God’s FURY, England’s FIRE

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by Braddick, Michael

  cloth trade 184, 233, 251, 456

  clothing manufacturers 399, 403

  Clotworthy, Sir John 501

  clubmen 286, 384, 385, 413–21, 426

  demonstrations by 418–19, 420–21

  leaders of 414, 419, 424, 425

  as a local force 413, 418, 461, 462, 463

  numbers of 414, 415

  as parliamentarian 414, 418, 421

  as a political movement 411, 415, 419–21

  as royalist 286, 413, 414, 418, 421

  clubmen manifestos 415–18, 420

  coat and conduct money 87, 99

  codes of conduct 395–6

  catechisms for soldiers 373, 460

  See also atrocities; honour; war, laws of

  coinage, debasement of 184

  Coke, Sir John 97

  Colby Moor, battle of, 1645 385

  Colchester, siege of, 1648 428, 541, 543, 545–8

  Fairfax at 541, 546–8

  surrender 547, 549–50; execution of royalist commanders 547–8

  women/children, attempted evacuation 545

  Colepeper, Sir John 119, 126, 147, 189, 193, 228, 329, 467

  Comenius (Jan Komensky) 157, 454, 455

  Commissions of Array (royalist) 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 219–20, 232

  Commissions of the Peace 212, 213–14

  See also legal system

  Committee for the Army (Commons) 350

  Committee of Both Houses for the Advance of Money 254

  Committee of Both Kingdoms 324, 327, 336, 346, 374, 378, 473

  powers transferred to, from Committee of Safety 324; taken back 496, 501, 524

  Scottish influence 349, 524

  Committee for the Fens (Commons) 234

  Committee for Irish Affairs 473, 493

  Committee for Plundered Ministers 276

  Committee for Privilege (Commons) 61, 118

  Committee of Religion 277

  Committee of Safety 181, 194, 198–9, 251, 271

  function 271

  powers transferred to Committee of Both Kingdoms 324; taken back 496, 501, 524; known as Derby House Committee 524, 535, 542

  Common Council of the City of London 178, 179–80, 181, 254, 263–4, 275

  elections to 178, 179, 566

  New Model Army and 501–2

  as Presbyterian 481

  Commons, House of 224

  on Arminianism 71

  clerk of 119

  defence of the kingdom, committee on 182–3

  function 513

  influence/importance, increase in 183

  Large Petition to, 1647 487–8, 489, 493, 503

  in Long Parliament 118–19, 125, 126, 130, 131–2, 160, 171, 182–3, 186, 234–5, 248; New Model Army demand purge of eleven corrupt members, 1647 497, 498, 501–3;

  impeachment articles issued 498–9;

  members readmitted 554; as legislating independently 549, 586; indictment against C 568

  Lords, relations with 131, 183, 186, 192–3, 248

  membership 90; See also individual members

  Prayer Book, refusal to defend 186

  in Short Parliament 91, 92

  See also Parliament; Lords, House of

  commonwealth concept 60–61

  communications 59, 251, 266

  Compton, Henry 265

  Con, George 73

  Confederated Catholics (Ireland) 304–5, 306, 309, 470, 472

  C, petition to, 1642 305

  Glamorgan and 348, 469

  in Irish rebellion 469–71, 486, 530

  Kilkenny assembly 304, 305

  Netherlands, commercial treaty with, 1648 563

  royalists, aid to 469–70

  Rinuccini (Papal Nuncio) and 470, 503

  Supreme Council 470

  Congregationalism 311, 341, 343

  conscience, freedom of 106–7, 109, 440, 442, 514

  See also individual freedom

  constitutional change 225–6, 257–9, 557

  concerns over 228, 258

  deposition of the king 257, 451, 474

  New Model Army debates on see Putney debates

  popular demand for 148–9, 188–9, 257–8

  Convocations of the clergy 95, 97, 119

  Conyers, Sir John 186

  Cook, John 571, 576

  corantos (news pamphlets) 51

  Corbett, John 66

  Corbett, Miles 381

  Corfe Castle 289

  Cornish Trained Bands 267

  Cornwall 153, 214, 216, 221, 230, 319, 245, 405, 462, 532, 542

  atrocities by Cornish people 332

  Essex in, 1644 331–2

  ethnic stereotype of Cornish people 319

  royalist supporters 222, 223, 252, 319, 384

  royalist troops 251, 331–2

  Cory, John 404

  Cottingham, Sir Francis, Chancellor of the Exchequer 278

  Council of the North 84

  the court 52–3, 182, 185

  Catholics/Catholic practices 73, 94, 103, 120, 142, 148–9, 348

  entertainment 63; masques 278, 388, 527, 580

  influence of 52, 53

  Covenant 34, 36, 104, 143, 154

  acceptance of/support for 36, 37

  contents/purpose 34–6

  King’s Covenant as alternative 38

  See also Solemn League and Covenant

  Covenant with God (proposed) 268

  Covenanter army

  England (north), invasion of 3–6;

