See also Digby, Lord George

  Brooke, Robert Greville, 2nd Baron 69, 83, 105

  as a parliamentarian 232, 254

  death 265, 266, 356

  Brooke plot, 1643 316, 325

  Brown, Colonel 241

  Browne, Major-General 328

  Browne, Arthur 200

  Brunker, Thomas 419

  Bryan, John 425–6

  Bucer, Martin 342

  Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of 48, 49, 525

  assassination 40–45, 46; motivation for 40–41, 46, 53, 80

  as C’s favourite 40, 44, 52

  impeachment (Remonstrance against) 40, 45, 46, 53

  as James I’s favourite 52

  resentment of 40, 41, 44, 52–3

  Buckinghamshire 68–9, 82, 99, 100, 171, 219, 254, 533

  Bullinger, Heinrich 106

  Bunny, Phillip 408

  Burges, Cornelius 124, 137

  Burgoyne, Sir Roger 554

  Burroughs, Jeremiah 338–9, 339, 258–9

  Burrow, Edward 423

  Burton, Edward 65–6

  Burton, Henry 77, 120, 121, 136, 144, 145, 443

  John Lilburne and 440, 441–2

  Bury St Edmonds 268, 462

  May Day riot, 1647 532, 539

  Butter, Nathaniel 206, 592

  Byron, Sir John 241, 317

  at Marston Moor 330

  at Naseby 376

  Caernarvon, Earl of 290

  Calamy, Edmund 337, 338

  Calvin, Jean (John) 7, 8, 10–11, 21

  Institutes 10

  Calvinism 6, 12, 14, 18, 69, 79, 157

  anti-Calvinism 47–8, 53, 443

  beliefs 344

  Church of Ireland as Calvinist 163

  ‘credal’ 20

  ‘experimental’ 21

  John Knox as Calvinist 12

  predestination theology 20, 21, 47–8

  Protestantism and 18–22

  in Scotland 6, 14, 18, 36

  Cambridge 229, 230–32, 495

  Cambridge University 145, 230

  Cambridgeshire 222, 428

  See also East Anglia

  Canterbury Cathedral/Deanery 215

  pro-royalist demonstration, 1647 531–2, 540

  Capuchin monks 73, 274

  Carew, Sir Alexander 301

  execution 361, 361

  Carisbrooke Castle: C imprisoned in 521, 525–8, 526; escape attempts 525–6, 532, 535, 555, 559; moved to Hurst Castle 560

  Carleton, Guy 390

  Carlisle, Scottish occupation, 1648 537

  Carteret, Sir George 191

  Cary, Mary 410

  Case, Thomas 451

  The Quarell of the Covenant 359

  The Case of the Armie Truly Stated, 1647 512–14, 515

  Castle, John 30, 98, 100, 110–11

  as Bridgewater’s letter writer 96, 97, 173–4, 207

  catechisms, for soldiers 373, 460

  Catholic priests, arrest/execution 199–200

  Catholicism 21, 229

  anti-popery see popish plots

  Capuchin monks 73, 274

  Catholics, attacks on 199, 230–31, 231

  at court 73, 94, 103, 120, 142, 178–9, 348

  form of worship 7, 49, 145

  Grand Remonstrance against see Grand Remonstrance

  Henrietta Maria as Catholic 23, 73, 142, 178–9

  as idolatry 72–3

  in Ireland xxiii, 39, 163, 165; See also Confederated Catholics

  Jesuits 23, 94, 139, 169–70

  William Laud’s rumoured conversion to 93, 97, 103, 116

  opposition to 9–10, 14, 15, 23, 34–5, 62, 72

  papist officers murdered by their troops 100

  the Pope as Antichrist 9, 20, 21, 22, 48

  Catrowe, Thomas 402

  Cavaliers, first use of term 178

  Cawood Castle 221

  Chagford engagement, 1643 264

  Chalgrove Field, battle of, 1643 287–8, 390

  Chaloner, Richard 406

  Channel Islands 24

  Charles I

  advisers/counsellors 127, 134–5, 142, 148, 169, 170, 186, 189–90, 193, 316; See also Privy Council

  as anglicized 27

  art collection 63, 587

  assassination of as a possibility 520, 575

  character xxi, xxiv, 24, 26, 30, 122, 159, 315, 316–17, 380, 468, 472, 521–2, 533, 556

  correspondence 467; capture of 349, 379, 380–83, 525; See also individual correspondents

