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God’s FURY, England’s FIRE

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by Braddick, Michael

  Presbyterianism as anti-monarchical 467

  popular support for 474–5, 527

  Monck, George 530

  monopolies 47, 67–8, 71, 119, 458

  Monro, Robert 3-5-6, 307, 308, 469–70

  monsters/monstrous births 202–3, 205–7, 504–6

  See also providentialism; supernatural phenomena; wonders

  Montagu, William 207

  Montague, Richard, Bishop of Chichester: New Gagg for an Old Goose 48

  Montrose, James Graham, Marquess 3, 104, 141, 308, 334–6

  Moore, Roger 107

  More, Thomas: Utopia 156

  Morley, George 157

  Morris, John 542

  mortality rates xxii, 114

  in Civil War (overall) 363, 389–91, 393, 401; See also individual battles/engagements

  from disease 394–5

  from famine 401

  Morton, Edward 390

  Mould, Thomas 389

  Mr Cotton’s Letter Lately Printed 341

  Mulgrave, Edmund Sheffield, 2nd Earl 105

  Musgrave, Sir Philip 529

  Myddle 389–90, 401, 407–8

  Nantwich engagement, 1644 317, 326, 409, 434, 530

  Naseby, battle of, 1645 374, 376–9, 377

  casualties 378, 383, 391

  Cromwell at 372, 376, 377–8, 439; his letter on 379

  effects/significance of 378–81, 391

  parliamentary troops 376–8; atrocities by 378, 379, 434; New Model Army 374, 376, 379, 384

  National Covenant see Covenant

  The Nativity of Sir John Presbyter 442

  navy 268, 385, 563

  command of 210, 214–15, 331, 351, 540, 563

  mutiny, 1648 540, 542, 543

  parliamentary control of 191–2, 214–15, 331

  Naylor, James 590–91

  Needham, Thomas 197–8

  Negative Confession, 1581 14–15, 34, 36, 38, 107

  Negative Voice controversy 189, 194, 554

  A Nest of Serpents Discovered 149–50, 150

  Netherlands 108, 220, 242

  Confederated Catholics, commercial treaty with, 1648 563

  England and 19, 84

  English immigrants 129, 157

  Henrietta Maria in 250, 264

  James, Duke of York in 537

  parliamentary league with proposed 253–4

  as Spanish 472

  neutralism, provincial 219–22, 225

  Nevill, Henry 152

  A New Found Stratagem… to destroy the Army 489, 491

  New Model Army

  agitators in 489–90, 491–2, 493–4, 495, 498–9, 490, 502, 507, 508, 512

  The Agreement of the People see The Agreement… artillery 494

  attempts to disband 485–6, 488–9, 491, 493, 494; planned replacement 491, 496

  Book of Declarations 492, 510–11, 519, 584

  The Case of the Armie… 512–14, 515

  cavalry 372, 400, 41

  C and 490, 493–5, 501–2; his trial/execution and 374, 564–5

  conscription to 372

  Cromwell and 493, 494

  Declaration of the Army 492, 497, 498, 507

  deserters in 372; deserters from 497

  Sir Thomas Fairfax as Lord General 371, 374, 376, 384–6, 461, 481, 491, 494, 497, 498, 499, 501, 519, 543; his commission 371–2

  formation 351–2, 400–401

  Heads of Proposals see Heads of Proposals ‘Humble Representations of the Dissatisfactions of the Army’ 495, 499

  importance/significance 353–5, 372–4, 384–7, 439

  Independent churches, relationship with 354, 373, 480, 488, 489–90, 507–8

  indemnity issues 486, 488, 492, 493, 508–9

  infantry 372, 400, 491

  Levellers in see Levellers

  John Lilburne’s influence on 490, 508, 512

  London, advance on, 1647 497, 498, 499, 501–2; withdrawal to Uxbridge 498, 499; march through London 502 at Naseby 374, 376, 379, 384

  ‘new agents’ in 508, 512, 519

  Newport negotiations, opposition to 555–6, 563

  officers/commanders 370–73, 412, 488, 491, 492, 495, 497, 507; hostility towards 518–19; nobility banned from 351, 353; required to sign Solemn League and Covenant 372

  Parliament, relationship with 449–50, 488, 489, 492, 495, 512–13; attempt to purge eleven corrupt members 1647 497, 498–9; members readmitted 552

  payment of/arrears in 400, 486, 488–9, 491, 492, 496, 508–9

  political views/influence 477, 479–80, 485–6, 488, 490–92, 495–6, 507, 508, 512, 519, 554, 559