  Newcastle, occupation of 4, 5–6, 112;

  in second campaign 104–5, 106;

  English troops, clashes with 4, 39, 87–8, 104–5

  funding 311; under treaty of Ripon 106, 113

  in Ireland 305–6

  Montrose’s victories against 386

  parliamentarians, support for 294, 296, 304, 309–13, 314, 322, 324, 325–6, 335–6

  return to Scotland 473–4

  at Tippermuir, 1644 335

  See also Engagers


  beliefs/goals xxiii, xxiv, 3, 5, 15, 309–10

  C and 38; his negotiations for alliance with 471, 472, 473, 509, 518, 520–25, 527, 536; the Engagement, 1647 522–5, 529

  C’s opinion of xxiv, 36, 89, 90–91; his proclamation condemning 5, 6, 108

  C’s surrender to, Southwell, May 1646 388, 465

  Civil War and 250; pressure on alliance 455; after C’s surrender 471–2; See also Solemn League and Covenant

  Commissioners of, in London 124

  Cromwell, distrust of 350

  English public opinion on 4–5, 79, 82–3, 86–7, 88, 89, 103–4, 117; See also opposition to and support for below

  growth of 6, 12, 18, 30, 31–3

  leaders 87

  Louis XII, letter to, requesting support 89, 90–91

  National Covenant see Covenant

  negotiations with 123–4, 158

  opposition to, in Scotland 82–3, 88, 104

  Presbyterian settlement, call for 471–2

  propaganda by 4–5, 77, 107, 108

  as the Supplicants 28–30, 31–3

  support for, in England 105, 112, 124, 154, 210; in Scotland 87, 111–12, 141, 492

  the Tables and 33–4, 36, 111

  tensions among 104, 141

  as traitors 90–91

  Treaty of Ripon and 105–6, 112, 113

  See also Prayer Book rebellion

  Covent Garden, London 587

  Coventry 222

  Crawford, Major-General Lawrence 346

  Cromwell, Oliver 298, 375, 385, 450, 464, 549

  on The Agreement of the People 514–15

  background 229–30, 405

  as cavalry commander 264, 289, 321, 330, 533

  character 230, 351, 372, 592

  on C’s trial 568; regret for his death 578;