  as a man of blood 517–18, 549, 556

  personal appearance 26

  political style 24, 26, 30

  portraits/images of 24, 25, 26, 474, 526, 580, 587, 588; parliamentary action against 587

  public support for xxvi, 38, 160, 161, 175–6, 177, 188, 474–5, 476, 495, 553, 557

  religious beliefs 22, 23, 24; declaration on, 1641, 176–7

  speech to Parliament, 1641 273

  statement of intentions, 1642 217–18, 515

  Charles I: surrender/imprisonment, 1646–8, xxi, xxii, xxiv

  surrender to Covenanters at Southwell, May 1646 388, 465; taken to Newcastle 465, 525; peace proposals sent to see Newcastle Propositions; Covenanters cede control of him to Parliament, 1646 473–4; taken to Holmby 473–4, 476, 480, 525; his reception 476; taken by Joyce to Newmarket 493–5; his reception 495; moved to Hampton Court 509, 525; plan for flight to Scotland 520; escape from Hampton Court 518–19, 525; on Isle of Wight 521, 525; imprisoned in Carisbrooke Castle 521, 525–8, 526; letter to House of Lords offering compromise settlement see Hampton Court proposals; escape attempts 525–6, 532, 535, 555, 559; the Engagement with Scotland, 1647 522–5, 527, 529, 536; moved to Hurst Castle 560, 575

  Charles I: trial/execution, 1648 xxiv, xxv, 222, 555–81, 570, 578

  Clarendon on 575–7

  Cromwell on 568

  events leading to 353, 555–70; New Model Army and 374, 560–62, 564–5; C’s rejection of further peace proposals 564; attempts to avoid/delay 564–8; charges brought 449, 556, 557, 571–2, 573; indictments 568; justification for 556–7, 558–9; legitimacy of 569, 572; legislation enabling 562, 568–9; High Court of Justice established 568–9; Act to set up the court passed by Commons 569; as a public trial 569–70, 576; trial commissioners 569, 570, 573–4, 577; President 571; contempt clause foreclosed 572–3

  C’s behaviour during 572, 573–4, 576–7; treatment during 575–6; guilty verdict 573–4; death warrant 574–5; C’s speech from the scaffold 577; executioners identity unknown 577, 580; burial 580;

  effects of 563–4, 580–81, 585–93; public response 577–80, 586–7

  as martyrdom: C presented as a martyr 526–7, 576–7, 580–81, 581, 586–7; C’s view of himself as martyred 449, 474

  Elizabeth P
oole’s prophecy on 567

  Charles, Prince of Wales (Charles II) xxv-xxvi, 141, 187, 470, 474

  in Bristol, 1645 374

  at Edgehill 246

  in exile 588; in France 537

  in Isles of Scilly, 1646 388, 537

  as King 592

  in Second Civil War 543, 545, 552, 563

  Charles Louis, Prince, Elector Palatine 190

  Charlton, Stephen 247–8

  Cheapside Cross, London 145, 146, 263, 325

  demolition of 262–4, 262, 274, 275, 280, 281, 314, 315

  Chelmsford 495, 541

  Cheshire 133, 144, 152, 375, 397, 406

  militia 211, 214

  parliamentarians in 232, 265, 346

  royalists in 221, 232, 265, 346

  Chester 224, 346, 386, 394

  siege of, 1645 374, 375, 386, 387, 388

  Chichester 265, 396

  Chidley, Katherine 344, 410, 445

  Chinese language 453

  Cholmley, Sir Hugh 264

  allegiance, change in 297–9, 300

  Sir John Hotham and 298; and his son 299

  Christ Church, Newgate 340, 445, 493

  Christmas 256

  celebration of 18, 280, 379, 531;

  prohibition of 482, 496, 531

  Chudleigh, James 287, 300–301

  church ales 279

  Church of England

  bishops see bishops

  C and 19, 22, 24

  churchwardens 72, 74, 81

  clergymen see clergymen

  Convocations 95, 97, 119

  Directory of Worship see Directory of Worship

  dissent within 102, 108, 263

  discipline in 48, 151

  form of worship 20–21, 22, 27, 54, 71–3, 76, 102, 194–5, 147; attacks on 147, 154, 201–2; innovations in prohibited 151