  Presbyterian suspicion of 466, 480–81, 492–3, 497–503, 507

  Solemn Engagement 495, 507

  See also General Council of the Army; Putney debates

  New Model Army coup, 1648 353, 555–62

  causes 555–8

  Cromwell and 561–2

  effects 564–5

  Ireton and 555–9

  Parliament, purge of 560–62, 563, 566

  New Model Ordinance 1644 351–2, 353, 354, 371

  Newark 59, 388

  fortification of 393, 402, 402

  royalist relief of, 1644 326

  Newburn, battle of, 1640 104–5, 116–17

  Newbury, first battle of, 1643 320, 322, 399

  Newbury, second battle of, 1644 333–4, 336, 346, 450; third battle refused 334

  Newcastle 59, 82, 111, 172, 222

  C taken to 465, 535

  Covenanter occupation of 4, 5–6, 112

  Newcastle, William Cavendish, Earl (later Duke) 182, 221, 252

  in Hull 289, 301

  at Marston Moor 330, 331

  as a royalist 222, 224, 288, 298, 326, 329

  at York 251; at subsequent siege 328, 329

  in exile 331

  Newcastle Propositions, 1646 465–9, 476–7, 481, 504

  Clarendon on 468

  C’s responses to 466, 467, 468, 472–3, 475, 492, 503; accepted by Parliament 492, 500; amended 492; represented to C 509; his rejection of 509; Parliamentary impatience that he accept 518, 520

  public demonstrations in support of 500–502

  terms 465–6, 492, 503, 520, 521; religious settlement 466, 467


  C’s removal to, by George Joyce 493–5, 525

  May Day riot, 1647 532

  New Model Army rendezvous, 1647 494, 495

  Newport negotiations, 1648 535, 554–6, 559–61, 579

  C’s response to 554, 555

  New Model Army opposition to 555–6, 563

  Parliamentary responses to 554–5, 559, 560–61, 562, 563

  Newport Pagnell, parliamentary occupation, 1643 321

  news/newsbooks 51, 96, 97, 172, 173–5, 205–6, 279, 282–3, 357, 359, 421, 515

  on William Laud 324–5

  on military affairs 242, 248, 317–18

  professional letter writers 173, 454

  on John Pym 357

  reliability/accuracy 173–4, 359, 363, 449, 450

  women as publishers of 408

  See also Mercurius…pamphlets/tracts

  Nicholas, Sir Edward, as royalist Secretary of State 299

  Nineteen Propositions, 1642 192–3, 210, 297

  responses to 193–4; by C 193, 257

  No Addresses vote, 1648 530, 533, 535, 539, 561

  Declaration in support of 524, 525

  Henry Marten’s proposal of 510, 515, 524

  passed 524; repealed 553; repeal revoked 562

  nobility 87, 105, 458

  Gaelic (Irish) lords 162, 163–4, 165, 166

  Scottish 33, 37

  Self-Denying Ordinance and 351, 353

  succession/primogeniture 162

  Noell, Martin 403

  Norfolk 98–9, 133, 171, 219, 222, 269, 314, 428

  See also East Anglia

  Norfolk Fens 419–20, 426

  Northampton, Henry Howard, 1st Earl 265

  Northamptonshire 82, 85–6, 100
, 212, 218, 224, 254

  iconoclasm in 201–4

  Northern Association (parliamentarian) 374, 498, 543

  Northumberland, Algernon Percy, 10th Earl 84–5, 96, 105, 224, 291

  as James, Duke of York’s guardian 537

  as Lord High Admiral 191, 214

  Norwich 346, 404, 483–4, 532

  Norwich, George Goring, 1st Earl: at siege of Colchester, 1648 541–2, 547, 548

  Nottingham 298, 398

  C raises his standard in, 1642 210, 223

  Nottinghamshire 130, 152, 254

  Nye, Philip 338–9, 339

  O’Neill, Owen Roe 470

  O’Neill, Sir Phelim 166, 168

  oaths, swearing of 95

  Ogle plot, 1643 316

  Okey, John 488

  oral communication 51, 52, 96, 97, 242 street talk/rumour 93, 116, 206–7, 247–8

  Ormonde, James Butler, Earl 166, 305, 384, 530

  C, correspondence with 381, 472, 555, 559

  as C’s representative in Ireland 470–71, 539, 555, 559, 563, 564

  as commander, English troops in Ireland 305, 306, 307, 469–71, 485–6

  Osborne, Richard 526

  Overton, Richard 279, 441, 442, 443, 463, 534

  as a Leveller 458, 508

  Martin’s Echo 442, 444

  pamphlets by 441, 442, 460

  Parliament, his attacks on 507–8

  religious beliefs 441, 486

  A Remonstrance… (with William Walwyn) 487

  Stationers” Company and 444

  Overton, Colonel Robert 558

  Owen, Nat[haniel] 389, 406, 407–8

  Oxford 221, 247, 251, 288, 326–7, 394, 398

  Sir John Byron’s theft of plate from 241

  C in, 1642–4 248, 249, 241–2, 259, 264–5, 295, 315, 326; leaves, June 1644 327; return 331, 334; escape from, 1645 xxi, 388; return 388