  as possible executioner 580

  Commons, report to, 1645 350

  Covenanter’s distrust of 350

of 587, 589

  impeachment of attempted 350, 518

  income/wealth 405; pension from Winchester’s estate 477

  Manchester and 347, 350, 503

  at Marston Moor 330, 347, 409

  monarchy, defence of 510, 514–15, 562

  as an MP 182–3, 230, 324, 350–51, 371, 510; attacks on, in Parliament 489

  at Naseby 372, 376, 377–8, 439; his letter on 379

  New Model Army and 493, 494, 561–2

  at Newbury 333

  No Addresses vote, support for 524

  in northern England/Scotland, 1648 544, 556, 562

  in Oxford 374

  at Preston 544–5

  at Putney debates 514–15, 516

  John Pym and 230

  relationship with other commanders 346–7, 350

  religious beliefs 230, 346, 439, 518

  Self-Denial proposals, 1644 350–51

  Self-Denying Ordinance, exemption from 370, 372

  in Wales, 1648 539

  Cropredy Bridge engagement, 1644 328

  Culpeper, Sir Cheney 19–20, 404–5, 468

  Samuel Hartlib, correspondence with 294, 457

  Scottish Presbyterians, denouncing of 344, 347

  Cumberland 57

  Cumberland, Earl of 220

  Cumbernauld band 104, 141

  customs revenues 133, 403

  tonnage and poundage 133–4, 140

  See also finance/revenues

  D’Ewes, Simonds 145, 177, 187, 280, 291, 308, 337

  A damnable treason by Contagious Plaster of a plague sore 160–61, 174, 174

  Davenport, John 69

  Davenport, William 232

  Davies, Lady Eleanor 410

  de Montreuil, Jean 472

  the dead, burial of 391

  dearth orders 59, 61

  death rates see mortality rates

  Declaration of the Army, 1647 492, 497, 498, 507

  deer hunting 235

  demonstrations see public disorder

  Denbigh, William Feilding, 1st Earl 372, 425, 564

  Denmark, royalist support from 252, 316

  deposition of kings 257, 451, 474

  See also constitutional change; radicalism

  Derby, Charlotte Stanley, Countess of 265, 408

  Derby, James Stanley, Lord Strange, 7th Earl 216–17, 223, 265

  in exile on Isle of Man 265, 286

  Derby House Committee 524, 535, 542

  See also Committee of Safety

  Derbyshire 197–8, 207, 219, 233, 254, 422–3, 483

  forest jurisdictions 419

  as parliamentarian 251, 265

  tin mining 233

  Dering, Sir Edward 130, 131, 147, 171, 172

  Commons, expulsion from 196

  on Grand Remonstrance 195

  on Irish Cessation 306–7

  his Prayer Book petition 205

  as a royalist 228, 306–7

  his speeches 195–6; burning of 279, 460

  Descartes, René 453

  deserters 248, 332, 372

  Devil, belief in 431, 432, 433, 434

  Devon 99, 100, 152, 215, 216, 232, 236–7, 405, 542

  mortality rate 395

  Protestantism 232, 252, 264

  public disorder 532

  royalist supporters/troops 232, 252, 264, 333

  Dickson, David 28

  Digby, Lord George (later 2nd Earl of Bristol) 130, 182, 298

  influence/importance 353

  in Ireland 470

  as a royalist 228, 229, 284, 353

  Prince Rupert and 229, 347–8

  Directory of Worship 523

  opposition to 468, 531, 533

  as replacement for Prayer Book 343, 354, 482

  Discourse between a Resolved and Doubtful Englishman 257–8

  A discoverie of Six women preachers 409

  A Discovery of 29 Sects here in London 149


  death from 394–6

  as God’s judgement 357

  as a political metaphor 207–8, 356–7

  See also plague(s)

  divorce 343

  John Milton on 341, 342, 409, 585, 587

  Doddington, Sir Francis 318

  Donnington Castle, siege of, 1644 334

  Dorchester 62–3, 200

  Dorset 100, 215, 216, 318

  clubmen in 413–19, 421

  Dorset, Edward Sackville, 4th Earl 228, 250

  Dort, Synod of, 1618 19

  Dover Castle 215

  Dowsing, William 313–14, 347, 406, 428, 429–30, 433, 434

  Drake, Richard 102

  drums/drumming, significance of 93–4, 103, 420, 422, 497

  Dublin 166, 470

  English troops in, under Michael Jones 530

  English troops garrisoned in 305, 486

  surrender to Parliament, 1646 471

  Dublin Castle 166

  See also Ireland

  Dundee 375

  Dunfermline, Charles Seton, 2nd Earl 495

  Dungan’s Hill (Ireland), battle of, 1647 530

  Dury, John 157, 454, 455

  Earle, Walter 139

  East Anglia 222, 230, 489

  as parliamentarian 222, 268, 403

  witch trials 428, 429, 431–2, 433, 453

  See also Cambridgeshire; Norfolk; Suffolk

  Eastern Association (parliamentarian) 254, 268, 313–14, 321, 333, 346, 347, 349, 370, 374, 473

  Edgehill, battle of 1642 241–7, 245, 253

  casualties 246, 247

  C at 246; his demand for surrender 246

  effects of 247–61; in London 254–5

  medical help 246, 247

  pamphlets on 248, 255–6

  peace negotiations following 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256–7, 259–61

  supernatural phenomena seen after 255–6

  Edinburgh 37

  C in, 1633 27, 475; 1641 158, 168

  Prayer Book disturbances 28–30, 29, 31

  See also Scotland

  Edinburgh, Treaty of, 1560 12

  Edinburgh Castle 89

  Edlyn, William 235

  education 54, 61, 79, 458

  classical 54–5

  Comenius on 454, 455

  Samuel Hartlib’s interest in 454, 455, 457

  importance of 157, 454

  John Milton on 341–2, 343

  Edward VI 19

  Edward the Confessor 475

  Edwards, Thomas 151, 345, 369, 379, 445–8, 463, 464, 534, 551

  Antapologia 340, 346, 445–6

  Katherine Chidley and 410, 445


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