  institutional structure 20

  local/lay influences on 73–6, 81

  mandatory church attendance 3–4

  parochial appointments 73

  Prayer Book see Prayer Book Puritans and 21, 48–9

  Reformation and 19–20

  Royal Supremacy over 19, 24, 49, 54, 95

  Thirty-Nine Articles 163, 164, 309, 311

  tradition, defence of 20–21, 22

  under Elizabeth I 19–20, 21

  visitations 72, 74

  Church of Ireland 127, 163, 164–5,

  church lands 26–7, 477

  relinquishing of, under Newcastle Propositions 466, 521

  church union 123–4, 311–12

  See also Solemn League and Covenant


  altar rails 76, 100, 101, 102, 128, 144, 147, 313

  communion table/altar 101, 119, 128, 145, 313

  pews/seating 75–6

  purgation of 274–6, 281, 313–14, 406, 427–8, 433, 463; See also iconoclasm service books 100; See also Directory of Worship; Prayer Book stained/painted glass 100, 101, 144, 201–2

  Cirencester 252

  City Alarum 371

  civil liberties see individual freedom

  Civil War: events leading to 182–208, 210, 589–90

  armed confrontations 210, 215–17, 218

  militia, mustering of 210–11, 214–15, 216–17, 224

  parliamentarian cause 287, 290, 293–4, 297, 300, 302–3, 321–2, 337, 345–6, 353–5

  perceived cost of war 237–8, 242, 252–3, 466

  print campaigns 224, 225, 236, 237

  public rhetoric 217–18, 236–7

  royalist cause 201, 228–9, 282–3, 286, 290, 295, 302, 308–9, 315–17, 320–22, 552–3

  rumours of war 247–8

  settlement, petitions for 225, 238

  Civil War, First, 1642–6 241–436

  American colonies, position of 222

  casualties (overall) 363, 389–91, 393, 401; See also individual battles/engagements

  cost and benefits of 389–412, 463–4, 503–6;

  Covenanter invasion of northern England 3–6; in second campaign 104–5, 106; See also Covenanter army; Covenanters

  disease during 394–5

  ending of 388, 439–40

  escalation of 262–303, 314–15, 322, 354–5

  ethnic hostility in 317–19, 322

  funding of: by forced loans 45, 48, 86;

  through Parliament 45, 89, 91, 92, 132

  gender issues in 408–10; See also women

  homelessness following 393–4

  Ireland, C’s Cessation negotiations with, 1643 295–6, 393–9, 315, 316, 317–18, 319

  military position, 1642 222–3, 224–5, 230, 237; 1642–3 251–5, 264–6, 284–90, 320–22, 323, 325–6; 1644 315, 320, 322, 332–5, 336–7, 347–9, 354–5

  peace negotiations see peace negotiations

  publication of documents on 272–3, 380–83

  regional campaigns 251, 264, 286–91, 297, 322, 326–8, 331–2, 354–5, 384–6, 387

  soldiers” experience of 391–4, 407–8

  taxation during 269–70, 285, 396–7, 403–4

  as a war of the three kingdoms 319–20

  trades/industries supported by 397–9, 403

  wealth redistribution caused by 404–5

  See also individual battles/engagements

  Civil War, Second, 1648 531–50

  causes 536–7, 549–50

  Covenanters and see Covenanter army; Covenanters

  effects of 567–8

  Engager (Scottish) invasion of northern England 537, 543–5, 543, 551–2

  peace negotiations see peace negotiations

  royalist mobilization 531–6, 437, 539, 551

  royalist risings: in Essex 533, 534, 538, 539–41; in Kent 531–2, 535, 538, 539–42; in south Wales 538–9

  See also individual battles/engagements

  Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl 69, 70, 126, 223, 226, 264, 298, 584

  C and 189–90, 284, 468; on his captivity/trial 575–7

  on Grand Remonstrance 170–71

  as Sir Edward Hyde 121, 189–90, 193

  on Newcastle Propositions 468

  as a royalist 228, 295, 307; as their Chancellor of the Exchequer 307

  Clarke, William 515, 517, 565, 584

  Clarkson, Laurence 534

  class divisions 232, 233–6

  See also social structure

  clergymen 22, 48, 203, 204, 275–7

  anti-clericalism 8, 204, 275–6

  authority/status 72

  Convocations of 95, 97, 119

  in English Reformation 20

  oaths required of 95

  as preachers 24, 71, 276

  Puritan 204

  radical 297

  in Reformed churches 8, 10–11, 16, 20

  as scandalous (malignancy) 275–7, 296, 314, 461

  clerical taxation 95

  clerical vestments 72, 100, 101, 144, 202


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