  fortification of 393

  Henrietta Maria in 264–5

  siege of, 1645 374, 375–6

  surrender, May 1646 388

  Waller plot 291–3

  Oxford negotiations, 1642 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256–7, 259–61, 295–6

  petitions in support of 254–6

  proposals sent to C 159–60, 291, 292, 301; his rejection of 260, 261, 291

  public disorder over 254–5, 500–502

  John Pym and 253

  Oxford Parliament, 1644 315–16, 326, 347

  Oxford University 145, 221 Oxfordshire 100, 130, 247

  Oxinden, Henry 205, 212

  Oyer and Terminer courts 94–5

  Paget, William, 6th Baron 227

  Pagitt, Ephraim 151, 409

  Heresiography… 452

  Palmer, Geoffrey 171

  pamphlets/tracts xxi-xxiii, 192, 590 ballads 50, 55

  on Edgehill 248, 255–6

  censorship of 51, 153, 172–3

  by Covenanters 5, 107

  newsbooks see news/newsbooks

  political 50, 51, 153–4, 172–3, 174, 181, 182, 188, 192, 207–8, 236, 237, 257–9, 424, 426; following C’s surrender 440, 441–51 458, 459, 461, 505–6, 534–5, 590

  print runs 153, 175, 196, 279

  prophetic pamphlets 205–6, 410

  prosecution for publishing 77, 206

  religious 50, 51, 107, 145, 149–50, 153–4, 155, 167–8, 196–200, 201–3, 206, 313, 314, 339–47, 449–52

  rhetoric/style 448–51

  titles chosen for 175, 181

  by women 410

  wonder pamphlets 206, 433

  See also individual authors/titles; printing

  Parker, Henry 193, 194, 195

  Observations on some of His Majesties Late Answers… 193–4

  Parliament 57, 114

  Commons see Commons, House of constitutional status 56–7, 106, 132, 183, 192–4

  the crown, relationship with 45, 46, 49, 54, 183, 188–90, 192–3, 196, 237, 323–4

  dissolution, 1629 56; C’s Personal Rule following see Personal Rule

  freedom of speech 460, 487–8

  legal system, role in 183, 188–9, 405

  Lords see Lords, House of militia, control of 181, 465

  patronage in 126

  Petition of Right 46

  petitions for calling of 105, 117, 126

  role/function 47, 56–7, 67, 92, 183, 188–9, 405, 466

  war, funding of 45, 89, 91, 92, 96, 132

  See also Long Parliament; Scottish Parliament; Short Parliament

  The Parliament Scout 357, 359

  The parliament post 433, 434

  parliamentary privilege 179, 180, 237, 273

  Parliamentary proceedings, publication of 172, 195

  parliamentary reform 123, 132, 514, 557–8, 565

  Commons legislating independently 549, 586

  patronage 48, 52, 126

  Payne, Phineas: claim to be C’s executioner 580, 586

  peace negotiations 249, 250, 257, 347

  1642 see Oxford negotiations

  1643 Lords proposals 292–3

  1644–5 see Uxbridge negotiations

  1646 see Newcastle Propositions

  1647 see Hampton Court proposals

  1648 551–4; See also Newport negotiations

  1648 Denbigh mission 564

  1649 Richmond mission 564

  New Model Army’s demand for end to 554; their settlement terms 556–9

  Peasants” Revolt, 1381 236

  Pembroke, Philip Herbert, 4th Earl 136, 285

  Pembroke Castle 538, 539, 542–3

  Pendennis Castle 388

  Pennington, John 214–15, 281

  Pepys, Samuel 580, 586

  A Perfect Diurnall 359

  Perkins, William 433

  Personal Rule period 56, 63, 69, 71, 82, 83, 92

  criticism of 105, 189, 228

  support for 152

  end of 85

  Peter, Hugh 458, 573

  as possible executioner of C 580

  Petition of Right, 1628 46, 66, 91, 540

  Petty, Maximilian 516

  Philiphaugh (Scotland), battle of, 1645 387

  plague(s) xxii, 59, 66, 394, 395

  deliberate plague spreading 160–61

  See also disease(s)

  Plaine English 257, 259

  [Plattes, Gabriel]: A description of the famous kingdome of Macaria 156, 158, 160, 181, 454, 455

  Plowright, George 85–6

  plunder 335, 375, 379, 387, 420

  of the dead 391

  first use of word 248

  foraging for food 396, 397, 416

  free quarter 397, 416

  Plunkett, Nicholas 305

  Plymouth 289, 331, 332, 333, 394

  royalist attack, 1642 251

  political debate xxii-xxiii, xxv-xxvi, 45, 54, 56, 80, 107–11, 452–3, 582–5


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